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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Cover pictures: Bird & Leeney and P. Emanuel. Frontispiece: Bird & Leeney and Rossenrode Photography. Official groups by Photo Hein. Line drawings by members of the College. Other photographs from Bird & Leeney, B. Botha,P. Emanuel,Highway Photographers, M.J. Nicholson,Photo Hein,R.W.Lamplough, Rossenrode Photography,M. Rouillard,W.B.Schumann. Printed by TIME PRINTERS Editor: R.Lamplough Old Boys'Section: D. Beatty.


■V. TH A m -7) m ^^m&m STAFF 1976 Back: A.M. Arthur. A.J. Friend, W.B. Schumann, B.G. Williams, I..P. 7Maynu2n, C.D. Diedericks, L. Kassier, M. Vassard B.W. Tucker, T.G. Allen, C.C. Broster, M.S. Mossom. Centre: P.M.W. Tennant, A.M. Bromley-Gans, M.J.deBeer, M.A. Thiselton, Mrs F.Y. Dibh, Mrs H. Gibson, Mrs R.J. MacCallum, A.R.Harris, M.J.Nicholson, R.W. Lamptough, M.E. Myhill, F.D.P. Cocks. Front: R.L. Irons, M.B. Martin, C.E.Jeannot, J.D. Lewis-Williams, R.D. Blamey, J.W. Storm, the Headmaster, P.E. Metcalf, K.G. Fish, J.J,. Hall, A.R.C. Townshend, D.C. Alletson, J.M. Harper. fat:Rlt.n-'l 1: '%"3l" ■ . ■ ■? -• ■■ WL-- !.■? . ■ • .1 *- r :-i^s0Sis la-v....v<« »■»'■ t"ysafc£y'"..'45ir. vi-.-*.T.«;ijg8giiffle, v x; "ix® ■K HI M* mm * m ■ m 9^mt, mm. f'^« %• w»m PREFECTS 1976 Top: Centre: Front: M. Gebers, K. Palmer, L. Hurly. K. Stannard, P. Brandon, E. Rainey, G. Lurie, J. Rich, D. P'rancois. B. Hagemann, S. Gdhre, B. McLoed (Headboy), the Headtnaster, F. Davidtz, B. Shuker, G. Bax.

3k cou.c<;e i' In the past year, the situation in Southern Africa has become increasingly unstable. In Angola, Russian-armed Cubans helped the MPLA to initial victory but the civil war flares again from time to time. In Rhodesia, the terrorist war has been extended, with the opening up of new fronts and the intensification of action along the old.. In Mozam bique, the Marxist government appears to be tackling growing disenchantment at home by increasing its sabre-rattling and involving itself more and more in Rhodesia. In South West Africa, the Turnhalle talks and SWAPO raids have been conducted pretty well simultaneously. And in South Africa, isolated terrorist attacks have occurred against background of spreading unrest in the sprawling Black to-wnships which fringe every major city. The immediate prospect for the sub-continent is bleak. What is the function of a school,and especially of a church school,in such a situa tion? A school, perhaps more than any other institution, is primarily concerned with the future. No matter how well-rooted, or even hide-bound, in tradition it may be, the reason for the very existence of every school is preparation for the future. How then, with the future dark, does a school fulfil its purpose? A partial answer can be found in the British war-time slogan, "Business as usual" Without question, the immediate duty of every place of learning in a land beset with danger and difficulty is to proceed with its natural task as if the future were clear and untroubled. Our ordinary day-to-day responsibilities of preparing pupils for next week's test, for next term's examination, for next year's job, must continue as before. This is our appointed task and we must stick to it until we are given another. There is, however, a danger in this line of reasoning. By the very discipline of doing business as usual, we can persuade ourselves that "since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they \vere", when it is patently untrue.'Business as usual', then,can only be a limited objective. We need something more far-reaching. When a country is at war, or near war, one of the very first casualties, and generally unmourned, is Truth. Even in peacetime, men have a tendency to fear truth, to obscure or suppress it, often for the benefit.of the prominent. Yet the avowed goal of any seat of learning is the pursuit of truth. Here then is a worthwhile aim for a school like Kearsney in times like the present. In spite of the difficulties(and they will be many) let us devote ourselves to seeking out and proclaiming the truth. It was the Roman governor Pilate who asked,"What is truth?" He did not have the advantage of the apostle John's description of"the only begotten son of the Father, full of grace and truth," but he did stand face to face with the man who had made the extraordinary claim, "I am the Truth."; the man who had promised his disciples, "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." But the same man, Jesus of Nazareth, made discipleship conditional; and the condition was that the disciple conti nued "in my word". He pointed out also that "he whom God hath sent speaketh the words ofGod." We are led, therefore, to the conclusion that any search for truth must take us to the word of God. Experience shows that only in that Word will we find light in the present darkness.Only there are we able to discover the real reason for current problems. Only there are we to obtain some reliable notion of our planet's future. Only there are we able to learn of the saving mission of the Lord Jesus Christ and of the real and prac tical hope of the Gospel he preached. There are many who are ignorant of these things. What more noble purpose could a church school have, especially in times of distress and fear, than to proclaim the truth of the Bible? EDITORIAL WHAT'S TO BE DONE?

