U14i4 D Captain: C. Charter Vice-Captain: C. Murray Regular Players: D.Bax,C.Benporath,C. Browne,L. Dicks,M.Duncan-Browne,S. Fripp, W. Hendrie, M. Heron, R. Hewitt, S. Lutz, A. Muzerie, C. Parle. H. Retz, P. Short, R. Smidt,D.Thiselton,T. Trinkies, N.van Zyl, A. Weyer. Played 8,Won 4, Lost 3,Drew 1,Points: for 192,against 75 RESULT(See table on page 53^ L.P.ZAAYMAN UNDER UVz A Captains: T.Deenik,A. Hudson Vice-Captain: F. Mandy Regular Players:G.Bremner,N.Daley,G.Dickson,J.Dixon,G.Engelbrecht,C.Entwhistle, N. Gebers, G. Hagemann, A. Lawrie, F. Mandy, S. Randle, G. Reardon, D. Reynolds, S. Sloane,J. Weller,G. Wise, M. Niven. Played 14,Won 8,Drew 1, Lost 5,Points: 252for, 165 against. The under 13v4 group was the smallest we have had over the past five years. There are 48 under 13y2 boys in the school. Of these 39 played rugby, giving us two teams and a few extras. With this limitation they were not expected to do as well as they did against many of the bigger schools who had in some cases over 120 players. The coaches feel that tbe players in this team have every right to be proud of themselves. Hudson especially can look back on some sparkling rugby. RESULTS(See table in page 53) A.BROMLEY-GANS AND C.HOPKINS UlSVzB Captain: U. Diedericks Vice-Captains: J. de Villiers, W.Milne Regular Players: G.Baker,M.Brakenridge,G.Brokensha,A. Clarke,A.du Toit,J. Emery, A. Garlick, T. Harmsworth,1. Hopewell,G. Hopkins,G.Horsley,A. Muhlbauer,G.Milne, B. Nel, M. Organ, L. Swanepoel, R. Thompson, 1. Waddilove, D. Wall, M. Weyer, M.Gibson(linesman) Played 13,Won 2, Lost 11,Points: 34 for,321 against. This team can be excused for its lack of success, as it not only had to contend with the small numbers in the division but it was also a very young team. Most of its numbers were drawn from the Std 5 class and will be playing in this division again next year. The chief fault of this team was its lack ofdrive and the inability to tackle. RESULTS(See Table on page 53) A.BROMLEYAlANS 51