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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Cover pictures: W.S.Schumann Official groups by Colour Technic Line drawings by members of the College Other photographs by B.Botha,K.Chick,G.Larkan,M.Rouillard Printed by TIME PRINTERS Editor: R.Lamplough Old Boys'Section: D.Beatty

VR m ■m •xs ■Mr A mmm s ■* J , „ 'r-- t -*^13 Ml STAFF 1977 Top: B. Williams, W. Schumann, C. Broster, P. Tennant, M. Myhill. 2nd: A. Friend, R. Irons, L. P. Zaayman, A. Arthur. F. Cocks. 3rd: M. A. Thiselton, C. Diedericks, A. Harris, I.. Kassier, B. Tucker, M. Mossom, M. Vassard, R. I.amplough. 4th: J. Harper, P. Taylor, A. Bromley-Gans. Mrs. H. MacCallum, Mrs I. Gibson, Mrs M. Mossom, M. J. de Beer, T. Allen, R. Townshend. Front: K. G. Fish, J. L. Hall, R. D. Blamey, J. W. Storm, the Headmaster, P. F. Metcalf, J. D. Lewis-Williams, C-E. Jeannot, D. C. Alletson. IS ms* rs sm HI Hi far "aft . ■ Mr jSjL jS*BWfy H■ PREFECTS Top: K. Guy, P. Thring, S. Kidgell, P. Markram, M. Oliver. 2nd: A. Taylor, K. Hagemann, R. Ward, L. Deenik, D. McFwen, K. Temlett. Front: R. Havemann, C. Jollands, the Headmaster, P. den Hoed, M. Feinauer.

/ c \ K6AH^>NEy COLCEGE '\J) ? ~t^ ill-? n' vi I. V'f ^ yST: S. •» //M EPOCH EDITORIAL It is difficult to escape the conclusion that we live at the end ot an age. The editor of JANE'S ALL THE WORLD'S AIRCRAFT fears that 1977 will be marked as the year the West sowed the seeds of its own destruction. At various times during the year THE END OF AN different NATO commanders have tried to draw attention to the lamentable weakness of every aspect of their organisation. They have warned also of the increasing power of the Warsaw Pact, which has in recent years been transformed from a defensive to an offensive alliance, and one with the capability of overrunning Western Europe in a matter of days. In Africa, Russia and her Cuban comrades have become deeply involved in the conflict between Ethiopia and Somalia, while the United States, in a remarkable feat of Orwellian casuity, declined to supply arms on the grounds that there was a war on. Further south, the terrorist wars in Rhodesia and South West Africa have intensified, while on the political front determined efforts have been made to ensure that moves towards peaceful settlement were blocked. And in South Africa itself heavy Western pressure for change has come at a time when the material benefits of Western tech nology have largely been negated by economic recession and political disturbance has continually been near the surface. It was not surprising, therefore, that the President of the Methodist Conference,on the evening of his induction, opened his address with the words,"We meet at a time when men's hearts fail them for fear." How these words of Jesus Christ on Olivet ring true today. Western civilisation as we know it is in danger and what can we do at a time when the future is more than usually uncertain? Surely, we as members of a community whose whole raison d'etre is preparation for the future, must give serious thought to our role in society. We must do our best to provide stability in a time of increasing instabil ity, to provide hope in a time of increasing hopelessness. In our endeavour to provide stability and hope we shall be led inevitably to the teaching of the Bible because there is no question that the best characteristics of Western civilisation have their origins in Biblical principles. And it is back to these fundamental principles that we shall increasingly be driven in the hard and tempestuous years ahead. In a Christian school such as ours we are constantly reminded of the teaching of our Lord.His lessons are of paramount importance if our leavers are to take their rightful place in bringing peace to the world. Our aim and our hope is that these lessons have been well learned at Kearsney.

When one looks for adjectives to describe the 'Kearsney Family', one that immediately comes to mind is 'compactness'. This implies not only a close knitting together, which is the case, but also a large number of attributes welded together into a small unit. The Kearsney community is a relatively small one, but to take note of the enormous and varied interests to be found in this community is virtually impossible. The School Notes, at best, can only touch the surface of important events in the lives of individual members and of the school. As usual, 1977 has been an extremely eventful year. We welcomed Mr P. Taylor and his family to Kearsney earlier this year. Mr Taylor came to Kearsney originally as a replacement for a member of staff who was going on long leave, and he has since become a valuable addition to the permanent staff. Our congratulations and best wishes go to Mr and Mrs M. Mossom, whose marriage took place during the year. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Cocks on the birth of a son,and to Mr and Mrs Allen on the birth of a daughter. Mr Vassard, too, was married this year,and we welcome his wife to Kearsney. Messrs Allen, Broster and Lamplough took well-earned long-leave, which we trust have left them refreshed and ready for the next five years. Mr. Zaayman took a group of boys overseas at the end of the year on a Kearsney Tour. We understand they had a pleasant time. We were sorry to hear of the resignations of a relatively large number of Staff members in December. They are: Mr D. Alletson, Mr C. Broster, Mr A. Friend, MrC-E. Jeannot and Mr and Mrs M. Mossom. In addition, the Chaplain, The Reverend Milton Martin, has accepted a transfer to Pretoria. We shall miss his pleasant, easy-going presence and his fine sense of humour (delivered in mellitluous tones and with a fine regard for the niceties of English). All these people, we wish health and happiness in their future spheres. We noted with regret during the year the deaths of Mrs P. Oram and Mrs E.Jeffreys. We wish Messrs Lewis-Williams and Tennant luck with the theses to which they have recently put the final touches. We congratulate the following members of Staff on their appointments as Heads of Department: Mr A. Thiselton (Science), and Mr D. Lewis-Williams (English). Mrs R. MacCallum is to control the Mathematics Department next year. Congratulations also to Mr C. Diedericks on his appointment as Housemaster of Pembroke. A number of boys chalked up noteworthy achievements during the year. As far as athletics is concerned, Kearsney was seldom out of the news, with the achievements of R. van Loo,and of the Kearsney relay team (Hohls, Van Loo,Selby and Oliver), who broke record after record at under 19 Provincial level. Both B. Craig and P. Markram represented Natal at Cross-Country, M. Logan played for Natal Schools A cricket team, and P. Pearse for the B team. Whitfield, Shuker and Whiting represented the Mynahs cricket team, Shuker captaining the team. C. Jollands was chosen for the Natal Schools Polo team (he is the third Jollands boy to have made his mark in water-polo). C. Cleator was chosen for the Natal Schools Invitation Team. 1977 may also have seen a record in the field of scholarships, with the award of Rotary Exchange Scholarships to four boys: Alcock, Feinauer, Fenn and Jollands. M. Bentley, too, brought honour to Kearsney with his award of a Silver medal in the Mathematics Olympiad, as did G. Jennings, who was placed in the top 100. The number of runners who completed the Comrades Marathon was swelled by four Staff members, Messrs Cocks, Harris, Myhill and Williams, who must surely have put on their strongest spurts in front of the Kearsney gates! Looking back on a successful and eventful 1977, we also look forward to a full 1978. SCHOOL NOTES