SCHOOL NOTES This year we welcomed the new Headmaster, Mr Colin Silcock and Mrs Silcock. They have very quickly made themselves part of the Kearsney family. New also this year were Messrs A.B. Harris, W.B. Schumann and M. Vassard to the teaching staff and Mrs Havemann as matron ofPembroke. During the year Miss F. Pratt was appointed to the catering staff and Mr A.M. Arthur as teacher-librarian. To all these new members we wish a long and happy association with Kearsney. Without question the most important event of the year was the opening of the J.H. Hopkins Library/Resources Centre, as reported elsewhere in this issue. It is hard now, after a mere four months, to imagine what we did without it. To all those who made it possible Kearsney is deeply indebted. Our whole community was saddened at the death in April of Mrs Avice Thiselton. The wife of a member of the teaching staff, Mrs Thiselton had endured a long illenss with marvellous fortitude and had for many years made a valuable contribution to the life of the school. Our deep sympathy goes to Mr Thiselton, Michael and David in their loss. Later in the year, we noted with regret also the deaths of Sister Attlee, a former member of the domestic staff, and of Mrs Sudbury, widow of a former Chairman of the Board ofGovernors. At the beginning of the year Mr C.C. Broster returned to Kearsney with his bride, and at mid-year Mr Harris was married. By the time this appears in print Mr Vassard also will be paying tuppence for the proverbial penny bun.To these gentlemen we offer our congratulations and we welcome their ladies to Kearsney, wishing them great happiness in their new lives. Other lives on the Hill have been irremediably changed by the safe arrival of Geoffrey Allen, Claire Myhill and Shaun Nicholson. Our congratulations to their parents. A late item of news is of double interest, as it involves not only the son of members of staff but also an Old Boy of the College. In November, Lt. Chris Milbank was awarded the bronze Honoris Crux for exceptional bravery in the operational area. Lt. Milbank is the second son of Mr and Mrs Don Milbank, both of the staff. As usual, members of the College have distinguished themselvesin a variety of ways and these successes are reported in the appropriate sections of the Chronicle. It is sufficient here to mention only a few of the highlights. Mr M.A. Thiselton has retained his Natal Veterans squash title for the third year in succession. Alan Guthrie and Digby Quested reached the second round of the Maths Olympiad and Richard Underwood was chosen to attend the Youth Science Fortnight in London. Kevin Palmer fenced for South African Schools in Israel and Nick and Mark Maritz were'chosen for a South African Schools polo side. In June we said goodbye to Mr and Mrs R.J. Crawford. We wish them a happy and useful retirement. At the end of the year we bade farewell to Mr and Mrs M.J. Nicholson and Mrs Havemann. We are grateful to them all for what they have done for Kearsney. t- • ,i ftr - f 11 KtfAAjwnf Catu.Gee mi (£1

1.S ■ 4 The annual speech day and prize-giving was held on September 22nd, 1976. The guest speaker was Mr C.S. Barlow,chairman of Barlow Rand. After the Chaplain had opened with reading and prayer, the acting Chairman of the Board of Governors welcomed the guest speaker and other guests and introduced the Headmaster,Mr E.C.W. Silcock. HEADMASTER'S REPORT The Headmaster presented a brief report, observing that a detailed account of the school's activities was to be found in the Kearsney Chronicle and CarpeDiem. He reported that at a combined Methodist and Anglican confirmation service over eighty new members had been admitted and that the Chaplain had introduced a new programme of religious education. He described the facilities which were available in the new library complex and some of the maintenance problems which had been tackled in the older buildings. Moving to the life of the boys,the Headmaster reported on the 1975 N.S.C. results and, commenting of the value of a broad education as exemplified by the societies and clubs in the school, paid tribute to the work of the academic staff both inside and outside the classroom. Mr Silcock reviewed the College's performances in sport and observed that cricket was becoming extremely expensive.He believed that generally more dedication and concentration was needed in Kearsney's sport. He concluded by paying tribute to the often unseen contribution of the administra tive staff, who did so much towards the smooth running of the school. GUEST SPEAKER Dr Shuker then introduced Mr Barlow, who,after presenting the prizes, warned the leavers that they faced many great challenges. Speaking of the need for leaders in commerce and industry with ambition and drive, he said that a university education was not essential for achievement in these fields. Turning to the question ofSouth Africa's Black population, he pointed out that a very small proportion was qualified to provide any sort of responsible leadership. There was an urgent need, he said, to create a stable middle class among the Africans and to let them run their own affairs. Mr Barlow referred also to the growing Russian interest in Southern Africa and pointed out that it was essential for Whites to remain in South Africa. He closed by noting with regret that patriotism was outmoded. Headboy Bruce McLeod then made a presentation to Mr Barlow on behalf of the boys ofthe College. SPEECH DAY

DUX of the school, JONATHAN DIEST, receives several prizes from Mr C.S. Barlow on Speech Day wm (a*- A group of prize winners Speech Day guests chat over tea

