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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Cover pictures M S Mossom Frontispiece; Photo Hein All official group photographs by Photo Hein Other photographs are by: Messrs M S. Mossom.P E Metcalf,The Natal Mercury, Photo-Duzi,G, Blackbeard,P. Blumberg,G. Rathbone and ). Reunert. Lme Drawings in the body of the magazine are by Mr B Tucker,P Matley,G. Bax and members of the Art Department Lay-out, Design and Printing by North Coast Sales Promotions(Pty )Ltd. Editor; R. Lamplough Old Boys'Section: D. Beatty
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QatMCce 1 In our last issue we referred to the rapidity with which the international scene can change. The past twelve months have provided some dramatic reminders of this fact. After the prolonged agony of Watergate,the presidency of Richard Nixon ended 'not with a bang but a whimper'. The most powerful man in the world, like the king of Babylon in another age, was suddenly'cut down to the ground'. And in the same period, with more immediate consequences for ourselves,came the coup in Portugal which signalled the end of the oldest colonial empire on this continent and moved the border of black Africa over a thousand miles southward from the Ruvuma to the Pongola. There is a link between these two developments which is not at first apparent. The Watergate scandal was uncovered by two reporters of the Washington Post and the sub sequent fall of the President was largely the work of the American Press. Similarly,the final stimulus to revolution in Lisbon appears to have been de Spinola's Portugal and the Future. Such is the power of the written word. We have further evidence of this power in the expul sion from Russia of Alexander Solzhenitsyn when the first volume of The Gulag Archipelago was published in the West. Indeed,the simmering Middle East crisis, which political obser vers expect to'develop into yet another war in the new year, can, humanly speaking, be traced back to Herzl's The State of Israel which appeared in 1896 and which gave birth to the Zionist movement. What is written,therefore,can have a profound effect upon the lives of individuals and on the futures of nations: and never more so than in our own time, when books proliferate and literacy is widespread. Yet it is a sad fact of life in the twentieth century that certain books are almost entirely neglected. Nowhere is this more clearly to be seen than in men's attitudes to the Bible. The words of men are given great prominence and are lauded often far above their worth, but the Word of God is in large part despised. Yet this is the word by which 'the heavens were of old and the earth': it is the word which will not return void to its Author, but will accomplish that which He pleases and will prosper in the thing whereto He has sent it: it is the word,furthermore,which is able to make men wise unto salvation: above all, it is the word which was made flesh and dwelt among us. and we have the lesson of past history that the anger of the Lord was kindled against his people because they had 'cast away the law of the Lord of hosts and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel'. If ever there was a time in the history of the world when men desperately needed the guidance and the comfort of the Scriptures it is the time in which we live. The Master himself warned of wars and rumours of wars, with men's hearts failing them for fear. Even a cursory reading of our daily newspapers is sufficient to induce this mood. The difficulties facing mankind in the 1970's daunt the stoutest heart and only the fool can ignore them. But the Bible offers the solution to all these problems. The real tragedy of our times is that men are for the most part wilfully ignorant of the hope set out in its pages. It is the function of every school to dispel ignorance. There could be no more noble aim for a school like Kearsney than to assail the ignorance which surrounds the Word of God 'For all the glory of man is as the flower of grass but the Word of the Lord endureth for ever'. EDITORIAL KKARSNEY CHRONICI.E 5
SCHOOL As one attempts to review the general activities of Kearsneyans during any given year NOTES one is struck afresh by the wide variety of pursuits undertaken by the members of a compa ratively small community. 1974 has seen the usual achievements in numerous fields and a number of noteworthy innovations, reference to which is made in other parts of this magazine. We welcomed Mr. B. Tucker and his family and Mr. F. Cocks to the staff. May they have many profitable years with us. Mr. Giles and later Miss Nicolson married during the year. To them and to their respective partners we extend our best wishes for the future, as we do to Mr.Cocks,who announced his engagement. 1974, like 1973 was a'baby boys' year'; Felicity Hall,the only girl, arrived appropriately first,followed by Jamie Bromley-Cans,Claus Kassier, William Townshend and Alan Lamplough. The Bursar's office reports that there remain only a few vacancies for the First Form in 1985. Mr. D. Lewis-Williams is to be congratulated on the award of an Associateship to Clare Hall, Cambridge, where he is at present doing research. Mr. C. Diedericks spent a term teaching in England, as did Mr. B. Williams at the end of 1973. A number of boys are to be congratulated on representing Natal Schools in a variety of sports. They were: B. Lind (squash),M.Wing(swimming),R. Pett and R. Hudson (musketry), G. Bax and N. Smith (fencing), R. Nathan (cricket), S. du Toit, M. Rich and L. Broodryk (athletics), and M. Belfort and L. Rowley (life-saving). M. Ellis-Cole captained the Natal Schools hockey team, with D. Martin as a member of the side. It is with deep regret that we note the deaths of two former members of the Kearsney staff, Mr. G.E. Burger and Mr. P.R.G. Montague. To their respective families we extend our sincere sympathy. At the end of the year we said goodbye to Mrs P. Hope, Mrs D. MacAndrew, Mr E. Beresford and Mr G. Giles, Mrs T. Allen and Mrs Higham. We thank them all for their contributions to Kearsney life and wish them every happiness in the future. SSRPE Dt^ m I % y /. I 'Vk 'A 6 KEARSNEY CHRONICLE
