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r- /^CKNCWLEDCEMENTS Cover Pictures: M.S.Mossom Frontispiece:Photo Hein All official group photographs by Photo Hein Other photographs are tiy D.de Lange, M.Duff, B.Livsey,P.J. Reece, J. Reunert, M.Schiller and N.Smith,to whom we are grateful. All line drawings in the body of the magazine are by Philip Matley and Gary Bax. Lay-out,Design and Printing by North Coast Sales Promotions(Pty) Ltd. Editor: R. Lamplough Old Boys'Section: D.Beatty
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COtU.CCe. m How will we remember 1973? Will it be as the year the Kearsney Development Fund was launched? Or the year of Carletonville? Or of Watergate? Or will it be remembered as the year of the Yom Kippur War, of President Nixon's global alert, and of the start of fuel restrictions? It would be wise, we suggest, to remember 1973 by all these things. There have been similar events and even more serious crises in the past but seldom, if ever before, have they been concentrated within twelve short months. In 1973 our planet was shown quite plainly, by the Skylab III mission and the Jupiter probe alone, to be a world advanced in technology: yet a place also of bombs and missiles, of roaring sea and waves, where nation rises up against nation and where men's hearts fail them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth. Kearsney's Develcpment Fund is a most necessary thing. Any school, and a private school particularly. If it is to fulfil its function in society, must take full ad vantage of all technological developments. To keep abreast of the latest trends it must have its resource centre, its projectors, its recorders, its laboratories and its multi tude of -ometers. We must, after all, prepare our pupils for the world they will enter when they leave here. We must beware, however, of the false worship of technology. It has often been remarked that man's technological development has outstripped his moral advancement. It would be more true to say that in the last two thousand, the last six thousand years, man has made no moral progress. The tooth and claw of the modern jungle may be wielded in a more sophisticated fashion, but for no less selfish reasons and with no less lethal results. "Communication" is a fashionable word in our time. Not long ago, at Carletonville, we saw how a breakdown in communication could lead to violence and bloodshed. Much has been said and written on the need for communication at all levels and in all societies. It is without question essential, although we sometimes forget that the problem is almost as old as man and can be traced, curiously enough, tothe 'develop ment programme' at Babel, when men thought to build a tower up to heaven. Real communication, though, depends on every man's speaking truth to his neighbour, and the most advanced equipment will not teach that. Allegations of corruption in high places are not new. In one form or another, for many years before Watergate, they have increased the readership of Sunday papers around the world. Never before, however, even in 1917 or in 1789, have the domestic problems of one country held such fearful implications for the world at large. Legend credits George Washington with having said that he could not tell a lie. Today the thirty-seventh President of the United States is accused of having a 'credibility gap'. Our most urgent need in the late twentieth century is not credibility but integrity. No machine yet invented or to be invented can instil it. There has never been a period in the world's history when moral values have been so sorely needed. The Middle East crisis has endured since 1948, yet each successive conflict has created more problems than it solved. There is no sign that the 1973 war settled anything. Neither will the next. What has been more clearly demonstrated than ever before is the potential of the Middle East for starting another world war. Whether in 1973 President Nixon over-reacted, or whether he misused his power for personal ends is beside the point. The United States alert made the world realise how easily and how quickly a nuclear clash could come. The most significant aspect of the whole affair Wcis the speed with which these developments occurred. By the time the South African Press reported the crisis, American forces were onthe pointof standing down. Had the decision gone the other way, it might well have been the war and not the crisis that was almost over. KEARSNEY CHRONICLE 6 EDITORIAL
Even if, on this occasion, the threat of war passed, the use of oil as a weapon of political blackmail struck a new note in Arab diplomacy. Almost every advanced country in the world has been affected. The very technology responsible for their pro gress has become alsotheir Achilles' heel. With the use ofan oil embargo for political purposes. South Africa must, in the course of time, expect to suffer more than most. Again the speed with which everything happened was alarming. Within weeks of the Middle East cease-fire the travelling habits of people in many countries underwent radical change and, as stock markets sagged all over the western world, economists predicted serious recession, if not another depression. And in the year in which all these things happened, Kearsney started its Develop ment ^peal. Let it be said again that having the latest in technical aids is undoubtedly important. But if we are not to produce an annual crop merely of amoral 'experts', there are other, older things which are of far greater importance. There was a man once who embarked on a development programme when time was short. He pulled down his barns so that he could build greater. "Thou fool," he was told, "this night thy soul shall be required of thee." Then, it was his spiritual development that mat tered. His material wealth counted for nothing. Material development is important in education today, but if we are seduced by materialism to forget the greater importance of moral and spiritual values, there is no life in us. ■■■ 6 KEARSNEY CHRONICLE