Examination Results 1976 (Subjects in which a distinction(80% +)was awarded appear in brackets.) NATAL SENIOR CERTIFICATE WITH MATRICULATION EXEMPTION G.L. Astrup, C.K. Barratt, G.C. Bax, D.K. Birkett, R.J. Brading, P.E. Brandon,M.M.Brokensha, M.A.C. Cheze, R.H. Clacey, F.C. Davidtz, N.J. Dibb, J.H. Dienst (Maths &Phys Sc.), M.J. Eglington,D.G. Francois,M.H, Gebers, S.W. Gohre, A.J. Green, A.J. Guthrie, LA. Howarth, L.S. Hurly, G.D. Jefferson, C.B. Jennings, H.C. Latt, G.H. Lurie (Eng, Hist & Agg), J.P. McLean, B.G. McLeod, J.S.L. Montgomery, G.M. Pearson, G.C. Pitcher, A.A. Pomeroy-Ward, M.C. Purchase, E.B. Rainey (Phys Sc), C.I. Richards, A.G. Rider, M.P. Roberts, I.G.M. Shuker, F.S.G. Sievers, R.A. Smith, K.W. Stannard, M.C. Stead,K.J. Taylor,G.D.Thomson, R.W. Underwood, M.G. van Niekerk (Eng), G.J. van Rensburg, G.R. Weineck, M.G. Wing, C.J. Witherspoon. NATALSENIOR CERTIFICATE R. Albers, R.C. Beaton, L.W. Bester, C.A. Braithwaite, M.A. Briscoc, C.L. Butler, P.J. Chick, K.S.P. Clarkson, L-E. Clarkson, P.T. Clemence, M.Coutsicos,P. Couzyn, B.L. Ellis, M.O. Gerritsen, P.C.J. Goodall, J.P. GryUs, B.J. Hagemann, A.S. Jackson, G.J. Jollife, B.J. Laidlaw, P.O. Leach, M.C. Logan, S.P. Massabo, N.P. Murray, P.D. Nash, A.P. Nieuwoudt, R.N.Parkinson,D.A.Preiss, G.C. Rail, G.I. Rich, J.M. Rich, T.N. Rielly, M.J. Saunders, P.J.M. Smith, R.C. Swadling, P.V. Veldman, W.D. Vogel,S.G. Wiercx. AWARDS 1976 COLOURS: ATHLETICS: E. Hohls, M. Selby, M. Feinauer, P. Markram, R. van Loo, M. Briscoe, C. Jollands, N.Parkinson,P. Alcock. CROSS-COUNTRY:P. Markram. SHOOTING: M.Stead SQUASH:G.van Rensburg. TENNIS:P. Clemence. HOCKEY:P. Alcock, C. Jennings, P. Pearse,K.Taylor. RUGBY: G. Bax, M. Briscoe, J. Bush, B. Hagemann, I. Howarth,F.Sievers,P. Veldman. CRICKET: B. Hagemann, I. Howarth, M. Logan, P. Pearse,P. Nash (umpire). WATER POLO:C. Jollands, P. Walker. ACADEMIC: (Form IV): A.R. Dienst, E.S. Jordan. (Form V): P.M. Alcock, M.D. Bentley, J.B. Clarke, P. den Hoed, J.D. Dixon, K.P.E. Guy,G.D. Jennings,J.C. Jollands, S.J. Kidgell, D.R. Matley, D.J. Quested, W.J.C. ScuUy,M.Taylor. HONOURS: CROSS COUNTRY:P. Markram. SHOOTING:M.Stead. SQUASH:G. van Rensburg. ACADEMIC:D.J. Quested. SWIMMING:M.G.Wing. CRICKET: B.Hagemann SPECIAL AWARDS: CROSS COUNTRY: U.I3 Individual winner: M.Waddilove. U.15 Individual winner(Calder Cup):B.Craig. U.13 Interhouse: Finninglcy. U.I5 Interhouse (M.W.A. Fourie Trophy): Finningley. Senior Interhouse(Christian Cup):Gillingham. SHOOTING: Junior Champion (Ernest Ashby Memorial Cup): N. Michel-Smith. Highest average during year (Ivan Bjorkman Cup): M.C. Stead. Senior Champion (Ken Trotter Shield): M.C, Stead. Interhouse(Derek Robbins Cup): Pembroke. SQUASH: Most improved player (Carrington Cup): H.G. Foster. Junior Champion(Negus Cup): R.J. Hudson. Senior Champion (Old Boys Trophy): G.J. van Rens burg. CRICKET: Most improved Cricketer(Foss Bat): B. Shuker. Best all rounder in First Team(Kings Trophy): B. Hage mann. House providing greatest number of players in all divisions(Jack Hulett Salver): Finningley. Interhouse Trophy: Finningley. Special cricket awards: M. Logan for an undefeated century (against D.H.S.) B. Hagemann for taking 7 wickets for 24 runs(against D.H.S.) TENNIS: Junior Singles (George Hulett Trophy): R. Hudson. Senior Singles(Polkinghome Cup): P. Clemence. SPORTSMAN OF THE YEAR:B. Hagemann. EDWIN HENWOOD TROPHY FOR LEADERSHIP: I. Shuker. RECOGNITION OF SERVICE AWARDS: P.J. Chick, C.E. Foster,E. Hohls,G.T. Stewart. HINDSON MEMORIAL PRIZE FOR ENGLISH LITE RATURE:M.A.C. Cheze. DR RICHTER PRIZE FOR AFRIKAANS: P. Couzyn. BEN MILNER'PRIZE FOR BIOLOGY: A.J. Guthrie. PATRICK MOORE MEMORIAL SHIELD AND PRIZE FOR PHYSICAL SCIENCE:E.B. Rainey. S.B. THEUNISSEN MEMORIAL PRIZE FOR PER SEVERANCE:J.M. Rich. HEADMASTER'S PRIZE FOR SPECIAL SERVICE: B.G. McLeod GEORGE McLEOD MEMORIAL ESSAY PRIZE: G.W. Martin. WILLIAM ANDSUSAN JONES PRIZE FOR ENGLISH: G.H. Lurie. HISTORY:G.H. Lurie HANLE TROPHY (CULTURAL ACTIVITIES): G.H. Lurie. ALLETSON-SMITH AWARD FOR MATHEMATICS: J.H. Dienst. INTERHOUSE SCHOLASTIC TROPHY:Finningley. DUX OF THESCHOOL:J.H. Dienst. vrf \

OBITUARY MRS. AVICE THISELTON ! % m As a member of the Kearsney College community, Mrs Thiselton was well loved. She had a rare quality of having a loving concern for all with whom she came in contact. Mrs. Thiselton was an active member of the gardens committee where she helped re-organise and beautify the College grounds. Her great knowledge of flowers and shrubs helped to keep the gardens filled at all seasons. The Kit Shop was another area in which Mrs Thiselton showed her concern. Here she met and befriended many new parents trying to keep pace with their sons growing needs. Always cheerful and helpful, Mrs Thiselton rendered good service. During her long illness she remained active and serene. Her bedside became a meeting place for many friends who shared with her her love of God. All can testify to the living faith in the Lord Jesus Christ which Mrs. Thiselton revealed and shared as her earthly life drew to a close. Stella Fish. VALETE JACK CRAWFORD It was in January 1965 that Mr R.J. Crawford took up his appointment as VicePrincipal of Kearsney. He, with his wife and two daughters, had recently returned to South Africa after twenty seven years of service to education in what is now Zambia. During this period, he had taught in several Northern Rhodesian schools before becoming the first Headmaster of the Llewellin High School at Ndola in 1956. He led an active life there, not only as a sportsman who achieved distinction in tennis, cricket and golf, but also in various aspects of community service. The Rotary Club, the Youth Council, the Wild Life Society, the N.R. Heads of High Schools Association and the N.R. Schools Exploration Society were some of the organisations with which he was involved. Kearsney was thus fortunate in acquiring the services of Jack Crawford, a man of considerable experience in matters related to education in the broadest sense. It was also fortunate in that Jack already had a deep affection for the College and a personal know ledge of its traditional character because he was himself a Kearsney Old Boy. After six years at the "Old School" near Stanger, where he distinguished himself in the classrooms as well as on the sportsfields, Jack matriculated in 1933 and was Dux of the College in that year. He went on to the University of Cape Town where he obtained a degree in Latin and History and qualified as a teacher before joining the Northern Rhodesian Education Department in 1938. JACK CRAWIORD 10

