upset the ecological balance. In the third term a combined meeting with the Senior Scientific Society listened to Mrs Beulah Davis, director of the Natal Anti-Shark Measures Board. Or Logue of the Phoenix School delivered a well-illustrated lecture on the work of his school - dealing with the structure and functioning of the brain and how drugs are usefully employed in solving certain learning problems. Other talks were given by Mr Parker of the Durban Snake Park, and Mr Pons, a North Coast farmer and father of three Kearsney boys. The year concluded with a lecture by Dr Grace on 'Genetics and Human Heredity'. Our thanks go to all these speakers as well as to Mr Myhill who guides and directs the Society members. BRETT WEBBER-Chairman SENIOR SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY It took a full year after the establishment of the Junior Scientific Society - which proved most successful - before it was noted that there was no Senior Scientific Society at Kearsney. The new head of the Science department, Mr Thiselton, realising the benefits of such a society, called a meeting of interested senior boys at the beginning of the second term at which he stressed that the society should be established only for senior boys genuinely interested in the sciences. He also emphasized that it should be a society for the boys,run by the boys. A committee of three boys, one from each of the senior school forms, was then elected; E.S. Jordan(Chairman), D.J. Pons(Vice-Chairman)and R.C. Jordan(Secre tary). The first speaker to address the society was Mr Lex Fearnhead(an Old Boy of the school) of the Oceanographic Research Institute. The turnout was tremendous in spite of the fact that it had been decided to charge all members a small subscription. The purpose of such a fee was firstly to ensure that members would be genuinely interested and also to cover outside speakers' travelling expenses and to set aside a reserve for possible future expendi ture in the interests of the society. Since then the society has proved to be very popular and members have had the opportun ity to be addressed by speakers such as Mr Andrew Chalmers(another Old Boy)of the Electrical Engineering Department of the University of Natal, Durban, on the subject, 'Light and Electricity'; and Dr G. Davies of the Physics Department of the University of Natal (Pietermaritzburg) who brought down a veritable exhibition of scientific wonders backed up by a fascinating illustrated talk on'Waves'. In August, the Junior and Senior Scientific Societies combined for a meeting in the Henderson Hall which was addressed by Mrs Beulah Davis, head of the Natal Anti-Shark Measures Board. Her talk, illustrated with colour slides, clearly made a great impact and she was flooded with questions at the end of it. The final meeting of the year was addressed by two 4th Form members of the Society, P. Doria and R. Jordan, who delivered a combined talk on Snakes, Snakebites and their treatment. E.S.JORDAN 76