SPEECH DAY 1977 Speech Day opened with devotions led by the Chaplain. Before calling on the Headmaster to present his report, the Chairman of the Board, Prof. V. Bredenkamp welcomed special guests, noting that Mr J.F. Reece, a former member of the teaching staff, was attending his fiftieth prize-giving. After this the Headmaster reported briefly on developments during 1977. He paid tribute to the staff in general and particularly to those who were leaving. Referring to the examination results, he observed that it was better for candidates who were likely tc write on the Standard Grade at the end of the year to decide on the change early in the year. Concluding with a survey of the extra-curricular activities offered at the college, he expressed the opinion that Kearsney boys enjoyed opportunities equal to those available anywhere in the Republic. The Chairman then introduced the Rev. S.G. Pitts, who presented the prizes. Mr Pitts, addressing the school, urged the leavers to hold fast to "a vision of our land, fair as she might be". He deplored the tendency for young men to leave the country at a time when it faced difficulties. He encouraged his audience to be ready to defend its vision, saying that those who did duty on the borders did this in order that peaceful change could be accomplished. Finally he appealed to the boys to serve their vision with all the gifts God had given them, saying that in the final analysis the private schools would be justified by the quality of the men and women who came out of them. After Headboy Clive Jollands had replied on behalf of the school, he made presen tations to Mr and Mrs Pitts and the proceedings were brought to a close by Prof. Bredenkamp. \\ 111 \ \ SHAFE F.Emanuet

Examination Results 1977 (Subjects in which an A symbol(80%+) was awarded shown in brackets). NATAL SENIOR CERTIFICATE WITH MATRICULATION EXEMPTION C.G.N. Albertyn, P.M. Alcock, C.D. Auret, R.P. Beer, M.A. Bentley (Math, So, & Agg), P.O. Bernicchi, J.R. Burns, J.B. Clarke (Math,Sc,& Agg), M.V.Cromme,M. de Andrade, L.Z. Deenik, P. den Hoed, J.L. Dicks, J.D. Dixon (Sc, Lat.), T.D. Dunlop (Math), N.D. Dyer, C.J. Ewin, E.C. Fargher, M.C. Feinauer, C.W.H. Fenn, G. Findlay, C.E. Foster, W.S.S. Friend, G.D. Gifford, R.S. Grant, A.J. Grohovaz, K.P.E. Guy, B.K. Hagemann, C.W. Harding, R.S. Havemann, R.D. Heywood, R.J. Holden, M.D. Hollis, C.H.Jaffray,G.D.Jennings(Math, Bio.), J.C. Jollands (Math, Lat.), S.J. Kidgell (Math, Sc,), L.D. Liebenberg, M.B. Logan, G.A. Luck, R.M. Mann, P.R. Markram, G.W. Martin (Eng, Hist), C.A. Mason, D.R. Matley (Eng.Hist, & Agg), D.J. McEwen, N.E.L. Michel-Smith, M.L.P. Oliver, A.R. Passmore, P.M. Pearse, A.J.C. Pilling, D.J. Quested (Bio, Sc. & Agg), P.C. Riding, C.J. Ross, W.J.C. ScuUy (Hist),H.W. Shone, G.T. Stewart, G.M. Stone, M. Taylor, K.M. Temlett, P.M. Thring, A.S. Tombe, M.J. van Riet, L.O. van Schalkwyk,M.K.van Wyk,R.A. Voysey, R.J. Ward, N.P. Williams,G.W.Witney(Maths(S)) (D. J. Quested was awarded an 'A* in English after a re mark Ed.) NATALSENIOR CERTIFICATE A.J. Beckett, P.J. Boorman, B. Botha, C.R.V. Bussey, M.C. Calitz, T. Chaplin, K.R. Dowse, P.J. Emanuel (Art), D.T.H. Gillespie, A.M. Goupille, A.J.W. Gray, L.M.Gribble,S.G. Jewitt,E. Hohls,K.G.Holliday,R.W. Hulett, P.J. Hulley, A.A. Hutcheson, A.G. KennedyGrant, E.H. Landau, M.T. Lindeijer, R.J.D. Mackie (Math (S) ), M. Maritz, G.N. Matthee, A.A. Muller, G.W.A. Muller, M.D.Newman,C.E. Parker,C.T.Patient, A.J. Ross-Elliott, G.M. Sacks, T.C. Scourfield, M.L. Selby, A.A.D.Taylor,P.N. Walker,H.J. Wilmot. Awards 1977 CRICKET: Most improved cricketer in the school(Foss Bat): P.M. Pearse. Best all-rounder in First Team (Kings Trophy): M.B. Logan. House providing greatest number of players in all divi sions(Jack Hulett Salver): Finningley TENNIS: Junior Singles Champion:(George Hulett Trophy): B. Logan. Senior Singles Champion: (Polkinghome Cup): N. Engelbrecht. Bonnefin Trophy:(Inter-school): K.C. ul4 team. SQUASH Most improved player in the School(Carrington Cup): Villiers Junior Champion(Negus Cup): D.L. Thiselton Senior Champion (Old Boys Trophy): B.G. Whiting CROSS-COUNTRY: U.I3 Individual Winner: M.Waddilove U.I3 Inter-House (C-E. Jeannot Trophy): Gillingham. U.I5 Individual Winner(Calder Cup): M. Markram Junior Inter-House Fourie Trophy:Gillingham. Senior Inter-House(Christian Cup): Pembroke. SHOOTING: Junior Champion (Ernest Ashby Memorial Cup): F. Goosen Highest average during year (Ivan Bjorkman Cup): G.L. Brokensha Senior Champion (Ken Trotter Shield) E. Hohls& A.J. Browning Inter-House(Derek Robbins Cup):Gillingham SERVICE, ACADEMIC AND CULTURAL AWARDS: Cultural Colours: J.B. Clarke, P. Den Hoed, A.R. Passmore. Special prize from the Archimedes Society for achieve ments in Mathematics, Physical Science and Biology in 4th Form: D.J. Pons. Special Prize from Lantern Publication for excellence in English in 5th Form: J.R. Varker Senior Examination in Bilingualism Certificate: G.W. Martin. Hanle Trophy(Cultural Activities): P. den Hoed. Sutler Gore Trophy (Best Public Speaker): E.S. Jordan. Recognition of Service Certificate: P.J. Metcalf. Music Trophy: A.R. Passmore Special Pottery Prize: A.R.Passmore Art Prize: A.A. Hutcheson. S.B. Theunissen Prize for Perseverance: E.C. Fargher. Hindson Memorial Prize for English Literature. G.W. Martin. George McLeod Memorial Essay: G.W. Martin & D.R. Matley. William and Susan Jones Prize for English: D.R. Matley. History Prize: D.R. Matley Afrikaans Prize: P.R. Markram Jack Reece Latin Prize: J.C. Jollands. Headmaster's Prize for Special Service: J.C. Jollands. Ben Milner Prize for Biology: G.D. Jennings & D.J. Quested. Patrick Moore Memorial Shield and Prize for Physical Science: D.J. Quested. Academic Honours: M.D. Bentley & D.J. Quested. French Prize: M.D. Bentley Alletson-Smith Award for Mathematics: M.D. Bentley. Dux of the School: M.D. Bentley. I r jrD M : . u m