It soon became evident, in 1965, that Jack Crawford was a valuable addition to the Kearsney staff. He undertook a full teaching programme as well as a large variety of administrative duties. In addition, he was in charge of the tennis and,under his guidance and spurred by his enthusiasm, the Kearsney tennis team won the coveted Brian Denness trophy for the first time. A committed Christian, Jack shared fully in the work of the Chapel and was Secretary to the Quarterly Meeting. He also became a member of the Executive Committee of the Old Boys' Club. But perhaps the most important contribu tion that Jack made to Kearsney was in the sphere of personal relationships. His friendly nature made it easy for boys and staff alike to consult him about their diffi culties, and his wise counsel was readily given. The entire College community was thus deeply distressed when,in March of 1972, Jack Crawford was taken seriously ill at his office desk. During the weeks that followed, while he was being treated in the intensive care unit of a Durban hospital, boys and staff met regularly to pray for his recovery. Gradually, Jack's health returned. With remark able faith, courage and cheerfulness — and with the devoted help of his wife - Jack slowly learnt to walk and to write again. Although he had relinquish his post as VicePrincipal, it was a great joy to Jack, and to the College, when,eventually, he was able to assume duty as our librarian. To this new undertaking, Jack Crawford gave the same meticulous attention that he had given to his previous tasks, and he delighted in the renewed opportunities of contact with the boys which the librarianship offered. It was thus with sadness that he decided to resign his appointment at the end of June 1976. For all that Jack Crawford has meant to Kearsney, we give thanks. P.E.M. M.J. NICHOLSON M.J. Nicholson joined the Mathematics Department as a teacher in 1971. He showed very quickly that he was a teacher of great enthusiasm, with a gift for under standing boys and the ability to help them overcome their difficulties. In particular in Form II he has done outstanding work and has set many of his pupils on their way to a sound grasp of his subject, together with an appreciation of its applications in topics outside the school syllabus. Outside the classroom he has taken an active part in junior rugby and cricket. He has guided the activities of the Forum, which he was instrumental in starting a few years ago, and more recently he has been responsible for the formation and encouragement of the Junior Scientific Society. Both these societies have been very popular and his efforts have been greatly appreciated. Mike Nicholson is the best type ofschoolmaster, and his resignation on his appoint ment to the staff of Hilton College means a great loss to all sides of life at Kearsney, but we understand his desire as a Hiltonian, to return to his old school. D.C.A. MIKE NICHOLSON

CHAPEL NOTES Regular worship is an essential aspect of the School's being. It would be too sanguine to say that the Chapel is the heart of the School;nevertheless its activities bulk large. The special events have been well supported by parents and visitors and we have been well served by the guest preachers. During the year the President ofthe Conference twice led worship in the Chapel and was the ornament ofa larger company from Durban and District who graciously accepted the invitation. Members of the School, both Staff and boys, have led services and this participation fully accords with our being a School under the aegis ofthe Methodist Conference. Warmest thanks are due to thC'ladies, organised by Mrs Silcock, who week by week make themselves responsible for the floral decorations in the Chapel. This is a wonderful service which must not be taken for granted. The ladies who give of their talent in this way are assured of the deep appreciation of us all, including visitors who frequently remark upon the arrangements. It is a pleasure to note that the boys' singing of the hymns has vastly improved during this year past. Congregational practices have been held several Sunday evenings in a term,and the Headmaster has taken the closest interest in the singing.He has enthusias tically co-operated with Mr Harper in getting the boys to sing not only with gusto but also with awareness of what is being sung. This is a most welcome development and we hope that it will again become characteristic of Kearsney that the singing in Chapel is warm and eager. Confirmation For some years the Chaplain has desired that boys who wish to be confirmed as full members of the Church should receive instruction together and not in separate groups as either Methodist or Anglican. This year saw the fulfilment of that plan and over 80 boys during the course of three terms met in small groups drawn from both denominations. Equally happy was that the leadership of these eleven groups was supplied largely by members of Staff and our warmest thanks are expressed to the following for their valuable and faithful support: Mr and Mrs E.C.W. Silcock, Messrs P.E. Metcalf, K.G. Fish, J.M. Harper, C.C. Broster, A.J. Friend, M.J. Nicholson. Mr J. Gavin of the Hillcrest School also graciously assisted. Mr J.D. Lewis-Willaims served as 'substitute' instructor from time to time. On the 17th October, 1976, the climax of the instruction issued in the presence in the Chapel of over 300 parents and friends when the President of the L-SJS-.'r 1^: It ^.sa.v. mi' .«%•. ? -t' sf -1| "SL. "fc t aaBi '."*1 'M mmm |—m| ■i Ml A ^ M * mm ♦4 wSmm^Si FB xmm. K rssj! _ i M A) % m a'llC#4 CHOIR Top: A. Whitfield, A. Howard, C. Newing, R. van Noordwyk, T. Rist, S. Fripp, M. Dukes. Centre: A. Barratt, P. Butterworth, H. Welsh, D. Heath, S. Armstrong, R. Smith, D. Flottow, S. Lutz, A. Weyers. Front: I. Doidge, J. Varker, A. Passmore, J. Harper, P. Hulley, B. McMillan, B. Main. 12

