
A pleasing feature is this willingness on the part of the boys themselves to participate in the leading of worship. Voluntary evening prayers after prep, on Mondays and Wednesdays have been taken largely by the boys themselves and already inquiries have been made for another 'Boys Service' this year. Mrs. V.Tedder has done sterling work for many years in running a Sunday School for the children of staff members and local resi dents. Judy Reece has assisted her in recent years, but with her training behind her has moved into Durban to enter the business world. We thank her for the work she did in the Sunday School and congratulate her on reaching her majority. The vacancy on the staffhas been filled by one ofthe sixth-formers — Michael Beveridge. Another of the teachers, Catherine Cradock, has now qualified as a Physiotherapist and is at the beck and call of the Provincial Hospital Administration. We thank her too for her help. Another work and worship camp in Zululand has been organised for this July and as in past years a number of Kearsney boys will be attending. Visiting preachers have been the Revs. J. W. Massey, E. Palmer and J. Gibson from the Durban County Circuit, J. Wallace from Scottburgh, Victor Bredenkamp on a return visit to a pulpit he knows well, E. Watson from the Children's Special Service Mission and the Venerable P. Russell for the monthly Anglican Service. The Film Services continue to be popular. Use has been made of films from Religious Films of S.A. and the ever popular 'Fact and Faith' films. Following the tragic accident to Philip Hind a Memorial Service was held in the Chapel on Sunday morning the 14th of March. We mourn this great loss to family, college and country. In a quiet churchyard in the south ofEngland there is a moss-grown tombstone, so old that the inscription giving the name and age of the one who lies buried there has almost been worn away. But underneath may still be traced the simple inscription: Gone Home with a Friend. We believe this to be true of Philip Hind. An American 'Teen Team' touring the Republic visited the college on Sunday 6th June. After leading the Service in the Chapel the group presented their Teen Programme to an enthusiastic audience in the hall. The team comprising Ralph, Danny, Don, Keith, Kathy, Lora Lee has travelled through Europe and the Middle East. They are a talented musical group who came with a natural, fresh and lively approach. Their confidence and assurance were most evident. After lunching with the boys they made their way to Pietermaritzburg for further engagements. The organist and Chaplain note the new trends in evangelical presentation b^ut cannot promise to follow suit!