
There followed the final event of the year, the annual straight debate with Durban City Parliament, before a panel of judges. This was on the same subject asjust mentioned,except that Kearsney proposed the Motion. The four speakers, A. R. Crewe, W. A. Maguire,P. J. Bath,and G. G.Roach, all members ofthe Cabinet, found themselves opposing the policies which they had firmly supported only a fortnight earlier. As usual, it was evident that our speakers were much better prepared than our visitors, who relied on greater experience, and although the result, for the third year running, was a tie, we really felt that the school team merited a win, if only for the greater effort made. We thank the D.C.P., and Mr. Sutler-Gore in particular, for their interest, and we thank him and Dr. S. B. Sudbury and Mr.Oram for acting asjudges. We are grateful to T. G. Allen for stepping in at the half-year and acting so efficiently as Clerk. The Sutler-Gore Trophy was awarded to A. R. Crewe, Prime Minister,for his speech against the Durban City Parliament. JUNIOR DEBATING SOCIETY The society held a number of well-supported meetings, and it was a pleasure to hear third-formers expressing opinions with confidence and clarity. Stamp, as chairman, and Wilkins, as secre tary, carried out their duties conscientiously and efficiently. We won our annual debate against Hilton, and Booth was judged to be the best speaker of a very enjoyable evening. D.B. AFRIKAANSE VERENIGING Ampsdraers vir 1965: Voorsitter: J. P. Viljoen Sekretaris: N. F. Leitch Bykomende Lede: R. L. Kluge en A.Zoutendijk. Dit is baie verblydend om te sien dat die ledetal van die Vereniging vanjaar groter is as ooit tevore. Indien dit 'n aanduiding is dat daar baie seuns is wat'n ware behoefte voel om heeltemal vrywilliglik gebruik te maak van die geleentheid om die gesproke taal te bemeester, dan het die Vereniging tot 'n hoe mate geslaag in een van sy vernaamste doelstellings. 78