
The main aim of the society at present is to have members embark on projects of scientific importance, especially in the eco logical field. The boys are becoming aware of the significant role that they can play in providing information about many species ofgame and their habits, simply by observing them in their natural environment. With the development in Natal at present of Fieldwork Sections engaged in this type of work, we feel that there is much that our boys can do. Project work carried out by members will be recorded in the Journal of the Society in the first term of 1966. P.J.R. CHESS CLUB The Chess Club was very well supported this year, and it was encouraging to see so manyjuniors. Our main activity was partici pation in the inter-schools' tournament organized by the Pietermaritzburg City Chess Club. Our team was very successful and finished in second place. The members of the team, Sanger, Payne, Crewe and Venables, won a year's free subscription to the City Chess Club, a well-deserved prize. D.B. KEARSNEY MOTOR CLUB Club members acted as hosts on the occasion ofa visit by members ofthe Veteran Car Club of South Africa during the fourth quarter. Some fifteen interesting vehicles (ranging in age from a 1905 Mors to a magnificent 1938 Rolls Royce, and in size from a diminutive Austin 7 to a vast Humber limousine), assembled at the School. As the event was held on a closed Sunday the cars were soon sur rounded by a throng of interested boys and the owners of the cars were kept busy answering questions and demonstrating the features of their "new-fangled horseless carriages". After a picnic lunch the drivers lined up their vehicles for a Gymkhana comprising a series of light-hearted driving tests. The fun was fast and furious and the audience was intrigued by the performance and manoeuvrability displayed by most ofthe vehicles. Dr.Coder's Mors and a 1928 Ford were the stars ofthe day,putting up the best performances in the pre- and post-1920 classes respec tively. Light relief was afforded when the writer was coerced into driving the 1913 Belsize in one test,aided by Mr.Mossom's energetic cranking which coaxed the reluctant engine into life. The day's programme was voted a huge success by all concerned. It is hoped to make this an annual event, and it is also hoped that the Kearsney Motor Club may eventually acquire a Veteran Car. 85