NUMBERS The total number of boys enrolled this year is 523 being made up of 445 Boarders and 78 Day Boys. When term began I still had between 25 and 30 applications for boarding places on my lists It is a matter for regret, however, that a number of boys who would probably have been a credit to Kearsney had to be turned away. STAFF At the end of 1973 we bade farewell to Mr P ) Reece who had been a member of the Biology department for nine years We wish to thank him for his services to Kearsney during the time he was with us and to wish him every success in his new appointment as a psychologist at the Fulton School for the Deaf. During january six members of Staff successfully completed their B.Ed. Degrees,namely Mr M.P.de Beer, Mr J. Hall, Mr L. Kassier, Mr M. Nicholson, Mr M. Myhill and Mr P. Reece. We extend to them our hearty congratulations. Mr Tim Allen and Miss Sarah Mills were married in December and we wish them a long and happy life together. We congratulate Mr Garth Giles on his marriage during his spell of leave last term and we welcome him and Mrs Giles back to Kearsney. At the beginning of the second term we welcomed back Mr C. Diedericks after a period overseas during which he taught in English schools under arrangements with the British Council At mid-year we welcomed two new members of Staff: Mr B W.Tucker,who,with his wife and family,comes to us from The Hill School, Bryanston,to join the English department, and Mr F.P.D Cocks,from Estcourt High School,who joins the Mathematics department. We congratulate Mr and Mrs Kassier on the arrival of a second son during July. This term we welcomed back Mr Tennant after his quarter's long leave. We congratulate Mr Lewis-Williams on the award of an Associateship to Clare Hall, Cambridge,where he will be doing research work for the next nine months. We also wish Mr B. Williams an enjoyable spell of long leave next quarter. ORBITUARY It is with deep regret that I record the sudden passing of Mr C.E. Burger last term. Although Mr Burger had been in indifferent health for some time, his death came as a great shock to his family and friends Mr Burger will be remembered for his loyal service to Kearsney for a period of over twenty years, during which time he was House master of Gillingham and Head of the Afrikaans department for a lengthy time. He was well respected and held in high regard by many successive generations of Gillingham and Kearsney boys who passed through his hands. At the time of his death he was on the Staff of the Edgewood Teachers Training College We extend our sincere sympathy to Mrs Burger and her family I am also very sorry to report the death of Mr P R G. Montague who held the position of College supervisor from 1955—1970. To his daughter Elizabeth we extend our sincere sympathy. Another former Staff member who has passed on is Mrs A M Brechin who was Matron of Gillingham from 1949—1957. We offer our sympathy to her family in their loss. PRESIDENT'S VISIT We were greatly honoured by a visit from the President on Friday, 26th April, when he addressed the school in Chapel and thereafter met members of Staff and senior boys. We are grateful to the Chairman of our District,Dr.D.Veysie,for making the necessary arrangements. EXAMINATION RESULTS It was very gratifying to read that Etienne Nel had been placed first in Natal with 6 'A's, one 'B' and an 'A' aggregate. Although I have received no official notification, I believe the report to be authentic. He wasfollowed by R. Whittaker with 4'A's, two'B's and a'C^d an 'A' aggregate and I. McClure with 4'A's, a 'B' and two 'C's. Five boys gained 'B' aggregates of over 70% and there were twenty-one Merit passes. In all there were 31 subject distinctions, 13 of which were in Mathematics and three in Additional Mathematics. There were 32'B'symbols. Miss R. Nicolson is to be congratulated on three distinctions in the'B'set Mathematics — an outstanding achievement in a difficult subject. PREFECTS'INDUCTION At the usual impressive ceremony in the Chapel on Friday, 25th January,the following Prefects were inducted: B.A. McLuckie(Head Boy); M. Albers(Deputy); A T. Argall, D.B. Bates, P H. Briggs, A.T. Croft,P.M. Crossley, K.G. Daddy,S.P. du Toit, M.j. Ellis —Cole, T.J. Fargher, G.A. Friend, G.R. Muller, R.D. Nathan, E. Pomare, H.M.S. Russell, J.D. Smythe and R B Thring FREE SUNDAYS In the national interest and to meet the problem of restricted week-end petrol supplies, it has been decided to discontinue freeSunday leave, at least for the time being. The mid-term week-end, however, has been extended until Monday to facilitate transport arrangements for parents who live at a distance. Parents are still welcome to attend sporting activities on Satur days, but Sunday visiting, apart from attendance at Chapel, is dis couraged unless prior arrangements have been made with the boy's Housemaster. DEVELOPMENT APPEAL The intensive phase of the Appeal ended in mid-December and the files and records have been handed over by the National Fund Raising Council. At the moment the Fund stands at approximately R435,C)00 so that, in order to achieve our target, it will be necessary to continue canvassing. I wish to record our sincere appreciation to all those parents.Old Boys and friends who gave so generously of their time and means in order to achieve the total so far recorded. One of the most pleasing features of the Appeal was the tremen dous fund of goodwill for Kearsney that was experienced at every centre that was visited AFTERNOON TUTORIALS I wish to express my appreciation to several members of Staff who have voluntarily arranged tutorial classes on Friday afternoons to assist boys in the junior classes who are experiencing difficulty with their work I am sure that this spontaneous gesture can only have beneficial results for boys who are willing to make use of them. ROTARY EXCHANGE SCHOLAR We have had with us this year Greg Gilmore, a Rotary Exchange Scholar from the United States. He was hosted by Rotarians of the Hillcrest Club and attended as a Day Boy. Among his activities was the participation in Operation Rhino and a Wilderness Leadership School trail. Weextend to him our greetings and good wishes on his return to the United States. MATHEMATICS OLYMPIAD We extend our heartiest congratulations to V M.W.T. Martins on his being one of the 70 candidates in the Republic to enter the final round of the Olympiad and wish him every success. YOUTH SCIENCE WEEK Thirty-one boys, a larger number than usual, entered for the National Youth Science Week competition in March Of these E.W. Schneeberger and C.F. Smyth qualified for the Week. We extend to them our congratulations and best wishes. NORTH COAST FLOOD RELIEF As the result of a spontaneous gesture on the part of the boys, R323 was raised in aid of the Mayor of Stanger's Relief Fund. Three of the boys were given the opportunity of presenting personally the cheque to the Mayor, Dr J. van Zyl, who has written expressing the appreciation of the organisers. SPORT The following Committees have been appointed for 1974: Cricket Hockey Rugby Shooting Squash M.J. Ellis-Cole(Captain) B. McLuckie(Vice-Captain) M.J. Ellis-Cole (Captain) W Hultzer(Vice-Captain) H.M.S Russel(Captain) M.H.Albers(Vice-Captain) S du Toit R.E. Lundgren(Captain R. Pett R.E. Cox(Captain) ACTIVITIES SPEECH DAY Headmaster's Report Dramatic Society A full-scale production of "JULIUS CAESAR" was staged in the Henderson Hall on 15th, 17th and 18th May.Weextend to Mr LewisWilliams and all those concerned with the play our sincere appre ciation and heartiest congratulations on another outstanding production for which Kearsney has gained a reputation. KEARSNEY CHRONICLE 7
