
its rivals. On Sports Day, finishing second is certainly far from unsatisfactory, for the hard work definitely lifted us off the bottom rung,and at one stage it was clear that the other Houses were concerned lest Gillingham won. in the second term, our first team took full honours when they narrowly won in what must have been the most exciting match in the seven-a-side rugby series. Added to this, Gillingham won in overall points in the inter-house hockey. From the sports' field to the House commonrooms where a noticeable change has been the introduction of the 'flick' game; boys' interest in this game clearly stems from the time when Mr Friend lent out his game. Based on snooker, the game has kept groups of boys enthusiastically occupied in their free time. The House was privileged to have Rev. Milton Martin propose the toast at our Founder's Dinner he leaves the College at the end of this year. Gillingham boys distinguished themselves at sport as well. We were represented in the first cricket XI by R. Ward,A Miller and B. Whiting,and in the first rugby XV by A. Taylor (vice-capt.; Colours),E. Hohls(Colours),M.Selby (Colours),P. Walker(Colours), A. Grohovaz, A. Hutcheson, C. Rattray. In hockey G. Stone was awarded his Colours. Gillingham was well represented in the squash side with R. Ward (Capt.; Colours, qualified for Natal Schools''B'side), B. Whiting, who was selected for the Natal Schools' 'A' team, E. Landau, J. Scully and K. de Villiers who made the Natal Under 1 5 side. In the inter-house cross-country, Gillingham did well to win the Under 13 and Under 15 events, and in the first cross-country team,P. Markram (Capt.: Honours)made the Natal team after a fine run which earned him the title of Natal Under 17 Champion; P. den Hoed received Colours. On the athletic track P. Markram (Capt.: Honours)and E. Hohls (Honours) did well to make the Natal Junior Athletic team. M. Selby and P. den Hoed both gained Colours. In the water, C. Cleator and A.Hutcheson were awarded swimming Colours, while C. Cleator played for the Natal invitation water polo side. P. den Hoed I wish to express my thanks to those masters who left Gillingham during the course of this year, Mr R. Lamplough and Mr C. Broster, and also to Mr Thistleton for his help. The prefects, Paul den Hoed(Head of House), L. Deenik,P. Markram and R.Ward, were an outstanding team and set a fine example;the achievements and happy atmosphere of the House are the results of their good work. D. Lewis-Williams Pembroke system of non-resident married men doing duty in the houses, we had three full-time assistant masters in Pembroke. They were Mr F. Cocks (resident), Mr A. Bromley-Gans (non-resident), and Mr B. Tucker (non-resident). In addition, we welcomed Mrs M.D.Partridge as matron at the beginning of the year. M.C. Feinauer (head of House), P.M. Alcock, S.J. Kidgell and P.M. Thring were prefects this year, and they contributed to a relatively trouble-free year by the cheerful and willing way in which they undertook their often unpleasant and demanding duties. Pembroke thanks them for a good year. In the field of inter-house competition, Pembroke did not do too well this year. They did win the inter-house hockey competition, captained by G. Jennings, who also captained the school's first team, and they won the senior cross-country competition, although the first two Pembroke runners in (F. de Gersigny and M. Feinauer) came in fourth and fifth. This was a good team effort. P. Riding, Pembroke's athletics captain, was a member of the record breaking Kearsney relay team which was so much in the news towards the end of the year, breaking the Natal under 19 record three times in three successive weeks. In the academic field, Pembroke did better: J.B. Clarke was chosen to attend the National Science Week in Pretoria, and G. Jennings reached the semi-finals of the Mathematics Olympiad. Jennings was one of two Kearsney boys to do so. The other, M.Bentley, was placed in the top ten candidates in the country. 16