
SPEECH DAY 1977 Speech Day opened with devotions led by the Chaplain. Before calling on the Headmaster to present his report, the Chairman of the Board, Prof. V. Bredenkamp welcomed special guests, noting that Mr J.F. Reece, a former member of the teaching staff, was attending his fiftieth prize-giving. After this the Headmaster reported briefly on developments during 1977. He paid tribute to the staff in general and particularly to those who were leaving. Referring to the examination results, he observed that it was better for candidates who were likely tc write on the Standard Grade at the end of the year to decide on the change early in the year. Concluding with a survey of the extra-curricular activities offered at the college, he expressed the opinion that Kearsney boys enjoyed opportunities equal to those available anywhere in the Republic. The Chairman then introduced the Rev. S.G. Pitts, who presented the prizes. Mr Pitts, addressing the school, urged the leavers to hold fast to "a vision of our land, fair as she might be". He deplored the tendency for young men to leave the country at a time when it faced difficulties. He encouraged his audience to be ready to defend its vision, saying that those who did duty on the borders did this in order that peaceful change could be accomplished. Finally he appealed to the boys to serve their vision with all the gifts God had given them, saying that in the final analysis the private schools would be justified by the quality of the men and women who came out of them. After Headboy Clive Jollands had replied on behalf of the school, he made presen tations to Mr and Mrs Pitts and the proceedings were brought to a close by Prof. Bredenkamp. \\ 111 \ \ SHAFE F.Emanuet