
Kearsney Chronicle 1983 Kearsney College, Botha's Hill Natal, South Africa. APRIL 1984 ISBN 0 620 03156 5

Kearsney Board of Governors * Dr G.W.Shuker: Chairman Professor the Rev. Dr. V.J. Bredenkamp:Vice-Chairman Mr D.W. Barker Mr J.H. Charter Mr K.C. Comins * Mr D.D. Morgan * Mr T.A. Polkinghorne * Mr I.G.B. Smeaton Mr A. Theunissen * Mr D.V.Thompson * Rev. C. Wilkins Kearsney College Trustees The President of the Conference of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa Professor the Rev. Dr. V.J. Bredenkamp Mr K.C. Comins Mr D.D. Morgan Professor Dr C.L.S. Nyambezi Mr T.A. Polkinghorne Dr G.W.Shuker Honorary Life Trustees Mr W.H. Hulett Rev C. Wilkins Mr A.B. Theunissen Secretary to the Trustees: Mr N. Gerber Kearsney College Old Boys Association Mr D. Hopewell * Mr E.S.C. Garner Ex Officio Members The President of Conference: Rev. F. Louw Chairman, Natal Coastal District: Rev.J. Borman Representative, Natal Coastal District: Mr A. Haley Kearsney College Headmaster * Mr E.C.W. Silcock Secretary * Mr N. Gerber Honorary Life Governor Mrs M.E. Forsyth

KEARSNEYCOLLEGESTAFF 1983 Headmaster: Deputy Headmaster: Senior Master: Senior Master: Chaplain: Teaching Staff: Administration Staff: Bursar: Secretaries: Catering: Maintenance: Sanatorium: House Matrons: Laundry: Stud Shop: Kit Shop: Mr E.C.W.Silcock Mr J.W.Storm (i/c Afrikaans) Mr R.D. Blamey Mr J.L. Hall (l/c History and Housemaster in Haley House) Rev. D.J. Buwalda (i/c Counselling) Mr T.G. Allen (i/c English) Mr A.M. Bromley-Gans (i/c Art) Mrs E.P. Buwalda (part-time) Mr L.P. Daniels Mr M.J. de Beer (i/c Biology) Mr K. Decker (i/c Mathematics) Mr C. Diedericks (Housemaster in Pembroke House) Mr J. Farran (i/c Zulu) Mr K.G. Fish (i/c Geography) Mr K. Garrett Mrs H.Gibson (i/c French) Mr M.Xjriffiths Mrs S. Griffiths (part-time) Mr J.M. Harper (Director of Music) Mr L. Kassier Mr G.P. King Mr R.W. Lamplough Mrs A. Lees Mr M. Lees(Housemaster in Haley House) Mr M.E. Myhill Mr P.A.T. Ratcliffe MrsJ. Reynolds (i/c Resources Centre) Mr J. Strydom Mr P.C. Taylor Mr M.A. Thiselton (i/c Physical Science) Mr A.R.C.Townshend (i/c Physical Education and Housemaster Mr B.W.Tucker in Gillingham House) Mrs C. Tullidge Mr C.J. van Loggerenberg Mrs M.D. van Rensburg Mr M. Vassard Mr B. Williams (Housemaster in Finningley House) Mr D.Wortmann Mr L.P. Zaayman Mr J.A. Chick Mrs M.W. Alborough MrsT.E. Milbank Mrs A.B. Potter Mr R. Blackbeard (i/c Catering) Mr F.L. Agate Mr D.D. Milbank Sister E. Beaton Sister M.Savory Mrs P. Bourke (Gillingham)/ Mrs H. Fiddler Mrs J. Lyte-Mason (Haley) Mrs M.Partridge (Pembroke) Mrs I. Rautenbach (Finningley) Mrs S, Agate Mrs A. Chick (part-time) Mrs N. Townshend (part-time) School Doctor: DrP.H.P. Williams

siSi m ipWtWrallM^ From the Headmaster's Office 1983 will stand out in my memory as the year of Academic Honours and the Development Fund campaign. Both have been exciting in their own way. To have eight boys in the metric class who have earned Academic Honours is an outstanding achievement and my congratulations go to the boys, their parents and the Staff who have taught them. Naturally I hope that this will be a spur to other boys coming up through the school to in crease their efforts in the future. The top stream in all Forms is very good academically and it is so very pleasing to see competition for top places. The new boys for 1984 have done well in the Entrance Examination so we are looking at good matric results for some years to come. The Development Fund campaign has been impressive to say the least. The teams of visitors, under the control of their Chairmen, have been contacting members of the Kearsney Family and the response has been excellent. As well as the fantastic financial response there has been a wonderful feeling of goodwill towards the school and this is what Kearsney really means. So here I make no apology for publishing my 'Aim of the College'which tries to sum up what we are doing. 'The Aim of the College is to prepare boys for adult life in a Christian and disciplined atmosphere in pleasant sur roundings. Included in the academic side of this Aim is the ability to mix with and to accept others, the ability to adapt to new circumstances, the ability to accept adversity and to win generously'. school is very important. We are very fortunate to have the right people at Kearsney for this post and we wish them many rewarding years there and all the happiness their pre decessors enjoyed. At Kearsney we have a very "permanent" staff with very few changes. It, therefore, came as a shock when we heard that L P was going to leave us after 18 years to go back to the Department to teach Afrikaans at his old school, Maritzburg College. We wish him and Wendy, Debbie and Mark much happiness in their new home near Hilton. In L P's place Frikkie de Jager from Stellenbosch has been appointed. He comes to us straight from University where he has earned a reputation as an outstanding student and a leader in the Stellenbosch University Choir. To relieve Pip Townshend's creaking joints, a young Phys Ed teacher is coming to take over thisdepartment. Kevin Smith comes to us from Milton in Bulawayo where he was taught, a few years ago, by Maurice Lees. Mrs Bourke, matron of Gillingham, left and was replaced by Mrs Fiddler who has already taken control and doing very well. Mr and Mrs Detlef Wortmann came to us at the begin ning of this year. They are already part of Kearsney and the latest addition to their family arrived after they joined us. Detlef is an experienced Mathematicsteacher who has served in the Natal Education Department for a number of years. During the second term, while the Deputy Headmaster was on long leave, Mrs Nanette Combrinck taught Afrikaans in his place. One se bale dankie. At Speech Day three members of staff received gifts to mark their 25 years' service to the College. We congratulate Mrs Pixie Milbank who has been secretary for that long, Mr Pip Townshend, our Phys Ed teacher, and Mr George Gasa who works in Finningley. While Sister Erica Beaton was on long leave we were fortunate to obtain the services of Sister Monique Herweg. Monique and Dr Gary Kode (Old Boy) announced their engagement before she returned to Cape Town. Congratulations to the following on their new arrivals: Tim and Sarah Allen, a daughter; Fred and Jill Cocks, a daughter; Paul and Eve Daniels, a daughter;and Detlef and Elaine Wortmann,a son. During the year Peter Chick married Lorraine Tarboton in the Chapel and were the first to have a reception in the Greyhound Pavilion. In December there will be two more staff weddings in the Chapel: Keith Garrett will marry Cathy Preller and Allister Thiselton will marry Heather Williams. We wish them happiness and welcome these two new wives to the staff. Congratulations to Cathy Beaton on her engagement to Kim Neate and to Keith Decker on his engagement to Christine Bradbury. Farewell: Staff Notes After his 10 year term as housemaster, Justin Hall retired as housemaster of Haley House at the end of the third term. Justin and Pat and their family have moved into their new house opposite the old Youth Camp. Maurice Lees was appointed housemaster of Haley House. He and his wife, Anne, who is a remedial teacher and who has helped junior boys with their reading with great success, moved in with their two sons at the beginning of the 4th term. Looking after the juniors at a boarding L P ZAAYMAN Lambertus Petrus was born at Winburg in the OFS on July 9th 1939. When the family moved to Pietermaritzburg L P attended Merchiston and then Maritzburg College. After school he trained as a teacher at the Natal Training College. His first teaching appointment was at Estcourt High School in 1962, and then he taught at Eshowe High School and Westville Boys' High School until he came to Kearsney in 1966. L P married Wendy Dixon in 1964 and has two children, Debbie writing matric at Epworth and Mark in Form 5 at Kearsney. After 18happy years at Kearsney LP has now decided that it is time for him to move on and get back into the NED.He has been appointed to the staff of Maritzburg College in 1984.