1973 was the usual busy, not to say hectic, Kearsney year. Apart from the usual activities, it saw the launching of the Development Appeal, a report on which appears later, and the appearance of a Kearsney newsletter, "Carpe Diem", which has from time to time reported on events at the school. It saw also the dedication of the Matterson Lych-gate, a fitting memorial to Kearsney's first permanent headmaster. The congratulations of the College go to the Headmaster, Mr J. H. Hopkins, who has been appointed Vice-Chairman of the Council of the University of Natal. Mr R.J. Crawford has unfortunately, as a result of ill-health, had to resign as Vice -Principal after eight years' service. Happily his link with Kearsney has not been entirely severed because he has taken up an appointment in the library, a department in which he has always been greatly interested. Our congratulations go to Mr J.W.Storm, who has succeeded Mr Crawford as Vice-Principal, and to Mr J.L. Hall, who has become Housemaster of Junior House, a post held by Mr Storm for eleven years. Our congratulations to Mrs Y.Dibb, who graduated B.A. and to Messrs J.de Beer, J.Hall, L.Kassier, M.Myhill, M.Nicholson and P.Reece who, after months of weary commuting to Pietermaritzburg for lectures, have passed their final B.Ed examina tions and will graduate early in 1974. We welcomed Miss R.Nicolson to the Mathematics department this year. We wish her a happy and profitable time at Kearsney. Welcome also to Mrs D.McAndrew, who has joined the Catering department. Our best wishes for the future go to Mr T. Allen and his bride (formerly Miss S. Mills, the Bursar's secretary). Kearsney's baby population has been increased by the arrival (in order of appearance) of; Charles Jeannot, Geoffrey Tennant, Claire Williams, Michael Harper, Miles Lamplough and Andrew Nicholson. To the proud papas and mamas our congratulations. If this pre ponderance of males continues Kearsney will become what we believe is called a selfperpetuating institution. As usual many Kearsney boys have brought honour to themselves and to the College. Congratulations to: Michael Henry, Anton Kruger, Etienne Nel and Robert Whittaker on their successes in the National Science Week and the Mathematics Olympiad; to Robin Hopkins on his re-award of Junior Natal Athletics colours and his place in the Natal Craven Week XV; to Michael Ellis-Cole, Robin Gibb and Peter Harvey on their selection for Natal Schools' hockey; to Malcolm Gillespie and Robin Pett, who represented the province at the Cadet Bisley in Pretoria; to David Dyer and Howard Bume, who were members of the S.A.Schools''A' and'C squash sides res pectively; to Ian McClure and Colin Woodcock, who represented Natal Schools at swimming; to Graham Chisholm,who won a place in the Natal u/l9 water polo side and who was, under Ian McClure's captaincy, a member of the Natal Schools' water polo team. We record with regret the death in Johcumesburg recently of Mrs A.M.Brechin, who was matron of Gillingham from 1949 to 1957. It is sad to say farewell to Mr Peter Reece, who has served on the staff for nine years and has lived on the hill almost all. his life. To him and to Mr R.C.Brown, who leaves to continue his studies,we wish all the very best and extend our thanks for their past service. SCHOOL NOTES g • n'N A^ ♦ J."A f_ /'/ A-N^ •»* A KEARSNEY CHRONICLE 7.
mm. )s w. -i SPEECH DAY Headmaster's Report NUMBERS CXir enrolment for 1973 is as follows: Boarders 444 Day Boys •. _73 Total 517 No Increase in our present numbers is envisaged in the forseeable future-in fact the Board has declared its definite policy in this regard. STAFF At the end of 1972 webade farewell toMr C.D. Barbour of the Mathematics Department who left us to join the Staff of Kloof High School. His place was taken by Miss R.A.Nicholson, B.Sc,, U.E.D,, whom we welcome on our Staff. Coincidentally she comes from Kloof High School where her place has been taken by Mr Barbour. 'We congratulate Messrs M.Myhill and A.Bromley-Gans on their marriages during the December holidays and wel come their new brides to the College. We also cor^ratulate Mr C.Jeannot, Mr J. Harper, Mr L.Kassier and Mr P. Tennant on the arrival of their sons and Mr B. Williams on the birth of his second daughter. During the first quarter ofthis year Mr and Mrs Beresford spent their long leave visiting ason in Australia where, from all accounts they had a most enjoyable time and were most impressed by all they saw on their trip. Mr B.Williams taught at schools in the United Kingdom and Scotland during the first term, under arrangements made by the Industrial Fund with the British Council. Ac cording to his report Mr Williams had a most interesting and stimulating time overseas. We wishto congratulate Mrs Dibb on attaining herB.Sc. degree and Mr Thiselton on gaining first class passes in the first part of the examinaticai for his Honours d^ree. The Kearsney Executive considered the applications for the Housemastership of Junior House and appointed Mr J. Hall in this capacity as from 1st July, 1973, Mr C.Diedericks has received notification that his app lication to the British Council through the Headmasters' Conference for a teaching fellowship has been successful so that he will have the opportunity of gaining wider experience in the United Kingdom during the first quarter next year. We congratulate Mr Tim Allen on his engagement to Miss Sarah Mills and extend to them our best wishes for the future. I am very sorry to record that Mr R.J. Crawford, who wasour Vice-Principal for eight years, was forced to retire on grounds of ill-health on 30th April. I wish to thank Mr Crawford for his unselfish service to the College during the time he was Vice-Principal and for the loyal support he al ways gave me in this capacity. DOMESTIC STAFF We welcome Mrs E.Higham who returned tothe College thisterm,replacing Mrs N.K.Butler who was Matron of Pembroke House during the first half of the year, Mrs C.D.Lloyd, who joined the College as Assis tant Housekeeper, left at the end of the second term and we welcome Mrs D.MacAndrew in the catering department. CHAPEL Morning Chapel so far this year has been conducted by the Chaplain, the Rev. Miltai Martin, Mr Michael Cassidy, the Rev. Dr A,R.de Villiers, the Rev. Cyril Wilkins, the Rev. Professor V.J. Bredenkamp, Mr E.P.Fowle, the Rev.D.L.Jones and Mr D.Lewis-Williams. This year we were honoured by two visits from the President and Mrs S.G.Pitts. His second visit was to con duct the annual Reception Service when 26 new members were received intofull membership ofthe Methodist Church, During the week from April 29th to May 6th, a mission was conducted at Kearsney by Mr Michael Cassidy, assisted by Messrs C.Smith and V. Pearce. The response on the part of