
Mr. J. W. Storm was unaccountably struck down by a form of paralysis in the July holidays, which affected his throat and face and speech. After a period in hospital and then ofconvalescence at home, he and Mrs. Storm spent until Michaelmas at the coast. We are glad to find him completely recovered. In his absence his work was carried on by Mrs. W. Arnold, of Winston Park,an Afrikaans teacher of wide experience. We were most fortunate in finding her free and willing to come,and we enjoyed her company and her help. Should the emergency ever arise again, we shall know where to look. We are sorry to report, too, the illness of Mr. I. Gibson, with virus meningitis, and sympathise in the anxiety of Mrs. Gibson. After a lengthy period at Mariannhill, he was allowed home, but had to go quietly for a considerable time. Mrs.Caudwell,our Secretary, also had to undergo an operation which kept her awayfor six weeks. We were glad to have her cheerful company back in due course. Congratulations to Rev. and Mrs. A. R. Jennings and Mr.and Mrs. A.R.Townshend on the birth ofdaughters. We are sorry to report the death, on October 16th, of Jimmy Thumba the Driver, after a very brief illness. For a dozen years Jimmy has driven teams on Saturdays, patiently waiting and watch ing through the games, and he has always been well-liked. In addi tion he has driven the bus or done other work throughout the week. His driving experience was gained in the Western Desert during World War II. A Fund has been organised to keep his wife and large family. Any Old Boys who benefited from his services are invited to contribute, sending their cheques to the Headmaster. The installation of the Language Laboratory, once its manipu lation is understood by all who are likely to use it, promises great things. More detailed reference is made elsewhere in this Magazine. One is never quite sure where next we are going to find ourselves. Having had a "write-up" in the South African Tatler, besides the routine references in the daily Press, we have gained publicity through a long article, plus photographs,under the heading"Famous South African Schools," in Data, the quarterly publication of the South African Breweries. This is a high-grade magazine, well illustrated in colour, and by no means confined to the subject one might have expected. Mr.Norman Crookes,spin-bowler and a member ofthe success ful Springbok XI to tour England,entertained the Guild on October 21st with his impressions of the Tour. Not only a successful tour, but a very happy one, with the whole team 100% behind their captain,P. van der Merwe. On October 27th, Miss A. Allen, of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, gave forms V and VI an interesting account of the 69