Golden Jubilee THANKSGIVING SERVIGE 2nd May,1971 The Service was conducted by The Rev. Cyril Wilkins, Chairman of the Epworth-Kearsney Board ofGovernors, and The Rev. David Biiwalda, Chaplain of Kearsney College and the Sermon was preached by The Rev.Dr. C.Edgar Wilkinson,President ofthe Conference ofthe Methodist Church ofSouth Africa ORDER OF SERVICE INTROIT: God be in my head. Walford-Davies.(M.H.B.405) HYMN 64 Praise to the Lord,the Almighty,the King of Creation THE THANKSGIVING minister: Thanks be to You, most glorious God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,for making Yourselfknown to mankind, for the power of the Gospel of Christ, and for the life ofthe people ofGod. PEOPLE: Thanks be to you,O Lord. MINISTER: For those who have preached the Gospel and those who have shown in their lives in the fruit of the Spirit. PEOPLE: Thanks be to You,O Lord. MINISTER: For those who by planning and giving and working have established our school. PEOPLE: Thanks be to You,O Lord. MINISTER: For those who have gone out from this school to serve Christ in all the world and for those who have died, yet who rejoice with us today. PEOPLE: Thanks be to You,O Lord. MINISTER: For the peace and beauty of our natural surround ings and our experience ofYou in ourenvironment. PEOPLE: Thanks be to You,O Lord. MINISTER: For the equipment of education:our playing fields, our classrooms, our places of recreation, our books, our apparatus and our teachers. PEOPLE: Thanks be to You,O Lord. MINISTER: For healthy enquiring minds that seek after know ledge and truth, and for strong bodies free from hunger and pain PEOPLE: Thanks be to You,O Lord. MINISTER: We beseech You to equip Your people here with Your Spirit for work in Your service. PEOPLE: We beseech You to hear us,O Lord. MINISTER: That it may please You to bless the world through those who pass through this school. PEOPLE: We beseech You to hear us, O Lord. MINISTER: That all who teach or learn here shall contribute to the spiritual enrichment of one another. PEOPLE: We beseech You to hear us, O Lord. MINISTER: Thatthose who administer the policy ofthis school may seek Your Will and Purpose in the conduct of its affairs. PEOPLE: We beseech You to hear us,O Lord. MINISTER: That Christ may be set forth as the Saviour of men and the Hope of the world. PEOPLE: We beseech You to hear us,O Lord. MINISTER AND PEOPLE: We thank You O Godfor our heritage, for our Faith in the Perfect Man,and for thefuture that waits for us. Wethank You,who made us,for Your presence with us, for the comradeship of Christ our brother, who saves us, and for the invisible Spirit who inspires us. Amen. THE LORD'S PRAYER THE HISTORY OF KEARSNEY COLLEGE-Headmaster CANTICLE OF COMMEMORATION MINISTER: Let us now praise famous men, and our fathers that begat us; PEOPLE: In whom the Lord showed forth his glory; MINISTER: Men who bore dominion in the earth, and men famous for their might; PEOPLE: Giving counsel by their wisdom, and speaking with prophetic power; MINISTER: Statesmen who were as princes of the people, and and leaders trusted for their insight; PEOPLE: Sure were the words oftheir instruction,and their sayings as wise proverbs; MINISTER: All these were honoured in their generation, and had glory in their day. PEOPLE: Some ofthem have left a name behind them,and their praises still continue. MINISTER: Some have no memorial, who are forgotten as though they had not been. PEOPLE: Nevertheless they were men of mercy, and their righteous deeds have not been in vain. .MINISTER: For they left a good inheritance to their seed, and their children are their testament. PEOPLE: Their seed shall remain forever, and their glory shall not be blotted out. MINISTER: Their bodies were buried in peace,their name liveth to all generations. PEOPLE: The assembly shall recount their wisdom, and the congregation shall tell out their praise. MINISTER AND PEOPLE: Glory be to the Father,and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost;as it was in the beginning, is now,and ever shall be,world withoutend.Amen ANTHEM: Jesu,joy of man's desiring. J. S. Bach. THE CONFESSION MINISTER: When he was asked, "Which commandment is first of all?" Jesus answered:"The first is, Hear, O Israel; the Lord your God is the only Lord;love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbour as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these." To the God who loves us and who is ready to forgive us, let us pray. MINISTER AND PEOPLE: Father, not one ofus has clean hands and a pure heart. We have neither loved You nor our neighbour in the ways we ought to. We have resisted recognisigg You as the Lord ofevery part ofour lives and the Lord ofall life. Forgive us as we turn to You again. MINISTER: Help us to renounce those things which make us sin: all self-centredness inspeech and action, all self-seeking and self-satisfaction. PEOPLE: In Your power we renounce them,O Lord. MINISTER: Help us to renounce all superficiality, the too easy acceptance ofopinions ofothers and the avoidance of the careful search for the truth. PEOPLE: In Your power we renounce them,O Lord. MINISTER: Help us to follow Jesus in His love and care for people of every kind. PEOPLE: We will, in the power of our Lord. MINISTER: Help us to commit ourselves to the service of God and our fellow man of whatever class, race or religion, content that this is God's will for us. us. PEOPLE: We will, in the power of our Lord. MINISTER: Grant us, Father, a deeper insight into Your great love for the world and its people, revealed to us in the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. PEOPLE: Grant this, we pray. MINISTER: Grant,O Father,that we may grow in love so that our love may become like Yours. PEOPLE: Grant this, we pray MINISTER: For the sake of Jesus Christ. PEOPLE: Amen. THE MINISTRY OF THE WORD HYMN 303. O Word of God incarnate. OLD TESTAMENT LESSON: Isaiah 40:27-31 Head Prefect NEW TESTAMENT LESSON: Philippians 3:7-14 Headmaster ANTHEM:Creation's Hymn. L. van Beethoven. THE SERMON: The Rev. Dr. C. E. Wilkinson. THEDEDICATION MINISTER: We are now to dedicate ourselves and our school to the glory and service of Christ. Because Christ demands all that we have, true dedication will involve every aspect of our lives: Christ seeks to be Lord over every part of our life. Representatives of various activities in the life of the school will therefore place articles of daily use upon the altar. The congregation may share in the dedication by singing the hymn that is to be sung during the presentation of the gifts. 14