the boys was quite outstanding, with the evening ser vices being attended by almost the entire school. If there were any doubts about the reaction of the boys, these were soon dispelled. The mission leaders have been tremen dously impressed bythe friendly and open response that they have received at all times from the boys and from the Staff. They have been full of praise of the general atmosphere and spirit of the school. I am sure that this mission will have a tremendous impact on the spiritual life of everyone who has been able to share in its activities. We are extremely grateful to the Mr Michael Cassidy and his team for what they have achieved among the boys on an entirely voluntary basis and hope that they will be able to maintain their asso ciation with the College in order to ensure that the interest of the boys may be maintained and ev«i further stimulated. S.A.B.C. Our Broadcast Service on the shortwave trsmsmission of the'A' programme was relayed onthe even ing of the 10th June, The recording for this Service took place on May 20th at the time of normal morning Chapel, VICE-PRINCIPAL TheChairman ofthe Board:attended the Final Assembly at the school on April 4th in order to announce the appointment of Mr J.W.Storm as Vice Princi pal as from 1st May, 1973, We congratulate Mr Storm on his appointment in this capacity aftera long period of service to the College. LIBRARY It gives me great pleasure to report that, with the concurrence of the Specialist, I have arranged for MrCrawford to undertake apart time position in the Library in place of Mrs Alletson who has asked tobe relieved of this responsibility. This arrangement gives Mr Crawford a use ful interest and retains hislong association with the College. "OLIVER" Mr £ind Mrs Harper and all concerned are tobe congratulated onthe presentation of an outstanding pro duction in "OLIVER" which was staged in mid - June. Assisted by a few guest artists, the Kearsney boys and a chorus of Kloof girls gave us one of the most polished per formances that we have seai for many years, Gary Rathbone, as the Artful Dodger, stole the show, while Digby Quested was a most convincing Oliver. MATHEMATICS OLYMPIAD I should like to congratu late Mr Alletson and the four boys, Michael Henry, Anton Kruger, Etienne Nel and Robert Whittaker on their success and to wish them every success in the final round which will be written in September. AFRIKAANS CONFERENCE I am pleased to report that the Conference csi the Teaching of Afrikaans as Second Language which was held at Kearsney on 5th, 6th and 7th April proved to be an outstanding success. The Conference was opened by the Deputy Director of Education (Planning), Dr G. A. Hosking, and the speakers included Mr I. Raper of the Johannesburg College of Education who delivered Mr D. van Dellen's address, Mrs H.du Toit of Edgwood Training College, Mr A.Blacquiere of the University of Natal, Sister Johanna Dominic from Oakford Priory, Mr Adam Small,the South African poet and critic, Mr J. Marais of Mansfield High School and Mr G,Burger of Edgwood Training Collie. The Conference was attended by delegates from Pre paratory and Senior High Schools throughout the Republic, representatives of the Natal Education Department, the Teachers Training Colleges and the Department of Indian Education. We extend to Mr Storm and members of the Afrikaans Department our congratulations and appreciation for their part in organising this Ccmference which has done a great deal to place Kearsney on the map in educaticmal circles, not only in this Province but throughout the Republic. DEVELOPMENT APPEAL A most successful Launch ing Dinner was held at the Durban Country Club on Tuesday, 28th August when over three hundred guests were present. The Chairman of the Appeal, Mr W.H.Hulett, the first scholar to be enrolled when the school opened in 1921, pre sided and we were very well served by the Guest Speaker, Mr Bruce Morris, Chairman of the S.A.Sugar Association. A happy and congenial atmosphere prevailed and Mr Trev. Polkinghome is tobe congratulated on the excellence of the arrangements. We are most grateful to all the parents. Old Boys and friends whose presence ccmtributed so greatly to the success of the evening and also to those 6 KEARSNEY CHRONICLE
i who offered their active participation In the Appeal, The Appeal, with a target of R500,000, has as its focus a new Library and Resources Centre, a new Art Block, Music Block, Hobbies Centre, Museum, and facilities for the teaching of more practical subjects in order to cater for those boys for whom the normal academic course is not suitable. I feel I must stress that our purpose is not to increase the enrolment in the school but to offer better facilities for our present numbers, in order to ensure that Kearsney re mains in the forefront of modern teaching planning and practice. If funds permit we should also like to see the extension of our present swimming bath to Olympic standards with adequate change-rooms,the erection of a new gymnasium to relieve the pressure on the Henderson Hall, two new squash courts, and the acquisition of the Youth Camp site for staff housing. We do hope that all our friends will give us their whole hearted support that we have been privileged to enjoy in the past. INFLUEINZA INOCULATION Arrangements were made with the school doctor for all boys whose parents so desired it, to be Inoculated against influenza. EIXAMINATION RESULTS It is gratifying to record once again somevery pleasing examination results. Despite the fact that our potential was not as high as that of 1971, the results in 1972 were comparable and in some respects better. Stephen Beningfield headed our list with 3'A*s, 2 'B's and an 'A* aggregate. Thirteen boys achieved 'B' aggregates of 70% and over. There were 25 Merit passes, with 29 'A' and 45 'B' symbols. As a point of interest, of the 70 Advanced Level can didates, noless than 8were granted condmed advanced level promotion to Standard 10 in 1971, i.e. they failed to obtain the full requirements for Advanced Level promotion. Of these allbut one passed theSenior Certificate,4 with Matric Exemption. ' Another encouraging feature of the results is that of 70 Advanced Level entries in Mathematics, which is a compul sory subject in our curriculum and is regarded as the stumbling block for so many candidates, 62 passed the subject. This would appear to justify our policy of making Mathematics a compulsory subject for our Advanced Level candidates,the reason being that so few avenues are open to a boy without Mathematics when he leaves school. On the Ordinary Level, eighteen out of nineteen candi dates passed, one with an 'A' symbol in Geography. The single failure was a boy who failed hopelessly in Standard 9 and, having be^ transferred to Standard 10 on the score of age,could hardly be considered an official candidate. PREFECTS'INDUCTION At the usual impressive ceremony in the Chapel <m Friday,26th January, the follow ing Prefects were inducted: W.G. Robinson (Head Boy); I. C. McClure (Deputy); J.