Skoegheim Camps About 25 of our boys attended the two Skoegheim houseparties in January. A number of these were Prefects and Matrics. The boys seemed to benefit greatly from the camp and I expect them to exert a very positive Influence in the school this year. (Altogether 10 of our Prefects have been to a Skoegheim Camp), Douglas Rider and Etienne Nel gave valuable assistance with the leadership. Perhaps the most noteworthy event was Mark Russell's rescue of an old gentleman in difficulties in rough surf at Umtentweni Beach. There was a short weekend camp during the Easter holidays which was attended by seven of our boys, all of whom appreciatded the programme very much. Archaeological Society At the end of the Easter holidays a small group went to the Ncibidwane Valley,Giant's Castle. Apartfrom making It possible for boys to see various painted sites,the main purpose ofthe expedition was to trace an unusual painting which was discovered by the Society a few years ago. Trip to Drakensberg A group of seven of the cross-country team,accompanied by Mr and Mrs Myhill, hiked to the top of the Drakensberg escarpment up a Basuto pass, returning via Giant's Castle Rest Camp. Hofmeyr Speech Contest We congratulate A.Leon most warmly on reaching the final of the Contest held at Kearsney on Friday,9th August. Although he did not win the contest, which was won by a Treverton boy, Leon gave a good accountof himself and in so doing broughtconsiderable credit to himself and the College. Hibberdene Holiday Home During the July holidays two of our Vth Form boys, Graham Clarke and Mark Rich, assisted at the Natal Mercury Children's Holiday Home at Hibberdene. The Secretary of the Association has written expressing their appreciation to theschool for sending "such dedicated helpers" CREDITS Show Jumping James Butterworth was one ofthe 10finalists atthe International Show Jumping Show held in Johannesburg. In the International Inter-Provincial Junior Festival James Butterworth and Stephen du Toit were members of the team of four which won the event under impossible conditions, including a cloudburst. Butterworth had to jump during lightning. He tied for 3rd place in the South African Championships. Stephen du Toit won the Open Elementary Dressage and was also Victor Ludorum at a Jumping Show at Shongweni. Yachting On Saturday, 2nd February, Kearsney entered three of the eighteen teams which competed at Midmar Dam in the Natal Interschools Sailing Championships and were placed as follows: 1st: Kearsney'A'team 27V4 points 2nd: Maritzburg College bOpoints 3rd: Michaelhouse'A' 113 points 4th; Kearsney'B'team 166 points The Kearsney'C team was placed 10th. Kearsney thus retains the Interschools Sailing Trophy for the second time in succession. During the December holidays A. Kode was a member of the crew of"Mainstay"which finished second in the Agulhas Race from Cape Town to Mossel Bay and back. We congratulate the following: I. Rowley and M. Belfort, who were selected to represent Natal in the South African Lifesaving Championships. M.C. Wing on his selection for the Natal Schools Swimming team which competed in Kimberley in March; and M.G.Rich,S.du Toit and L. Broodryk who were chosen for the Natal Schools'Athletics Team which competed in Pretoria during the First Term. Canoeing In the Natal Canoe Championships held at Henly Dam last quarter, Kearsney was represented by G Povall and R. Henry. We congratulate Povall on being placed 2nd and Henry 4th in the Singles section and Povall upon finishing 2nd in the Doubles. Hockey We congratulate Michael Ellis-Cole and Dain Martin on their selection for the Natal Schools' Hockey XI and Ellis-Cole on his appointment as Captain of the Team. Yachting G M Dibb was runner-up in the Transvaal Sprog Sailing Cham pionships held during the long weekend at the end of August. His elder brother Colin,wasthe winner (He left at the end of last year). APPRECIATION I should like to take this opportunity of expressing my sincere appreciation to all members of my staff, Academic,Administrative, Etomestic and maintenance, for their loyal and willing support, without which my task would be impossible. Part II (presented by the Headmaster' Mr Chairman, In our daily living,as it is presently ordered, it is most pleasant to drift along on calm seas, under warm suns with hardly a whitecapped wave or a dark cloud to mar our pleasure. The question is, however,where are we drifting to and where is our voyage taking us. There is amid our happy, carefree progression, an almost frightening sense of complacency — frightening because we are being lulled into a false sense of security that all is well and that our craft will move along easily with the minimum of effort on our part. I have been aware in recent years of a growing sense of selfsatisfaction and a disturbing lack of urgency in our daily routine. In our own sphere boys work if they feel so inclined but provided they dojust enough to keep out of trouble,no greater effort is made. Even the most dedicated teacher loses heart and becomes dis illusioned if there is no positive response from his pupils. This attitude is by no means confined to our school for my colleagues among Headmasters of other schools in this and other provinces complain of similar attitudes reflecting a dangerous lack of motivation towards academic success. It may well be that our affluent society in which we lack for very little, has made us careless of the need to get to grips with realities and the need for positive, purposeful effort. Recent reports ema nating from Britain indicate that a similar attitude pervades many of the Comprehensive schools in that country. I am gravely concerned by these trends as they begin to affect our own school and today I wish to sound an urgent warning lest we succumb to the