
work. Any offers? He spent one day with me, wandering round the school, which he had not seen in any detail for many years. D.(David) Jollands (65-69) has taken his B.Sc. (Eng.) and is working in Durban for a consulting engineer. He commutes from his home at Kloof. He is captain of Pinetown Rugby Football Club, and still plays waterpolo. M. (Martin) Jollands (67-71) is at Rhodes University taking a B.A. in Physical Education and Maths. G.P.(Gordon)Jollands(62-66)is married and has a new son the size of whose hands and feet apparently indicate that he will be a ball-player some day. W.M. (Billy) Jacobs (39-44) suffered the extreme tragedy two years ago of losing his only son in a motor smash, and we are sorry we were not aware of this at the time, to offer sympathy. He is now deeply immersed in the life of the church on the Natal North Coast, and is highly regarded as a preacher with a thoughtful message from the pulpit. G.C. (Godfrey) Jacobs (30-37) is still foreman of the mechanical plant at Nestles, P.M.Burg. 1 still regard him as probably Kearsney's best batsman ever. E.R.(Elwyn)Jenkins (staff 62-70) has since 1974 been Head of the English Dept at the College of Education for Further Training, Pretoria. In 1974 he was awarded his M.Ed, cumlaude by the University of Witwatersrand. Our congratulations! Rev. P.M.(Paul) Jones(4749)is minister at the Baptist Church of Rosettenville, and has appeared on TV services. Part of this last year was spent lecturing in America. He writes "1 always look back with real joy an thanksgiving for the 3 years 1 was privileged to attend Kearsney. Though 1 was never the best of scholars 1 thank God for the fact that I believe it was at Kearsney that 1 was fitted to face life properly". L.M.(Leslie) Johnstone (57-61) is a Chemical Engineer employed by the Alberta Province Environmental Control, Canada, and is officially named a water scientist. It is his duty to prevent the pollution of the environment by industry, with a special reference to water resources. R.W.(Robin)Johnstone (62-66) is employed by a firm of Consulting Engineers, Edmonton, Canada, on road design to control excessive noise. P.R. (Peter) Jonsson (3945) one-time cricket captain and Natal Schools player, had to give up the "rat-race" in Johannebsurg through developing a sugar-deficiency complaint (hypoglycaemia) which weakens the system and demands a quieter life. He has settled into a more rural and enjoyable routine in Howick. I can sympathise: I developed post-operatively the same complaint myself. Rev. A.R.(Athol) Jennings (Chaplain 61-68), who had such a successful period as first resident Chaplain at Kearsney, has for some years been Principal of Waterford School, Mbababane. This is a co-educational coracial school. We were sorry to read in "Encounter" that many of the pupils are coming forth Marxist-orientated. How does Marxism line up with Christianity? After a long silence O.E.(Ollie) Knaggs(4142)writes from Fish Hoek, where he is with the S.A. Mutual. He has a daughter and grandchildren in Pinetown. He has always been interested in writing and states that he has had six books published. Before joining the Mutual he ran hotels and edited and produced magazines. He initiated "S.A. Caravan" and "S.A. Outdoor Life and Safari", and was responsible, in conjunction with John Clayton (3341) in forming the South African Schools' Exploration Society. He has hopes of purchas ing a 45-foot yacht, to sail round the world,lecturing - for he feels deeply that human attitudes must change if mankind is to survive. He writes "If only we would live up to the basic laws of our religions we would have a Paradise on earth instead ofchaos. Somewhere along the line we Christians have misinterpreted or misunderstood the whole essence of Christ's visitation on earth. His basic le.s,son was that Love was the fulfilment of the Law . . . Love of God and love of our fellowmen. What has happened to Christianity that has taken us so far away from this Truth?" Rev. R.P.J.(Philip)le Feuvre (staff 59-60)left Kearsney to join the Anglican ministry and has had wide experience since then, including being assistant chaplain at Bishops and Deputy-Headmaster at St Mark's School, Mbabane, and Chaplain of the University of Capetown. He is now Director of Studies at St Paul's Theological College, Grahamstown,and working for a Ph.D. D.J. (Douglas) Livingstone (4749) spent a delightful day here in July, wandering round, studying the new buildings, and finding the spot where he slept (and smoked) in Milner House.He qualified as a bacteriologist in Rhodesia in 1958, and from 1959 to 1963 was in charge of the pathological diagnostic laboratory at Kabwe, in Zambia. Since 1964 he has worked as a bacteriologist on marine pollution in the sea off Durban and has published several scientific papers. But the fact is that he is best known internationally as one of South Africa's leading poets and playwrights. He gained the Olive Schreiner Award for the best play of 1976. In 1964 he gained the B.B.C. award for Drama. In 1965 the Guinness Prize for Poetry, and in 1970 the Cholmondeley award. A hard-back copy of "Sjambok"(of which 1 have a copy, given by the author) is now auctioned in London for over £50 a copy. His latest of many publications is a book of poems "A Rosary of Bone". In 1966 he wrote a fascinating and sometimes bawdy autobiography for the London Magazine, detailing his life in Malay under the Japs, and most everywhere else, including Kearsney (though not mentioned by name!), where he quotes yours truly(not by name) as referring to him as "the school clown"(as he was!) (He was awarded the English Association's 1977 poetry prize in a competition in which there were 600 entrants -ed.) S.R.M. (Stuart) Leask (47-51) is Computer Manager with the Natal Mercury. This year he had to forego,for the first time for many years, the pleasure ofrunning in the Comrades Marathon, owing to an injury to his right arm. He is closely involved in preaching work with the Christadelphian Church. To those who knew him at school he seems unchanged in appearance and it is incredible to hear that his son has completed his second year at University! Dr M.J.M.(Michael) Leask (47-50) is one of the leading physicists in the world in his particular sphere of ultralow temperature physics. Stationed at Oxford, he has artificially created temperature, we believe, within half a degree of absolute zero. J.A.H.(Jonathan) Lowe (54-57) has decided to call it a day with his hockey. In his long career he represented Natal over 100 times, and South Africa 21 times. Our most-capped Springbok. He coached the Natal side for 3 years and also the under-21 national side that toured Europe in 1975,losing only one match. He attended the World Cup in Munich in 1972 and the European Cup in Madrid in 1974. In his more serious moments he is a member ot the firm of Advocates, Attorneys and Conveyancers, F.H. Lowe and Co,P.M.Burg. D.S.(Doug) Murdoch(51-54)was an excellent cricketer and played for Natal, but appears not to have shone so lorthrightly at Latin. We have been reminded that his school report once contained the Latin master's comment: "If only Julius Caesar had been a cricketer!" P.E.(Peter) Metcalf(4447,Staff54-)has been and is a man of so many parts that his full accomplishments will have to be reserved for his obituary! Apart from his manifold Kearsney duties, where he is now vicePrincipal, he has for the past five years been Chief Examiner in Biology for the J.M.B.,has been a member of the K.C.O.B.C. Executive for 23 years, 12 years as Secretary and two as President, and has been most 79