
functioning and usefulness of the Stock Exchange. Her object, in visiting many schools, was to try to break down prejudice and suspicion which often existed. The Stock Exchange,she pointed out, was a highly organised and completely reliable institution, beneficial to shareholders and to the companies with whom the shares were held. The Annual Local Preachers' Convention for Natal was held at Kearsney on September 18th and 19th. The retiring President, Mr. Ken Fish, took the Chair, and at the School Service on the Sunday morning formally handed over the office to his successor. Commander Jupp,o.b.e. By the decision of Methodist Conference at Pretoria, the Kearsney-Botha's Hill sector is now to be cut offfrom the Durban County Circuit and will henceforth be a Circuit of its own. Thus ends a happy association of 26 years. Among other issues, Messrs. R. H. Matterson and J. F. Reece now have to relinquish their duties as Circuit Stewards of the County Circuit. Our Chaplain, Rev. A. R. Jennings will have pastoral oversight over Botha's Hill as well as the school. It is hoped that local preachers on the school staff will be able to continue in fellowship, as before, with those of the County Circuit. ^ Both the Natal and the South African Cross-Country Champion ships were held this year on the Kearsney Course — something of an honour for us. Our Chaplain came 26th in the S.A. Champion ships last year, and 18th this year. In two year's time ?? But age and increasing duties must have their say. We congratulate him on being awarded his Natal Colours. Our grounds were the venue, on October 24th, for a Vintage Car Rally, described elsewhere. Cars may be more efficient today, but what character andpersonality the old ones had! Towering above the others was a huge 1905 red Mors,half a house high, and needing steps to get into. It sailed majestically along, laden with fully 25 schoolboys, and uttered never a complaint. It has become routine that the first "event" at Kearsney at Michaelmas always coincides with the first break in the weather. This happens so regularly that it is no longer a coincidence — it is the will of the gods. On September 18th four events took place simultaneously here: the first cricket match (vs. Old Boys), the Play production "Arms and the Man", the opening of the Local Preachers' Convention, and a fashionable wedding (the daughter of J. H. Stott, Kearsney Old Boy) in the Chapel. Obviously this was irresistible. After weeks of sunshine, the weather broke on September 18th, and torrential rain did its best to spoil the lot, not completely successfully, we are glad to say. 70