
sport aspect tlierc. His brother Barrie is still tcachini: at D.H.S., Robin is farming near Ladysmith and Anthony is doing his 2nd year B.Proe. at university in Pieterniaiitzburg. AX.Immelman(69-73)is studying for a B.Sc."Biological Sciences at Durban university, sharing a house with John Alcock, who is at present leading the life of a squatter, growing vegetables in the back yard! A.W.(Ant) Johnson (65-67), after working in "Ciwic street" for three years, joined the Air Force in April 1972 and is now based at Swartkops Air Force base in Pretoria and is Hying Puma helicopters. He often comes into contact with Chris Milbank. David M.(Fred) Keatley (68-72) writes from Chicago: "I am currently employed with Joseph T. Ryerson and Son as a Sales Representative in the Chicago area, find ing the job challenging and rewarding. I am engaged to be married in May 1978 to Ginny,a nursing professor at Loyola University (Bob Newharfs old university). Rugby has really blossomed in the past three years in the States and 1 am playing for a local team, the 'Chicago Griffins' who currently rank 2nd in the Chicago area. Have been to many tournaments all over the country and ran into Mike Halliday (68-72) who is continuing his outstanding rugby career and who was married last December. 1 ask that any old boys visiting Chicago call me at 312-762-2121. Even if it's not to play rugby to get together again would be an interest ing and rewarding experience. Have heard from Geoff Gluckman (68-72) who is currently learning the tanning business in Holland. Derek Kyle (51-54) has been appointed the Anglovaal Group's consulting geologist. He has an M.Sc. degree from Rhodes and has wide experience of economicgeology and is actively involved in promoting the profession as a whole. (Photo: The Star) jflHn VfHp N.F.H. (Neville) Kirkwood (68-71) has just completed his third year of CTA studies at UCT and enjoys living in Cape Town. A.D.(Ant)Lloyd (68-72) has completed three years of B.Com. studies at Rhode,s. and plans to continue with a C.T.A. and Honours in accounting. He was awarded a De Beers scholarship which means two years commit ment to De Beers after he completes his articles. His brother Rob(63-68)left De Beers at the end of last year and has now taken up a post in Johannesburg with Anglo-American as Personal Assistant to the Deputy Director of Gold (Anglo). He is doing well for himself but is stiU unmarried. A.J. (Tony) Leon (71-74) is a first-year B.A. (Law) student at Wits, majoring in legal theory and political science and is a member of the Arts Faculty Council. He is Transvaal youth loader of the Progressive Reform Party and was elected a member of the Party's Regional and National executive. He completed his national service with the SA Defence Force magazine 'Paratus'as a photo journalist and went on seven trips to the operational area, covered the Transkeian independence celebrations and accompanied the SAS President Kruger on its historic voyage to New York for the bicentennial in 1975. They stopped en route at Las Palmas, Virginia and .South Carolina and he became the first army national serviceman to travel overseas with the SA Navy in peacetime. He is regularly in contact with Steven Levy (71-74) who is a first year business science student al UCT, and Steve Du Toit (70-74) who is a final year BA at Natal and who plays rugby for varsity Under 20. Terry White (69-74) and Guy Miller (69-74) are also studying at Wits. C.J.R.(James) Lind Holmes(67-71) is still at varsity in Durban slowly nearing the end of his law degree (B.Proe.). He is Rag Chairman for 1978 and plays social hockey, seeing many of his Kearsney contemporaries daily on the campus. C.H. (Colin) Lee (48-52) is General Manager, Co ordinating and Planning Department, Continental Oil Company (Conoco), based in Stamford, Connecticut. He is active in speaking and writing about energy policy and has sent a number of very interesting extracts from magazines and newspapers which illustrate the vast extent of his work. He travels a great deal and visited one of the company's platforms in the North Sea. He plans to visit South Africa this year. J.S. (John) Lacey (55-60) writes: "1 have recently returned from a fifteen week Programme for Manage ment Development at the Harvard Business School in the United States, having been away from South Africa from January to June. The course, the people and the environment I found very stimulating and informative, and I believe that this experience was most rewarding. On my way back from the States, I once again stayed with Peter Penke (Morrison) (55-60) who sends his regards to all old classmates and colleagues in South Africa. His address is 'Quileucru', Lake View Road, Dormans Park. Fast Grinstead, U.K." A.R.(Tony) Melman (60-64) is Project Manager of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in Toronto, Canada. His academic achievements are B.Sc. (Chem Eng.), M.B.A. and Ph.D.(Doctor of Finance). His main pastimes are music. Photography and squash. T.L. (Terry) Martin (63-68) recently qualified as a chartered accountant and continues to represent South Africa at table tennis. He has been making a concerted effort at tennis with a view to joining the professional circuit. He was recently selected to represent Durban at tennis. V.C. (Vic) Milne (52-55) is still Assistant Director (Administration) with the West Rand Bantu Affairs Administration Board and is active in tennis circles. M.L. (Monty) Motzouris (71-74) is an electrician at Alusaf, Richards Bay and occupies his spare time with waterskiing, motor rallying and skateboarding. He plans to travel to Europe in the near future. Ian S.(Mac) Mackey (56-60) is consultant ear nose and throat surgeon to the Westminster Hospital, the Metro politan Ear Nose and Throat Hospital and the National Heart and Chest Hospitals in London and has been a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England since 1974. He has private consulting rooms at 55 Harley St, London W.1. His main pastime is sailing and he hopes to go to America for a few weeks next year and would be interested in seeing any Old Boys living in Los Angeles, New York, Detroit or New Orleans. He writes: "It seems impossible that it is now 17 years since leaving Kearsney - I still read the Chronicle from cover to cover." S.M.(Stuet)Nalson(55-58)is managing director of Vryheid Mining Supplies, plays golf off a 9 handicap and participates in yachting. He leaves for UK and the Continent for 6 weeks in May 1978..He has a son, Shaun,who will start at Kearsney in 1978. Peter Prozesky (71-72) is with the 5th S.A.I. Battalion in Ladysmith. M.P. (Maurice) Paterson (66-70) received Springbok colours for modern pentathlon when he participated in an International tournament against Switzerland, Sweden,Germany,etc. last year. Congratulations! 73