present trend of mass inertia. Success is not something that one can snatch suddenly out of the blue but it is a prize that has to be striven for,often in the face of great hardship and even disappointment. Moreover, it can only be attained at the cost of determined and relentless effort towards a goal that has been set well in advance. Only a sense of purpose can provide the drive necessary to carry us towards this goal. "If a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well" may be a wellworn adage but it still contains a wealth of truth and practical common sense. The tasks facing us in this country are immense and it is your generation who will have to face up to the pressures to an even greater extent than in the past. I refer not only to the threat of an emergent Africa, but to the social and economic demands within our own borders. The Black man realises only too well that his advancement depends on education and the mastery of essential skills. As a consequence he or she is prepared to make almost any sacrifice to obtain as high a standard as possible in the face of, at times, pitifully inadequate facilities and opportunities. It is with this section of our population that you will soon have to compete on equal terms, without the unnatural protection of artificial pre ference Promotion and success in any society can only depend on free and fair competition among all sections. It is by purposeful thinking and good, honest, hard work that the economy of a com munity will prosper, not by the artificial injection of capital from outside sources. Building on this foundation it will be possible to provide a happier, healthier, more prosperous and contented life for all. In our daily living each opF)ortunity is presented to us but once, so that our success or failure depends directly on whether we are going to accept or reject these opportunities as they flash by. Un fortunately there is no way of putting the clock back and a chance, once missed is gone forever. Some of you will recall the lines from "Julius Caesar" that say just this; 'There is a tide in the affairs of men Which,taken at the flood, leads on to fortune, Omitted, all the voyages of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries.' 1 am also reminded of a stanza from Fitzgerald's "Omar Khayyam", The Moving Finger writes; and having writ. Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a line. Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.' At Kearsney every boy,regardless of his intelligence or intellect, has the opportunity to succeed at some level or other, but this you will not do unless you approach your task with purpose, deter mination and enthusiasm. As a leading American Professor, Lewis Terman, has said,"Moderate intelligence with high enthusiasm will often succeed, where high intelligence with low enthusiasm fails. Enthusiasm alone may turn failure into success." Let us then generate enthusiasm for what is otherwise a tedious task, a zest for our work and let us make the.acquisition of know ledge an exciting experience Let us join Ishak, the Chief Pilgrim in Flecker's "Hassan" and say: "We travel not for trafficking alone; By hotter winds our fiery hearts are fanned: For lust of knowing what should not Be known, We take the Golden Road to Samarkand." It is my hope and prayer that no Kearsney boy,given the oppor tunity, need spend his life in shallows and in misery, nor shed tears over lost opportunities and shattered illusions. 8 KEARSNEY CHRONICLE
GUEST SPEAKER SPEECH DAY 1974 Mr Bertram Pfuhl The Guest Speaker was Mr Bertram Pfuhl,the Development Manager of S.A. Mutual. Mr Pfuhl gave an inspiring address in which he outlined the qualities required in a leader. He referred to the lack of personal contact in the world at large and particularly in South Africa. He spoke of the insecurity of the future and the need for faith in God. He then urged the boys of the College,as the leaders of the future, to be kind,keen and courageous; to work for the benefit of others and to lead with hope. Mr Pfuhl's address was very well received by both the pupils and the adults in the audience. K- or O o a fc9^ Sports Avyards SWIMMING: Colours: M. Russell, M. Lillelund, M,Wing, L. Rowley, M. Belfort, R. Hudson. CRICKET: Coloiirs: D. Pearse, P. Pomare, B McLuckle, M. Ellis Cole, S. Schiefner, B. Elgenmann, R. Nathan. RUGBY; Colours: M. Albers, A. Argall, D. Heuer, H. Russell, M. Rich, R. Thrlng. SQUASH: Colours: B. Lind, M. Corfe. Honours: B. Lind. SHOOTING: Colours: R. Lundgren, R, Pett, R. Hudson, R. Henry, S. Pett. Honours: R. Pett, R. Lundgren. HOCKEY: Colours: M. Ellis Cole, D. Martin, S. Schiefner, T. Ouwehand, M. Saunders. Honours: M. Ellis Cole, D, Martin. ATHLETICS; Colours: L. Broodryk, A. Smith, M. Briscoe, R. Goldman, M.Calitz, S du Toit*, M. Rich*, A. Chaplin. YACHTING; Colours: A. Kode,M. Eglington, G. Dibb. WATER POLO: Colours: L. Rowley. Annual Prize-Giving (25th September, 1974) SIXTH FORM Patrick Moore Memorial Shield and Prize for Physical Science: FC. Smyth Mathematics: P C Smyth. Ben Milner Prize for Biology: P.J. Matley. Hindson Memorial Prize for English Literature: P.). Matley. William and Susan Jones Prize for English: A.C. Webster. Afrikaans: H R. Green. Geography: H.R Green. History: P.M. Crossley. Art: G.R. Bax S.B. Rheunissen Memorial Prize for Perseverance: R.E. Cox. Headmaster's Prize for Special Service: B.A. McLuckie Sutler Gore Trophy (Public Speaking): A.J. Leon. Dux of the School: F C. Smyth. Academic Colours: Q.C. Beningfield, L.T. Chaplin, G.M. Dibb, H.R. Green,P.j. Matley,G.R. Muller, P. Pomar6, E.W. Schneeberger, N.E. Smith. F.C. Smyth, P.H. Ward, A.C. Webster, T.M. Wite, P.M. Crossley. Academic Honours: G M. Dibb, H.R. Green, P.J. Matley, E.W. Schneeberger, F C. Smyth. Sports Honours: Squash: B.I. Lind. Snooting: R.E.L. Lundgren, R.M. Pett. Hockey: M. Ellis Cole, D Martin. AWARDS 1974 (Recipients of Honours have previously been awarded colours) * Indicates re-award KEARSNEY CHRWICLE »
