
MUSICAL ACTIVITIES CHAPEL CHOIR Allhough not a vintage year, the Clioir has risen admirably to the various special occasions ol the ciuircii's year and all concerned are to be thanked and congratulated for doing an extra job in a very limited amount of rehearsal time. As usual it is also appropriate to thank the members ot staft and staff wives who have so willingly assisted in most of the special services their contributions have been both valuable and necessary. BROADCAST SERVICE 1977 Our annual broadcast service was recorded in the C ollege C^hapel on October 16th. and relayed on the English Service of the S.A.B.C. the following Sunday morning. The service proceeded smoothly and uneventfully, and one had the impression that this was indeed a Seiwice rather than a contrived religious occasion. The sermon was preached by the Rev. Professor Victor Bredenkamp, and the ser vice was conducted by the Headmaster and members of the College. The Choir gave an effective lead to the singing of the hymns as well as singing the Introit "O come ye servants of the Lord" and the anthem - "Let all the world in every corner sing", a setting by Norman Gilbert. REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE This important Service is always an impressive occasion, and, as usual, went off in traditional style. In the absence of the College Chaplain the Service was conducted by the Head master; the Lesson read by Mr Storm; the Roll of Honour was read by Mr Dennis Nathan;and the sermon was preached by the Rev. Michael Cassidy. The choir led the singing of the hymns and also sang the anthem: "Let us now praise famous men" by R. Vaughen Williams. MUSIC RECITALS There have been the usual termly Organ Recitals given by Mr J. Harper, assisted ori two occasions by Mrs Irene Harper(soprano). There have been a variety of other recitals performed and on several occasions boys of the school have taken part with distinction - Anthony Passmore and Robert Mann in particular. Visiting musicians include the Montpelier Players, and the Durban Symphonic Choir who sang the Mozart "Vespers" in the College Chapel. Record Club meetings have been held each term with subjects ranging from tradi tional jazz to Christmas music. In all, the musical life of the school has been well catered for, even if attendance on the part of members of the school has been sparse there has been considerable interest from friends of the school living locally. RECITALS Each tcnn has had its quota of Recitals and other musical events and we are grateful to the various performers for giving of their time and talents even if the audiences they drew were unwontedly meagre, especially from the school population. The following is the list of activities: Term 1 February 20th. Recital of music for piano-duet played Ly Mary-Lynne Tennant and John Harper. March 13th. Organ Recital given by John Harper. Term 2 May 15th. Organ and vocal Recital given by John & Irene Harper. June 5th. Choral Recital by the Oriana Choir. June 19th. Violin and piano Recital given by Robert Mann and John Harper. Term 3 August 14th. Recital of French organ music given by John Harper. August 28th. Recital given by Irene Harper (soprano), Robert Mann (violin), Anthony Passmore(recorder)and John Harper(piano-forte) Sept. 11th. Recital given by the Montpelier Players. 62