
freely nowadays and this, no doubt, had an in fluence on the attendance. To help numbers attending I invited a DHS Old Boy and a Glenwood Old Boy and this stimulated lively discussion as our guests were of the same age group of some of the Old Boys and friendships were made and renewed. Coincidentally, Ross Gower, the DHSOB invited, had, whilst working for Union Castle in London in 1956, arranged for Neil More to work his passage back to South Africa on a cattle boat and this was their first meeting in 21 years. Neil gave a very amusing account of how he made an obstinate bull get mobile by biting its tail. He had learnt this trick whilst holidaying at a relations's farm when he was a schoolboy. His feat brought admiring glances from the local pommie stevedores who must have thought'now there's a farming type' whereas Neil hardly knew one end of a bull from the other. It was good to meet up again with old friends and recall 'the good old days.' WaUy Qarkson's address is 19 Tay Road, Vainona, P.O. Borrowdale. Phone Salisbury 882387. Any Old Boys Mving in or visiting Rhodesia are asked to get in touch with him. ZULULAND Chairman: Gamett Groom Secretary: John Nightingale Treasurer: Des Nightingale This branch was revived last year when a meeting was held at Mtunzini in October.The headmaster, Cohn Silcock and the president of the Old Boys Club, Tony Chick were present, and a most pleasant evening was spent and much enthusiasm generated. EDITORIAL NOTES A lot of news items have reached us by word of mouth or from newspaper reports and it is not always possible to verify their accuracy. Please bear with us. We are grateful to all of you who have submitted news, both of yourselves and of your acquaintances. Our special gratitude goes to Jack Reece,who, in his efforts to compile a Kearsney archives,has been in touch with numerous Old Boys. All the news he has thus received,he has submitted to us for publication. As most of this came in the form of personal messages to him and he has added his own comments, a complete section has been devoted solely to those items submitted by him. This win be found at the end of the usual news items. In some cases, therefore, items have been duplicated, as it is felt that it is important that they be published in the form submitted. NOTICES Membership Any Old Boy may apply for membership of the Club by writing to the Hon. Secretary, K.C.O.B.C., c/o Kearsney College, Botha's Hill, 3660. The letter of application should state the applicant's full names, his address and the years he was at the College. A cheque of R15,00,in payment of the life membership subscription, should accompany the application. Among benefits of Club membership are the rights to wear Qub colours and receive the Chronicle. Change of Address This should be notified to: K.C.O.B.C. Register, c/o Kearsney College, Botha's Hill, 3660. When mail is returned to the Club by the post office as being undelivered, the relevant addressograph plate is destroyed and the member becomes "lost" - and thus does not receive further copies of the Chronicle etc. Club Colours The only source from which Club badges, ties, etc., can be obtained is the College. Requestsfor the supply of such items should be addressed to Mr P.E. Metcalf, Kearsney College, Botha's Hill, 3660 and should be accompanied by a cheque or postal order(made payable to the Club)to cover the cost of the required articles. Current prices are: Blazer Badge(Lurex on navy pocket) R4,75 Ties, Multi-crested R4,00 Cravats, made-up or self-tie,each R3,75 Scarves,each R4,50 Crested buttons,large and small,each 20c Education Fund The Kearsney College Old Boys' Bursary and Education Loan Trust Eund has been established and we draw your attention to it for your con sideration. The Fund will derive its capital from grants, bequests and donations and it wiU be used to provide financial assistance to Old Boys,or the widows of Old Boys, to send their sons to the College. Two points arise immediately -the matter of boosting the Fund,and the matter of assistance from the Fund. The first point is covered by making any donations, etc., to the Fund by way of the President of the K.C.O.B.C., or by the Head master. The second point can be approached by application to the Headmaster. All correspond ence is confidential and is in the hands of the Trustees who are the President for the time being of the K.C.O.B.C., the Headmaster and two Old Boys duly elected. A considerable sum of money is already in the Fund from legacies by certain people,so applica tion can be considered immediately. Old Boys on the Board of Governors: G.W. Shuker (Chairman of Executive), W.L.S. Robin son (Exec.), D.V. Thompson(Exec.),T.Polkinghome (Exec.), H.N. Walker, L.F. Forsyth,D.W. Barker,A.B.Theunissen,J.H. Charter. Old Boys on the Staff: J.A. Chick(Bursar),P.O. Metcalf (Vice-Principal), B.G. WilHams, T.G. AUen,M.Vassard. Archives Jack Reece (Staff 27-67) is engaged in collect ing all the possible data for a History of Kearsney and has made considerable progress. He would like it to be said that he has plenty of NEWS to record, but would appreciate it if Old Boys would care to send him VIEWSor IMPRESSIONS gained during their years at Kearsney.Everything would be treated anonymously if so desired. 69