Final Prize-Giving Cultural & Academic Awards (4th December, 1974) SPORTS AWARDS: Tennis: Senior Singles Championship (Polkinghorne Cup): W Bentley Cross Country: Senior House (Christian Cup): Finningley. Junior Inter-House (Calder Cup): Finningley. junior individual (M.W.A. Fourle Cup): P. Alcock. Shooting: Inter-House (Derek Robbins Cup): Cillingham. Senior Championships(Ken Trotter Shield): R E. Lundgren Highest Average during the year (Ivan Bjorkman Cup): R E Lundgren Junior Championships (Ernest Ashby Memorial Cup): R. Pett. Squash: Most improved Player (Carrington Cup): V T. Daly. Junior Championships (Negus Cup): C j van Rensburg. Senior Championships(Old Boys'Cup): B I Lind Cricket: Most improved and promising player (Foss Bat): R Nathan Best all-rounder: (king's Cup): D K Pearse House with the greatest number of boys in cricket teams(Jack Hulett Salver): Finningley. Inter-House Championships: Finningley Sportsman of the Year: M.J. Ellis Cole. Form IV: Academic Colours: A.M Boraine, J H Dienst, A.J. Guthrle, G.H. Lurie. Form V; Academic Honours: R J. Hift. Academic Colours: M.A. Belfort, R.A. Henry, R.J. Hift. A.D.C. Hopkins, L.J. Rowley, G.B. Wells Colours for Cultural Activities; P. Crossley, H.R. Green, R.J. Hift. A.j. Leon. Recognition of Service Award: C Povall, M G Rich, T. White Hanle Trophy (Cultural Activities): P.M. Crossley & A.J. Leon. Edwin Henwood Trophy (Leadership): H.M.S. Russell. Parkes Inter-House Scholastic Trophy: Gillingham Examination Results 1974 (Subjects in which a distinction (80%+)was awarded appear in brackets). NATAL SENIOR CERTIFICATE WITH MATRICULATION EXEMPTION Merit Pass (average of 60% or more) QC. Beningfield (Maths); L.T. Chaplin (Maths); P M. Crossley. (Maths); G M.Dibb(Phys, Sc., Bio., Maths,Add Maths);T.J. Fargher; P Forsyth; H.R.Green (Bio.,Maths,Hist. Geog and Agg); E. Jansen van Vuuren, V.M.W.T. Martins; P J. Matley (Eng., Phys. Sc., Maths, Hist, and Abe); C.R. Muller(Maths); E Pomare; E.W. Schneeberger (Bio.,Maths); N.E. Smith(Maths,Add Maths); F.C.Smyth (Phys. Sc., Bio., Mathsand Agg ); C.R. Taylor; P H. VVard; A C. Webster(tng ); T.M. White (Maths). Pass: M H B. Albers; R.J. Atkinson; K.P Bobek; P H. Briggs; A. Christodoulou; C C. Clark; R K. Coote; R f. Cox; A.T. Croft; 5.P. du Toit; E.R. Freese; D.V. Hotz; T P. Karnezos; S. Levy; R.E. Lundgren; B.A. McLuckie; D. Marais; C.L. Mathew (Hist.); M.D. Meumann; C.N.J. Murless; R.D. Nathan; J.A. Nette; D.K. Pearse; C.R. Plekker; H.M.S. Russell; A.K. Smith; J.D. Smythe; DC. Thomson; R.B. Thring; R.E. Trench; F.J. van Niekerk; L.M. Wait; C.M. Williams; D A. Wright. NATAL SENIOR CERTIFICATE 'A'GRADE D.L Attenborough; D B. Bates; C.R. Bax; D.N. Boyes; D.W.Crockar; K C Daddy; M.J. Dean; M.D.de Volpi, R.A. Doiage; K.R. Doughty; R.R. Downs; G.A. Friend; H.W. Gamble; M.G. Grasett; A.B. Gudgeon; C B. Hall; DO Heuer; M B. Hudson; C.E. Hughes; P.C. McLaverty; D.P.L. Martin; C. Povall; M.G. Rich; M.R. Witney. NATAL SENIOR CERTIFICATE CGRADE A T. Argall; A.D. Auret; R.B. Calverley; B.V. Dales; A.J. Kode; A.J. Leon; B.P.T. Livsey; A.P. Manson-Kullin; M.L. Motzouris; D.T. Rigby; S.E. Schiefner; C P. Stemmler. mm 'yfJ'-r s..)L* /.*• 10 KDARSNEY CHRONICLE
G.E.BURGER Gerrit Erasmus Burger was born on 23rd November,1923, at Calvinia, where his father was a schoolmaster. His must have been a home in which academic training was held in high regard; all four children went on to university and entered various professions. Gee (or "Gerry" as he was known to many Kearsney boys)obtained a B.A. degree at the University of Stellenbosch, majoring in Afrikaans and German. After completing his teaching diploma course, he joined the staff of Kearsney College in January, 1945. For his first nine years at Kearsney,Gee was an assistant master in Gillingham House, serving under Mr.Oram and Mr. Clegg. Then, in 1954, he married Miss Annette Zeeman and moved into his own home in Chapel Road. When Mr. Clegg's term as Housemaster ended. Gee Burger took his place and he was the Gillingham Housemaster from January 1961 until he left Kearsney at the end of 1969. During his twentyfive years on the staff he was also Head of the Afrikaans Department and played a major part in the establishment of the language laboratory as well as in the organisation of a conference for Afrikaans teachers in private schools. His devotion to his subject was real and continuing; after leaving Kearsney to take up a senior lecturing post at the Edgewood Teachers Training College, he enrolled at the University of Natal and,after many months of diligent part-time study, obtained an Honours degree in Afrikaans. He it was who founded and fostered the Kearsney Kollege Afrikaanse Vereniging: Many of his school holidays were spent in Afrikaans camps which he organised for Kearsney boys on the South Coast. His contribution to the work of the Natal Education Department Afrikaans Syllabus Committee was much appreciated, and he served as repre sentative of the private schools on that body for many years. But Gee Burger's energies were by no means restricted to matters academic. During all his years at the College, he was intensely involved in rugby, both as a coach of recognised ability and,latterly, as an administrator. He was a selector for the Natal Schools Rugby side for several years. To keep himself fit. Gee played tennis and golf and was also a regular runner as well as a boating enthusiast. Fishing was one of his favourite hobbies. During the 1950's he bacame a cadet officer and served faithfully in this capacity for many years. He was a staunch member of the Kearsney staff choir and, in 1956, produced a 3-act Afrikaans play at the College. Throughout his years in Natal, Gee was associated with the Pinetown Gemeente of the Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk, serving that congregation both as a deacon and an elder. It will be seen that Gee Burger was a man of many parts who made full and energetic use of his undoubted abilities. But the above record tells us little of the kind of man he was. Old Boys who were his pupils will remember that, in the classroom, in the House and on the sportsfield he set a very high standard of achievement and conduct; he demanded (and usually obtained)the best a boy could produce, and he was as anxious to encourage and to acknowledge good performance as he was to stimulate the laggards. His colleagues recog nised him as a man of uncompromising integrity who was meticulous in carrying out all his duties. His friends — and there are many of his colleagues and pupils who are proud to be included in that category — knew him as a fun-loving companion as well as a wise and kindly counseller who did not spare himself in serving others. In November 1973,at a small party held to celebrate his fiftieth birthday. Gee Burger paid simple and sincere tribute to his wife, Annette, for all that she had done to support and sustain him.Some of us knew that he was seriously ill but we had no idea that his remaining days were to be so limited. On 27th May, 1974, after months of increasing suffering. Gee died peacefully at his home in Pinetown.We honour him as a man who devoted half his life to the service of Kearsney College and all that it stands for; we miss him greatly as a true and faithful friend; and we extend our sincere sympathy to his family who have been parted from a loving husband and father. OBITUARY O mM KEARSNEY CHRONICLE 11