Conference and the Bishop of Natal respectively received and confirmed into the full membership ofthe Church. They were associated with each other in their respective acts and this is clear evidence of the will of the denominations to come into ever closei relations on the road to full unity. The Revd Hugh Atherstone, Anglican priest of the Hillcrest Chapelry and the Chaplain judge that the whole enterprise succeeded worthily and hope that this example may be followed elsewhere. The following is the list of those who were received into full membership and confirmed.Readers will note that 4 girls are included and they were welcomed especially by the leaders and boys of the groups in which they were included: Anderson, S.T.G.; Auret, C.D; Beaton, Miss E.; Beaton, Miss K.; Beckett, M.C.; Bell, T.M.; Berge, B.N.; Brand, M.A.; Brokensha, G.L.; Browning, A.J.; Calitz, M.C.: Cato, Miss L.; Chapman, A.E.; Clarke, J.B.; Corbeth, T.A.; Craig, B.R.; Deenik, L.Z.; Dennison, R.A.C.; de Villiers, K.; Dicks, J.L.; Dienst, A.R.; Dowse, K.R.; Dowson, G.B.; Drury, D.P.; Ewin,C.J.; Egeland, E.R.; Fargher, E.C.; Feinauer, M.; Fenn, A.C.; Findlay, G.; Fish, Miss F.; Foster, C.F.; Friend, W.S.; Gebers, C.W.; Goodall, J.P.S.; Gooderson, R.P.; Grant, A.G.; Grant, R.S.; Green, G.R.; Gribble, L.M.; Grohovaz, A.J.; Guy, K.P.F.; Hagemann, B.K.; Hall, G.N.; Harding, C.; Hewitt, S.G.; Hobbs, N.W.; Holdcroft, C.J.; Holliday, K.G.; Hopkins,C.; Hulley, P.J.; Jones, R.M.; Kelly, H.R.; Kidgell, S.; Lindeyer, M.T.; Logan, M.B.; Luck, G.A.; Martin, G.W.; Mason, C.A.; Miller, A.R.; Munro, A.; Owen,D.L.; Passmore, A.R.; Patient, S.M.; Pons, D.J.; Rattray, C.S.; Rich, B.L; Riding, P.C.; Rouillard, M.R.; Sievers, P.; Shone, H.W.; Shuker, B.G.; Smit,P.J.; Stone, G.; Temlett, K.M.; Underwood,M.W.; van Dokkum, N.; van Wyk, M.K.; Voysey, R.; Waddingham, D.; Welshman, R.M.; Whitfield, G.H.; Whiting, B.G.; Wilmot, H.J.; Wright, K.A. Year-end The Remembrance Day service was conducted by the Chaplain and the guest preacher was the Revd. Stanley Russell, Chaplain in the S.A.D.F., presently at Voortrekkerhoogte. The Army authorities kindly authorised Mr Russell's visit and this is appreciated, especially as Mr Russell's two sons, Glynn and Mark are Old Boys of this College. For some years now a Christmas gift hamper has been presented to the Black Staff members of the College. Over the years the size and cost of the hampers has increased beyond the capacity of the Poor Fund and the donation from the Board. Thus appeal has been made to the boys for voluntary donations. It is gratifying to be able to record that this year they have contributed R280, which is almost three-fifths of the costs involved. All the Housemasters and the head boys of the respective Houses are thanked most cordially for this splendid gesture toward the servants of the College who enable and maintain our comfort. CAROL SERVICES Our annual Carol Services took place on November 26 & 28, the College Chapel being gratifyingly full for both services. The singing of both choir and congregation matched the occasion,the choir singing confidently, musically and with a sparkle often missing on these awe-inspiring occasions. Staff ladies had gone to a lot of trouble to make the Chapel look attractively seasonal — in fact, a great deal of work had gone in to make the services meaningful and effective. 13

The details of the Carol Service appear below,the readers for it being: Junior chorister: H.D. Welsh & l.A. Doige. Junior boy: C.Zerf & A.R. Baker Senior chorister: P. Hulley & A.R. Passmore. Senior boy: P. den Hoed. Head prefect; B. McLeod Member of Staff: Mr M.Nicholson Organist: Mr J. Harper Headmaster: Mr C. Silcock Chaplain: the Rev. M.Martin Order of Service Organ Music: A Christmas Pastoral, B. Luard-Selby. Interlude on "Winchester Old." Ivan Langstroth. "At Christmas-tide".C.V.Stanford. PROCESSIONAL HYMN: O come,O come Immanuel DEPARTURE" PRAYERS ls( Lesson: Man's disobedience and salvation Reader; (A J unior chorister). Carol: Corde Natus. (arr. David Willcocks). 2nd Lesson: God's promise to Abraham. Reader; a junior boy. Hymn: The adveni ofour King. 3rd Lesson; God's promise lulTilled, and the fore telling of the Messiah to come. Reader; A senior chorister. Carol: The'Sans'Day carol, (arr. John Rutter). Hymn: Hark the glad sound the Saviour comes Carol: The Birds. (Bohemian) 4th Lesson: The glory of Bethlehem foretold. Reader; A senior boy. Hymn: 0 little town of Bethlehem. 5th Lesson: The visitation of the Angel Gabriel. Reader; a prefect. Carol: OahrieTs Message. John Harper. Hymn: Love came down at Christmas. 6th Lesson: The birth of Christ. Reader; a member of Staff. Carol: "Myn I.yking". Richard Terry. Hymn: Once in Royal David's City. 7th Lesson: The shepherds go to the manger. Reader; The Organist. Carol: "Quittez pasteurs". John Rutter. Offertory hymn: While shepherds watched their llocks. 8th Lesson: The wise men visit Jesus. Reader; The Headmaster. Fantasia on Christmas Carols; "Christmas Day". Gustav Hoist. Hymn: As with gladness, men of old. 9th Lesson: St. John unfolds the mystery of the in carnation. Reader; The College Chaplain. Hymn: O come all ye faithful. PRAYERS AND BENEDICTION Recessional hymn; morn. Organ postlude; Pritchard. Christmas awake, salute the happy Choral prelude on "Dix". Arthur cc OO o 14

f DRAMATIC SOCIETY Snipe (P. Akock) is restrained by P/O Barlow (M. Eglington) while Hillbrook (S. Gohrejand Higgins (D. pyancoisj look on. "MORNING DEPARTURE" A stirring tale of courage in the face of death; a chronicle of the naval service in the Second World War; an expose of careless officialdom in its wood-panelled tower — "Morning Departure" is all of these. Located for the most part in a doomed submarine on the floor of the English Channel, the play is tense, suffocating and disturbing. Inter mittent scenes in the offices ashore serve as a commentary,at times ironic, on the dedi cation and self-sacrifice of the men below. It is a demanding play to produce and stage, and Kearsney's effective production deserved a high degree of praise. In the submarine, taut self-control battles against rising hysteria among the crew. Mr T.G. Allen in the role of Stanford,commander of the vessel, projected a compassion and assurance that well suited the part he had to play. It was in the card-dealing scene, by which the sailors draw lots in an attempt to escape before the oxygen expires, that all the characters stood out best. The officers Manson (Jonathan Dienst), Oakley(Graeme Lurie) and Mc Fee (Michael Cheze), were subdued and dignified; Barlow (Mark Egling ton) was confident; Hillbrook (Sven Gohre) and Marks (Colin Foster) submissive; and the chirpy Higgins (Daryl Francois) provided the well-timed light relief. Stoker Snipe (Paul Alcock), in an intense performance, yells out his panic and frustration, and stumbles from the stage only to become the first of the casualties in a mounting wave of disaster. It is in contrast to this that the closing scenes ofcourage and acceptance are so effective. On the other hand, the "scenes behind the scenes" were, to my mind, rather less convin cing. Perhaps they lacked pace, perhaps they were too static, perhaps they were simply not as tightly written, but there was no doubt that the youthful actors in the parts of Gates(Richard Beer), Whately (Paul Riding), Fenton (Digby Quested), Marshall(Kevin Guy)and Brackley (Rob Haveman) did their best to extract the full amount of tension and conflict from the script, whether raging on their telephones, toying with their pencils or slipping off for an inappropriate game of golf. Thanks are due to Mr B.W. Tucker for his assistance with this aspect of the production, together with our customary congratulations to producer Mr J.D. Lewis-Williams for his thorough and talented training of the cast. Once again he has provided an evocative and dramatic evening's entertainment. Our grateful thanks go also to the many helpers who eased the producer's burden and made important contributions to the show. C.B. 15