FIFTY YEARS AGO * Extracts from the Kearsney Critic * for 1927 Advertisement "Don't look like a barbarian." Have your haircutting and shaving done at Giffin's. Moderate prices. Advertisement At the tuckshop: tickey chocolates. Mixed chocolates 2/9 per lb. Seven boys and certain members of staff made up a party on Good Friday and set out for Stanger beach in the College bus. Halfway there, however, the crownwheel gave in and the journey had to be completed on foot. The staff returned at night in a borrowed car but the boys slept on the beach. We extend our congratulations to our founder. Sir J.L. Hulett, who is 89 this month. The School Library is to be transferred to the Sixth Form Room. A new bookcase has been made specially for the purpose. Jex has presented the library with two good new books. The 1st XV beat the Tech 2nd XV 9-3. We offer a hearty welcome to Mr J.F. Reece, B.A.(London) who has Joined the College Staff as Latin Master in succession to Mr. Dodd.(see Speech Day reportEd). Last Saturday the Dentist paid his quarterly visit. The rising bell has been changed from 6.00 a.m. to 5.30 a.m. to provide extra time for prep. Record times and distances:(Open) 100 yards- 10.4 sees. Long Jump 19ft 6" 440 yards — 57.6 sees. Shot 29ft 2" Mile -5 mins 10 sees. High Jump 5ft 1". 1st XI beat D.H.S. 2nd XI by 24 runs. iiKnfaMK •tiC9)r«E? STAFF LEAVERS Standing: A.J. Friend, C.C.Broster. Seated: M.S. Mossom, C-E. Jeannot,D.C.Alletson,Mrs. Mossom. Absent: Rev. M,Martin.

D'ARCY COVENTRY ALLETSON VALETE It is with sadness that we say good-bye to a real schoolmaster and gentleman who was still master of his subject, and could cope with any class, after spending more years in the classroom than any of us will. 1 am writing about D'Arcy Alletson, a man feared by some, a man worshipped by others, but a man respected by all for his capabilities, his integrity and efficiency. Mr. Alletson came to us from Hilton in 1967 at a time of his life when most men go to seed and start to slow down. He took over as head of our Mathematics Depart ment and started to build this up into a very efficient machine. He was joined on the Staff by a number of his ex Hilton pupils who came to teach Maths at Kearsney in itself a wonderful testimony. When the new Maths was introduced he was regarded as one of the authorities in the country who not only had to introduce this"new"subject but also wrote the text books to be used. He was O.C. Examinations at Kearsney, and this is an appropriate title because he ran our exams like a general, doing the planning and organising himself. What he did, he did well, because he knew no half measures. Kearsney has a very proud record of successes in the Mathematics Olympiad, we must rate as one of the top schools in the country!, and to a large extent this is due to the teaching and efforts of our Maths Wizard. He was honoured recently at National level with a medal for his contribution to Mathematics. D'Arcy and Liz are going to settle in Port Elizabeth where their daughter lives. He is moving nearer the Cape where he taught at Bishops, before coming to Natal. The Cape offers so much, people and products! and we wish them many more years of happiness. D'Arcy, your sense of humour and that glint in your eye will be missed. Good luck. J.W.S. CLYDE BROSTER What a pity it is that one's old school should exert so strong an attraction, for if it did not, there would be no need to say farewell to Pam and Clyde Broster, who are returning to the Cape, where Clyde will take charge of the English Department of his old school, Rondebosch Boys High. Clyde arrived at Kearsney in 1972,and since that time has involved himself in very nearly every activity that the school has to offer. His participation in all things - Guild, trips to Skoegheim, First Team Cricket, Second Team Rugby,and so many more - has been characterised by two things: an efficiency in planning and preparation,and always, entertaining and fun, and it is the latter that has really characterised Clyde's period at Kearsney for those boys with whom he has been in contact. As Head of the English Department, he has offered guidance and encouragement to those under him, and his work as Co-ordinator for the Matric Oral Exam illustrates his efficiency and standing as a teacher. Again, it is as a teacher that he will have made the greatest impression, for his lessons have always been inventive and entertaining, and he has always shown deep care for every pupil. These surely are the marks of a real educationalist. We hope that Clyde and Pam will enjoy their return to the Cape,and that some of their affection for the 'old school' will be for Kearsney,as well as Rondebosch. T.G.A. ALL FRIEND Alf Friend came to Kearsney from Kingsway Senior High in 1975, and departs now for Pinelands High in the Cape. He has been a thorough and efficient teacher of English, and a congenial staffroom companion. He has been largely responsible for the development of interest in the Mountain Club, the continued progress of Kearsney's