VALETE E.G.). BERESFORD Edal Beresford came to Kearsney in 1968 after a distinguished career at the Durban Technical College which extended over twenty-four years. Although when he first arrived here he did a certain amount of teaching, most of his time was devoted to his first love, which was vocational guidance. Many Kearsney boys will have the indelible memory of a courteous, benevolent and patient counsellor, immaculate in white sharkskin, who unravelled for them the mysteries of the Kuder test. His colleagues will miss from the common-room a venerable figure, invariably cheerful, with a wide range of interests and of conversational topics. We wish Edal and Mrs. Beresford a peaceful and rewarding retirement. G.G. GILES Garth Giles joined usfour years ago as a teacher of Mathematics and Zulu. A batchelor then,he was attached to Finningley House and before long he was playing an active role in the classroom and on the sportsfield. He coached the First XV and also the Second XI, as well as playing rugby himself for the province. Whatwould probably have been a long association with Kearsney was,however, interrupted by family commitments arising out of his father's death. He leaves us to take over the family farm. To him and to Mrs. Giles we wish all success in their new life. P.). REECE: AN APOLOGY Peter Reece left Kearsney a year ago to take up an appointment at the Fulton School for the Deaf. Unfortunately, owing to a misunderstanding with the printer, the tribute to him which should have appeared last year was omitted. It was our intention to repair the omission in this issue but Peter insists that it is all "water under the bridge". In accepting his decision we take comfort in the thought that Peter himself and his many activities at Kears ney are so well known to so many generations of Kearsneyans as to requife no further publicity. 12 KEARSNEY CHRONICLE
Visiting preachers during 1974 included both the General Secretaries of the Methodist Missionary Department, the Revds A.M. Losaba and N.H. Hudson, a former Kearsney Chaplain,the Revd. D.J. Buwalda, Dr. Alex Boraine who subsequently was elected M.P. for Pinelands in the Cape, three members of the Epworth-Kearsney Board of Governors, the Chairman, Prof. V.J. Bredenkamp and the Revds. B.H. Banwell and T.D. Sadler; Mr D. Dienaar, Organiser of the Star Seaside Holiday Fund, Prof. Ds. G.C. Gosthuizen of the Durban-Westville University, The Revd. A.J. Walker, Editor of the devotional booklet. Daily Living, and both the Chairmen of the two Natal Synods of the Methodist Church,the Revds. Dr. D.C. Veysie and Sidney Smith. All of these contributed to a varied presentation of the Christian Gospel and we are indebted to them for their interest and support. The President of the Methodist Conference of South Africa, the Revd. J.C. Mvusi and Mrs. Mvusi paid an official visit to the School during the year and we were greatly honoured to receive them. The President addressed the assembled School and Staff in the Chapel and was subsequently introduced to the Prefects and senior boys. We do not forget the services of our resident Local Preachers, Messrs. K.G. Fish, J.D. Lewis-Williams and C.C. Broster, all of whom are able to address our School-boy congre gation out of a vivid awareness of the boys' situation. The boys themselves play a significant role in Chapel Worship conducting two evening services a term and taking their place on the daily Chapel roster. Prof. V.J. Bredenkamp was associated with the Chaplain in confirming the Methodist candidates this year — Their names are l isted elsewhere along with the Anglican confirmees. For the latter event the Suffragan Bishop of Natal,the Rt. Revd. K.C. Hallowes came to us. The Anglican clergy of the Kloof Parish have regularly read Morning Prayer during the year and administered the Eucharist, and we value their assistance. We much regret that Canon T.H. Harris will no longer be associated with us at Kearsney following upon his ele vation as Dean of the Durban Cathedral. We cannot fault the wisdom of the appointment, but in recording our congratulations to Canon Harris and our deep appreciation of his minis try our overriding sentiment is one of the loss we are sustaining. For the Remembrance Day service. Commander A.F.I. Attwell, formerly of the Chaplains Department of the S.A.D.F. conducted the service and his remarks were indeed pertinent. The School Band and Cadet Detachment under the direction of Major P.E. Metcalf, made an impressive showing and the many visitors spoke highly of their effort. The Carol Services in the fourth term were attended by packed congregations of visiting parents and friends of the School who paid ready tribute to Mr J.M. Harper, Director of Music and the members of the Choir. Theform of the service,especially the narrative linking the readings from the Bible and the carols was widely appreciated and D.J. Griffin as the narrator acquitted himself well. CHAPEL NOTES €S. srt m The Choir — 1974 KEARSNEY CHRONICLE 13
Especially toward the end of the year the School began to sing the hymns in the Chapel services with enthusiasm and this phenomenon is most welcome. During the year the connection with the Africa Enterprise Organisation was maintained in many visits to the School by Mr Vic Pearce and other members of the Team culminating in a most vigorous sermon on the last Sunday morning service of the year by Mr Michael Cassidy. It is a pleasure to record that a standing Chapel Committee has been established in which representatives of the boys preponderate and they have despatched the business of the Committee with impressive respectibility. This Committee reviews all matters relevant to the Chapel and its services and already a number of its recommendations have been gladly implemented. MAPI CAROL SERVICE - 1974Order of Service Organ Music:Christmas Choral Preludes byFlor Peeters and Cordon Phillips. (The congregation is asked to stand at the entrance ofthechoir) PROCESSIONAL CAROL: Once in the Royal David's City. (Choir only verses 1—3). PRAYERS Hymn: The advent of our King. 1st Lesson:"Man's disobedience and salvation." Reader; a junior chorister. 2nd Lesson:"Cod's promise to Abraham." Reader: a junior boy. Hymn: Behold the great Creator. 