
and proved to be most instructive. We were even shown how riverine birds are captured for research purposes and how specimens are measured and weighed. As a result of this visit several boys have agreed to assist with projects to eliminate noxious weeds in the reserve and to help with surveys on bird-life. Active involvement in conservation nearer home has taken the form of a project to establish an indigenous area on the school property. A start has been made with the plant ing of about twenty indigenous trees on the area opposite the sanatorium; it is our intention to add suitable plants from time to time(our Kearstenbosch?). Finally, as a stimulus to continued interest in wild life and conservation, Mr Pons has kindly offered an annual prize for the best written project based on original research on any subject related to this theme. P.M.W.TENNANT DEMOSTHENES SOCIETY Several entertaining and valuable evenings were spent this year in discussing matters of interest. The range of topics was wide; because of this it is difficult to define specifically the nature of this society. Possibly the common denominator to all of the talks and debates was that they dealt with aspects of the arts. The society limits its membership to approximately twenty five boys in the Sixth Form and although this might not seem entirely, democratic, it offers an opportunity to deal with topics which might be beyond the general appreciation of all pupils. Apart from these debates conducted by the boys, interesting discussions were held on Structure and Form in the Arts, on the editing and presentation of newspapers, on Imagery and on Islamic Art. The offerings of the various speakers throughout the year have been greatly appreciated. Before he left, Dr Lewis-Williams told members about the demands made by a doctorial thesis, as well as discussing some of the demands made by a university on those who intend reading for a degree. His contribution towards the interest in the society has been enormous and his wit and erudition shall be missed. T. ALLEN DRAMATIC SOCIETY Word'sofadvice from theProducer to the Caste of "Macbeth" ;t ■ I R' m