Hp' > I * if' Ut.t, s<-*. >> n% ■■■■ HHIHHr most for his fanatic interest in rugby. In his younger days he was also interested in girls, beer and motor cars! - but rugby refereeing is still his main love. For years he was a first league referee in Durban where he made many friends. He also serves as a lieutenant in the Citizen Force. He was always helped by Wendy, a hardworking, good wife at home, but a formidable opponent on the squash court. We say tot-siens to the Zaaymans and Wish them all the best in their new home near Hilton. We look forward to seeing them back as old boys and old friends. Kearsney se baie dankie. J.S. Kearsney College Natal Senior Certificate Examination 1983 Natal Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemptionj...69 Natal Senior Certificate without Matriculation Exemption 22 Failed to gain a certificate _4 95 16 boys who entered for Matriculation Exemption failed to achieve it. We will miss LP everywhere. In the classroom he was a valuable member of staff who made great contributions to the success of the Afrikaans Deoartment. The bovs will miss his friendliness and kindness, not to mention his rugby stores. In the Staff Room his laugh will linger in that corner where he sat. In Chapel his singing and the enjoyment of the music was remarkable. But L P will be remembered by : Kit«wt „ I 'gtrtntrcar iti. m. irttf*-'" t-aa, sffHvw t « Bi OI 'A'aggregate(above80%)— 'B'aggregate (70%-79%) — 7 Butterfield MK;Cazalet RS; Hanks JP; Hayes IM;Senior PD;Swanepoel L;Taylor D Mcl. 11 Bennett GM;Bennett JT; Botes PJ;Coppin GN; Du Toit AF;Morrison DJ; Olive SR;Porrill DC; Wieland JCK;Williams JCT; Wyatt RH. Kwmm Md It aHAH iHMH imraEr; m M W lW*W* B Bt. H ■HElj BT m-m The SixthForm 5

'C aggregate(60%-69%) — 19Ambler GJ;Brown DK;Dee J; Elliot B;Engelbrecht GK; Hopewell lA; Luck CN; Maud NJ; Maybery AE; Meaker DG;Mercer KG; Nicol RJ; Ravnb MA; Reardon G RJ;RheedersBW; Sacks MH;Scott RF; Thompson RD; van Niekerk J. 37 Subject distinctions (Total 17) 3'A's Swanepoel L(Maths, Biology,Physical Science) 3'A's Bennett JT(Maths,Physical Science and Computer Science) 2'A's Cazalet RS(Maths and Supplementary Maths) Mercer KG (Geography and Supplementary Maths) 1 'A' Botes PJ (Maths) Butterfield MK (History) Du Toit AF(Geography) HanksJP (History) Senior PD (Physical Science) Taylor0 Mcl (Geography) Williams JOT (Maths) Speech Day Dr C. Van Der Pol, Chairman of the Tongaat-Hulett Sugar Company (Ltd.) was the guest speaker at the Annual Speech Day and Sixth Form Prizegiving, held in the Henderson Hall on Friday,30September this year. In an absorbing speech, Dr Van Der Pol stressed the very often ignored economic unity in the future of South Africa. Political and racial unity, he said, is virtually unattainable in a climate of economic disunity. The economic development of the country stabilises the political situation. In a poor economic climate, problems tend to be magnified — unem ployment and lack of job opportunity create an atmosphere of discontent. School leavers, who are potential economic leaders, have a commitment to fulfil in the future of South Africa, and those who have the inestimable advantage of having attend ed a school such as Kearsney will be likely to be in the fore front of this development — as well as having received the sense of responsibility, inculcated by their education, required for this position. Three members of staff received long service awards this year, having completed twenty five years at the College. They are deft to right): Mr Pip Townshend, Mrs Pixy Miibank and Mr George Gaza. Order of proceedings The ceremony, one of the most important on the Kearsney calendar, was opened with a prayer by the School Chaplain, the Reverend D.J. Buwalda. Dr G.W. Shuker, Chairman of the Kearsney Board of Governors extended a welcome to the many honoured guests, parents and friends, and, after the Headmaster, Mr E.C.W. Silcock, Dr Shuker introduced the guest speaker. A speech of thanks (possibly one of the most impressive speeches by a Head Boy in recent years) was delivered by the Head Boy of the school, A.E. Maybery. The prizes were awarded by the Guest of Honour, Dr Van Der Pol. RP£ dlE ' B n m tm mm