-L.Baverey; G, M.Chisholm; D,G.Dyer; M.P.Foxcroft; A.P.Gerlg; M,F.Glllespie; R.I. Groom; M.T.Henry; S.B.Hobbs; L.J.Lurie; W.K. Parkinson; C.J.Partridge; J.D. McRider; D.F.Rodseth; S.K.Roe; C.M.StockU, APPOINTMENTS The following Committees have been appointed for 1973: Cricket: M.Foxcroft(Captain), A.Immelman, M.Ellis-Cole. Swimming; I. C. McClure (Captain), G. M.Chisholm, S.K. Roe. Rogby: G. M.Spencer (Captain), R. W,H. Hopkins (Vice Captain). Sqoasli: D.G.Dyer (Captain), H.E.O.Bume (Vice Captain). Hockey: M.Foxcroft(Captain), M.Ellis-Cole(Vice Captain), A«Gerig. Shooting: M.F.Glllespie (Captain), M.Henry (Vice Captain). Ihnnie: P.Engelbrecht. Athletics; R.W.H.Hopkins (Captain), I.Groom (Vice Cap tain), G.M.Chisholm. ACnvmES Eleven Kearsney boys were invited to help supervise 142 young holidaymakers, aged 10-12 years, at the Cape Times Fresh Air Camp in January. This camp is held at Simonstown for underprivileged children from the Cape Peninsula and is financed bydonations fromthe general public, administered by the Cape Times and staffed by the Scripture Union of South Africa. The boys travelled to Cape Town under the supervision of M. F. Glllespie and were accommodated in one of the hostels at Rcoid^osch Boys High School for afew days' holiday before the camp began. At the Fresh Air Camp they all made a good impression, worked well and seemed to benefit greatly from the ex perience. During the first week of the Christmas holidays some members of the Archaeological Society travelled to Barkly East where they spent a week recording rock paintings. As the result of a great deal of hard work the party managed to record 1,500 and this will make a significant contribution to the study of South African rock paintings. Six members ofthe Archaeological Society, accompanied by Mr D.Lewis- WUiams, enjoyed a profitable time in the Kamberg area In the Easter Holidays. After tracing a large seventeen-foot long panel of paintings, they began a search for new sites in an area hitherto untouched by archaeo logists. Two new sites were recorded andthe Society plan a further trip to investigate alarge area that looks promising. Six Kearsney boys, under the leadership of Mr Ken Fish, answered the call of the Lesotho Mission to help in a roofing campaign taking place in that country. Two roofs were erected on stone churches which had already been built some years previously under the instruc tion of the Rev.Hedley Sleath in the Mafeklng area and perhaps the greatest reward was the gratitude and joy of the local community which had been using private homes for worship, 21 boys attended the Scripture Union camp atSkoegheim, Port Shepstone, in the third week of the July holidays. Among them were three prefects (Eb'er, Hobbs and Rider), Both Mr Balcomb and Mr Broster were members of the team of leaders, with assistance from Mark McAllister and Alan Rycroft, both Kearsney Old Boys. CREDITS We congratulate the following: R. W. Hopkins cm being selected to captain the Natal Junior Athletic Team to participate in the S. A. Junior Championships in Bloemfonteln where he won his heat in the 200 metres and was later placed fourth in the final. He has since been awarded his Natal Junior Athletic Colours. P.J. Harvey (Vice Captain), R.S.Gibb and M.J,EIllsCole on their selection for the Natal Schools Hockey Team. The Kearsney Show Jumping Team, comprising Stephen du Toit, James Butterworth and David Fletcher, who did extremely well in the Championships held at Shongweni during July, Having tied with Hilton in the main event, they were narrowly beaten into second place by the same team on a re-jump. They were awarded the trophy for the best turned out team of the seven participating. I. McClure and C,Woodcock who were selected for the Natal Schools Swimming Team. Woodcock came 3rd in South Africa in the Individual Medley and 4th in the Butterfly events, A.Kode, who won the Natal Dabchick Championships, with N.Dibb placed 2nd. During the Easter Holidays, Kode was the youngest crew member aboard the "Sunrose", win ner of the Lipton Cup in Cape Town. He has since been selected as first intermediate member of the Natal Ocean Racing Foundation and was a member of the Mainstay crew for the Vasco da Gama race (L.M.-Durban), R. Hopkins who was selected to play for the Natal Schools Rugby XV and who, during the competltlOD at Stellenbosch, was chosen by Dr Danie Craven as one of the two outstanding Wing Three-Quarters of the week, A. Volker on being chosen for the Natal Junior Boxing team. M.T.Henry, A,R.Kruger, E,de la Rey Nel and R.G. Whittaker who qualified to attend the Ninth National Youth Science Week in Pretoria in July. PART II (presented by the Headmaster) Many terms have been used to describe the age in which we live, such as the "permissive age",the age of the shaggy look and several others. Today I have a further description to add by calling it the "casual age"because to me this sums up quite appropriately the trend in the world today. As far as young people are concerned, the T-shirt and jeans have virtually become the uniform of the Western world, with the result that both here and overseas these items have been adopted as the standard mode of dress for all seasons and for every occasion. I see nothing basically wrong in this type of "uniform" but I do recognise a serious danger that might well arise, as the by-product of an over-casual approach to life, with the lowering of standards in general. If the relaxation is reflected only in a mode of dress,I see little barm,although I do not suppose that it appeals much to the more conservaKEARSNEY CHRC»I[CLE »