HOUSE REPORTS Finningley -'X FRANCOIS DAVIDTZ At the beginning of the year we saw the arrival of Mr Vassard to Finningley; unfortunately we now have to say goodbye to him as he is due to be married during the holidays. We wish him and his wife-to-be every happiness. We are also sorry to see the departure of Mr Myhill who has beem in the House for four years. He and his wife now have two new interests in the form of a baby boy and and girl. The"House is very grate ful for his interest and enthusiasm, especially on the Athletics track. The House ran exceptionally smoothly this year thanks to the understanding yet firm leadership of the four prefects, Francois Davidtz(Head of House), Bernard Hagemann,Graham Lurie and John Rich. This has been a bumper year for Finningley both on the sports field and in the classroom. D. Quested (5th Form) is to be congratulated on receiving his Academic Honours, as is lain Shuker on being awarded the Edwin Henwood Trophy, and the House as a whole on winning the Parkes Inter-House Scholastic Trophy. Graham Lurie received both Academic and Cultural Colours, besides winning the Hanle Trophy, and John Rich,who captained the School Athletics team,received the prize for perseverance. In the 5th Form, Academic Colours were awarded to D. Bentley, K. Guy, C. Jollands and D. Matley. Our Athletics team won the Inter-House meeting convincingly with R. van Loo and B. Craig each breaking two records. These two boys, together with R. Hudson, M. Briscoe, M.Waddilove and R. Sma. received trophies. By winning the InterHouse Standards Trophy, the Relay Cup and the Inter-House Cross-Country competi tion,Finningley stamped its authority on the Athletics track. B.Craig was selected torun for the Natal under-15 cross country team and M. Briscoe for Natal Schools. These two, with Jollands, were awarded their Athletics Colours. Our win in the Athletics compensates for our usual third (and last!) place in the Swimming Gala. We did, however, win the Jollands Inter-House Standards Trophy;D. McEwen received the Spargo Cup for the runner-up for the best performance of the day, as well as his Colours, as did C. Jollands who won the trophy for the best under-16 individual swimmer. In Squash, too, Finningley was well represented: G. van Rensburg and R.Hudson won the Senior and Junior Championships respectively. Van Rensburg was chosen to represent Natal Schools and was awarded his Honours. It is interesting to note that Finningley has had the Senior Squash Champion and Squash Captain for the last three years. R. Hudson is also the Junior Tennis Champion. Finningley filled first place in the inter-house hockey competition with P. Pearse being awarded his Colours. We also played a prominent part in cricket, having seven boys in the 1st XI, which helped us to win the Hulett Salver. Finningley also won the inter-house Cricket Competition. B. Shuker won the Foss Bat for the most improved player and Hagemann, besides being selected to play for the Natal Mynahs at the beginning of the year, was also awarded the Best All-rounder Trophy and was selected in December to represent Natal Schools. P. Pearse and M.Logan received their Colours. M. Briscoe, who attended Craven Week as a member of the Natal Schools Rugby team, received his Rugby Colours. John Bush, an Australian Rotary Exchange Student, like most Australians, enjoyed the "rough and tumble" of rugby and was awarded his Colours for playing a prominent part in the 1st XV. Unfortunately he missed much of the season owing to injury. Finningley is very proud of Bernard Hagemann who,besides being Captain of Cricket and Rugby, was awarded his Colours for both these sports and was also the Sportsman of the Year. N. Maritz is to be congratulated on being selected to play for the South African Schools Polo Team. R. van Loo did well to gain selection as a reserve for the Natal Schools Fencing team. Finally, we thank all leavers, staff members and boys, for their contribution to the activities of the House and we wish them every success in the future. 16

There have been no staff changes this year. Mr Broster left the house when he married at the end of last year, but he was continued to do his valuable duty every Tues day night, making the house appear more homely with his cheerful presence. We also owe a debt of gratitude to the energetic and bustling Sister Burrows for looking after us every bit as well as our mothers do.Wesincerely hope that she enjoys her much deserved overseas holiday. Our general factotum, James Ntlanyana, was injured in a road accident recently, and, more important to him, his bicycle was written off. He soon recovered from his injuries and he was delighted when the boys of the house presented him with a bicycle to replace the one he had lost. Pembroke reversed the results of the interhouse swimming gala and we congratulate them on toppling us from first place. In athletics we have moved up one place, coming second. I have not the slightest doubt that next year Gilliangham will continue to progress, moving into first place. The important thing, however,is that the boys did the best they were capable of. With the installation of a TV set in the reading room this year, have the most modern amenities available and with the addition of small games and new carpets we have comfort and pleasure in our leisure time. The arrangements for TV viewing have worked out well and the boys greatly appreciate and enjoy watching the house set. I imagine that by the time the present thirdformers reach sixth form they will have square eyes. On the academic side, R. Underwood came seventeenth in South Africa in the Youth Science Week competition and was chosen to go to England, while A. Guthrie won honours for cross country and represented Natal at the national championships while R. Bullet was awarded colours for diving. Numerous other boys are to be con gratulated on their sporting, cultural and academic achievements, but they will be mentioned in the appropriate places elsewhere in this issue. B.C.McL The prefects, Bruce McLeod, who was Head of School, Paul Brandon,Sean Hurly and Keith Stannard, are to be commended on doing a good job right to the end of the year. We thank them for the future. At the end of the year also, we took our leave of Mr A.J, Friend, who has been a resident master for two years. We thank him for everything he has done and hope that he enjoys his escape from duties. R.L. GiKingham ■ BRUCE McLEOD In having two full-time married assistant masters this year, Pembroke House was very fortunate. They were Mr F. Cocks(resident) and Mr B. Tucker (non-resident). In addition, Mr A. Bromley-Gans, who left the House at the end of 1975, very kindly assisted by being on House duty every Monday. We are very grateful for his help. In January, Mrs S. Havemann joined the House staff as matron but leaves in December to get married. We wish her happiness and thank her for the competent and pleasant manner in which she did her demanding job. S.W. Gohre(head of House), G.C. Bax,D.G. Francois and K.J. Palmer were prefects this year and the House expresses to them its appreciation for their having taken on what is often a thankless and burdensome task. Under the able leadership of D.G. Francois(House captain and School vice-captain of swimming)and M.G. Wing(School captain and House vice-captain ofswimming), the House won the annual Inter-House Swimming Gala. Wing broke School records in the 100 yards and 200 yards freestyle and 100 yards breaststroke open events, represented Natal at the S.A. Swimming Championships and was awarded swimming colours and honours. Francois captained the School's waterpolo team and was also awarded swim ming colours. The House again made a clean sweep of the shooting competitions. M.C. Stead was captain of shooting for the School and for his House, obtained the highest average ofthe year and won the Senior Shooting Competition. He, L.W. Bester, M.R. Dunlop and N.F.L. Michel-Smith won the Inter-House Shooting Competition with a total of 1537 points out of a possible 1600 points. Michel-Smith won the Junior Shooting Competiton. Pembroke lost the Inter-House Athletics Competition to a well-prepared and motiPembroke SVEN GOHRE 17

