
P.I. (Philip) Baynash (51-56) writes from Australia: "The recently received request for information for inclusion in the 'Chronicle' left me with a rather guilty feeling. I don't think I have sent in my news for years and so enclose the following: 1 am currently working for a firm of computer/management consultants in Sydney, having moved here from Johannesburg at the beginning of this year. I find Sydney a fascinating and beautiful city and a curious mixture of British, South African-like influences as well as some fairly special Australian ones. Even here, I have come across Old Boys, having recently seen Colin Ellison (51-54) who is living in Adelaide and Digby Benporath (51-56) who was here on a tour. 1 would be happy to hear from any Old Boys who are passing this way, and can be contacted at the following address: 14 Fairbairn Avenue, Killara, N.S.W. 2071, Australia.." N.B. de B.(Nigel) Blampied (64-68) is working with a firm of consulting engineers in Pietermaritzbuig. Activi ties in the Presbyterian Church and Youth for Christ take up much of his spare time. He has recently taken up jogging and is busy with a couple of courses with UNISA. Derek Beatfy(51-54)is involved in printing and publish ing with Zenith Printers and Ravan Press. He is an elder and Sunday School superintendent in the Presbyterian Church in Benoni. At the recent SA Renewal Conference in Johannesburg he met Ed Bath(55-59)and Mike Odell (51-54), the latter being kept busy throughout the conference operating the television cameras. B.E.(Braz) Clemence (67-70) is at present running the photographic section of 'Australasian Press', an Australian newspaper in London.He spent three months touring Europe on a motorcycle and had an 'out of this world' trip. He is busy doing Geography honours through UNISA and at the same time is studying for a degree in Town Planning with the Royal Institute of Town Planning in London. He has met up with Peter Murless (67-70) and they have shared bicycle trips to various parts of the UK. P.J.(Peter) Chick (70-76) is at the 5 SA Infantry Batta lion at Ladysmith doing his army training together with Gary Rich, Barry Ellis, Dennis Priess, Adrian Bird and Lincoln Wyatt. He suggests if we want further news of him we should consult his father Tony(33-38,staff 69-). Poor old man,he's just landed himself another secretarial post! G.C. Comins (62-66) works as a civil engineer for Roberts Construction. He spent many years at Vanderbijlpark and Randfontein and is now working on the construction of a new sugar mill in Malawi. Early this year he had a 3W month overseas tour, vi,siting Sri Lanka, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, Canada^ USA and Brazil. While in Melbourne he called on Graham Mail (59-64) who works for a computer firm there. S.G. (Steve) Chaning-Pearce (66-69) recently qualified as a chartered accountant and is occupied as an Audit Senior for Alex, Aiken and Carter. He intended writing the Finals of the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants Examinations in November and next year plans to tour North and South America. A.N. (Jeeves) Chalmers (56-59) writes interestingly of his activities in carrying out research into colour measurement and colour reproduction in collaboration with the CSIR.This work has taken him to various parts of the country as well as to the USA to deliver papers at conferences. He is senior lecturer in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Natal in Durban. His brother l.M.(Ian) Chalmers(54-57) spent the whole of 1977 in Canada as Visiting Professor of Rheumatology at the University of Alberta in Edmon ton where he, his wife and young son seem to have enjoyed themselves seeing something ofCanada. J.A. (John) Clarkson (40-43), after five years as the General Secretary of the S.A. Teacher's Association, is returning to teaching in January 1978 as Vice-Principal of the Muizcnburg High School. R.E. (Crumple) Cox (70-74), after completing his National Service in the Air Force, is now studying at the Hotel School in Braamfontein and was chosen to go on lour with the Hotel School 1st XV last year. After qualitying he intends travelling to Europe to gain further experience in the hotel industry. He is in regular contact with Martin Grossett, Brian Dales and Guy Blackbeaid. M.L. (Bunny) Coppin (4447) is still Chief Land Surveyor with the Durban Corporation. He has not entered a motor rally since the fuel crisis in 1973, but is still involved in administration and organisation. C.A.(Charles)Carr (64-67) writes from Bloemfontcin: "Having studied computers through UNISA for the past four years I am now awaiting transfer to Jan Smuts. Computers have just started to make an impression in Air 't raffic Control in South Africa and as the only Air Jraffic Controller studying in that field and being an operational controller, my chances of being transferred to the computer section are good. G.M.(Chiz) Chisholm (70-73) is an Air Force pilot and ranked 2nd Lieutenant. He captained W. Transvaal at water polo and represented Junior Boland at rugby. Dr. J.C.(John)Couper(4142) is Vice-President of the South African Association of Anaesthetists, and will be President in 1978. He lives in Port Elizabeth. O.K. (Wally) Clarkson (4447) is manager of the Standard Bank Group Planning and Marketing Division in Salisbury. He is a member of the Advertising and Publicity Club, Association of Rhodesian Advertisers, Executives Association ot Rhodesia and Hon. Treasurer ot the Beekeepers Association. For many years he has been the general organiser of all Old Boys affairs in Rhodesia and writes interestingly of activities there. Also in his letter he included a number of newspaper cuttings which gave a good picture of the tremendous spirit that prevails amongst residents in these times of terrorism and hardship. D.G. (Dave) Dyer (68-73) has moved from Johannes burg to Cape Town where he is training as an insurance broker with Price Forbes Sedgwick. He has obtained his private pilot's licence and now enjoys seeing the Cape from the air. He plays squash for Varsity Old Boys Club together with Charlie Foster and has made contact with Peter Rimington who is at Stellenbo.sch. K.W.(Ken) Dyer (31-36) is a plastic surgeon in private practice in Durban. In 1969 he was President of the Natal Coastal Branch of the Medical Association of South Africa and is currently a member of the Execu tive Committee of the Association of Plastic and Recon structive Surgeons of S.A. and is also organising secretary of the Plastic Surgery Congress of S.A. being held in Durban, D.J. (Fred) Dukes(49-52) is farming in the Eston area and is playing golf, tennis and cricket. S.P.(Spencer)Dowdle(57-59)has been re-elected chair man of the Transvaal branch of the Old Boys Club,and makes an earnest plea to Old Boys in the area to support the activities of the branch by attending at least two functions during the coming year. C.M.(Colin) Downie (52-57) is still Product Develop ment Manager at Motor Assemblies. He has done 16 overseas trips in the past eight years and last year spent two months in USA and Japan. His part-time activities centre mainly on the organising of motor sport. He was an official on the Roof of Africa rally wifh John Inge 52-54) and Chris Jewitt (53-58). He rides a moforcycle for exercise and did a 5-day ride through Lesotho in January, falling off only twice. I.M.(Ian) Endendyk (65-68)is an accountant for Anglo Amciican Property Services and his hobby is philately. I.S. (Ian Fogel)(65-69) is employed by Nedbank Ltd at Rosebank Branch. Johannesburg, working in the managers department. 71