
CHAPEL Highlights in the establisiieci pattern of worship and devotion in the School have been the Mission conducted by Africa Enterprise and the Scripture Union Private NOTES Schools team and the service in which new members of the Church were recognised. The Mission lasted over a period of ten days during which the visitors met with all the boys in the school in the Chaplain's regular classes, for informal discussion. In the evenings voluntary meetings were addressed by Michael Cassidy of Africa Enterprise. The work in the classroom sessions was chiefly undertaken by the Revd. David Cook and his colleagues of Scripture Union, who also were available in the afternoons for private conversations with boys who wished to meet with them. In his series of addresses Mr Cassidy sought to show the relevance of the Christian faith in the lively issues of today, and the contribution which can be made in facing up to them, by people who have a sure confidence that this is God's world who has made Himself known in Jesus Christ. Viewed in retrospect, the Mission did not acheive dramatic results, but was significant in bringing into focus the message which is declared day by day in the course of the School's worship services, and was most useful in affording an opportunity for boys seriously to take stock of themselves and the direction of their lives. The visitors from both groups expressed their satisfaction at the opportunity afforded them and we expect that the associations with the School will continue to prove fruitful. Those boys in the School who apply to become full members of the Church,either Anglican or Methodist, do not receive separate instruction, but join in mixed classes to follow a common syllabus. The Chaplain appreciates the co-operation in this enterprise of the Rector of the Hillcrest parish, the Revd Hugh Atherstone. In 1977 there were over forty candidates who completed the course of preparation, whose names are listed below. The Churches nevertheless are not yet united and accordingly the President of the Conference, the Revd Charles Stephenson of Cape Town, and the Saffragan Bishop of Natal, the Rt Revd Kenneth Hallowes. respectively received and confirmed Methodist and Anglican members. This was done in a single service and the distinguished visitors assisted each other in their distinctive acts as well as Jointly presided over a single communion service, in which the newly received members with their families, celebrated their new status. A large congregation was in attendance and it was a joyous occasion. The following boys were recognised: Methodist: A.R. Baker, G.I. Bresler, C.A. Bresler, P.B. Campion, D.J. Cato, B.G. Clark, C.J. Cleator, R.D. Collingwood, D.R. du Toit, R.R. Hammond,B.D. Hume,G.L. Hume, M.B. Hackney, M. Hadiaris, G.N. Hamilton, D.R. Hodgkinson, R.J. Hudson, G. Use, m Bm SHf mm A Ml mm i m ■ THE CHAPEL CHOIR 12