■ m \ k. mm i l.-'ii* SPEECH DAY 1983: Left to right: Or G. Shuker, Chairman of the Board of Governors, Luc Swanepoe! - Dux, being congratulated by Dr C. Van der Pol, Guestof Honour. Headboy Anton Maybery and the Headmaster, Mr E.C.W. Silcock,look on. Speech Day Prize Winners 1983 Cultural Colours: S.TBh.eunlssen Prize for Perseverancej Academic Colours: (Re-award) (Re-award) (Re-award) (Re-award) (Re-award) (Re-award) Art Prize: Academic Colours: (Re-award) Academic Honours: ....G.C.Gray ...D.C. Burrell .O.B.D. Geekie M.K. Butterfield .. A.F.du Toit .. K.G. Mercer . D.J. Morrison ... D.C. Porrill J.C.K. Wieland .J.C.T. Williams .. . .S.R. Olive .. ..S.R. Olive .. R.S. Cazalet I.M. Hayes R.H. Wyatt Geography Prize: D. Mcl.Taylor Academic Honours: D. Mcl. Taylor The William Crawford Memorial Prize for History J.P. Hanks Academic Honours J.P. Hanks Jack Reece Latin Prize: P.O. Senior William & Susan Jones English Prize: D.SerTtor Acedemic Honours: P.O. Senior Headmaster's Special Service Prize: A.E. Maybery Alletson/Smith Award for Mathematics and the Mathematics Prize: J.T. Bennett Patrick Moore Memorial Shield and the John Kinlock Memorial Prize for Physical Science:. J.T. Bennett Supplementary Maths Prize: J.T. Bennett Computer Studies Prize: J.T. Bennett Academic Honours: J.T. Bennett Afrikaans Prize: L.Swanepoel French Prize: .L. Swanepoel Hindson Memorial Prize for English Literature: L.Swanepoel Ben Milner Prize for Biology: L.Swanepoel Academic Honours: (Re-award) L.Swanepoel Dux of the School: L.Swanepoel

g nwsiiiwwffi '+-3( ^> TAUT > Vr. mm 111 ■H *3.- i.1 4lStl- ««» H; sity , 4};!- r#. ,nt HeadPrefect s Report: 1983 PREFECTS: Left to right ■ Back row: P. Dunlop, L. Swanepoel, M. Boyd, I. Hayes, R. Cazalet. Middle row: K. Ward, C. Hudson, B. Van Heusden, D. Taylor, D. Jones, B. Elliott, H. Dowdall, G, Bennett. Front row: P. Botes, G. Reardon, MrJ. Storm (Deputy Headmaster), Mr C. Silcock (Headmaster), A. Maybery (HeadPrefect), B. Oliver, D. Brown. "But, if It does come, or any other bump in life, it is then that you chaps will find the real spiritual strength of your days at Kearsney. "When I left school, like my son and most lads at that time, I went through a period oil experimentation in the big wide world. We had heard sermons on how 'God moves in a mysterious way' but it outwardly appears to have gone in one ear and out the other. Until something happens. It happened to me on the Angio Beach Head. We were going into an attack and suddenly all hell was let loose. Jerry opened up with everything and we all jumped into fox holes. The poor chaps in front of me, to the right and left of me and to my rear were hit. Suddenly, all was quiet and I couldn't believe I was alive. I asked myself this question: Foss, what did you do at that moment? I prayed like mad! Then, Foss, did the teachings of our parents and the lessons of Kearsney play any part? — they were all I had to hold onto: 'God moves in a mysterious way!' " Mr Foss then ended his letter with good wishes to Kearsney for 1983. Much has been said about the future control and owner ship of Kearsney, being transferred from the conference of the Methodist Church to a School Trust. Kearsney is undergoing very important material changes by way of the Carpe Diem '83 development fund. It is a once in a lifetime experience and opportunity, and it has undoubtedly had the effect of bringing the Kearsney family closer together. In this really eventful year we have seen the establish ment of the Old Boys Club on the school grounds and this will also play an important part in maintaining contacts which will hopefully endure the test of time as has Mr Foss's bond with Kearsney. We, the boys of the school, thank the Methodist Church for nurturing the college through its fomative years, and we Early in my year I received a very personal and touching letter which I believe to be fitting in this report. The letter I received was from Mr A M Foss who was the Head Boy of Kearsney in 1933. When he left school he promised himself that should he still be alive 50 years hence, he would write a note of good wishes to the Head Boy at that time. True to his promise, I received his letter on February 18 this year. I would now like to quote directly from Mr Foss's letter. He writes: "It is a very different Kearsney today (materially) to that of 50 years ago. But, most important of all, spiritually it is the same. You are Head Boy of a school of close on 500 boys, I was head boy of 85!" Mr Foss mentions that he was captain of rugby and that the prefects who served under him were: "Mr Jimmy Hopkins (retired headmaster) Mr Jack Crawford (ex Vice-Principal) Mr Lex Kirk Mr Monty Crook (ex Senator) Mr Adendorff Mr Knottenbelt, and Mr Hackland. He goes on to say: "There were only eight of them but the honour has not changed." "In 1933", he added, "there were rumblings of war and six years thereafter we were in uniform in the second World War. In 1983, there are again rumbl ings and I pray with all my heart that you chaps won't have to go through it all again.