tlve of us. If, cm the other hand, the easy-going approach is directed at lowering our ideals in morals, ethics or selfrespect, then we are faced with a serious problem. Unless we are careful, it is but an easy step to adopt a careless and even carefree attitude to the things that really count in life and which are basic to decent living. The daily press presents a sorry saga of sex, violence, adultery, divorce, misappropriation and embezzlement and so often the people Involved are men and women who live in affluent and fashionable circumstances. Furthermore, many of those concerned seek to avoid the consequences of their actions by leaving the country with a trail of involvement behind them, usually of innocent people. The word "integrity" seems to have lost a good deal of its significance in modem livii^. Long since has passed the time when a man's word was his bond; the trend today on the part of many people is to stand by one's obligations only so long as it is convenient to do so. The excuse is that no one really bothers about such outmoded standards any longer. Apart from being casual, this has also become an age of convenience. It would be naive to suggest that what goes on in the world at large has no effect on an institution such as ours. Our young people are just as vulnerable to those influences as their counterparts in Britain, Europe, or the United States for that matter, where ill-devised and pre sented television programmes are blamed for much of the juvenile crime and delinquency. We haveno television hereat least not as yet - but our young people are just as susceptible to modem trends and influences as elsewhere in the world. Perhaps I am over - generalisir^ but I am sure all thinking people, including our parents, will share my concern for our boys in theface of these subtle extraneous influences of a free-thinking and easy-going adult world. Another sphere in which these trends are being felt to an increasing degree is in the deterioration of the spoken word. Slang as such is nothing new - some of the terms we used as boys have been accepted into modem usage - but I have noticed with concern that the standard of English spoken by some young people and the manner in which it is spoken, is such that much of what they have to say is almost unintelligible. A people's language and literature is their most precious heritage,no matter what the language may be and we, whose mother tcaigue is English,face a great threat. Only this term I have spoken to our boys,urging them to pay more attention to their speech, stressing the fact that the mark of a well-educated man is reflected in the manner in which he expresses himself. In a competitive world he will be judged by the strength or weakness of his ability to communicate in his mother tongue. While we at this school will make every endeavour to equip our boys in this regard, I would appeal to parents at home and during the holidays to assist us in a task that is so important for their own sons. We share a joint responsibility in facing a problem which is of concern to us all. I am determined that, despite all the influences of a casual age, we at Kearsney will do our utmost to maintain the high standards in courtesy, good manners and right conduct for which we have a sound record that has been built up painstakingly over along period of time by successive generations of dedicated men and boys - and to these I give the solemn assurance that we shall not allow their traditions lightly to slip through our fingers. GUEST SPEAKER SPEECH DAY 1973 Prof. j.H. Niven "THE CHALLENGE TO YOUTH" Reflecting that in the nineteenth century young South Africans had been urged to go north and young Americans to go west, Prof.Niven posed the question, "What do we wish for our youth?" He pointed out that while, as a result of modem techno logy, man was reaching forthestars, only asmall proportion of the human race was deriving benefits from this develop ment, The problems of the world remained. He referred to the uneven distribution of wealth, the continuing tendency to seek the resolution of differences by violence and the spectre of world-wide pollution. Reminding his audience that South Africa was not isolated from these problems, he suggested that the 'hinterland' for young people in the late twentieth century lay in tackling them. Technological advances without adequate social, economic and political controls merely perpetuated hardship and inequality. Human happiness, he claimed, depended on the provision of adequate controls. By the same token, without moral education, the accu mulation of knowledge could never lead to the full develop ment of the individual. An important function of both family and school, therefore, was the establishment of a set of values, rather than the moulding of children in a nationally predetermined pattern. In this task the independant schools had a particular responsibility. These values should then provide the basis for attempts to improve the necessary controls. Here lay the challenge to today's your^ people. In conclusion, Prof. Niven urged the boys to remember the values they had been taught and, remembering them, to enter into their hinterland. i' 3 n u 10 KEABSNEY CHRONICLE
Academic Awards Sports Awards Colours: Fourth Form: M.A. Belfort, R.A. Henry, R.J. Hift, G.V. Wells. Fifth Form: L.T. Chaplin, P.M. Crossley, H.R. Green, P.J. Matley, E.W. Schnceberger, C.J. Smyth, P.H. Ward. Sixth Form: M.T. Henry*, D.A. Ritten*. Honours:Sixth Form: A.R. Kruger,I.C. McClure*, E. Nel*, R.G. Whittaker*. Prizes: Patrick Moore Science Shield: E. Nel. Mathematics Prize: E. Nel. Latin Prize: E. Nel. Ben Milner Biology Prize: I. McClure & E. Nel. Afrikaans Prize: B.J. du Preez William & Susan Jones English Prize: R.G. Whittaker. Hindson ENgiish Literature Prize: E. Nel. S.B. Theunissen Perseverance Prize: A.R. Kruger Parkes Inter-house Trophy: Gillingham Dux of the School; E. Nel. Service and Cultural Awards Service Award: C.A. Lane* Cultural Colours: M.F. Gillespie, L.J. Lurie*. Sutler Gore Trophy: A.J. Leon R.C.Best Cup: M.F. Gillespie Hanli Trophy: M.F. Gillespie & L.J. Lurie Edwin Henwood Trophy: W.G. Robinson ATHLETICS: Colours: A. Chaplin, S. du Toit, B. Jolliffe, M. Rich, H. Russell. Honours: R. Hopkins*. CRICKET: Colours: M. Foxcroft. HOCKEY: Colours: M. Foxcroft*, A. Gerig, E. Nel, S. Schiefiier. Honours: M. Ellis-Cole, R. Gibb, P. Harvey. RUGBY Colours: J.M. Baverey*, G. Spencer*. Honours: R. Hopkins. SHOOTING Colours: R. Pett. Honours: M. Gillespie. SHOW JUMPING Colours: S. du Toit, J. Butterworth. SQUASH Colours: S. Hobbs. Honours: D. Dyer, H.Bume. SWIMMING Colours: G. Chisolm*, K. Parkinson. Honours: I. McClure TENNIS Colours: P. Engelbrecht WATER POLO Colours: N. Grey, I. Groom. R. Wyatt. Honours: G. Chisholm, I. McClure*. AWARDS 1973 (Recipients of Honours have previously been awarded colours) * Indicates re-award (Subjects in which a distinction(80%+)was awarded appear In brackets). NATAL SENIOR CERTIFICATE WITH MATRICULATION EXEMPTION Merit Pass(average of60% or more): C.M. Dibb; B.J. du Preez (Afriks); J.W. Franckllng-Smith (Maths); P.E.Gebers(Maths, Hist,Geog); A.P. Gerig; M.T. Henry(Phys. Sc., Maths); A.L.Imelman; A.R.Kruger(Phys. Sc, Maths, Add Maths); L.J. Lurie; R.P. Mason (Phys Sc, Maths); i.e. McClure (Phys Sc, Biol, Maths, Lat); G.W. Mitchell (Maths); E. de la Rey Nel (Afriks, Phys Sc, Biol, Maths, Lat, Add Maths and Agg); C.J. Partridge; J.D. Mc. Rider(Maths); P.D. Riraington; D.A. Ritten(Maths); W.G. Robinson; D.F. Rodseth; R.G. Whittaker (Phys Sc, Biol, Maths, Add Maths and Agg); J.R. Wood (Maths). Pass: P.R. Adams; J.H. Alcock; D.E. Bailey; S.N. Barrow; J.L. Baverey; P.H. Botha; E.L. Bryer; H.E.O. Bume; M.P. Burton; P. Chaplin; G.C. Chilvers; C.M. Cullen (Maths); A.P. Davidson; R.P. Fouch6; M.C.Gevers; R.S. Gibb; M.F. Gillespie; L.R. Goble; R.I. Groom; M.S. Harison; P.J. Harvey; S.B. Heath; S.B. Hobbs; C.J. Hood; G.A. Houghton; A.B.B. Hudson; A.J.B. tagerwall; C.A. Lane; M.P. Lautr6; M.C. Lindsay; B.J. Lovell-Shippey; R.V. Midgley; D.C.Moon;G.C. Morey;C.B.Ryan;C.M.Stockil; G.R. Stroebel; R.L. Winstanley. NATAL SENIOR CERTIFICATE'A'GRADE W.G.G. Adamson; R. Anderson; B.E. Awerbuch; G.R.C. Barrow; F.P. Bax; P.W. Bissett; J.L. Butterworth; C.M. Cooke;P.H. Engelbrecht; N.H. Grey; G.A. Jefferson; D.M. McLean; R.A. Orchison; D.E. Scheepers; A.J. Stevenson; R.N.D. Wyatt. NATAL SENIOR CERTIFICATE'O'GRADE B.M. Anderson; T.L. Bailes; B.G. Bester; G.M. Chisholm; Q.L. Cresswell; D.G. Dyer; B.T. Kilpin; G.S. Love; M.B. Mathew; A.N. Ogilvie; M.N. Ogram; M.G. Schiller; P.A. Stafford; W.O.N. Wareing (Geog). Examination Results 1973 KEARSNEY CHRONICLE 11
'SHARE IN KEARSNEY'S FUTURE" KEARSNEY'S CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FUND In every private school there is need for philanthropy, as the fees and assistance from the local Government Administration, generous asitis, barely covers the running costs. The Administrators ofthis College have always endeavoured to keep the fees atthe lowest economical level, so as to give to as many as possible the opportunity of edu cation and guidance at Kearsney. The Board of Governors,ever alive to the demands,development and challenge of modern education, was aware that a capital development programme was necessary, and so in early 1973, they invited National Fvmd Raising Counsel of S.A.Limited, a Company universally acknowledged as a leader in their field and with a record of proven achievements over many years in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, to carry out an appraisal. The recommendations of this Company were accepted and a stimulating challenge of R500,000 was set as a possible target. After a very successful Preparatory Phase, the launching dinner took place on the 28th August and was well attended by 230 Old Boys, Parents and Friends, and early contributions announced at the dinner amounted to R60,000. The Campaign Committees were formed from many willing members of the school family, and prior to their visitations, a very fine brochure was sent to all members of the family, outlining the needs of the College and the organisation of the Appeal. Throughout the country, there have been small gatherings taking the form of dinners, cocktail parties or get-togethers in private homes and these have all been attended by the Headmaster and Mrs Hopkins, Mr and Mrs Trevenen Polkinghorne and Dr and Mrs Graeme Shuker. The attendance at these functions bear witness to the esteem in which the College, the Headmaster and his staff are held. One of the notable features of this Campaign has been the friendly reception encountered in almost every instance with the refusal rate extremelylow,while the gift level has remained consistently high. While each and every area,and each and every division has played its part towards the success of the Campaign so far, we would like to especially mention that the North Coast and Zululand so far have contributed R127,847. At the closing date of the Intensive Phase and the Campaign Office on the 15th December, the total amount R403,948, but there is still a considerable amount which will come in from residue gift cards and also approaches to large industrial concerns are not yet completed. "TOMORROW'S FUTURE IS THE CHALLENGE OF TODAY" s 12 KEARSNEY CHRONICLE
m 5i#/* Kit. r yv r. Wi*T'r\ it ir s: f^.jC m !« i % . •■ •» "■«J • f. :.^j*ii- -.,s* . ., . c- ■ ^ -..-i .-.^. J W;'-V||3|SlM The Chapel Lych-Cate In a simple yet moving ceremony held on Founder's Day, 1st September 1973, a Lychgate at the top of the steps leading to the Chapel was dedicated to the memory of Robert Henderson Matterson. The late Mr Matterson, who died in February 1968, was Head master of the College from 1922 - soon after its foundation on the North Coast - until 1946 when it became well established at Botha's Hill. Professor Bredenkamp, Chairman of the Board of Governors, welcomed the assembled school and about a hundred Old Boys. He offered particular welcome to the members of Mr Matterson's family, most of whom were present. Thereafter, the College Chaplain led the gathering in prayer, thanking God for the devoted work of those men and women who had laboured to establish the school and asking for His continuing inspiration and support in the future. It was due very largely to the courage and wise guidance of Mr Matterson that Kearsney had survived the difficulties of its early years. It was his influence, too, that had played such an important part in establishing the character of the College. These qualities, and many others, were recalled most aptly by the present Headmaster, Mr Hopkins, during his tribute to "Matty". His words must have brought a glow of pride to the members of Mr Matterson's family; they certainly found an echo in the memories of many Old Boys. The Chairman then invited the retiring President of the Old Boy's Club to unveil the plaque on the Lych-gate. In doing so, Mr Metcalf gave brief testimony of the en during affection and respect which Mr Matterson had engendered in all his Boys. The inscription on the plaque reads: THE CHAPEL LYCH-GATE THIS GATE HONOURS THE MEMORY OF R.H. MASTERSON, M.A. WHOSE CHRISTIAN SERVICE AS HEADMASTER EXTENDED FROM 1922 - 1946 To conclude the short ceremony, Professor Bredenkamp offered a prayer of dedication and then pronounced the benediction. P.E.M. KEARSNEY CHRONICLE 13
