
At the Annual General Meeting at the beginning of the fourth term the following committee was elected: E. Nutting(Chairman), A. Batchelor (Secretary), J. Silberman (Treasurer), J. Wills and C. Holding (Curators), and J. Woodhouse. D.L.W. EXPLORATION SOCIETY Only two holiday trips were taken this year. Messrs. Jen kins, Ridge and P. Reece managed a group of fourth formers for four days at the Royal Natal National Park during the Easter Vacation. Despite some drizzly weather that obscured the amphi theatre during our walk up the gorge,some pleasant hikes and climbs were enjoyed in magnificent scenery. In the Michaelmas holidays a small third form group visited the Giant's Castle Game Reserve and was based at the Bannermann and Giant's Castle huts high up under the mountains on the 7,400 foot contour. No civilisation was seen for four days while, among other walks, we climbed the Bannermann Pass and walked the twenty-mile contour path to the Giant's Castle hut. (During our time here we discovered that Mr. Ridge has an almost pathological passion for immersing himself in icy mountain streams.) Apart from an administrative misunderstanding that involved our eating ProNutro and water for 36 hours, everyone enjoyed himself thoroughly. During the year,some members have gone on one or two Sunday outings to neighbouring areas. For next year. Wilderness Trails to Umfolozi and St. Lucia have been planned for more senior boys, and it is intended that this kind oftrip will become a regular feature ofthe Society. P.J.R. NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY Chairman: A. Batchelor Secretary: N.F. Leitch Committee: Mr. M. A. Thiselton, Mr. P. J. Reece, T. G. Allen Several meetings were held during the year and the Society is well supported by about 40 members. Mr. de Burgh-Whyte, Pub licity Director of the Natal Parks Board, spoke to us briefly about the work of the Board and showed three films. Mr. Jim Feely, newly-appointed Natal Organiser for the- Wild Life Society, gave us an informative evening ofslides and aroused all members'interest in conservation. In the fourth term Capt. Leslie Shewell delivered an outstanding address on birds and on his research on waterfowl at Barberspan, playing recordings of many bird calls. 84