feel sure that it will continue to reflect the Methodist ethos which has developed the school's Christian character. 50 Boys recently attended the Founders' Day service at the old Kearsney Chapel. During the service the Reverend Edgar referred to the beginnings of the school as the "Acorn of 11 boys which has developed into the oak of Kearsney today." The boys of the College should be ever mindful of our heritage and never forget those many people before us who have unselfishly helped to create Kearsney into the great school it is today. I have touched on the material and spiritual aspects of the school and to complete the picture I want to pay special tribute to the staff of the school. In a boarding school such as Kearsney it is the close teacher-pupil relationship which plays such an important part in preparing us for our future lives. In paying tribute to the staff of our school I'm sure we include our parents - we thank you. On the sportsfield, Kearsney has had a year of mixed fortunes. The 1st XV,although not very successful, was a very determined team who never stopped trying and, on occasions, lifted their standard of rugby to match even the ever-strong Maritzburg College team. What is more import ant, of course, is the spirit in which we took our beatings. Our junior sides generally acquitted themselves extremely well and this is an encouraging sign for future 1st teams. In previous years it was taken for granted that most of our junior sides would lose, however those days are over and Kearsney has now closed the gap between it and the traditionally stronger schools. The hockeyteam this season fielded no fewer than 7 Standard eights in the 1st team, and this should hold them in good stead for the next couple of years. The cricket team seems to have come together now and is looking forward to a successful season during the final term. Both the tennis and squash teams have struggled slightly this year, however, the boys involved have given of their best, and what's more important, they have enjoyed them selves. The tennis team has been a particularly young side and have gained a vast experience of the game. This side will undoubtedly be a force to be reckoned with in the next few years. Our waterpolo team has done exceptionally well con sidering the fact that our pool was empty throughout the season.They often proved fairly tough opposition for many of the top sides, and the team would undoubtedly have been extremely strong had conditions not been as they were. To the boys who occupy the grandstand and cheer the 1st teams; the atmosphere you create through your support is something no other school can ever match. Keep this up, it is one of Kearsney's great hallmarks. The high academic standard of the school is borne out by the great number of awards that have been presented this year. A record number of 8 boys in metric were award ed their academic honours, and another6 received colours. The 5th form also had a number of boys who received academic awards. Congratulations to you all! The senior boys of today have consciously endeavoured to improve the standards previously set in the running of the school and in the maintaining of traditions,and it is our hope that the boys who follow will take up the challenge of striving for greater heights. To the boys who finished school at the end of this year, I'm sure you will join the many other Old Boys who take such an active interest in the events at the school. As Mr Foss has done, we will dedicate ourselves to maintaining a link with this ever-increasing Kearsney family. Finally, my year as Head Boy has been an experience which I will cherish for the rest of my life, and the memories I take withme will be filled with great bonds of friendship. To the prefects and 6th Form colleagues, I thank you for your loyal support, and to the Headmaster and his staff, I thank you all for your guidance and en couragement,without which I would have been lost. Generally speaking, Kearsney has had yet another memorable year, and even though we have not been very successful on the sportsfields, we have established a new incentive to do well,academically. A.MAYBERY SMMiaiaeBt*B88l m AKIiMw iauiifg; mi mmim > t y Ttt- If Tf am1*5 ill ImMi mm iiaHil ■■ m < t f , <*#«,» ii9 ' j4' m ■ in: Htthi 4.M. * t * V4» mr ^ ;i?tSs*Lbiil. tm ffcssB'Kslia: SSSMS: m Uaa; liu^i HONOURSAWARDS 1983: Back row:R. Thompson(Cultural Honours),R. Hein (Athletics). Middle row:P. Senior, i. Hayes, R. Wyatt,J. Hanks. Frontrow:D. Tayior,J. Bennett, L.Swanepoei(Dux), R. Cazaiet(aii Academic), C. Grinyer (Hockey).

PRESENTATION ASSEMBLY ACADEMIC AWARDS Foundation for Education, Science and Technology Prizes: A special award for Achievement in Physical Science and Mathematics in Form 4 CM Bull A special award for Achievement in English and Afrikaans in Form 5 NJ Shepherd George McLeod Essay Prize R S Cazalet CULTURAL AND SERVICE AWARDS Most Improved Junior Speaker (Carter Cup) ... J M Pons Best Junior Speaker of the Year (Jakubowicz Cup) jK Burns Best Speech of the Year(Sutler-Gore Cup) ,. M N Irvine Chess; Junior Champion (Stanek Cup) DM Allen Cultural Colours for Dramatics jP Dee M J T Gritten Colours and Honours for Dramatics R D Thompson RECOGNITION OF SERVICE CERTIFICATES Service to Wildlife Society B C Hulett Senior Library Monitor R jColl Cricket Umpiring jC Wannenburgh Cricket Scoring AM Tshabalala Cricket Scoreboard, Rugby Scoreboard, Museum Monitors, Backstage & Set N J Fletcher CAT Williams SPORTS AWARDS CRICKET Inter-House Trophy Pembroke DIVING Pinetown Cup for the Highest Aggregate in Boys Age Group - Diving in Natal M K Butterfield SHOOTING Junior Champion (Ernest Ashby Memorial Cup).A A Veen Cadets Sharpshooters Badges C R Ashby A J Russell-Boulton Colours and Badge OBD Geekie Colours, Badge, Highest Average during the year (Ivan Bjorkman Trophy)and the Senior Champion(Ken Trotter Shield) B H Street Inter-House (Derek Bobbins Cup) Finningley Building Development 'mk m M mm mmi§ Partof the new accommodation for the African staff. 1983 has been a year of considerable expansion. In addition to the opening of the Old Boys Pavilion, a staff house has been completed and is now occupied by Mr and Mrs Hall and their family. In addition, three of six proposed units for African Staff have now been completed, with the second three facing completion in 1984. A characteristic of this is the incorpo ration of an 'Indaba Centre' which is designed to offer a gathering place for staff. CADETS Inter-House Cadet Company Drill Competition (Grand Challenge Cup) Finningley SQUASH Most Improved Player (Carrington Cup) . . C Q Davidson Junior Champion (Negus Cup) AJH Philip Senior Champion (Old Boys Cup) P T Hall TENNIS Junior Singles Champion (George Hulett Trophy) P J Kuhn Senior Singles Champion (Polkinghorne Cup) AG Davidson WATER POLO Colours P J Dunnett and P D v d Schyff Honours D Mcl Taylor tE m ,. -i ;r ■I" 'fir {rr-:.: - H:-'' liUJ <€ * Apart from the six new units, the new accommodation will include an 'Indaba' centre. 10