3rd Lesson: "Cod's promise fulfilled and the foretelling of the Messiah to come" Reader: a senior chorister. Hymn: The race that long in darkness pined. 4th Lesson: "The glory of Bethlehem foretold." Reader: a senior boy. Hymn: O Little Town. Carol: "The Sussex Carol."(arr. Willcocks). 5th Lesson: "The visitation of the Angel Gabriel." Reader: a Prefect. Carol: "Gabriel's Message." Jean Adams. Hymn: We praise Thee for the day. 6th Lesson: "The birth of Christ" Reader: a member of Staff. Carol:'The Nativity Carol." John Rutter. 7th Lesson: "The Shepherds go to the manger." Reader: the organist Offertory Hymn: Cod rest you merry, gentlemen. Carol: "The Angel and the shepherds."(Bohemian). 8th Lesson: "The wise men visit Jesus." Reader: The Headmaster. Hymn: As with gladness, men of old. 9th Lesson: "Saint John unfolds the mystery of the incarnation/ Reader: The Chaplain. Carol: "Unto us a boy is born."(arr. Willcocks) Hymn: O come all ye faithful. PRAYERS AND BENEDICTION Recessional hymn: Christians awake. Organ postlude: Choral prelude on "In duici jubilo" J.S. Bach. MAn DiS5 METHODIST CONFIRMATION CLASS,1974 Albers, Raoul; Barratt, Charles King; Bentley, Wayne; BIssett, Raymond Douglas; Boraine, Andrew; Braithwaite, Colin Arnold; Briggs, Peter Hall; Browne, Stuart Hart; Burt, David; Collingwood, William John; Couzyn,Paul; Dunlop,Gavin Robert; Goldman, Robert William Graham; Griffin, David James; Hagemann, Bernard John; Henry, Richard Anthony; Howieson,James Alexander; Hurly, Leslie Sean; Joliffe, Brian William; Joliffe, Gregory John; Mason, David Edward; Nieuwoudt, Anton Paul; Pomeroy Ward, Anthony Andr^; Preiss, Dennis Arthur; Rider, Andrew Geoffrey; Sievers, Frederic Siegfried Gustav; Small, Anthony Grant; Smith, Richard Anthony; Stannard, Keith West; Taylor, Kevin John; Taylor, William Mark; Theunissen, Barry Michael; Thomson,Gilbert David; Underwood, Richard Worthington; Wayne, Martin Leigh; Wells, Gary Vincent; Young, Andrew John. 14 KEARSNEY CHRONICLE
i »iJI 'Z£ ';3»' r- ■V DRAMATIC SOCIETY "Beware the Ides of March!' JULIUS CAESAR The production of 'Julius Caesar' as the Dramatic Society's presentation for 1974 started early on in 1973 and already, at that stage, the anticipation of another first class production was bui lding up. The casting of roles caused no headaches and Mr. Lewis-Williams' choice of Gary Muller as a Patrician Caesar, and of conspirators, Smyth, Green, Van Vuuren and Doidge so ably led into conspiracy by P.M. Crossley, proved rewarding. As usual Mr. Allen's (Brutus) perfor mance reached heights seldom seen at a school play. Comments from the gallery made one sense that the "bad" men stole the show! The triumvirs, (Griffin, Nathan and M. Hudson), aided by worthy tribunes (du Toit and Doidge) added a truly characteristic note to the presentation. As a spectator from the "gods", I could not help admiring the tremendous amount of work put in by every per former, whose appearance on the stage gave not the slightest hint of anxiety to the past months. Looking at those senators (Wells, Hawkins, Barrow, Bevis, Chaplin, Morgan and Pomare) composed and typical, one could not imagine that they had ever stood out of place. The realistic performances of the Soothsayer (Hift) and of Artemidorus (Small) and Cinna the Poet (Russell) made one anxious to join them in their earnest pleas. A major portion of the success of the play justly goes to the group of citizens led by McLuckie, so aptly illustrated the fact that freedom is relative. The programme contained the quotation by a student in Lisbon "Portugal is free!" In the light of our understanding of Portugal citizens we began to query what this freedom really meant. In a category on their own stand Mrs. Hawkins (Portia) and Mrs. Harper (Calphurnia), for, who but the most self-sacrificing could give up the amount of time they each devoted to performances when assailed by the hundred and one "chores" which are the lot of married women?. Indeed, to play these roles succesfully was a taxing one in view of the traditional El izabethan attitude towards female parts! And what of the backroom boys - the unseen (silent!) workers associated with make-up, lighting, set construction, costumes, booking arrangements, catering, packing and the various other activities all so necessary to keep the wheels turning. I am sure Mr. LewisWilliams is wholeheartedly with me when I say, "Without them the show couldn't have gone on". To Mr. Lewis-Williams himself, whose hair is a little thinner, I think since first I met him four years ago, but whose composure never alters (remarkably) once again Kearsney is grateful for another well-chosen, very ably interpreted and most successful performance. Mrs. P. Hope KEARSNEY CHRONICLE 15
HOUSE 1974 has been a good year for Finningley. The House has been well represented in most REPORTS spheres. The House s success can,to a large extent, be attributed to the balanced discipline and healthy spirit achieved by the prefects G. Muller (Head), A. Argall, P. Crossley and E Finningley Pomare. House Academic field H. Green, P. Matley and W. Schneeberger were awarded their Honours, while Q. Beningfield, L.T. Chaplin, P. Crossley, G. Muller and E. Pomare gained Colours. Einningley boys played a significant role in the Cultural sphere, filling three of the four leading parts in Julius Caesar. P. Crossley, D.Griffin and G.Muller portrayed the roles of Cassius, Anthony and Caesar respectively. P. Crossley and H. Green were awarded their Cultural Colours and P. Crossley was the joint winner of the Hanle Trophy. Mark Rich gained a Service Award. We again filled third place in the Annual Swimming Gala. In other sporting activities however, many Finningley boys excelled. Martin Rich and B. Lind gained Honours Awards for representing Natal Schools Athletic and Squash Teams respectively. S. du Toit earned his Natal Colours for Show Jumping and R. Hudson was reserve for the Natal Schools Shooting team. Finningley again won the Inter House Cricket Competition and the Jack Hulett Salver for the greatest representation in Cricket teams. D.K. Pearse won the Kings Cup for the Best All Rounder in the School. E. Pomare received his Colours for his selection as a Natal Schools Umpire. In Squash, Einningley dominated the scene with the following notable achievements: the 1st Squash team consisted entirely of Finningley boys!; Captain of Squash, R.E. Cox; Senior Champion, B. Lind; Junior Champion, G. van Rensburg. Most pleasing however, and the highlight of our sporting year was the winning of the Inter House Athletic Sports, the Oliver Pearce Trophy, after a lean period of five years. Our thanks