CHAPEL NOTES The mission conducted in the School by the Africa Enterprise organisation based in Pietermaritzburg has been reported in 'Carpe Diem'. The regular Sunday services have continued throughout the year. An element to which we have returned again is the use of religious films on a number of Sunday evenings. These hold a strong attraction for the boys. On the last such occasion in the fourth term, a most interesting film was screened dealing with the work of the Bible Society of South Africa. As a policy for the Ch^el services we invite preachers from Durban and district, and by and large our intention has been fulfilled in a variety of themes and a range of not so familiar personalities. The Revd David Jones, late of the Durban Central Methodist Church, made a vivid impact. Usually visiting preachers are appointed on Leave Sundays and we have been gratified at the number of parents who are attending these services. The Remembrance Sunday service is always a solemn occasion and this year was conducted by the Revd Cyril Wilkins, himself a Chaplain to the Forces during the Second World War. He spoke with great force and all the elements in the service and the subsequent wreath-laying and march-past by the Cadet detachment made for a worthy act of remembrance and thanksgiving. It is a pleasure to record that the two flights of steps leading to the Chapel through the lych-gate have been furnished with light fittings to avoid accidents at night. In October the annual Anglican Confirmation was conducted by the Revd Walter Buhler who prepared the candidates, whose names appear below. The boys were con firmed by the RtRevd Vernon Inman, Bishop of Natal, always a welcome visitor to our School and Chapel. The Methodist service of Reception into full membership of the Church, was conducted in August by the Revd Stanley G.Pitts of Johannesburg. The names of those received appear below. M.MARTIN. CAROL SERVICE - 1973ORDER OFSERVICE Organ Music: Offertoire sur deux Noels — A. Guilmant; Noel sur les flutes — Louis d'Aquin. PROCESSIONAL CAROL:Once in Royal David's City. PRAYERS Ist'Lesson; Genesis 3, v. 8—15(Man's disobedience) Reader: a junior chorister. Carol: Adam lay ybounden. Peter Warlock. 2nd Lesson: Genesis 22, y. 15—18. (God's promise). Reader; a junior boy. Hymn: The race that long in darkness pined. 3rd Lesson: Isaiah 9, v. 2,6, 7.(Christ's birth foretold). Reader: a senior chorister. Carol: Tomorrow shall be my dancing day. (English). Hymn: Come thou long expected Jesus. 4th Lesson: St.Luke 1, v 26—35,38.(The Angel Gabriel visits the Blessed Virgin Mary). Reader: a senior boy. Carol: Let us rejoice and sing.(Scottish). 5th Lesson: Micah 5, v. 2—4 (The Prophet Micah foretells the glory oflittle Bethlehem). Reader: the Head Prefect. Carol: The Birds.(Czech carol). Hymn: What child is this? 6th Lesson: St. Luke 2, v. 1, 3—14.(The birth of Jesus) Reader: a member of staff. Carol: The shepherd's pipe carol. John Rutter. Hymn: Love came down at Christmas. 7th Lesson: St. Luke 2, y. 15—20.(The shepherds go to the manager). Reader: the Organist. Offertory hymn: The first noel. Carol: Ding dong, merrily on high. (English, arr. Willcocks). 8th Lesson: St. Matthew 2, v. 1—12.(The wise men are led by a star to Jesus). Reader: the Headmaster. Carol: "Christmas Day" Gustav Hoist. 9th Lesson: St. John 1, v. 1—14 (St. John unfolds the mystery of the incarnation). Reader: the Chaplain. Hymn: O come all ye faithful. PRAYERS Organ postlude: Rhapsody sur des noels. Eugene Gigout. 14 KEARSNEY CHRONICLE
SERVICE OF PUBLIC RECOGNITION OF NEW CHURCH MEMBERS -1973List of Candidates to be presented to the President of the Conference,The Revd Stanley G. Pitts, on Sunday 12th August. Nigel Bowen Anderson, Alan Thompson Argall, Alan Dakin Auret, David Ernest Bailey, Basil David Bales, Peter Kevin Bobek, Peter Botha, Clive Cameron Clark, Rodney Robert Downs, Michael John Ellis-Cole, Peter Forsyth, George Alfred Friend, Hilton Gamble, Brian George Gardner, Guy Clement Horner, Don Marais, Patrick Godfrey McLaverty, Michael Leon Motzouris, Guy Robert Muller, John Arnold Nette, Geoffrey Robert Plekker, Grenfell Povall, Mark Graham Rich, Eric William Schneeberger, Jonathan David Smythe, Mark Lincoln Wait. ANGLICAN CONFIRMATION The service this year was held in the school chapel on October 24th. It was conducted by the Rev.W.Buhler who had also prepared the candidates. The boys were confirmed by the Bishop of Natal, Bishop Vernon Inman - probably his last such service in our chapel due to his impending retirement. The following boys were confirmed: R.Anderson,G.Bax,L.Bester,R.Beaton,S.Bevis,D.Birkett,P.Brandon, M.Brokensha, S.Brown, M.Briscoe, T.Chaplin, M.Corfe, M.Gebers, S.Hawkins, R.Hift, A.Hopkins, C.Jennings, B.Livsey, C.Logan, E.Lundgren, C.Mathew, C.Murless, S.Liebetrau, T.Ouwehand,R.Swadling, D.Thomson, L.Rowley, C.Ross, R.Howarth, C.Woodcock. CHAPEL CHOIR m wma. The Choir-1973 KEARSNEY CHRONICLE IS
This has been a pleasant and successful year for the choir with a more experienced set of trebles giving a good lead to the singing. Anthems have been performed throughout the year for special services and the broadcast service. The Carol Service followed the usual pattern. Members of the choir formed the majority of the cast of "Oliver", so their time has been fully occupied. The success of a choir often depends upon the senior chorister, and this year we have been fortunate in having Malcolm Gillespie as a senior choir member. He has performed his duties with cheerfulness and efficiency and has proved that school work, prefect duties and extra-mural work can all be fitted into the school day, Anthony Lane has also helped as organist's assistant and Stanley Hawkins has often played for epilogues and morning chapel. The chapel organ is being overhauled - the keyboards having worn badly and the contacts having become most unreliable - notes sounding when they shouldn't or not at all when they should. The new keyboards are to be fitted in January 1974 by Messrs Cooper, Gill and