■ \ i r. * mm '' m ^*f L .'JIJ ♦# *"» » **-*< 'J- ^ >«'«4 * ^ \ 1 Nativity Scene: made by members of the art club for the Annual Carol Service. Chapel Notes The Chapel continues to be the place where most of the School community comes together on a regular, almost daily, basis. A varied group of people are invited to conduct services and it is encouraging to see an increasing number of boys volunteering to lead various devotional services. On Sundays at least one formal service is held for the school in addition to a special service which is held every Sunday morning for Roman Catholic boys. In order to accommodate the arrangements for leave Sundays and weekends we have resorted to flexible planning of services and now have some morning and some evening. We have also persevered with a voluntary evening service once or twice each term. This has become one of the more meaning ful acts of corporate worship in the school and is quite well attended. It is always refreshing to welcome visiting ministers and preachers to conduct worship in our Chapel and we remember with gratitude services conducted in 1983 by Mr Alan Rycroft, an Old Boy, the Revd. Stanley Mogaba, Secretary of the Methodist Conference, the Revd. Herbert Lee of Kloof, the Revd. Ray Horrocks of St Thomas' Anglican Church,the Revd. Dr Norman Hudson of Durban's Central Methodist Church, Mr Paul Graham of the Christian Education and Youth Department,Prof. Victor Bredenkamp who conducted the Founders Day Service in 1983,and the Revd. Kevin Sprong of the Pinetown Methodist Church. A group of young people from the Pinetown Circuit presented a very lively Easter Musical called 'Mirror of your Soul' and another Old Boy, Mr Scott Taylor,conducted a service with a group of musical friends. Note may also be taken of the now annual Founders' Service at the Old Kearsney which was conducted this year by the Revd. Ken Edgar, and attended by a number of boys and staff, governors and friends of the School. From this impressive list of visiting preachers it is clear that in addition to the services conduct ed by the Chaplain the boys of Kearsney are being exposed to a variety of styles and voices serving the cause of Christ ian proclamation but all conveying an evangelical concern for the spiritual growth and development of the boys of Kearsney. In 1983 we celebrated Easter with a Tenebrae Service which dramatically symbolizes the approaching darkness and death which threatened to overwhelm Jesus during the last days of his earthly life. The Broadcast Service from the school was once again at the season of Our Lord's Ascension and Victory and in dealing with this theme the Chaplain compared Alexander the Great's victories with the ultimate victory of Jesus. The former claimed that the world would be saved by a man who became a god, the latter claimed that it could only be saved by the Living God who became a man. The latest SABC estimate is that something like 80000 people listen to the Sunday morning Broadcast Services and it is a great responsibility and privilege that is ours to maintain the highest standards of worship for this special opportunity each year. A large congregation was present for the joint Methodist and Anglican Confirmation service conducted this year by the President of the Methodist Conference, the Revd. Dr Khoza Mgojo, and the Bishop of Natal, the Rt. Revd. Michael Nuttall. The following boys were received and confirmed: Methodist: M J Botha B D Brokensha G Canning B B Cole P F de Villiers K A Dicks C M Dundson R Graham P A Green M Gritten R J Holden J D Hopewell G M Karlson C P Makin K D Makin D J Milne A J Russell-Boulton W D Torrance A M Tshabalala M B B Whittle CAT Williams M A Willaimson A J T Wilson Anglican: C M Bull P G Burton G M Chamberlin M P Cook N A Froise C A Garnett AS Hill SRC Hodge C R Hopkins N J Lutz A H McKellar-Basset A J H Philip M L Potter T B Shillington C R Tedder M A H Thomas G Tomlinson P D van der Schyff K H Wiseman 11

One of the more formal services of the year is the annual Remembrance Day Service. In 1983 the service was con ducted by the Chaplain, assisted by the Headmaster and Head Boy. The Guest Preacher was the Revd. Raymond Light, Superintendent of the Pinetown Methodist Circuit and the Roll of Honour was read by Old Boy and previous Headmaster, Mr Jimmy Hopkins. A slightly revised Order of Service was taken into use for the first time and added to what has always been a dignified and moving act of worship. Due to the persistence of our Organist we were able to have choir items for Tenebrae and the Broadcast Service. As usual the traditional Carol Services were presented at the end of thefourth quarter and thanksare due to the staff and boys who put a lot of time and effort into these lovely services which create for us a real sense of the Christmas season with all its good associations. A special service which has become an annual feature is the Senior Boys' Service where a group of leavers volun tarily conduct a Sunday morning service towards the end of the year. Apart from the impact their message in word and song has on the congregation it is an excellent and salutary experience for the boys themselves who have to work together as a team in the planning and presentation of the service. A question that sometimes exercises the minds of the boys is the eventual destination of their Chapel collection on a Sunday. For their information in particular it is of interest to note that in 1983 the Quarterly Meeting made disbursements in excess of R3000 to a variety of groups and organisations including a local Poor Fund, Sundumbili Appeal, Faith for Daily Living, Ministerial Students Fund, Ingwavuma Appeal, Methodist Centenary Appeal, Mission ary Fund and Drought Relief, Scripture Union, Hillcrest Anglican Church, the Southern Cross Fund, South African Institute of Race Relations Bursary Fund and the Ethelbert Children's Home. The Quraterly Meeting attempts to be a good steward of the money dedicated in our Chapel to the work of the Kingdom of God. At the instigation of the Quarterly Meeting a list of all the Chaplains of Kearsney was compiled in 1983 and a Board indicating their names and years of service has been placed in the Chapel. By establishing these important links with our history our present is enriched, and we have a stronger sense of standing in a long and proud tradition. The Board reads: KEARSNEY COLLEGE CHAPLAINS William H Irving 1921 -23 N Paul Abraham 1923-25 H Cecil Sheasby 1925 - 29 Leonard S Creed 1930 - 33 Frank H Qrchard 1933 - 36 Martin J White 1937 - 38 W Horace Stanton 1939 Frederick P Evans .' 1940 - 42 S LeGrove Smith 1942 - 45 Bernard Sewell B.Sc., B.A 1943 William I C Shipley 1945-46 Derrick W Timm 1946 - 52 John V Cantrell,B.A.,M.A.,D.Littet Phil. . 1953-58 Victor J Bredenkamp,B.A., M.A.,Ph.D. .. 1959 - 63 Athol R Jennings B.Sc.(Q.S.), Hons B.A., M.Th 1964 - 68 David Buwalda B.A.,B.A.(S.S.), HonsB.A.(S.S.), S.T.M.. 1969-71 1978Milton B Martin, B.A., B.D., S.T.M 1972-77 At a recent symposium on Moral and Spiritual Values held in Pretoria a speaker highlighted the pressures placed on young people in our society and suggested that in our work as educators we can so easily put further pressures on pupils when in fact their greatest need is for encouragement. "They are idealistic and teachers can channel their idealism. They have dreams and we should be pointing them to a better world. We should be encouraging them to accept themselves as the people that God made them, with a real understanding of their inestimable value in the eyes of God. We should be teaching them - by the way we treat them and treat with them - that God cares for them and that He cares for all men." Qf course, this is not only the concern of the Chapel programme or the religious activities in the houses but it should be the key to all that is said and done in a Christian School. We are grateful to God for the opportunity of serv ing Him in this school and pray that we may all know more of the love of God in Jesus Christ in our hearts and in our relationships. DJ BUWALDA Chaplain Counselling Department 1983 The trend of increased contact with boys and parents con tinues and is gratifying. When it is possible to include parents in the discussion of any counselling problem, whether the problem is educational, spiritual or vocational, it is invariably true that good progress is made. Apart from individual contact with the Counselling Department many boys have been involved in career activi ties such as outings to the Technikon, the University Campus,the Navy Diving School and the Air Force Base. A new idea in 1983 was to arrange our own fairly low-key careers week. This took place early in June and included talks, discussion and follow-up on 12 core career areas. Prof. Neil Tainton spoke on Agriculture, Prof. Victor Bredenkamp on the Arts degree and Prof. O'Brien on Archi tecture, Quantity Surveying and Building Management. Mr Alan Rycroft spoke on Law, Mr Neil Gerber on Account ancy and Mr Peter Dauncey on Teaching. The Revd. Dr Daryl Hackland dealt with Medicine, Dr de Freitas with Biological Careers and Mr Andrew Vivian spoke on various types of Engineering. Mr D Staniland spoke on the possi bilities of Art based careers such as Creative Design and Capt.Winnington dealt with opportunities in the Permanent Force. The speakers were all very well received and without exception their talks were informative, interesting and pertinent to the needs of the boys. In addition a Kearsney parent, Mr Wilson, gave a special talk on Civil Engineeflhg careers. On-going careers guidance is offered to all boys in the school and begins in a low-key way in 3rd Form with dis cussions on the question of Subject choices in relation to tentative thoughts about career directions. In 4th Form a6 week period is devoted to a thorough discussion of the elements that go into a Career choice, viz. Values, Interests and Abilities. More intensive personal counselling is then done in the 5th and 6th Forms. 12

