
/WNOAL SCHOOL PLAY TtiiiasDAy, a««.irn^ a DRAMATIC SOCIETY X,.„™y G/w, ■ Dmpialtc Siv«<v ;.i • jwesmis':;: , | . :■ ■ P Jlitljarft U j /"% ^ iHurbfi ui lilt • /I Catfjebial Y'^m associated with the presentation of plays is gratefully acknowledged. To try to list the names of boys who have distinguished themselves as actors on Kearsney stages would be an almost impossible task - and one would inevitably be guilty of serious omissions. While it is true to say that most generations of Kearsney boys have produced their outstanding actors (some of whom have continued to distinguish themselves in amateur and professional theatrical circles after leaving school), it has usually been our policy to try to in volve as many boys as possible in school productions even though they may not have revealed great talent. It is for this reason that we have encouraged senior boys to produce plays them selves, with the minimum of staff assistance (or interference). Since the acquisition of the Henderson Hall, we have been able to offer Kearsney boys fairly frequent opportunities of viewing the productions of other groups: NAPAC, the Univer sity of Natal Dramatic Society, KADS, the Dryden Society from Cambridge University, the Durban Opera Group and the Y Club Players are among organisations that have put on shows at the College. While many of these presentations have been of a high standard and have been thoroughly enjoyed, even those of lesser merit have served the intended purpose of encouraging a healthily critical approach to drama among our boys. We cherish the hope that most Kearsney boys, when they leave school, will support, in one way or another, the drama activities of their communities. P.E.M. In the preparation of the above survey, a list was compiled, by reference to past issues of 'Critic' and the 'Chronicle', of plays and operettas produced at the College during the past fifty years. Names of producers are given where available. 1924 Scenes from "Julius Caesar" (Oram and Ellis) 1925 "Twelfth Night" (Oram and Ellis) 1926 "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (Oram and Ellis) 1927 Scenes from "Merchant of Venice" and "The Eashionable Wife" (Oram and Ellis) 1928 "A Quiet Time" and "The Island of Sea Dreams" (Oram and Ellis) 1929 "A Night at An Inn" (Houghton), "The Rising of the Moon" (Ellis) and "Alice in Won derland" (Reece) 1930 "She Stoops to Conquer" (Oram and Ellis) 1931 "Charley's Aunt" (Oram and Ellis) 1932 "Julius Caesar" (Oram and Ellis) 1934 "The Rising Generation" (Oram and Oram) 1935 "The Rivals" (Oram and Oram) — cancelled shortly before presentation due to mumps epidemic 1936 "Midnight Murder", "The King's Waistcoat" and "A Slice of Scottish Life" (Oram and Oram) 1937 "Richard of Bordeaux" (Oram and Oram) 1938 "Youth at the Helm" (Oram and Oram) 1939 "A Quiet Time" (Oram & Oram) 1944 "The Whole Town's Talking" (Oram) - staff play in aid of war funds 1951 "Bed-time Story" (David Lowe), "Fat King Melon" (Rutherford-Smith), a Pirate Play and staff play, "Old Moore's Almanac" (Tucker) 1953 "The WanderingScholar", "TheWarmingPan" and "TheMonkey's Paw" (RutherfordSmith and Glass) 1954 "Murder " (Rutherford-Smith) - with St. Mary's girls, "Aladdin" (Quarmby) 1955 "The Tempest" (Glass) 1956 Scenes from "Macbeth" (Rutherford-Smith), from "Henry V" (Hopkins) and from "Richard 11" (Oram), "Die Wildsboudjie" (Burger) 1958 "Murder in the Cathedral" (Rutherford-Smith), "The Batsman's Bride" (Quarmby) 1959 "Once Aboard the Lugger" (Quarmby) 1960 "Richard 11" (le Feuvre), "Let's Make an Opera" (Harper) 1961 "Murder in The Cathedral" (Metcalf and Reece) 1962 Scenes from "Hamlet"(Hepworth) and "Macbeth" (Jenkins); "Trial by Jury"(Harper)- opening of the Henderson Memorial Hall 1963 "MorningDeparture" (Lewis-Williams) "Something to Talk About" (Jenkins) and"The Houseof Mystery" (Mark Awerbuch) 1964 "OedipusRex" (Lewis-Williams), "H.M.S. Pinafore" (Harper) -withEpworthH.S. girls 1965 Mediaeval Miracle Plays (Lewis-Williams and Ridge) 1966 "Macbeth" (Lewis-Williams) "Ruddigore" (Harper) - with Kloof High School girls 1967 "Someone at the Door" (Lewis-Williams), "Androcles and the Lion" (Bohlmann) 1968 "Hassan" (Hofmeyr), Scenes from"Cry theBelovedCountry" (Jenkins) and "TheMazarin Stone" (Gordon Schachat and Grant Smith) 60