Tomkins, J.M,HARPER, DRAMATIC SOCIETY Oliver As "Oliver" was to be presented during the second term, it was decided not to produce a major play as well during 1973, Instead, those who would have been involved in the staging of a dramatic production gave what help they could to Mr Harper in the presen tation of "Oliver" - and a very rewarding experience this was, too'. During the latter part of this year, Mr Lewis- Williams and his cast have done considerable preliminary rehearsal in preparation for our 1974 production of "Julius Caesar", This play is to be staged in the same manner as "Othello" and "Hamlet" were some years ago, P.E.M, For his musical offering this year Mr Harper chose "Oliver',", an ambitious under taking indeed. During the long months of rehearsal he may well have from time to time doubted his wisdom, but he could have had no regrets on all the nights of the performances as the audience left him in no doubt of their unalloyed enjoyment of the show. Bearing in mind the difficulties that can arise, Mr Harper prudently ehose two Olivers, Digby Quested and Mark Lawrence, It is a pleasure to report that there was little to choose between them. They both sang angelically when required and presented that too-good-to-be-true demeanour that Dickens seems to have desired and which can still produce some moist eyes in the audience. The emphatic doctor (Guy Muller) was not far wide of the mark in his pronouncement that Oliver is a mealy faced boy. Never theless in spite of the limitations of the part both boys were able to bring some character to it. As with some greater literary works,the evil characters are far more interesting than the good. Mr John Hawkins as a splendid Fagin nonetheless managed to convince us that there is some good even in such apparent reeidivists, and at the end, after all the melodramatic deaths, when up on London Bridge he is re-united with the Dodger, we feel that the boy is going to be as well looked after as Oliver even if Fagin fails to turn over a new leaf. Indeed, I find it difficult to understand why Oliver wanted to leave the rollicking good fellowship of the urchins and return to the tiresome Mrs Bedwin (Mrs Tennant) and the rather lugubrious Mr Brownlow (David Bailey), Gary Rathbone's Artful Dodger was one of the highlights of the show. Voice, lively move ment and timing blended to produce an outstanding performance. Mrs Mavis Hawkins (Nancy)gave us a performance up to her usual high standardparticularly in the spirited tavern scene with a chairman (Nicholas Veldman) to the manner born. Caught between loyalties she too left us in no doubt that good can some times triumph over wrong. This was not the case, however, with Mr Allen's darkly glowering Bill Sykes,the real villain of the piece. His commanding voice and presence dominated the stage at every entrance. 16 KEARSNEY CHRONICLE
Many a musical gets off to a slow start; not so "Oliverl" The hilarious Mrs Corney (Mrs Audrey McGilvray) and Mr Bumble (Prof. Trotter), both perfectly Dickensian, and a resounding "Food, glorious food" saw to that. The show stands or falls by the chorus. In this aspect too Mr and Mrs Harper's labours were rewarded: the chorus, whether Fagin's gang or the bustling street scenes, moved and sang well. The music was directed by Mr Harper from the console of an electric organ, a modern invention with which he is not commonly associated. Mrs Pam Scott's piano and the organ nevertheless proved so successful that the absence of a full orchestra was not noticed. The undertaker's establishment was well taken care of by a suitably dismal Mr Sowerberry (Malcolm Gillespie) and a bossy Mrs Sowerberry (Mrs Gloria McConnell). The show poses complicated problems of staging, but Mr Metcalf's well-known expertise in these matters ensured that the action moved smoothly from one location to another until, without a hitch, London Bridge itself filled the stage. The backstage crew under the direction of Mr Fish must be commended on the slick changes, as must the operators of the complicated lighting plot which contributed so much to the flow of the action and the atmosphere. The main burden of the production fell on Mr and Mrs Harper. We hope they feel it was worth while. We do, and we congratulate them on one of the most successful shows we have seen in the Henderson Hall. D.LEWIS-WILLIAMS PRODUCER'S FOOTNOTE Although "Oliver" will be reviewed elsewhere, by an independent observer, I should like to thank all the many people concerned. In particular thanks go to Mrs Irene Harper who directed it; Mrs Pam Scott and the girls of Kloof High School; and mem bers of staff and outside performers all of whom combined most happily to produce what I consider to have been the most artistically successful show of this type at the J.M.HARPER On August 11th, Kearsney was privileged to hear the Pietermaritzburg Philharmonic Orchestra, augmented with members from the Durban Philharmonic Orchestra, in a concert given in the Margaret Mary Henderson Hall. The programme was lively, varied, and particularly suited, to a young audience, and the conductor, John Knuyt, provided informative and interesting comments before each of the items, which served to make them even more acceptable. The programme commenced with a lively rendering of Schubert's'MarchMilitaire' and this was followed by three German Dances by Mozart. In the waltz I'Estudiantina (Waldkufel) which followed, it was unfortunate that the piano was largely inaudible, as this apart, the rendering was thoroughly enjoyable. Raymond Painter, a well-known Baritone, provided us with two solos, 'Sunday Morning'(Brahms)and 'La Donna E Mobile' by Verdi. His rendering of the latter was so expressive that one was forced to the conclusion that he actually understood the Italian. This was followed by 'The Beachcomber'(Richardson) and the 'Parade of the Tin Soldiers' (Jessel) which were expressive enough to appeal to the imagination. The second part of the programme was lighter, on the whole, including a selection from'South Pacific', 'The gold and silver waltz', and two more songs from Raymond Painter - 'Old Man River' and 'Grenada'. 'In a Persian Market' was extremely well delivered, and the beggars are particularly to be commended for their realistic per formance. The concert ended with what was perhaps the most popular of all the items. The 'Colonel Bogey' March. M.M. Orchestral Concert KEARSNEY CHRONICLE 17