
on a three-year contract. Not only has the school so completely changed, but the many and varied holiday experiences I enjoyed seem to belong to quite another world. All those homes that were thrown open to me as a young man. The unending kindnesses of friends long since dead. The visits to parts of the country that I have never visited since and shall never see aain. Of the boys I taught when I arrived, half are retired and the other half dead. Kearsney was very small in those days, but the quality was excellent. Running my mind over the names of those who were at the "old" school only I could draw up quite an encyclopedia of success. How can one classify them in order of precedence? It is impossible and undesirable. A President of the Methodist Con ference (twice); two M.P.'s; an M.K.C. and a M.P.C.; headmasters and inspectors; chief of police for Natal; Presidents of Associations; Managers and Directors of Companies;Bank Managers;one of the country's leading plastic surgeons, and a doctor country-famous for his work with black nutrition; other doctors, dentists; accountants; ministers of the Gospel, of various denominations; a Senator; men who by their unceasing labour and integrity have become honoured - a wellknown stockbroker, sugar and other farmers; scienceresearchers; lawyers; men who have reached the absolute zenith in the Civil Service; City Councillors; Mayors all these and a host of other categories from the "little" Kearsney alone. Critics have often queried the value of the Private School. Kearsney has provided the answer. As far as I am concerned it is my honour and privilege to have helped to start all these men on the paths that led to success. Above ail else it is shown that it is not academic success at school that maters so much, as the inculcation of the value of integrity, discipline, reliabil ity that ultimately matters most. The "little" Kearsney .showed the way; the "big" Kearsney is following suit. J.F.R. k t } Fifsl Impressions P.Emanuel 84