vated Finningley team. However, R.N. Parkinson (House captain) and G.F. Henrichsen did represent Durban and Districts at the Inter-Districts Competition in Ladysmith. P.C. Riding, who was a sojourner in Haley House this year, represented Natal in the sprints and was awarded Natal colours. P.M. Alcock, M.^Feinauer and R.N. Parkinson were awarded School colours in athletics. Parkinson and Feinauer, by coming in second and third respectively, enabled the House's A team to obtain first place in the InterHouse Cross-Country Championships. Unfortunately, a lack of strength in depth prevented the House from winning the over-all competition. The Jennings brothers and P.M. Alcock were valuable members of the School's first hockey eleven. C.B. Jennings captained the team and with his younger brother G.D. Jennings scored 27 of the 42 goals scored by the 1st XI. He was a member of the Durban and Districts Hockey team and he and P.M. Alcock were invited to the Natal Schools Hockey Trials. Hockey colours were awarded to C.B. Jennings and P.M. Alcock. K.J. Palmer excelled himself in fencing. He was selected for, and captained, the Natal Schools' team that won the team event at the S.A. Schools Inter-Provincial Fencing Championships. He was placed third in the individual event for boys. He was then selected for the S.A. Schools Under 18 Fencing Team that competed at the Andre Spitzer Memorial Fencing Competition in Israel. The House was well represented in the Kearsney Parliament. In particular, the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition were, respectively, the Pembroke sixth formers S.W. Gohre and J.H. Dienst. Academically, J.H. Dienst was the star of the House. He qualified to attend the Youth Science Week in Pretoria in July, was awarded academic colours and was Dux of the School. Academic colours were awarded also to P.M. Alcock, J.B. Clarke, G.D. Jennings, S.J. Kidgell, A.R. Dienst and E.S. Jordan. We who will be back in Pembroke House in 1977, wish all our leavers success and joy in the future. Haley IAIN SHUKER After the first few tearful weeks, the boys of this house settled down well to their new friendships and found their feet in this new environment. Skateboarding continued as a popular pastime, with Burton being the leading manu facturer of boards, the established authority on the subject, and the school champion. The 5th form boys of the Cottage excelled on the sportsfield. Riding obtained his Natal Schools colours for athletics. He also represented the 1st rugby team, together with Havemann and Taylor. Feinauer received colours for athletics, while Matley and Guy obtained academic colours. The cottage boys provided willing helpers to the prefects in the house. The prefects also excelled in various fields. Rainey won the science shield, Gebers played for the 1st squash team, while Shuker captained the 2nd cricket XI. The 'marriage suite' lived up to its reputation when Mr. Harris moved out to get married after being there for only one term. He has been replaced by Mr. Arthur,the new librarian. He is an enthusiastic hiker, and has taken boys on several outings. An old form of punishment was reintroduced during the year — weeding. However this became so popular that over thirty boys claimed vegetable patches of their own, providing them with many hours ofleisure activity. The house built up a tremendous spirit as the year progressed and as the under standing between masters, prefects and boys grew. l.G.W.Shuker 1 wish to congratulate lain Shuker, our Head-of-House, on being awarded the Edwin Henwood trophy, the premier award of the school year. This trophy is awarded to "... . the boy who during the year has by the force of his character done most for the school through the example he has set his fellows in his daily life ..." He and his fellow prefects Martin Gebers and Eric Rainey have performed their duties with highly commendable efficiency and dignity. J.L. Hall 18

Richard Underwood, a Gillingham sixth-former, was chosen as a member of the South African delegation to the London International Youth Science Fortnight. SCIENCE FOR INTERNATIONAL UNDERSTANDING The main aim of the London International Youth Science Fortnight was to pro mote international understanding. Delegations of from one to thirty-five young people attended, representing twenty-three different countries, including some from behind the Iron Curtain. The fortnight itself provided,in its friendly atmosphere,an example of just what sort ofco-operation can be achieved. Egyptians and Israelis, for instance, were able to meet each other and together view the sights of London. Most mornings and afternoons were occupied by forum discussions, lectures, seminars and informal discussion groups. The emphasis was on the application of science to the benefit of mankind. Topics included nuclear disarmament, euthanasia, the scientist in defence and alternative sources of energy. We returned from London exhausted, but with a better knowledge of the world around us. l w -fi • ■.-f I I 4 ^ If A a . 1/ r A KEARSNEY FENCER IN ISRAEL Kevin Palmer After the conclusion of the South African Schools fencing championships, which were held in Johannesburg in May, 1976, a South African Schools team of four boys, four girls and a manager/coach was chosen. I was fortunate enough to be one of the boys selected. We left for Israel from Jan Smuts Airport on Sunday, June in memory of Andre Spitzer, one of the athletes who died in the Munich Olympics massacre in 1972. The competition was started by Spitzer's widow and is sponsored by the Israeli Sports Federation. Accommodation was provided at the Wingate Institution for Physical Education and Training, where all the participating teams acclimatized and were able to be coached by trainers from other countries. The competition itself was held over three days and the countries taking part were Austria, Canada, Denmark, England, Germany, Scotland, South Africa and the United States. There were forty-five boys and twenty-three girls present as competitors. A Coloured girl from the South African team was placed first overall and the other South African girls filled the Ninth, thirteenth and nineteenth places in their section respectively. In the boys' section the only two South Atricans placed were Peter Muir, of the Transvaal, who came eighteenth, and I, who came twenty-first. The standard of fencing was very high indeed and the Germans dominated the events. The week after the competition was free for sight-seeing and visits were made to Tel Aviv, Yafa, Jerusalem and the Dead Sea. After staying at the Flebrew University for a night, we had a friendly doubles competition and from 7th July teams began to return to their own countries. In the meantime, however, the Entebbe drama had erupted and there was tremendous excitement in Israel as a result. The South African team returned home with better tans and a greater appreciation of the comradeship which can develop among the nations of the world. IM 19