As a member of the Natal Counsellors' Society the School Counsellor is in regular contact with developments in the area of School Counselling. Some of the useful resource meetings offered in 1983 included: Role-plays of parent-teenager interaction, Counselling in Indian Schools, High School programrhes of the Family and Marriage Society, a talk on Teenage Suicide, an introduction to the philosophy and techniques of New Games which are being used in some schools to encourage participation in exciting and enjoyable games which are non-competitive and do not require outstanding athletic abilities. Other functions in cluded a visit to the new prison complex at Westville as guests of the Department of Building Management of Natal University, a visit to the B I F S A Training Centre at Mariannhill for insight into career opportunities in the building industry, a discussion on the Journalism, Public Relations, Music and Drama courses at the new premises of the School of Languages and Communication, Natal Technikon, and a meeting with the Natal Society of Chartered Accountants at which the recruiting of suitable candidates into their field was discussed. The past year was an interesting and productive one and it is hoped that increasingly, boys will see the value of making use of the Counselling Department whether to un burden personal problems or to talk about their future. D J BUWALDA School Counsellor Finninglcy House Report1983 , .*■ 9 Hf ^ -:t h I 1 < Finningley House My thanks go to B. Oliver as Head of House and to his fellow prefects C. Hudson, D. Taylor and B. van Heusden for their services to Finningley. I appreciated the friendly and fair manner in which the necessary discipline was main tained. My thanks also extend to the boys for cooperation by most of them, most of the time. Mrs Rautenbach, our matron, devotes hours caring for the needs of the boys. Thank you "Mrs R". Mr Wortman and Mr Decker helped me with duties and their opinions and ideas are welcomed, appreciated and valued. Mr Decker moves into a staff home next year and we all wish him well. Mr and Mrs Oliver have donated a new Finningley banner. This is a kind and generous gesture. Thank you very much indeed. The old banner will be given a place of honour in our House dining hall. To pay tribute to Kearsney's Founder, Sir Liege Hulett, Mr Rob Lamplough, on the History staff, addressed the boys on aspects of the life of Sir Liege. He mentioned achieve ments of this man who had left the British Civil Service, after failing an examination, and arrived in South Africa with the equivalent of R10,00 to his name. This "bizarre character", who met his wife as she rode an ox, showed a determination to succeed in many of his various ventures that stands as an example to us all. Sir Liege,Mr Lamplough told us, also believed in associating himself with a power greater than himself. Sir Liege, I like to think, agreed with Louise Haskins "man who stood at the gate of the year", when he says, ". . . put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than any known way." In conclusion and before Oliver gives you his report I wish to thank all those people who have helped make 1983 another worthwhile year. B. WILLIAMS My thanks extend to various people. Mr Williams, Mr Decker and Mr Wortman. Thank you for your guidance throughout the year. For a House such as Finningley, your leadership is essential. To matron Rautenbach, who is always prepared to sacrifice her time for theboys in mend ing, keeping the place clean and for caring, we are very, very grateful. To my fellow prefects, Dave Taylor, Craig Hudson and Brad van Heusden, thank you for your co operation and helpful advice without which I would not have managed. Then finally to the boys of the House. It is every boy in the House that pulls his weight, resulting in a successful year. I believe this has been such a year. Well done! The prefects join me in wishing the prefects of 1984 the best of luck. Make the most of it and keep Finningley's banner high. Remember our motto, "Per ardua ad astra - Through hardship unto victory". B. OLIVER if' :'j; m t? m m m m * ' m r-' FORM 5: Recipients of Academic Honours; left to right: G. Catlin, B. Rencken, N. Shepherd. 13

