
KEARSNEY COLLEGE OLD BOYS'CLUB President: J.A. Chick Vice-President: D.Beatty Secretary: R.D, Rich Treasurer: W.L.S. Robinson Committee: G. Dyer, B. Hulett, G. Rice, D. Hopewell Ex Officio Member: The Headmaster, C. Silcock Representatives on the Board ofGovernors: W.L. S. Robinson,T.A.Polkinghome Branch Representatives: H. Ritz (Durban), S.P. Dowdle(Transvaal),G.Groom (Zululand). OTHER OFFICERS: Trustees ofthe Endowment Fund: A.B. Theunissen, D.R. Nightingale, the President (ex officio). DURBAN Chairman: Hilary Ritz Vice-Chairman: Gavin Rice Secretary: Geoff Smith Treasurer: David Rich Committee: Tom Prankish, Graham Theunissen, Geoff Dyer, Tony Webber, Mark Rich, Allan Argall. The Durban Branch continues to hold successful functions and looks forward to the participation by all Old Boys in their activities. Usual func tions held include the Annual Dinner, the Smoker, a Snooker Tournament, a mixed Cock tail Party and the A.G.M.Old Boys are requested to watch the daily papers for news of any functions. TRANSVAAL Chairman: S.P. Dowdle Secretary: D.Beatty Treasurer: J. Bester Committee:G.Bester,B.Deane Address:P.O.Box 17475,Hillbrow 2038 The Transvaal branch of the club has had another successful year during which a number of interest ing functions were arranged. On 11th March the Annual Dinner/Dance held at Old Edwardians Qub was the usual success and much interest centred around the tombola stall which has become a regular part of this function. In July we held the Annual General Meeting which took the form of a cocktail party and wives were invited to join in the discussion at the meeting. This proved an interesting and useful Secretary of the Endowment Fund: D.A. Hopeweb. Trustees of Bursary and Education Fund: Dr.G. Shuker, R.D. Rich,the President(ex officio), the Headmaster(ex officio). Representative on Epworth-Kearsney School Poundation: N.Polkinghome Editor ofthe Old Boys'Section ofthe 'Chronicle ': D. Beatty, 34 Milburn St, Rynfield,Benoni 1500 Keeper of the Register: J.A. Chick, Kearsney College,Botha's Hill 3660 Sale of Club Colours: P. Metcalf, Kearsney College,Botha's Hill 3660. Honorary Auditors: Messrs Roberts, Haley & Murray. experiment and will no doubt be repeated in future years. At the AGM we were privileged to have Peter and Nan Metcalf as guests and Peter gave us a comprehensive talk on what was happening at the College. Also at the AGM were the headmaster Colin Silcock and his wife Charmian who made a special effort to attend on the way back from their son's wedding in Rhodesia. The much-talked-about register of Old Boys became reality during the year and has proved most informative and useful to Old Boys who wish to make contact with one another. It is hoped to keep this register updated and when funds permit it will be printed and distributed once more. RHODESIA DC.(Wally) Clarkson (44-47) who is the general organiser of Old Boys activities in Rhodesia has sent in this report oftheir last get-together: On 5th August, another 'get-together' was held at the Ambassador Hotel. Seven Old Boys, some with wives, attended. They were, in order of seniority: 1939-55 1944^7 1945-48 1945-46 1949-53 1951-54 1954-55 sent to over 30-odd Old were received from five. Roy CoUey(staff) WaUy Clarkson Paul Chappe Owen Putterill Neb More Chester Cullingworth Brian Colley Invitations were Boys and apologies Those living in sensitive areas cannot travel as BRANCH NEWS 67