hockey, and he has also supervised cricket teams(somewhat reluctantly). Assisted by several fifth fonners, he has devoted a great deal of his time to the flourishing Inter mediate Guild, where his Christian influence has been widely felt. Mr Friend has been at Kearsney a relatively short time, but his sincerity and willingness to become involved has made it a valuable one. We wish him well in his promotion. C.B. CHARLES-EDMOND JEANNOT When Mr C-E. Jeannot joined the Kearsney staff in April 1962, he brought with him many talents which were soon put to good use. During his sixteen years with us, he has made significant contributions to the life of the College and has earned our respect and affection. "Charles", as we called him, was born in the Transvaal but spent much of his child hood in Madagascar where his parents were missionaries. Although he spoke French at home, his schooling was in English. His family returned to South Africa at the end of 1944 and he then went to school at Pietersburg. Having matriculated, he enrolled at the University of the Witwatersrand where he obtained a B.Sc. degree, followed by a Teachers' Higher Diploma. Thereafter, Charles taught in three Transvaal schools before coming to Kearsney. From April 1962 until December 1969, Mr Jeannot was a loyal assistant Master in Pembroke House. When he left Pembroke to be married, he calculated that he had spent more than 30 years living in school or university hostels! What pleasure it gave him to set up his own home at last! He'became a keen gardener and took to raising fine (and sometimes noisy) Swiss goats to supply milk for his family. In the kitchen, he revealed unsuspected abilities as a chef. Later, as the parents of two delightful children,Charles and his wife Ursula experienced in full the blessings of family life. It was therefore with a measure of reluctance, yet in response to a strong sense of duty, that Charles accepted appointment as Housemaster of Pembroke House when that post became vacant in July of 1975. His goats had to be sold and he found that he had very little time to spend on those activities that had become so precious to him. We were not surprised, therefore, when he decided to move out of Pembroke House and to return to the Transvaal where he has been appointed to the staff of our brother school, St Stithians. While at Kearsney, Mr Jeannot has been head of the Physical Science department and has served as the representative of the Private Schools on the Natal Education Department Physical Science Subject Committee. He has also been a moderator for the N.S.C. practical examinations in Physical Science. Amongst his many other activities at Kearsney, he will be remembered best for his exemplary efficiency as an organiser — he ran the athletics for several years, organised rugby fixtures and was master in charge of the stationery shop and of the tuck shop. A well-qualified time-keeper, he was always in evidence at swimming galas and sports meetings. He spent many hours coaching rugby teams, and was frequently to be seen refereeing rugby matches. Having a fine tenor voice, he took part in several of our musical productions and sang in the chapel choir for many years. His service as a cadet officer was greatly valued. Charles Jeannot and his family leave Kearsney with our best wishes for their future happiness, and with our sincere thanks for all that he has done for our school. P.E.M. MILTON MARTIN Milton Martin came to us six years ago, accompanied by his wife and two sons Bruce and Gregory, to accept the post of Chaplain to Kearsney. Now that Gregory has just completed his matric, Milton and Olive move on to Lyttleton in the Transvaal to continue his ministry there. There can be no more taxing appointment anywhere in the Connextion than that of chaplain to a boarding school. Almost 500 boys to teach, counsel, preach to and 10

prepare for life in a very materialistic society, is a challenge few ministers would pass up, but the demands on person,family and initiative are very heavy. Perhaps the greatest achievement in Miltons ministry here will be recorded as his persistent striving for and attaining a combined Confirmation/reception service for both Anglican and Methodist boys at Kearsney. He,together with the Rev. Hugh Atherstone, drew up a very acceptable order of service used by the Bishop of Natal and the President of Conference in 1976, when for the first time in our history, those who worshipped together were confirmed in their faith together. It was a very moving and historic occasion. Again he has a wonderful way of making formal occasions very personal to the participants. One thinks of our Sacraments, baptisms and occasionally funerals con ducted in the chapel with such a feeling of warmth and concern, that they have become memorable in a very special way. His wit, charm and inimitable use and choice of words will long be remembered with affection, and we wish him, Olive and the boys all good fortune as they move away from our society. K.G.F. MIKE AND YVONNE MOSSOM Mike Mossom, fondly referred to as "Moose" by boys and staff alike, came to Kearsney in 1963 having graduated from Rhodes University with distinctions in Physics and Mathematics. His "brain-power" was indeed evident to anyone who came into contact with him - whether it was in solving mathematics problems, designing and building scientific equipment for the laboratory (especially electrical power-packs, which have become known as "M.Packs", coaxing life into stubborn motorcar engines, "fixing" washing-machines, irons and radios for grateful staff wives or picking locks of cars when keys had been locked inside them. It was rather disconcerting to see him open one's car with a mere pocket knife -fortunately he owned three cars and a motorbike, otherwise his talents could have been channelled in the wrong direction. Kearsney Water-polo had its "Golden Age" during the Mossom era, and he pro duced not only unbeaten sides, but a crop of provincial players of whom one became a Springbok. He has been chairman of the Natal Schools water polo association,served as a selector and managed Natal Schools Water Polo teams,and also coached hockey during winter terms. He has been a stalwart in the Physical Science department: a statement which 1 am sure hundreds of ex-Kearsney boys will endorse; in addition he has taught woodwork to thejunior boys. Mike and Roy Whiteford, a former Kearsney master, became very well known in flying-circles as the "Flying twins"from Kearsney," a fact which the press duly "picked up". He entered the Natal Private Pilots championship twice and won on both occasions; he came second in the South African championships in 1970 and third in 1971. He was awarded his Natal colours for flying and is today a qualified commercial pilot. Mike was an assistant housemaster in Finningley for 13 years, breaking Jack (our own Mr. Chips) Reece's record as the longest serving boarder-master in this house. During that time he served under three Housemasters Messrs Hopkins, Fish and Blarney. His finest achievement was, however, in marrying Yvonne, who in her own quiet way has not only taught Maths and Biology at Kearsney, but has done a great job in changing Mike's bachelor habits. Unfortunately she has been unable to get him to shed his jersey when the safari-suit brigade is out in full force! Both Mike and Yvonne are to teach at Hillcrest High School next year. To them we wish the very best of everything. We'll miss them both — especially you, Mike, when those horrible computer forms have to be completed once more! L.P.Z. 11

