
Examination Results 1977 (Subjects in which an A symbol(80%+) was awarded shown in brackets). NATAL SENIOR CERTIFICATE WITH MATRICULATION EXEMPTION C.G.N. Albertyn, P.M. Alcock, C.D. Auret, R.P. Beer, M.A. Bentley (Math, So, & Agg), P.O. Bernicchi, J.R. Burns, J.B. Clarke (Math,Sc,& Agg), M.V.Cromme,M. de Andrade, L.Z. Deenik, P. den Hoed, J.L. Dicks, J.D. Dixon (Sc, Lat.), T.D. Dunlop (Math), N.D. Dyer, C.J. Ewin, E.C. Fargher, M.C. Feinauer, C.W.H. Fenn, G. Findlay, C.E. Foster, W.S.S. Friend, G.D. Gifford, R.S. Grant, A.J. Grohovaz, K.P.E. Guy, B.K. Hagemann, C.W. Harding, R.S. Havemann, R.D. Heywood, R.J. Holden, M.D. Hollis, C.H.Jaffray,G.D.Jennings(Math, Bio.), J.C. Jollands (Math, Lat.), S.J. Kidgell (Math, Sc,), L.D. Liebenberg, M.B. Logan, G.A. Luck, R.M. Mann, P.R. Markram, G.W. Martin (Eng, Hist), C.A. Mason, D.R. Matley (Eng.Hist, & Agg), D.J. McEwen, N.E.L. Michel-Smith, M.L.P. Oliver, A.R. Passmore, P.M. Pearse, A.J.C. Pilling, D.J. Quested (Bio, Sc. & Agg), P.C. Riding, C.J. Ross, W.J.C. ScuUy (Hist),H.W. Shone, G.T. Stewart, G.M. Stone, M. Taylor, K.M. Temlett, P.M. Thring, A.S. Tombe, M.J. van Riet, L.O. van Schalkwyk,M.K.van Wyk,R.A. Voysey, R.J. Ward, N.P. Williams,G.W.Witney(Maths(S)) (D. J. Quested was awarded an 'A* in English after a re mark Ed.) NATALSENIOR CERTIFICATE A.J. Beckett, P.J. Boorman, B. Botha, C.R.V. Bussey, M.C. Calitz, T. Chaplin, K.R. Dowse, P.J. Emanuel (Art), D.T.H. Gillespie, A.M. Goupille, A.J.W. Gray, L.M.Gribble,S.G. Jewitt,E. Hohls,K.G.Holliday,R.W. Hulett, P.J. Hulley, A.A. Hutcheson, A.G. KennedyGrant, E.H. Landau, M.T. Lindeijer, R.J.D. Mackie (Math (S) ), M. Maritz, G.N. Matthee, A.A. Muller, G.W.A. Muller, M.D.Newman,C.E. Parker,C.T.Patient, A.J. Ross-Elliott, G.M. Sacks, T.C. Scourfield, M.L. Selby, A.A.D.Taylor,P.N. Walker,H.J. Wilmot. Awards 1977 CRICKET: Most improved cricketer in the school(Foss Bat): P.M. Pearse. Best all-rounder in First Team (Kings Trophy): M.B. Logan. House providing greatest number of players in all divi sions(Jack Hulett Salver): Finningley TENNIS: Junior Singles Champion:(George Hulett Trophy): B. Logan. Senior Singles Champion: (Polkinghome Cup): N. Engelbrecht. Bonnefin Trophy:(Inter-school): K.C. ul4 team. SQUASH Most improved player in the School(Carrington Cup): Villiers Junior Champion(Negus Cup): D.L. Thiselton Senior Champion (Old Boys Trophy): B.G. Whiting CROSS-COUNTRY: U.I3 Individual Winner: M.Waddilove U.I3 Inter-House (C-E. Jeannot Trophy): Gillingham. U.I5 Individual Winner(Calder Cup): M. Markram Junior Inter-House Fourie Trophy:Gillingham. Senior Inter-House(Christian Cup): Pembroke. SHOOTING: Junior Champion (Ernest Ashby Memorial Cup): F. Goosen Highest average during year (Ivan Bjorkman Cup): G.L. Brokensha Senior Champion (Ken Trotter Shield) E. Hohls& A.J. Browning Inter-House(Derek Robbins Cup):Gillingham SERVICE, ACADEMIC AND CULTURAL AWARDS: Cultural Colours: J.B. Clarke, P. Den Hoed, A.R. Passmore. Special prize from the Archimedes Society for achieve ments in Mathematics, Physical Science and Biology in 4th Form: D.J. Pons. Special Prize from Lantern Publication for excellence in English in 5th Form: J.R. Varker Senior Examination in Bilingualism Certificate: G.W. Martin. Hanle Trophy(Cultural Activities): P. den Hoed. Sutler Gore Trophy (Best Public Speaker): E.S. Jordan. Recognition of Service Certificate: P.J. Metcalf. Music Trophy: A.R. Passmore Special Pottery Prize: A.R.Passmore Art Prize: A.A. Hutcheson. S.B. Theunissen Prize for Perseverance: E.C. Fargher. Hindson Memorial Prize for English Literature. G.W. Martin. George McLeod Memorial Essay: G.W. Martin & D.R. Matley. William and Susan Jones Prize for English: D.R. Matley. History Prize: D.R. Matley Afrikaans Prize: P.R. Markram Jack Reece Latin Prize: J.C. Jollands. Headmaster's Prize for Special Service: J.C. Jollands. Ben Milner Prize for Biology: G.D. Jennings & D.J. Quested. Patrick Moore Memorial Shield and Prize for Physical Science: D.J. Quested. Academic Honours: M.D. Bentley & D.J. Quested. French Prize: M.D. Bentley Alletson-Smith Award for Mathematics: M.D. Bentley. Dux of the School: M.D. Bentley. I r jrD M : . u m