
When one looks for adjectives to describe the 'Kearsney Family', one that immediately comes to mind is 'compactness'. This implies not only a close knitting together, which is the case, but also a large number of attributes welded together into a small unit. The Kearsney community is a relatively small one, but to take note of the enormous and varied interests to be found in this community is virtually impossible. The School Notes, at best, can only touch the surface of important events in the lives of individual members and of the school. As usual, 1977 has been an extremely eventful year. We welcomed Mr P. Taylor and his family to Kearsney earlier this year. Mr Taylor came to Kearsney originally as a replacement for a member of staff who was going on long leave, and he has since become a valuable addition to the permanent staff. Our congratulations and best wishes go to Mr and Mrs M. Mossom, whose marriage took place during the year. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Cocks on the birth of a son,and to Mr and Mrs Allen on the birth of a daughter. Mr Vassard, too, was married this year,and we welcome his wife to Kearsney. Messrs Allen, Broster and Lamplough took well-earned long-leave, which we trust have left them refreshed and ready for the next five years. Mr. Zaayman took a group of boys overseas at the end of the year on a Kearsney Tour. We understand they had a pleasant time. We were sorry to hear of the resignations of a relatively large number of Staff members in December. They are: Mr D. Alletson, Mr C. Broster, Mr A. Friend, MrC-E. Jeannot and Mr and Mrs M. Mossom. In addition, the Chaplain, The Reverend Milton Martin, has accepted a transfer to Pretoria. We shall miss his pleasant, easy-going presence and his fine sense of humour (delivered in mellitluous tones and with a fine regard for the niceties of English). All these people, we wish health and happiness in their future spheres. We noted with regret during the year the deaths of Mrs P. Oram and Mrs E.Jeffreys. We wish Messrs Lewis-Williams and Tennant luck with the theses to which they have recently put the final touches. We congratulate the following members of Staff on their appointments as Heads of Department: Mr A. Thiselton (Science), and Mr D. Lewis-Williams (English). Mrs R. MacCallum is to control the Mathematics Department next year. Congratulations also to Mr C. Diedericks on his appointment as Housemaster of Pembroke. A number of boys chalked up noteworthy achievements during the year. As far as athletics is concerned, Kearsney was seldom out of the news, with the achievements of R. van Loo,and of the Kearsney relay team (Hohls, Van Loo,Selby and Oliver), who broke record after record at under 19 Provincial level. Both B. Craig and P. Markram represented Natal at Cross-Country, M. Logan played for Natal Schools A cricket team, and P. Pearse for the B team. Whitfield, Shuker and Whiting represented the Mynahs cricket team, Shuker captaining the team. C. Jollands was chosen for the Natal Schools Polo team (he is the third Jollands boy to have made his mark in water-polo). C. Cleator was chosen for the Natal Schools Invitation Team. 1977 may also have seen a record in the field of scholarships, with the award of Rotary Exchange Scholarships to four boys: Alcock, Feinauer, Fenn and Jollands. M. Bentley, too, brought honour to Kearsney with his award of a Silver medal in the Mathematics Olympiad, as did G. Jennings, who was placed in the top 100. The number of runners who completed the Comrades Marathon was swelled by four Staff members, Messrs Cocks, Harris, Myhill and Williams, who must surely have put on their strongest spurts in front of the Kearsney gates! Looking back on a successful and eventful 1977, we also look forward to a full 1978. SCHOOL NOTES