CHAPEL Highlights in the establisiieci pattern of worship and devotion in the School have been the Mission conducted by Africa Enterprise and the Scripture Union Private NOTES Schools team and the service in which new members of the Church were recognised. The Mission lasted over a period of ten days during which the visitors met with all the boys in the school in the Chaplain's regular classes, for informal discussion. In the evenings voluntary meetings were addressed by Michael Cassidy of Africa Enterprise. The work in the classroom sessions was chiefly undertaken by the Revd. David Cook and his colleagues of Scripture Union, who also were available in the afternoons for private conversations with boys who wished to meet with them. In his series of addresses Mr Cassidy sought to show the relevance of the Christian faith in the lively issues of today, and the contribution which can be made in facing up to them, by people who have a sure confidence that this is God's world who has made Himself known in Jesus Christ. Viewed in retrospect, the Mission did not acheive dramatic results, but was significant in bringing into focus the message which is declared day by day in the course of the School's worship services, and was most useful in affording an opportunity for boys seriously to take stock of themselves and the direction of their lives. The visitors from both groups expressed their satisfaction at the opportunity afforded them and we expect that the associations with the School will continue to prove fruitful. Those boys in the School who apply to become full members of the Church,either Anglican or Methodist, do not receive separate instruction, but join in mixed classes to follow a common syllabus. The Chaplain appreciates the co-operation in this enterprise of the Rector of the Hillcrest parish, the Revd Hugh Atherstone. In 1977 there were over forty candidates who completed the course of preparation, whose names are listed below. The Churches nevertheless are not yet united and accordingly the President of the Conference, the Revd Charles Stephenson of Cape Town, and the Saffragan Bishop of Natal, the Rt Revd Kenneth Hallowes. respectively received and confirmed Methodist and Anglican members. This was done in a single service and the distinguished visitors assisted each other in their distinctive acts as well as Jointly presided over a single communion service, in which the newly received members with their families, celebrated their new status. A large congregation was in attendance and it was a joyous occasion. The following boys were recognised: Methodist: A.R. Baker, G.I. Bresler, C.A. Bresler, P.B. Campion, D.J. Cato, B.G. Clark, C.J. Cleator, R.D. Collingwood, D.R. du Toit, R.R. Hammond,B.D. Hume,G.L. Hume, M.B. Hackney, M. Hadiaris, G.N. Hamilton, D.R. Hodgkinson, R.J. Hudson, G. Use, m Bm SHf mm A Ml mm i m ■ THE CHAPEL CHOIR 12

A.T. Kruger, E.A. Latt, C.F. Lewthwaite, P.J. McLaverty, P.J. Metcalf, M.R. Nel, M. Philips, M.D. Robinson, K.W. Rock, M. Russel-Boulton, S.J. Schneeberger, B.F. Seymour,W.A. Stiles, D.J. Grant, D.W. Voysey, W.F.S. van Duyn. Anglican: R. Alleson, C.D. Bax, J.J. Bridger, S.J.W. Emmerson, C.W. Hannan, C.S.H. Holt, C.K. Lindsay, C.R. Pilgrim, P.J. Raw, D.P. Richards, N.J.A. Sloane, J.R. Varker. -.-A CAROL SERVICES ORDER OF SERVICE Carol Services are not merely concerts of Christmas music and readings, but devotional services with the lessons taking the place of the sermon, and acting as the Advent preparation for Christmas. They were held on November 25th. and 27th. in the College Chapel, and on each occasion the full congregation entered into this spirit of Christmas preparation. The Choir, who had been preparing the music for an extended period, acquitted themselves admirably despite the sudden hot and humid conditions. Our thanks go to all who participated. The details of the service are as follows: Otgan Music;Fantasy on two Christmas Carols, John West Choral prelude on "Stuttgart", Plot Peeters Pastorale(Christmas Concerto) A.Corelli. Processional Hymn:Once in Royal David's city. PRAYERS 1st Lesson: Man's disobedience and salvation. Reader: a junior chorister. Carol: The Lord at first did Adam make. (English). 2nd Lesson: God's promise to Abraham. Reader: a junior boy. Hymn: The race that long in darkness pined. 3rd Lesson: God's promise fulfilled and the foretelling of the Messiah to come. Reader: a senior chorister. Hymn: Come Thou long expected Jesus. Carol: "Noel nouvelet" (French arr. John Rutter). 4th Lesson: The glory of Bethlehem foretold. Reader: a senior boy. Hymn: /saw three shipscome sailing in. 5th Lesson: The visitation ofthe Angel Gabriel. Reader: the head prefect. Carol: "Gabriel'sMessage."(Basque) 6th Lesson: The birth ofChrist. Reader: a member of staff. Carol: "The cradle song of the Virgin." (English) Hymn: What child is this? 7th Lesson: The shepherds go to the manger. Reader: a housemaster. Carol: "II est ne le divin enfant." (French arr. (Rutter). Offertory hymn: See amid the winter's snow. 8th Lesson: The wise men visit Jesus. Reader: the deputy Headmaster. Carol: "The Kings ofold."Eva Fovarge. Hymn: We three kings from orient are. 9th Lesson: St. John unfolds the mystery of the incar nation. Reader: the headmaster Carol: "Past three a-clock." (English arr. Rutter). Hymn: O come all ye faithful. (Choir only verse 2). PRAYERS AND BENEDICTION Recessional hymn:It came upon a midnight clear Organ postlude: Fantasy on "Adeste Fideles Geoffrey Shaw. Tl fTTI 13