Gillingham House Report:1983 1983 has been a year of both achievement and change for Gillingham. Five boys earned their colourst,hree their honours; we produced the captains of seven senior teams and the chairmen of six clubs or societies. During the year we enjoyed the services of three matrons and a new assist ant master! In January we welcomed both Mrs Michelle Strydom and Mr K. Garrett to Gillingham, hoping that their associ ation with the house would be a long and happy one. However, Mr Garrett leaves us at the end of this year to get married, so we wish him success and happiness in his new venture! Our matron of five years standing, Mrs P. Bourke, left at the end of the first term and was followed for one term only by Mrs L. Reid, who, in turn, was succeeded by Mrs H. Fiddler at the beginning of September.We wish her a long and happy stay at Gillingham, and thank Mrs N. Townshend for standing in so ably for the month of August. We knew our Housemaster, Mr R. Townshend, was getting on a bit (witness the grey hairs!) but on Speech Day we were amazed to discover that he had been at Kearsney for 25 years! Congratulations. We started the year with a bang, having Anton Maybery made Head Boy as well as captain of cricket. He has filled both these positions with distinction and we congratulate him on his highly successful year. Alan du Toit as captain of the 2nd XI and Mark Boyd for the first century in the 1st XI must also be congratulated. John Wannenburgh stood as the 2nd XI umpire. Once again our aquatic aspirations were sunk by Pembroke and Finningley and we ended up a spirited third! However, Dicks made quite a splash as U15 waterpolo captain,and Kruger and I. Dunlop played for the first team. During the winter terms I. Dunlop, A. Maybery and A. Sutton played 1st XV while M. Boyd captained the 2nd team. L. Swanepoel was touch-judge for the 1st term. The hockey scene was rosier with C. Muirhead, K. Robinson, D. Simpson, C. Ellis-Cole, G. Hooper and B. Hulett all play ing 1st XI. C. Ellis-Cole played for both the D & D U15 and open teams. In the same game, but on wheels, 8. Louw played for the Natal mens' Roller Hockey team. M. Nazar captained the school 2nd XI. On Sports Day the Gillingham team did very well indeed. B. Hulett was awarded colours for his excellent perform ance and other up-and-coming athletes to catch the eye were: Hanbury-King, Jordan, Theunissen, Tromp and Graham M. who ran the U14 1500m for Natal. Guy Bennett the Kearsney cross-country captain was again awarded his colours and ran for the Natal "B"team. D. Meaker seemed to have his eye firmly fixed to a lens this year as vice-captain of the shooting team and chairman of the photographic society. A. Veen shot himself into the position of Junior Champion this year! A. Davidson (form 4) excelled himself to become senior tennis champion. On the cultural side, Gillingham boys were well repre sented. Bruce Hulett chaired both the Mountain Club and Wildlife Society. Anton Maybery was chairman of the Senior Scientific Society and Prime Minister in the Kearsney Parliament while J. Bennett besides being chair man of the Mathematics Society, was also captain of both the Chess and Bridge Clubs. Guy Brokensha did a good job as secretary of the Wildlife Society. Paul Senior represented the school at the J.H. Hofmeyr Speech competition. Blankertz and Wannenburgh talked their way into second m m 9 mm Gillingham House place in the inter-house speech contest. L. Swanepoel who produced "School for Witches" during the first term succeeded remarkably well in trying to get the entire house involved in a stage production .. . who knows what talent will emerge next year as a result? Malcolm Hilton took the title role in "Tom Sawyer" and other main parts went to Sean Blankertz, Andrew Murphie, Rowan Thompson,John Wannenburgh and Craig Lowe. In the third term Rowan pompson excelled as the lead in Terrance Rattigan's "Adventure Story". Paul Senior, Alistair Walters, John Wannenburgh, Ivan Dunlop and Mark Erikson also took part in this production. On Friday nights our Bible Study gathering in the Senior Reading room proved very popular indeed, attracting boys from all over the school. M.J. Glutz, G. Karlson and G. Stanek were responsible for running the Haley House guild and did a lot of good work there. Some of our fellows achieved highly in the academic field. Guy Bennett and Jeremy Bennett reached the top 100 in the Science and Maths Olympiads respectively. In the inter-school Mini-Maths Olympiad Jeremy Bennett, Luc Swanepoel and Paul Senior won the competition for Kearsney. Alan du Toit, Kenneth Mercer and Jack Wieland were awarded their academic colours. Swanepoel (Dux of school), Bennett J., and Senior received their academic honours awards on Speech Day and together walked off with ten out of the thirteen prizes awarded. Well done! We are proud of you. Finally, we would like to wish next year's prefects and the whole House as successful and enjoyable a year as ours. P.S.: From the Housemaster: I would like to thank the prefects Peter Botes(Head), Guy Bennett, Mark Boyd, Ivan Dunlop and Luc Swanepoel for all the hard work they put in this year; Paul Senior and John Wannenburgh for their efforts in the compiling of this report and especially all the members of Gillingham, from youngest to oldest, who made this such a rewarding and happy year. & m i, Hi im-i ! il: t> After tuneft, Gillingftam dinirig hall 14

