
1st XV Captain: C. Jollands Vice-Captain: A.Taylor Suniniary of season: The 1 st XV has enjoyed a very successful season this year. I think that the reasons for their success were as follows: Although there were no real stars in the team, they went onto the field with a will to win; they enjoyed playing the game and were thus totally involved in running, fifteen-man rugby; they got on well together both on and off the field and they were most ably led by Jollands and Taylor. Two features of their game which were most pleasing were their tackling and their hard driving in the loose which gained them plenty of good ball. Two rather distressing features of their game were the ability to give away inumerable penalties(through being over-keen!)and the lack of a really devastating kicker. It has been a pleasure to coach these lads. They in turn have given pleasure to their many supporters and, by so doing, have got a great deal of pleasure out of the game. I hope that they will be keen enough to continue with this great game once they leave school. Regular Players: P. Alcock — 8th man. Cover defence was his strong point and in this department he shone. He also did a lot of good work at the back of the line-out. Colours. M. Feinauer - Prop. Although a bit light for a prop Mark filled this berth adequately. A feature of his play was his speed around the field and his good loose play .... always in the thick of it. M. Goupille ~ Fly-half. Started off the season at fullback and ended up as tJy-half show ing a lot ofimagination and flair. Whenever he got the ball one expected the unexpected to happen! Should go a long way if he continues to play after leaving school. Colours. A. Grohovaz — Prop. Not a natural ball-player but strong and did an adequate job as a tight-head. Got through a lot of good work in the mauls, being able to rob a man of the ball in quick time. R. Havemann - Flank. Rob proved to be a very fast, far-ranging flank, more often than not first to the point of breakdown; setting up a counter-attack. His tackling was great to see even though he was quite small for a flank. He also did a lot of tidying-up around the line-outs. Colours. E. Hohls — Left wing. Top point scorer this season.Twenty one tries is a pretty good effort! However, if his handling had been better, he would have scored many more. Always exciting to watch when in full flight. Colours. C. Hopkins - Lock. Although a bit short for a lock Cliffy was a tremendous force in the side. He gave a dynamic shove in the tight scrums and really sailed into the mauls and rucks looking for the ball. Not only did he give the opposition something to think about, but a few of his team-mates also! Colours. A. Hutcheson - Centre. A big strong-running player with a sound defence. Had the mis fortune to be injured in the second term and never really regained his top form. When he put his mind to it he could punch holes in the opposition line and send his wing away on a good run. C. Jollands — Hooker and Captain. Had a disastrous start to the season by missing the first six games(and the tour!)through illness and injury. However, he made up for this by leading the team very well in one of our most successful seasons ever. He gave every thing he had in each game and was thus a great example to his fellow players. A good hooker and a great player in the loose . . . . always popping up where needed most. Should go a long way in the game. Colours. N. Maritz - Flank. Started off the season slowly but improved steadily so that he finished up as a real driving force both in the tight pieces and in the loose. A grand tackier and a player who enjoyed picking up the ball and setting up a new attacking movement. Colours. C. Rattray — Centre. Filled this position adequately and improved during the season. Needs to gain a bit more confidence in himself as a potential line-breaker; otherwise has all the attributes to become a really fine centre next year. 38