/ V \ Vv.. p.Emanuel 14

Finningley's success in 1977 can be attributed to a great extent to the assistance and encouragement given by both staff and prefects. We have been fortunate to have the luxury of three married Assistant Housemasters and we thank them for their interest in House matters. The House ran very smoothly due to the efforts of Clive Jollands (Head), Kevin Guy, Doug McEwen, and Keith Temlett. We congratulate Clive Jollands on winning the Edwin Henwood Trophy for Eeadership an award he richly deserves. We said farewell this year to one of our faithful African Maids, Kathryn,who after thirty eight years of devoted service to Einningley, has decided she should retire. The House presented her with a sum of money as a token of appreciation. Einningley excelled in both the Academic and Sporting Fields this year. The Parkes Inter-House Scholastic Trophy was won by Einningley and we congratulate M.D. Bentley on being Dux and on winning a Silver Medal in the Mathematics Olympiad. Both he and D.Quested gained Academic Honours while C. Jollands and D. Matley were awarded Academic colours. Two Einningley boys were finalists in the George McEeod Memorial Essay Competition, D. Matley tying as joint winner. D. Quested was a finalist in the Youth Science Week and in 5th Form, J. Schneeberger and B. Craig were awarded Academic Colours. It is however in the sporting field that we achieved most success. C. Jollands was captain of Rugby,Swimming, and Waterpolo and it was in Waterpolo that he represen ted Natal Schools. He was awarded Honours. We were again placed last in the Swimming Gala but made up for it in the Inter-House Athletic Competition. Besides winning the Competition, we won many team and individual trophies, for example, those for the Standards, the Relays, and Tug of War. B. Craig and R. Van Loo received Honours for representing Natal Schoolsand we pay tribute especially to R. Van Eoo who represented, with success, the Natal Senior Athletic Team. In fact, he broke not only Junior records but also Senior. This outstanding athlete was voted Sportsman of the Year- a remark able achievement for a 5th Former. To add to his success, R. Van Eoo represented the S.A. Schools Fencing Team and was placed 10th in the Championships held in Israel. We congratulate B. Shuker on his selection for the Natal Schools B Squash Team and we note among the juniors the soiccesses of D. Thiselton (Squash), B. Logan (Tennis) and J. Brooker (Cricket). N. Maritz represented the S.A. Schools Polo Team which toured Rhodesia and won the series. Einningley boys also made considerable contribution to the Team Games Einningley won the Inter-House Seven-a-side Rugby Tournament, the Inter-House Cricket Competition and the Hulett Salver for participa tion in cricket. We congratulate K. Temlett, Captain of Cricket;P. Pearse, Captain of Hockey, Natal Schools Hockey and Honours for Hockey and Cricket; M. Logan, Honours for Cricket. To those who leave we say, thanks for the memory, best wishes for the future. HOUSE REPORTS Finningley R.D. Blamey This year we welcomed many new faces to the House. Mr M.A. Thistleton kindly offered to do duty for the first term, after which he left us to attend to school squash. Mr K. Fish changed loyalties from another place to do duty in the House,staying for the whole year. At the beginning of the second term, Mr P. Taylor and his family came to Kearsney, he having taught in Rhodesia;we were pleased to welcome him to Gillingham. After many years of service in the House, we saw Mr R. Eamplough, his wife and children leave us, and into their flat at the end of the sixth form wing we welcomed Mr W. Schuman and his family. Mrs M.C. Burrows retired to her home at Hilton in the middle of this year, and in her place we welcomed Mrs Walshe. Unfortunately, however, the.House was saddened to learn of the death of Mrs F. Jeffreys who saw many years of service as matron;to her family and friends we extend our sincere sympathy. The House's full and active participation in all the school's activities was the direct result of an atmosphere of co-operation and friendliness that prevailed at all levels. Juniors, seniors and staff always gave their utmost in maintaining this spirit which certainly brought many successful and encouraging results. From the first school sport ing function, the Inter-House Swimming Gala,Gillingham clinched an easy victory over Gillingham 15

its rivals. On Sports Day, finishing second is certainly far from unsatisfactory, for the hard work definitely lifted us off the bottom rung,and at one stage it was clear that the other Houses were concerned lest Gillingham won. in the second term, our first team took full honours when they narrowly won in what must have been the most exciting match in the seven-a-side rugby series. Added to this, Gillingham won in overall points in the inter-house hockey. From the sports' field to the House commonrooms where a noticeable change has been the introduction of the 'flick' game; boys' interest in this game clearly stems from the time when Mr Friend lent out his game. Based on snooker, the game has kept groups of boys enthusiastically occupied in their free time. The House was privileged to have Rev. Milton Martin propose the toast at our Founder's Dinner he leaves the College at the end of this year. Gillingham boys distinguished themselves at sport as well. We were represented in the first cricket XI by R. Ward,A Miller and B. Whiting,and in the first rugby XV by A. Taylor (vice-capt.; Colours),E. Hohls(Colours),M.Selby (Colours),P. Walker(Colours), A. Grohovaz, A. Hutcheson, C. Rattray. In hockey G. Stone was awarded his Colours. Gillingham was well represented in the squash side with R. Ward (Capt.; Colours, qualified for Natal Schools''B'side), B. Whiting, who was selected for the Natal Schools' 'A' team, E. Landau, J. Scully and K. de Villiers who made the Natal Under 1 5 side. In the inter-house cross-country, Gillingham did well to win the Under 13 and Under 15 events, and in the first cross-country team,P. Markram (Capt.: Honours)made the Natal team after a fine run which earned him the title of Natal Under 17 Champion; P. den Hoed received Colours. On the athletic track P. Markram (Capt.: Honours)and E. Hohls (Honours) did well to make the Natal Junior Athletic team. M. Selby and P. den Hoed both gained Colours. In the water, C. Cleator and A.Hutcheson were awarded swimming Colours, while C. Cleator played for the Natal invitation water polo side. P. den Hoed I wish to express my thanks to those masters who left Gillingham during the course of this year, Mr R. Lamplough and Mr C. Broster, and also to Mr Thistleton for his help. The prefects, Paul den Hoed(Head of House), L. Deenik,P. Markram and R.Ward, were an outstanding team and set a fine example;the achievements and happy atmosphere of the House are the results of their good work. D. Lewis-Williams Pembroke system of non-resident married men doing duty in the houses, we had three full-time assistant masters in Pembroke. They were Mr F. Cocks (resident), Mr A. Bromley-Gans (non-resident), and Mr B. Tucker (non-resident). In addition, we welcomed Mrs M.D.Partridge as matron at the beginning of the year. M.C. Feinauer (head of House), P.M. Alcock, S.J. Kidgell and P.M. Thring were prefects this year, and they contributed to a relatively trouble-free year by the cheerful and willing way in which they undertook their often unpleasant and demanding duties. Pembroke thanks them for a good year. In the field of inter-house competition, Pembroke did not do too well this year. They did win the inter-house hockey competition, captained by G. Jennings, who also captained the school's first team, and they won the senior cross-country competition, although the first two Pembroke runners in (F. de Gersigny and M. Feinauer) came in fourth and fifth. This was a good team effort. P. Riding, Pembroke's athletics captain, was a member of the record breaking Kearsney relay team which was so much in the news towards the end of the year, breaking the Natal under 19 record three times in three successive weeks. In the academic field, Pembroke did better: J.B. Clarke was chosen to attend the National Science Week in Pretoria, and G. Jennings reached the semi-finals of the Mathematics Olympiad. Jennings was one of two Kearsney boys to do so. The other, M.Bentley, was placed in the top ten candidates in the country. 16

