
feel sure that it will continue to reflect the Methodist ethos which has developed the school's Christian character. 50 Boys recently attended the Founders' Day service at the old Kearsney Chapel. During the service the Reverend Edgar referred to the beginnings of the school as the "Acorn of 11 boys which has developed into the oak of Kearsney today." The boys of the College should be ever mindful of our heritage and never forget those many people before us who have unselfishly helped to create Kearsney into the great school it is today. I have touched on the material and spiritual aspects of the school and to complete the picture I want to pay special tribute to the staff of the school. In a boarding school such as Kearsney it is the close teacher-pupil relationship which plays such an important part in preparing us for our future lives. In paying tribute to the staff of our school I'm sure we include our parents - we thank you. On the sportsfield, Kearsney has had a year of mixed fortunes. The 1st XV,although not very successful, was a very determined team who never stopped trying and, on occasions, lifted their standard of rugby to match even the ever-strong Maritzburg College team. What is more import ant, of course, is the spirit in which we took our beatings. Our junior sides generally acquitted themselves extremely well and this is an encouraging sign for future 1st teams. In previous years it was taken for granted that most of our junior sides would lose, however those days are over and Kearsney has now closed the gap between it and the traditionally stronger schools. The hockeyteam this season fielded no fewer than 7 Standard eights in the 1st team, and this should hold them in good stead for the next couple of years. The cricket team seems to have come together now and is looking forward to a successful season during the final term. Both the tennis and squash teams have struggled slightly this year, however, the boys involved have given of their best, and what's more important, they have enjoyed them selves. The tennis team has been a particularly young side and have gained a vast experience of the game. This side will undoubtedly be a force to be reckoned with in the next few years. Our waterpolo team has done exceptionally well con sidering the fact that our pool was empty throughout the season.They often proved fairly tough opposition for many of the top sides, and the team would undoubtedly have been extremely strong had conditions not been as they were. To the boys who occupy the grandstand and cheer the 1st teams; the atmosphere you create through your support is something no other school can ever match. Keep this up, it is one of Kearsney's great hallmarks. The high academic standard of the school is borne out by the great number of awards that have been presented this year. A record number of 8 boys in metric were award ed their academic honours, and another6 received colours. The 5th form also had a number of boys who received academic awards. Congratulations to you all! The senior boys of today have consciously endeavoured to improve the standards previously set in the running of the school and in the maintaining of traditions,and it is our hope that the boys who follow will take up the challenge of striving for greater heights. To the boys who finished school at the end of this year, I'm sure you will join the many other Old Boys who take such an active interest in the events at the school. As Mr Foss has done, we will dedicate ourselves to maintaining a link with this ever-increasing Kearsney family. Finally, my year as Head Boy has been an experience which I will cherish for the rest of my life, and the memories I take withme will be filled with great bonds of friendship. To the prefects and 6th Form colleagues, I thank you for your loyal support, and to the Headmaster and his staff, I thank you all for your guidance and en couragement,without which I would have been lost. Generally speaking, Kearsney has had yet another memorable year, and even though we have not been very successful on the sportsfields, we have established a new incentive to do well,academically. A.MAYBERY SMMiaiaeBt*B88l m AKIiMw iauiifg; mi mmim > t y Ttt- If Tf am1*5 ill ImMi mm iiaHil ■■ m < t f , <*#«,» ii9 ' j4' m ■ in: Htthi 4.M. * t * V4» mr ^ ;i?tSs*Lbiil. tm ffcssB'Kslia: SSSMS: m Uaa; liu^i HONOURSAWARDS 1983: Back row:R. Thompson(Cultural Honours),R. Hein (Athletics). Middle row:P. Senior, i. Hayes, R. Wyatt,J. Hanks. Frontrow:D. Tayior,J. Bennett, L.Swanepoei(Dux), R. Cazaiet(aii Academic), C. Grinyer (Hockey).