John Bush, an Australian from Walcha in New South Wales, spent 1976 in South Africa as a South exchange student. SOUTH AFRICA VERY SIMILAR TO AUSTRALIA My arrival in South Africa began with an atmosphere of adventure and this has carried on throughout my year here.Personal experience and events which have occurred while 1 have been here have been most enlightening and have brought me to a close understanding of South Africa and its people. South Africa is very similar to Australia, so adjustment was not t'lO hard. Food, climate, social codes and school were much the same as at home. Understanding the South African accent and certain expressions were a problem at first but I was told I'd catch on "Just now". In all my travels in South Africa, I found people exceptionally friendly, regardless of language or race. They were all eager to tell more about the country and give their own personal views. To me, South Africans are a people who enjoy the outdoor life, particularly in the sporting sense.Close knit families are prominent, with strong ancestral ties with tradition and loyalty, which can only be admired. My travels took me both up and down the Natal Coastline, and to Johannesburg and the Eastern Transvaal, to view big game at Mala Mala. Mid year, I was fortunate to have a trip to Cape Town via the Transkei, the Little Karroo, and the Oudtshoorn ostrich fanns. 1 spent one week in Cape Town and another at Stellenbosch. The scenic beauty of the Cape was most impressive. Kearsney became a home base where I made many friends, even though a return to a disciplinary system after having left school in Australia was at times difficult. My sincere thanks go to the teachers for their help and for putting up with classroom antics. South Africa's internal and external problems have been very interesting to me. I came with an open mind and I find myself leaving with one. In taking many favourable memories back to Australia, I can recommend to people at home that South Africa is a great country after all! TOUR TO ANGLO AMERICAN GOLD AND COAL MINES During the July holidays Anglo American invited two pupils interested in mining as a career to visit their organisation to be informed on all aspects of the Mining Industry, one to go to coal and the other to gold mines. Graeme Weineck and Mark Roberts were the two pupils who participated and they flew to Johannesburg on the 4th July. On arrival they were met by Mr. J.M. Law less from the A.A.C. Personnel Department and were joined by scholars from all parts of the Republic. The group were divided into two - one half to visit the Coal Mines and the other to the O.F.S. Goldfields. Report by Graeme on his visit to Gold Mines We arrived at Welkom and were booked in at the Golden Orange Hotel. Each morn ing we left the Hotel at 8 a.m. returning at 4 p.m. free to follow our own interests until 8 a.m. the next morning. Our conducted tours covered all departments of the mine, the first being under ground. We went down the President Steyn Gold Mine No. 1 shaft to 48 level. We were 20

shown the principles of drilling and blasting in the.stoping areas. After lunch at the mine canteen, we visited a hostel housing 4500 Africans for No. 1 shaft. The most interesting tour was of the President Brand Gold Reduction Plant, where we were shown the process of Gold Reduction from the ore to the gold bar. The gold plant receives approximately 290,000 tons of ore per month, of which approximately .255,000 tons is milled. At an original grade of 13,0 to 13,5 gm/ton the gold is recovered at 96% to 97% efficiently by the cyanidation process. Approximately 100 to 110 bars of bullion per month are produced. These are worth R10,5 million. We visited the new Uranium plant which will be used to recover Uranium from the slimes dumps. This has been instituted due to the rising world demand for Uranium. The plant is being built at a cost of R25 million. A.A.C. will be constructing another plant on the Central Rand to re-cycle the dumps of that area. A Sulphuric Acid plant costing RlOO million is also under construction. This will work together with the Uranium Plant in A.A.C.'s new project to produce Uranium, Sulphuric Acid and additional gold from the current residues and reclaimed slime on the Group's O.F.S. Mines. Another department visited was the one which runs black and white training centres, where various underground working conditions are simulated,lectures are given and general training is given to the labour force in their particular field of the Gold Mining Industry. These centres are modern and up to date to meet the needs of the trainee miners. We were also shown the Survey Department, where the Underground workings are charted and further development of stopping areas planned. An important department is the Ventilation section where air is pumped at the rate of 1060 m.^ per second down the mine at an annual cost of Rl,462,000. We were shown the testing for Methane (a product of blasting which can cause dangerous explosions) Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen Monoxide and Nitrogen Dioxide. Also shown, was a simulated Methane explosion. The Engineering Department dealing with all the Mechanical, Civil and Electrical needs of a Mine was also shown. Report by Mark on his visit to the Coal Mines The group going to the Coal Mines left in a S.A.R. Tour Bus for Blinkpan which is about half way between Witbank and Hendrina in the Eastern Transvaal. We stayed in the Student Mine Official training centre where we were shown wonderful hospitality. With the training centre as a base we visited several mines in the area. The most interesting was the Arnot Colliery which has a very highly mechanised underground operation and also a very large opencast operation. This mine has the largest "Walking Drag Line" which can strip off 80 tons of overburden in one go to expose the under lying coal, and also massive trucks which carry 180 tons each of coal from the pits to the central dumping depot. This mine is a captive colliery i.e. supplies coal to a power station only — approximately 23,000 tons per day. Arnot Mine is the highest producing coal mine in the southern hemisphere. We went underground again at South African Coal Estates where we were shown the coal washing and sorting plant where low grade power station smalls are separated from blend coking coal. Not far from this mine is the loading station for trains to Richards Bay and several mines in this area are connected to this station by a long system ofconveyor belts. We also visited the Kriel Mine and were shown the hostels for the black miners which are the most up to date with the best facilities offered to mine workers so far. This colliery will be supplying the new Kriel Power Station which is under construction — only two boilers being in operation at the present time. This Power Station will be the largest thermal power station in the Southern Hemisphere. Several other power stations in the vicinity are either on the planning board or under construction. Various schools and colleges for both black and white mine employees where methods of training and facilities offered were explained fully. Conclusion A wide spectrum of careers is offered in the Mining industry and doesn't necessarily include underground work. The object of the tour was to indicate the importance of 21