The following Pembroke boys were awarded colours during the year; F. Alcock (rugby), R. Havemann (rugby), G. Jennings (hockey), G. Hendrichsen (athletics), S. Kidgell (academic), E. Jordan(academic), J. Clarke (cultural), A. Passmore(cultural), and A. Dienst was awarded academic honours. J. Metcalf was awarded a recognition of service certificate. At the end of this year we will be saying farewell to our housemaster, Mr C-E. Jeannot, who has taken a post at our brother school in Johannesburg,St. Stithians's. We thank Mr and Mrs Jeannot for the invaluable contribution they have made to the life of Pembroke House, and we wish them and their children success in the future. Next year we will be welcoming Mr C. Diedericks and his family to Pembroke, when Mr Diedericks takes over as Housemaster. We wish all leavers success in their future lives, and express the hope that their stay in Pembroke has been a worthwhile one. B.W.Tucker The first few weeks of the year were very busy as was to be expected. Most of the Halcy boys had a lot to learn about their new surroundings. They settled down well without too many tears. Cricket and swimming were the main 1st Term activities. Polkinghorne(U14) did very well in swimming, winning the backstroke and crawl. Houston broke the U13 breaststroke record. Polkinghorne also excelled in athletics, winning the 100, 200 and 300 metres events, as well as the high jump and long jump. Seven of the very successful U14 A cricket side came from Haley House this year. The prefects of the house also enjoyed a successful year in the sporting scene; they are hoping to be equally successful in the academic sphere. Taylor (Vice-captain) and Havemann represented the 1st XV and received their colours. Hagemann was captain of the 2nd XV and of the 3rd XI. Oliver was a member of the very successful Kearsney relay team, and was awarded Athletics colours. The 4th form boys in the Cottage were very helpful in aiding the prefects. Pons was awarded academic colours, while Small represented the 2nd XV. Throughout the year the boys have co-operated well and by so doing have helped each other to have a good year. R. Havemann Ik m 17

A VISIT TO THE WITWATERSRAND ORGANISED BY BARLOW RAND-OCTOBER 1977 A tour party made up of Standard 9 pupils was treated to an interesting and informative itinerary. We visited The Rand Refinery, Barlow's Household Appliance Manufacturing Company, Durban Roodepoort Deep gold mine. Barlow's Heavy Engineering, Barlow's Tractor Company and the Stock Exchange. The Rand Refinery receives all the gold tliat is mined. The refining process pro duces gold of 99,5% purity for monetary purposes and 99,9% for industrial use. The series of operations proceed like clockwork. Security is extremely tight. All the sweep ings and the scrapings from the crucibles are recycled. Regular and frequent weighings keep a check on the gold during the process. The general chemistry and the electrolytic processes were fascinating. The average gold production for all the mines is 11 grams per metric ton of ore. This becomes more meaningful if we think of 11 parts of gold produced for every million parts of ore mined! At the Manufacturing company at Kew we saw electric stoves, air conditioners, electric and paraffin fridges and washing machines being made. A new refrigerator comes off the line every Ivi minutes and a stoppage of an hour causes an approximate loss of R8000.00. Quality control is very strict. Several lads asked whether the operators were rotated from one routine operation to another to provide a relieving change. We heard, with interest, that it has been found that the confidence acquired in the knowledge of being able to do a job well is more important for the majority of the workers. Those who can adapt quickly and efficiently to different operations are promoted to team leaders and supervisors in production and quality control. The highlight of the day at the gold mine was a visit underground. A windy journey down an incline shaft took us to about 2500 feet. This trip proved more frightening for some than for others. Crunching and sloshing our way along in overalls, helmets and hobnail boots, we were able to look up and down a slope dipping at about 65° and see drilling in progress. I know I could work underground and find it challenging. I sensed that the lad I was following felt the same way. In addition we enjoyed an introductory discussion on the layout of the levels under ground; methods of assessing physical and mental aptitudes of the African miners; the gold extraction process and an excellent midday meal prepared by several wives. The lads were intrigued. They were also surprised by the high salaries paid to underground workers. We travelled to Benoni and saw heavy engineering from the pattern shop where it all stands to the machine shop. Moulds are cast in the foundry and then cleaned and machined in the workshops. We saw huge mills and winding gears and drums as well as railway trucks being assembled. Lunch that day at Jan Smuts and a visit to Barlow's tractor company at Isando. These giants powered by the well known Caterpillar engines belong to a sector of industry all their own. Being so very expensive, idle-time must be avoided. Availability of parts - all computerised - and the repairing is most efficient. Mobile maintenance units are used for emergency repairs and are used for regular servicing around the countryside. Files are kept giving the history of all machines. We saw,in a temperature controlled environment, instruments capable of measuring to the order of 10 to 20 millionths ofan inch! This factory also assembles the Oshcosh trucks. On our last morning we travelled to Holland Street and visited the Stock Exchange. A well presented introductory talk followed by an excellent film on the history of the Exchange prepared us for viewing the activities "between the chains". Watching the brokers and their clerks on the floor showed another side of the employment sphere. Here a lad with a good head for figures and a keen understanding of financial matters can feel at home and find a challenge that a career must provide. In assessing the value of this visit I shall look at three points, a) The work being done and the work environment seen 18