Haley House Report:1983 rm mm m 36 S>s. |Km M m li mma 1kW4A o I M y' 7\l mm Haley House ■ at the end of a morning's school, boys make their way to lunch. 1983 has been a great year! The boys have really got in volved and done their bit in making the year a memorable one. The spirit in which they have entered into house, as well as school, activities has been pleasing, and overall the co-operation has been tremendous. Probably the most important event to occur this year was Mr Hall's retirement from his position as housemaster. After ten years of service,'Haley House'and 'Mr Hall' have become almost synonymous,but all good things come to an end as they say, and at the end of the third term Mr Hall left the house. Mr Lees took over at the beginning of the fourth term and Haley House looks set for another enjoy able ten years. We wish him all the best for the future. In the sporting sphere a number of boys have shown great potential. In the first term C. Comins,S. Garreau and P. Ethelston showed great talent as swimmers, whilst C. Coetzee took most of the swimming prizes in the U14 age group. C. Coetzee has also shown great potential on the cricket, hockey and rugby fields, captaining the LIMA rugby team. M.Phillips and D. Stadter are others who show good potential at hockey and rugby respectively, whilst C. Hanbury-King of the U13 age group is doing well at both cricket and rugby. Other names that stand out are C. Zietsmann, who achieved his Natal colours for show-jump ing, C. de la Mare who played Durban and Districts squash and P. Kiihn who played tennis for Natal. There are many others who have shown themselves to be good sportsmen with a lot of potential for the future, but in a report of this length it would be impossible to name them all. On the other hand, the success of the junior teams must be attributed to the determination of those not-so-talented, who, even though they never played in an 'A' or 'B' team nevertheless contributed all they could to their respective games. The spirit in which a game is played is what is im portant and the players have certainly shown enthusiasm, determination and team spirit. The spiritual aspect of the House has certainly not been lacking and in addition to the regular Wednesday evening 'Junior Guild' meetings, prayer meetings on Monday and Thursday evenings under the guidance of Mrs Lyte-Mason have been very well attended. The fifth form leaders of the Junior Guild meetings have done a good job. Well done. The school plays "Adventure Story"and "Tom Sawyer" were met with a great deal of enthusiasm from the boys and some great acting talent showed itself in the form of J. Burns who acted "Haephaestion" in 'Adventure Story'. R. Cazalet from the prefect body has also excelled this year, gaining his academic honours, athletic colours and captaining the school athletics team. I would like to thank Kevin Ward and Richard Cazalet, my fellow-prefects, for their constant co-operation. To gether we made a good team. Anton Maybery, the Head Boy, has also been very involved in House activities and we are thankful for his help and support. Lastly, I would like to thank the masters, Mr Cocks and Mr Allen and the House matron, Mrs Lyte-Mason, for all their support in the running of the House,and especially to Mr Hall and Mr Lees without whose support we would never have managed. As a prefect body we have really appreciated the co-operation and help afforded us by the masters. Thank you Haley House for a great year. D.K. BROWN Head of House Pembroke House Report:1983 Yet again Pembroke has had another very successful year. It appears also that Pembroke can reach still higher and will achieve even more if everyone continues to give of their best. On the academic side of things Pembroke has excelled. The Parkes Trophy for Academics has been won by Pembroke yet again. Most of the points, however were gain ed by everyone else in the house except for the sixth form! There are a few exceptions of course. One of these excep tions is Ian Hayes, who is to be congratulated on being awarded his academic honours. Well done Ian! On the sporting side Pembroke has done quite well. We were all very pleased that the gala this year belonged,from start to finish, to Pembroke. I would just like to thank the Pembroke swimming captain, Hayden Dowdall for leading Pembroke to an outstanding win. P. v.d. Schyff,C. Vincent and S. Garreau are to be congratulated on their outstanding achievements in the water. We also won inter-house cricket. Once again Pembroke brought up the rear in the interhouse athletics meeting despite some excellent individual performances by R.W. Hein, C. du Toit, A. Hattingh, S. Summerfield, A. van Noordwyk and P. Ethelstone. R.W. Hein (House captain for Athletics) is to be congratulated on being awarded his honours for athletics. He won the Natal U19 100m hurdles in a record time and also won the 400m hurdles. Thereafter he gained selection for Natal Schools. The highlight of the inter-house athletics was the inter-house tug of war. Under the training of Mr Diedericks we managed very easily to pull Finningley off their feet. We did not, however, have such an easy passage to the final. We had a very difficult pull against Gillingham on the Thursday before the inter-house athletics meeting. The spirit in Pembroke has been as high as ever and this is largely due to the determination and drive which the house has displayed. Without the co-operation of the whole house this spirit would not have been possible to attain. 15

mm mm. am mmm mmm »«■« »aMi I mm iiiumn nmi mmi mmm mtmm ^ HHiM mmm mn r~i> i >W •&.».. IT* Txttw S^ mmm !!lilFnj[[ijij[i(i|iii|Mij.|yMij^ Pembroke House Keep up the good spirit chaps and I'm sure Pembroke wil continue to excel. Once more the future looks positive, but good results don't come easily. Pembroke will have to work hard to maintain its high standards, but I'm sure it will succeed. I, and all the other prefects in Pembroke, would just like to wish next year's prefects the best of luck. GARTH REARDON CADETS 1983 Thisyeara large number of 6th and 5th formers made them selves available as possible N.C.O.'s and Officers. The senior ranks were chosen mainly from the 6th formers while the junior ranks weremostly 5th formers. Maybery was appoint ed OC and B. Raison as R.S.M. The CO of Finningley House was B. Oliver, Gillingham P. Botes and PembrokeD. Jones. This year for the first time we divided the detachment into houses rather than into forms as had been the practice in the past. We thus dispensed with the normal A, B and C boys and replaced them with a Finningley, Gill ingham and Pembroke boys. This worked very well giving cadets a little more of a competative edge. This spirit was taken a step further by drill competitions arranged at all levels between the houses by John Farran. In the balance was a cup and the order in which the houses would appear in the Remem brance Day parade. Finningley was the winner followed by Pembroke and then Gillingham. There are now plans to extend the competition into other related fields of Cadet endeavour in 1984. I would like to thank all those who gave of their time and effort in helping me run the Cadets. Here I must men tion John Harper our Band Master. Johan Strydom who runs the shooting and this year not only built up a success ful junior and senior shooting team but also managed to get almost every Cadet onto the range to shoot. Last but by no means least my able assistants on the parade ground, John Farran, Melvin Vassard and L.P. Zaayman. The last named we unfortunately lose at the end of 1983. To him we would like to extend our thanks for all he has done for Kearsney Cadets over the past eighteen years. This has been considerable, he has even had a stint at being a highly successful Band Master. We will miss him, his hard work and solid advice so freely offered. We wish him all the best in the future. A.M. BROMLEY-GANS Music Chapel Choir The choir has once again acquitted itself well on the main occasions of the year. With thirty six trebles it was more than somewhat top heavy for the Tenehrae and Broadcast Services hut numbers were gradually whittled down to six teen by the time of the Carol Services which made for a well balanced group. It was also satisfying to see a larger number of senior hoys in the tenor and bass departments. The usual addition of members of staff and staff wives has been much appreciated although it is incredibly difficult to get everyone together at the same time. Cadet Band Drum Major Guy Bennett proved to he a good choice for the position and handled the hand efficiently. There were a number of younger players in 1983 which could augur well for the future. The addition of clarinets, saxophone and trombone gave greater variety to the sound and the hand performed effectively at the Remembrance Day Parade. "Tom Sawyer" I would like to thank all who took part in this light-hearted show. The large numbers were not there just to provide enough volume of sound (as suggested in Carpe Diem) hut to give all who came forward a chance to participate - especially the younger ones who normally do not get,the opportunity to take part in musical shows. I would like to thank the small orchestra, mostly hoys, who playedthe accompaniments-they certainly discovered that accompanying is not merely playing the correct notes. The unusual variety of instruments, ranging from melodica to glockenspiel, clarinets, flute etc. gave an effective 'home spun' quality to the sound. Music Pupils These have been fewer in number and, Iike the choir trebles, tended to 'thin-out' during the course of the year. There is still plenty of variety of instruments being studied ranging from trumpet, clarinet, recorder to the more customary piano and organ. Jeremy Williams continues his successful path through the piano grades and this year obtained a good pass in grade 6 of the Royal Schools of Music. 16