
in the Sanatorium with Sister Anderson. We welcome her,and trust that her stay with us will be long and happy. Achievements We congratulate — W. Maguire on being awarded Academic Honours. N. Reeves on the partieular distinction of captaining the Natal Junior Gymnastics A Team. N. Monks and K. Naylor on being awarded the Silver Cross of the South African Lifesaving Association,and N. Monks on ably organising the school lifesaving training. C. Ashby, W. Rake,P. R. L. Allen, G. Scott and J. Groom on being selected for the School's eight-man Shooting Team. All those who played for School Teams. We wish those leaving every success in the future. The Christmas Party was a hilarious affair, with speeches and goodwill all round.A floating trophy ofa Boar's Head(bearingsome slight resemblance to a moose) was presented to Mr. Fish, who suitably replied. Referenee was also made to the presence of our ex-Finningley Housemaster who was reputed to have laid the foun dation stones in 44 B.C. S.G.M.R. GILLINGHAM HOUSE NOTES Gillingham has been well represented in academic, cultural and sporting spheres. There has been a very happy spirit and the House has run smoothly. At the beginning of the year we welcomed Mr. R. Hofmeyr. We hope that his stay will be a long and pleasant one. During the first term we said farewell to Mrs. Hornby who had looked after the Gillingham boys for seven years. Our thanks go to her for all the kindness and attention she lavished on the boys in her care. Her place has been taken by Mrs. Ethridge, to whom we extend a sincere welcome. Although we cannot boast of having the Dux of the school this year, the academic trophy nevertheless came our way. This speaks well for the general standard ofschool work in the House,although we note that there are some boys whose work does not increase the overall pereentage. 73