b) The people involved in these operations and activities c) The discussions we had on the work seen and the training programmes involved. A person's make up, i.e. his interests, abilities, values, goals and personality will allow him to respond positively or negatively to the variety of work situations we saw. This the lads have done in that they wrote out their impressions each day. The people we saw and the interpersonal relationships that make for good or bad business were, for me, the interesting factors. At Kew 1 was in the party led by a Mr Scott. He has been through all the operations involved in manufacturing the house-hold appliances and now is involved in management of the Quality Control section. He appears to have that essential quality of being able to relate well to others. Mr Denis Noel at the gold mine is a man who, with the minimum of fuss gets maximum co operation from all with whom he works. This man will always come to mind when I think of Durban Deep. We met Mr Morris at the Tractor company. He impressed upon the boys, as did Mr Snell at Barlow's Heavy Engineering, that there is still great merit in starting a career nearer the bottom than too near the top. Mr John Butler and Mr Roy Craddock were our hosts at Barlow Head Office. We saw several films that dealt with efficient use of time, the importance of people in business and the attitudes of employer and employee. The lads responded to Mr Butler's non-directive and yet well-organised approach. We discussed the challenge aspect of a career, the attitudes of people involved and objectives that are realistic and within reach. We heard that confidence stems from knowledge of, and training in, any occupation. At this point 1 will ask two questions. Accepting that confidence does stem from knowledge and training, is it fair to expect a lad to attempt a university degree course when his academic performance at school is only average or below average? Is it not also true to say that a person who has those qualities that will allow him to succeed in a job or career will do just that whatever the point of entry onto that career ladder? Lads who are academically inclined as well as hard working must be encouraged to further their academic studies at universities and find their place in society. Boys in this category can also consider gaining employment with a firm and then allow this firm to guide their training as well as pay for further studies! Please, parents, do not force extra years of pure academic study on your son if he is not able to cope in that environment. To work with confidence and then advance from that position using a firm foundation of experience surely makes for a happier working life. We at Kearsney are most grateful to Mr Commins, who initiated the trip, and to Barlow Rand for their hospitality. I do hope that this visit leads to a Kearsney boy bearing some fruit for Barlows in the future. BARRY WILLIAMS Counsellor 19

SPORTS REPORTS K) fm %ji WlWi.; ■.. iW % m *. * » W, m m mw m m % m4 r * n m tu <ft V < »r 1 * * kvv."M i| • «

xy a )\y \J VJ i School captain: House captains: Inter-House Standards: Honours: Colours: P. Markram Finningley - Gillingham - Pembroke — Finningley E. Hohls P. Markram R.van Loo B. Craig, P. C. Jollands P. Markram P. Riding ATHLETICS den Hoed, C. Foster, G. Henrichsen, E. Hohls, R. Hudson,P. Markram,M.Oliver, M.Selby,R.van Loo. School Sports: Finningley won the sports for the fourth consecutive year with Gillingham a close second. We were blessed with a glorious day and this certainly played a major role in making it a successful event. Six best performances of the day now become school records; 13 records were bettered and 1 record equalled. BEST ATHLETE RUNNER-UP U 13 M.Townshend J. Lawrence U 14 C.Polkinghorne M.Haworth U 15 E. Latt M. Rattray U 16 B.Craig R. Hudson Open R.van Loo P. Markram 21

Athletes who deserve special mention because of the high standard achieved are: M. Rattray U15 Triple Jump 12,58m E. Latt U15 80m Hurdles 12,1 sec. B. Craig U16 1500m 4m 10 sec. G. Hall U16 Shot Putt 13m E. Hohls Open Long Jump 6,85m Triple Jump 13,61m P. Markram Open 5000m 16m 0,2 sec. 3000m 9 min 11 sec R. van Loo Open 300m Hurdles 40,2 sec. 400m 49,5 sec. 200m 22,2 sec. Mr Oliver Pearce, an Old Boy and once also an outstanding athlete, presented the trophies. DURBAN AND DISTRICT A'LEAGUE This meeting was held on the Saturday before our sports. Weather conditions were poor and hampered performances so that times and distances were not good. Kearsney was placed in almost every event and in many cases we gained two in the first 3 placed. In the 6 relay races Kearsney won 3, were second in 2 and third in 1. It was a most exciting meeting with Kearsney, Northlands and D.H.S. separated by 13 points before the start of the final relay races. The final points were Kearsney 253 Northlands 231 D.H.S. 220 George Campbell 160 Westville 145 Glenwood 141 From this meeting 20 Kearsney boys were invited to participate in a Prestige Meeting which was scheduled for a Wednesday evening. Unfortunately, these boys could not take part because the date was changed at the last minute and coincided with our interhouse competition. NATAL A number of boys took part in the Natal Junior Athletic Championships held in Pietermaritzburg in March. At this meeting E. Hohls, P. Markram and R. van Loo were selected to represent Natal Junior Team in the S.A. Championships, while R. van Loo was presented with the cup for the Best Performance of the Day. At the S.A. Championships E. Hohls got 6th place in the U19 Triple Jump; P. Markram came 6th in the 1500m U17 in a good time of4 min 6 sec and R. van Loo in the U19400m came 5th. Since then van Loo has been a member of a Natal Men's team which took part in a Trek League competition in Cape Town where he came 1st in the 400m with the out standing time of 48,1 sec. Two weeks later in Durban he ran a 48,0 sec 400m to clip 0,7 sec off the Natal U19 record and therefore equal the men's record. He has a 21,4 sec 200m time to his credit. Both are exceptional performances for a 17 year old boy. A Kearsney U19 4 x 100 relay team of E. Hohls, M. Oliver, M. Selby and R. van Loo established a new Natal record of43,8 sec;an improvement of 1,5 sec. It is becoming increasingly evident that stamina plays the vital role in transforming a good athlete into an outstanding athlete. Regardless of whether he is a sprinter or a middle distance runner stamina is of utmost importance. Many boys make the mistake of training for increased speed to provide the improvement instead of training for stamina. It is only because of emphasis on stamina training that Markram could clip 22 sec off the 3000m record;that Craig could take 8 sec off Markram's 1500m record;and that van Loo could improve by 2 sec. over 400m. To the budding athlete wishing to make the most of his inherent potential I would say — Run plenty of cross-country through out the year. This will tone up the muscles, improve the cardio-vascular system; strengthen the-heart and give confidence. Why not try it? Van Loo has released potential he never dreamt he possessed;so might you! Finally, I wish to thank those who helped me in the training of the boys and in the administration side. This includes those members of staff who gave up free time to help; 22