are due to Mr. M. Myhill and A. Argall, House and School Athletic Captain, for the time and energy they devoted in creating interest in the House. This was borne out by our success in winning both the Christian Cup(Senior Cross-Country)and the Calder Cup(Junior Cross-Country). Our success was very much a team effort(e.g. The Tolken Cup for Relays) but notable individual performances include M. Briscoe for the Best 100 metres (Rolland Cup)and Runner-up in the U16 age group(More Cup); A. Chaplin for the Best Event, U16 age group(Les France Cup); M. Rich for the Best Open Event(Hulett Cup)and D. Heuer for the Runner-up, Open age group (Sulin Cup). Bible Studies were conducted in the House and were well attended and profitable to all. We thank, in particular, P. Matley and W. Schneeberger for organising these meetings. Finally, we wish all leavers the very best of luck for the future. R.D.B. Cillingham House Once again this report is written in the absence of the Housemaster, Mr D. Lewis-Williams, who is devoting nine months in England to a visit to Cambridge University for discussions of the usual wide range of archaeological topics. In his absence Mr R. Lamplough and Mrs Jeffreys, our tireless matron, have kept us all on our toes. We are hoping that next year our numbers will be increased by the arrival of Mr A. Friend, an English teacher from Kingsway Senior High School. In the meantime we congratulate Mr and Mrs Lamplough on the arrival of their second son. Eor the second year in succession, Gillingham amazed the experts by carrying off the Parkes inter-house scholastic trophy. If this success is repeated in 1975, it may safely be regarded as habitual. The Gillingham cricket team caught the school's attention with their bril l iant tactical manoeuvre of declaring at 13/0against Finningley in an effort to achieve an outright result. The fact that Finningley won the match and the Cup by a small but definite margin should in no way be allowed to detract from this exciting example of positive thinking. The swimming team was literally "pipped at the post" in the annual Gala, in which there were no drownings. There were likewise no casualties in the inter-house shooting competition — a tribute to the high standard of marksmanship — which was won by Gilling ham. Our athletes won the Standards Cup(in which every boy competes) but disappointed the huge crowd that turned out to watch Gillingham on Sports Day by finishing a notable third. It was then that we realised the truth of that wise old tag,"You can't win 'em all". Some individual achievements: Scholastic: R. Hift (academic honours); P. Ward, R. Henry, L. Rowley (academic colours); V. Martins (finalist in Maths Olympiad). 16 KEARSNEY CHRONICLE
Cultural: R. Hift (cultural colours) was instrumental in establishing the Forum group. M. Albers (colours and vice-captain), J. Smythe, D. Bates. M. Ellis-Cole (captain), D. Martin, P. Briggs, R. Nathan (colours, and Foss Bat for most improved and promising cricketer of the year). M. Ellis-Cole (Captain and Natal Schools captain), D. Martin (Natal Schools), D. Batchelor, A. Quinton, G. Blackboard, T.Ouwehand. L. Rowley (captain, colours and Natal Schools reserve), M. Lillelund, R. Henry, N.Chapman, B. Livsey. W. Bentley (winner of singles championship), P. Clemence, L. Rowley. G. Povall, R. Henry, B. McLeod. M. Lillelund(D&D,colours), L. Rowley(colours). L. Rowley(Natal Schools). L. Broodryk(colours. Natal Schools). E. Lundgren (Natal Schools, honours), R. Henry (colours), R. Downs,P. van der Pol, E. Hohls. Sportsman of the Year: E. Ellis-Cole. So another year has rolled into the annals, and the chattering of the matrics dies into history. They,with their cheerful prefects M. Albers, J. Smythe, P. Briggs and D. Bates, have left the stage to their successors and L. Rowley, R. Hift, L. Broodryk and T. Stranack. Our best wishes certainly go with them all. CB. Rugby: Cricket: Hockey: Water Polo: Tennis: Canoeing: Swimming: Life-saving: Athletics: Shooting: Some years in the life of a House stand out either because they saw exceptional achieve ments or because they were unusually crowded with events better forgotten. In neither respect has 1974 been memorable as far as Pembroke House is concerned. We have, indeed, had both our "ups" and our "downs" this year! Among the less pleasantfeatures of the year has been recurrent ill health. During June,many of our boys suffered severely from 'flu. Several members of the House,including staff, have had fairly serious illnessess — not least our well-loved matron who was away for the last fortnight of the school year. However,on the positive side, we have much to be thankful for. Most Pembroke boys have had a happy and profitable year under the benevolent control of the prefects (B.A. McLuckie, S.P. du Toit, K G. Daddy and G.A. Friend). Some of our boys have gained distinction in various spheres: F.G. Smyth was dux of the school, while fifth-formers M.A. Belfort, A.D.G. Hopkins and G.V. Wells and fourth-former J.H, Dienst were awarded colours for academic achievement; A.J. Leon received his colours for cultural activities, having distinguished him self in the realm of public speaking; boys who represented the province in sport include S.P. du Toit (athletics), M.A. Belfort (life saving), M.G. Wing (swimming), R.M. Pett (shooting) and both G.R. Bax & N.E. Smith (fencing). In a thrilling inter-house swimming gala, Pem broke just emerged victorious. The House was placed second in the athletic sports and in the inter-house academics contest. And so we could go on, noting the contribution made by Pembroke boys to all the activities of the school — scholastic, spiritual, sporting and social. Several staff changes occurred during the year. Mr Faber bought himself a house in the West Riding township and, after more than four years of association with the House, has now ceased to do house duties. The two resident masters have been relieved of some of their duties by Messrs Allen,Tennant,Tucker and Fish; also,during the second term,we had with us a student teacher, Mr Jackson, whom we look forward to welcoming as a permanent member of the staff in 1975. To all these gentlemen who have helped to look after the boys of Pembroke House, our thanks are due. P.E.M. Pembroke House There have been a few changes in the house this year. At the beginning of the third term JuFliOF Mr. F. Cocks arrived as Assistant Housemaster. However, as if to confirm the theory that House bachelors don't last long at Kearsney, he became engaged at the end of the year. KEARSNEY CHRONICLE 17