
Centre, the Parkliurst l ootball Club and the Parkhurst Village Fair Committee. He also sits on the Control Board of the Southern Transvaal Football Association. R.W. Simpson (53-58) is Head of Mathematics at Hayes Grammar School, Maidenhead, England. He and his wife enjoyed a delightful holiday in South Africa in 1976 and he was most impres.sed with the developments at Kearsney since he left in 1958. D.G.(Jackie)Travers-Jackson(57-60)is assistant branch manager of STANNIC in Cape Town. He occasionally sees Winston Travis (56-60) who owns a business in Cape Town. D.V.(Chopper)Thompson (52-57) has returned from a one-month holiday and beef study tour of Germany, Canada and UK. He is President of the South African Federation of Meat Traders and Chairman of Durban and District Meat Traders Association and was recently appointed to the Epworth/Kearsney Board of Governors. For four years he has been Chairman of Atholton Primary School Advisory Committee. He writes: "1 had a hard look at overseas schools and it certainly makes one desperate to protect and preserve the spirit of our schools. The fish I had for lunch at Kearsney the other day is the tastiest I've had in years!. . . . if that is the standard our friend Mr Ron Blackbeard is producing then Kearsney boys arc definitely being spoilt. I don't suppose jealousy gets you anywhere!" T.W. Thompson (55-60) is still very much involved in the 103-year-old family meat business. He will be travelling to the USA and whilst on holiday will be visiting meat processing plants in Chicago. His son Rowan will be starting at Kearsney in 1978. R.G.(Ron)Timm (53-56) recently took up an appoint ment with Royal Baking Powder (Pty) Ltd as technical manager. The company's interests extend beyond purely baking powder into a variety of food products and also into non-food household products. Rev. J.L.B. Taylor (4243) is moving in January 1978 on transfer to Western Province Command,Cape Town. He serves on the Executive of Marist Brothers College, Port Elizabeth and sees Rev Peter Young occasionally in Grahamstown. A.L. (Rainbow) Varrie (4549) writes: "Having now established my touring company by recently breaking into the incoming foreign tourist market, I'm pleased to say that the government tourist bodies now entrust all their promotional work in the Garden Route to my company. This takes the form of entertaining and escorting specially selected overseas journalists and representatives from the travel media such as travel agents and airline personnel.1 enjoy the work thoroughly and am happy in so much as 1 am able to work at my hobby as my occupation, 1 have great fun researching, amongst other things in the course of my touring, the social history of this area (including that ofGeorge Rex) and am sure Mr Oram would have been proud of me when people refer to me as an historian! Considering 1 was his worst pupil. As a result of my sins, 1 have nowbeen appointed Director of the Plettenberg Bay Publicity Association (a private sector body in this cast) and have had a hand in the formation of the Garden Route Tourist Association and recently the formation of a national body in tourism to be known as the Federation of Tourist Associations of S.A.(FOTOSA)." J.A. (John) Voysey (47-50) is presently a partner of Campbell, Bernstein & Irving, Consulting Engineers and Architects in Durban. He is responsible for the design of sewage and industrial effluent projects. In 1976 he was chairman of the Southern African Branch of the Institute for Water Pollution Control. He was joint author of a paper on the re-use of sewage recently presented at an international conference on Advanced Water Treatment. He has three sons at Kearsney in standards 10,9 and 8. Brian Von Sorgenfrei (48-53), having spent four years running Film Fun in Natal, decided to branch out into another line of business, and with a friend, formed a cotnpany called Highway Truck and Tractor Spares. They started their second-hand spares operation last November dealing in used ear, truck and tractor spares. He is still living on a smallholding near Shongweni and his spare time is occupied in looking after his collection of about 35 exotic birds. His son Jimmy(68-70)is now also running his own business in Durban called Sad Sacks, which specialises in army surplus and camping equipment. He has done very well at shooting(combat) and has been chosen as a member of the South African invitation team to take part in the world championships. N.D.(Norman) Vaughton (51-53) is principal at Sogeri National High School, Po-Rouna, Papua New Guinea. G.E.M. (Gremmy) Wareing (68-72) is having a go at trying to make biscuits at Bakers Ltd. He often sees C, Denness who is working at Hayne & Gibson,and also H. Nichols who works for Kings Gun Shop. R.G.(Richard) Wilkins (54-60)is now a Group Director of the N.M.l. Group Ltd, and recently became a full member of the Institute of Marketing Management. He continues to play rugby socially and finds rowing very relaxing. J.F. (John) Woods (49-52) is director and marketing manager of H.J. Williamson Products(Pty) Ltd, manu facturers of patent medicines and toiletries. He is presently involved in a programme to try and penetrate the Reef market with "Chief" cough mbrturc. On Sunday evenings he is busy with an evangelical outreach with three other Christians showing tllms at various venues with a view to reaching people with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. They call themselves Contact Communications. T.J.(Terry) Wedell (68-73) is at present working for his father manufacturing concrete goods in Johannesburg. He reports a good social life with much participation in water-skiing and other sports. He lives in a house with Chuckles Whitney(69-74)and his brother Gary (66-71). He sees much of Ante Stueland(66-71) who has his own business in Kloof; Dave McClean(69-73)who works for Arthur Young & Co in Johannesburg and who is doing well at Moto-X: and Ian McClure who is in his fourth year of medical studies at Wits. O.J. (Bees Knees) Wilkinson (35-38) is a radiologist in Bloemfontein and makes Persian Rugs in his spare time. He flew to South America in September visiting six countries and attended a Radiological Congress in Rio, He regularly sees Ralph Putterill of Lesotho who was chosen to play for O.F.S. in Inter-Provincial Bowls in Maritzburg in August. Rev. E.A.P. (Peter) Watson (55-60) has joined the ministry of the Baptist Church and is stationed in Norlhmead, Benoni. While declaring that he has 'lost' all his Latin he has nevertheless made a close study of New Testament Greek. H.N.(Newton)Walker(3845)was recently honoured in an article in 'Die Huisgenoot' by Dr Craven. In it three rugby teams are chosen from all players whom Dr Craven had .seen play for South Africa: An A and B touring team and a team which could beat any touring team. He was chosen as one of the front rank forwards and Stanley Osier(headmaster 47-64) was chosen as one of the centres in the team to beat the tourists. All the following Old Boys News has been supplied by Jack Reece (staff 27-67), and is derived from personal visits or letters. Of himself he writes "The pain, weakness and dizziness I have experienced since a major operation SVi yearsago (my surgeon in the meantime having died) 1 would not pass on to my worst enemy. It has meant my giving up all my commitments, and virtually confines me to the Kearsney campus. The young rooinek who came out on a three-year contract with Kearsney has now completed 50 years here and is clearly destined to spend the rest of his days here. This 75