
PIANOFORTE RECITAL On Thursday, September 9th, Miss Virginia Fortescue from the University of Cape Town School of Music, gave us an hour's pianoforte recital in the Henderson Memorial Hall, her programme consisting ofcompositions by Bach. Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, Debussy and Chopin. In spite of the rather loose actions of the old grand piano she at once took perfect command of the instrument and evoked from it every kind of tune that the pieces,so diverse in style,demanded.Hers wasindeed a triumph oftechnique allied with well-planned, eonstructive, emotional control and development that immediately captured and held the attention ofher audience for they realised at once that they were listening to pianoforte playing of first-rate quality from the first note to the last. Miss Fortescue prefaced each item with some brief introductory remarks that assisted the appreciation of the playing that followed and so added to the enjoyment of the evening. G.M.O. ART DEPARTMENT The outstanding event in the second term of this year, was the installing of a pottery kiln granted by the Board of Governors and purchased by the Headmaster when in England. This kiln has given much interest and satisfaction to both the staff and students. A number ofkeen potters and modellers have come to light amongst the students, promising Juniors who in time will take the place of Seniors such as Milne. Milne leaves this year and will be missed. We wish him a successful future. T. Allen, Steveni, Clapham and others are making excellent progress at modelling. Hearder's model of a full-sized skull painted "gashtly white" is all too realistic! All junior forms in the 3rd term concentrated exclusively upon clay work, modelling plaques and leaf dishes etc. to be fired in time for the end of year. The Kloof Annual Show in August awarded the following prizes to us: Paintings Stds VIII and IX 1st Prize: T. M.Rivett-Carnac 2nd Prize: B. G.Kingwill 3rd Prize T. F. Feinauer Highly Commended: E.A.Karlsen Stds. VI and VII 1st Prize: A.J. Grant 2nd Prize: T.E.Shoobndge Highly Commended: R.Herbert Lino Cuts— Open 1st Prizes: D.T.Sharp;N.H.Gamble;F.G. Turck and C.T.Thomson. Highly Commended: G. K. Prentice; G. W. Bosiger; J. M.Wallace; R.E.Booth;G.B. Pentecost; G. E. Larson and R.A. White. Lino-Block Printed Scarves — Open Crafts 3rd Prize: F. A. Lee Highly Commended: D.M.Laws 82