
K.J.(Kev)Palmer(74-76)is a civil engineer trainee witli Roberts Construction and plays rugby for D.ll.S.O.H. Under 20. F.E. (Frank) Porrill (50-53) writes: "In July 1977 I changed from head of the Evaluation Dept. of the S.A. Gold Coin Exchange to Authorised Dealer and at the same time joined Wilkinson Lion Sales(division of Lion Match Co.) as Elandsfontein Depot Manager. Probably the most satisfying job I have ever had. Anything I do is an improvement on the chaos into which I walked! In between I am still with the Gold Coin Exchange and 1 still do about 15 duties a month at Linden Emergency Depot (Pharmacy) and still have time for working Goiden Products and in between my family and home keep me busy. It is very satisfying to have so much to show for each day even if ope goes a little short on sleep! I am becoming more and more involved in church matters, school matters and on committee also for Cubs, Scouts and Guides. Never before have I LIVED so much and enjoyed life so much. This year I have also completed two part-time courses at Jhb. Tech in build ing and electronics!" B.A.(Brian) Pentecost(63-67)joined the South African Airways in May after serving the SAAF for six years, and is now Second Officer on the Jumbo 747, and getting to see various parts of the world. He plays squash and golf in his spare time. D.A. (Dave) Peddie (63-67) is working as a research officer for the Rhodesian National Park and Wildlife at the Matetsi Research Station near Victoria Falls where he is carrying out a doctoral study on buffalo. Between the buffalo and the terrorists he finds research seldom dull. As a captain in the Rhodesian Artillery a fair amount of his time is spent on military duty. D.A. (Dennis) Preiss (73-76) is in the army for two years. Elgar (Rags) Rogaly (58-63) is surgical registrar at the Johannesburg General Hospital and obtained the Fellowship of the College of Surgeons of South Africa in April 1977. He went to Edinburgh in July 1977 and obtained a Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, after which he toured England and Europe with his wife. M.G.(Mike) Rochfort (63-64) is company secretary of Dura Construction (Natal) (Pty) Ltd and living at Waterfall, near Hillcrest. He is secretary/treasurer of the Waterfall Ratepayers' Association. S.S.(Slug) Ryan(61-64)is at present living in Australia. He obtained his B.Comm. degree before going, and is employed in the Campbelltown Municipality (about 32 miles from Sydney) as assistant valuations officer. He played cricket for the Collegians Club in Campbelltown and is also playing rugby. He plans to pay South Africa a visit next year with his Australian wife whom he met while living in London. M.P. (Mark) Roberts (72-76) is at present undergoing army training at Technical Services School, Voortrekkerhoogte. He spent a very informative six months at Arnot Mine as a student and intends doing a degree in Elec trical Engineering on compeltion of army training. D.G.(Derek)Spargo(54-57)has been appointed district sales manager ofDouglas Green,Paarl. (Photo: Die Burger) F.S.G. Sievers (73-76) is playing rugby for the UCT Under 20 team in Cape Town. K.B. (Ken) Shea (50-52) is presently employed as an Engineering Representative for Castrol Oil Co. in Durban, covering Sugar factories throughout Natal and Swaziland and comes in contact with many Old Boys. He still remains an ardent fisherman and sees Alan Cunningham (50-53) frequently. Alan is still actively involved in military affairs and recently spent three months on the border. Ken also joined the Durban North Commando with Roy Cordes (49-52) and they are involved in area security, etc. M.J. Saunders (73-76) is doing military training at Voortrekkerhoogte along with other Kearsney Old Boys. M.C.(Mike) Stead (71-76)is busy with military training as a member of the medical services. Doing border duty he met old boys at many camps. G.M.H. (Mike) Shires (46-50) is Chief of Staff: Large Animal Surgery, Oregon State University, School of Veterinary Medicine. He was recently elected as a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons. Only approximately 120 members in the world and only about 30 Large Animal Surgeons. He is the first and only South African graduate to be elected as yet. He only recently moved to Oregon - near the sea and mountains again from Iowa State University where he was Chief Food Animal Surgeon and awarded the Nordcn Distinguished Teacher Award for 1976(one per university). He travels frequently throughout the U.S. to present seminars to veterinary groups. He is also engaged in research and client surgery of large animals as well as teaching senior veterinary students and graduate students. Mike has had very little contact with other old boys and would encourage anyone in U.S. to contact him. His pastimes are canoeing, swimming, fishing and skiing. His brother, Dr K.O. (Peter) Shires (59-62) is at Auburn University, Alabama where he is participating in a Masters Degree in small animal surgery. D.P. Stone (27-29) writes: "1 retired from Harmony Gold Mine at the end of May 1977 and on 1st June 1 was re-engaged as a pensioner. This pleases me greatly and 1 am fortunate to be kept on the mine books. My designation is now Chief Compound Managers Clerk - formerly 1 was Compound Manager. In November 1977 1 had completed 40 years service with Barlow-Rand. Fortunately 1 enjoy excellent health and keep very active playing a lot of tennis, jogging, and riding a bicycle to work. In September 1 will be celebrating my 65th birthday!" B31.(Bruce) Stafford (66-70) graduated at the Univers ity of Natal as a Bachelor of Architecture with merit. He is now lecturing at the university part time and working part time at Building Design Group. He is a very keen surfer and plans to study further in the United States in 1978. F.S. (Fraser) Simpson (51-56) has made a name for himself as a Johannesburg city councillor and stood for the Progressive Reform Party in last year's municipal elections. He is chairman of the Parkhurst Primary School Committee, of the Parkhurst Recreational A D. G. Spargo F. S. Simpson. 74