
We were fortunate last year to have a sunny day for our Remem brance Day Service. This year we were fortunate only in that the rain held off until a few minutes after the completion of the parade and wreath-laying ceremony at the memorial pavilion. The Chapel was once more filled to capacity long before Mr. L. Forsyth, Presi dent ofthe Old Boys' Club,handed over the roll of honour, which was later in the service read by Col. C.C. von Keyserlingk. The following infant baptisms have taken place in the Chapel during the year; 14.3.65 Tracy Elaine Benporath born 7.1.65 9.5.65 Roger Stuart Cooper born 25.1.65 3.10.65 Peter Ian Cato born 16.4.65 17.10.65 Ian Arthur Hopewell born 22.8.65 28.11.65 Karen Ann Jennings born 11.9.65 At the Inaugural meeting of the newly constituted Leaders' Meeting of the Kearsney-Botha's Hill Circuit on December 6th, the Superintendent Minister made the following appointments: Circuit Stewards: Messrs. J. H. Hopkins and J. F. Reece Treasurer: Mr.R. H. Matterson Secretary: Mr. J. A. Hewson Other official appointents will be made in due course. A. R. J. SCHOOL NOTES The photograph of our Founder, Sir J. Liege Hulett, which has looked down from our walls ever since the school was founded, has now been re-photographed to a slightly smaller size and very tastefully tinted. Side by side with it, thanks to the good offices of his grandson, Mr. Jack Hulett, has been painted in full colour a large-scale representation of the Hulett crest. These two items, framed together, now adorn the Henderson Hall and form a very attractive picture. Among those books of Sir Liege's Library which the School now possesses (a very small proportion) has been found a large and strongly bound copy of John Wesley's hymns, with Sir Liege's crest inside, and inscribed "Kearsney Wesleyan Chapel, 1871". It is interesting to note that this hymn book will become 100 years old in the year when the school becomes 50. The first Kearsney Chapel, built nearly a century ago, was a small wood and iron structure. The present Chapel(at the old School) was built around the earlier one, so that worship continued uninterrupted in the inner chapel until the larger one was finished. The former was then dismantled and carried out through the doorway of the latter! 68