
■ \ i r. * mm '' m ^*f L .'JIJ ♦# *"» » **-*< 'J- ^ >«'«4 * ^ \ 1 Nativity Scene: made by members of the art club for the Annual Carol Service. Chapel Notes The Chapel continues to be the place where most of the School community comes together on a regular, almost daily, basis. A varied group of people are invited to conduct services and it is encouraging to see an increasing number of boys volunteering to lead various devotional services. On Sundays at least one formal service is held for the school in addition to a special service which is held every Sunday morning for Roman Catholic boys. In order to accommodate the arrangements for leave Sundays and weekends we have resorted to flexible planning of services and now have some morning and some evening. We have also persevered with a voluntary evening service once or twice each term. This has become one of the more meaning ful acts of corporate worship in the school and is quite well attended. It is always refreshing to welcome visiting ministers and preachers to conduct worship in our Chapel and we remember with gratitude services conducted in 1983 by Mr Alan Rycroft, an Old Boy, the Revd. Stanley Mogaba, Secretary of the Methodist Conference, the Revd. Herbert Lee of Kloof, the Revd. Ray Horrocks of St Thomas' Anglican Church,the Revd. Dr Norman Hudson of Durban's Central Methodist Church, Mr Paul Graham of the Christian Education and Youth Department,Prof. Victor Bredenkamp who conducted the Founders Day Service in 1983,and the Revd. Kevin Sprong of the Pinetown Methodist Church. A group of young people from the Pinetown Circuit presented a very lively Easter Musical called 'Mirror of your Soul' and another Old Boy, Mr Scott Taylor,conducted a service with a group of musical friends. Note may also be taken of the now annual Founders' Service at the Old Kearsney which was conducted this year by the Revd. Ken Edgar, and attended by a number of boys and staff, governors and friends of the School. From this impressive list of visiting preachers it is clear that in addition to the services conduct ed by the Chaplain the boys of Kearsney are being exposed to a variety of styles and voices serving the cause of Christ ian proclamation but all conveying an evangelical concern for the spiritual growth and development of the boys of Kearsney. In 1983 we celebrated Easter with a Tenebrae Service which dramatically symbolizes the approaching darkness and death which threatened to overwhelm Jesus during the last days of his earthly life. The Broadcast Service from the school was once again at the season of Our Lord's Ascension and Victory and in dealing with this theme the Chaplain compared Alexander the Great's victories with the ultimate victory of Jesus. The former claimed that the world would be saved by a man who became a god, the latter claimed that it could only be saved by the Living God who became a man. The latest SABC estimate is that something like 80000 people listen to the Sunday morning Broadcast Services and it is a great responsibility and privilege that is ours to maintain the highest standards of worship for this special opportunity each year. A large congregation was present for the joint Methodist and Anglican Confirmation service conducted this year by the President of the Methodist Conference, the Revd. Dr Khoza Mgojo, and the Bishop of Natal, the Rt. Revd. Michael Nuttall. The following boys were received and confirmed: Methodist: M J Botha B D Brokensha G Canning B B Cole P F de Villiers K A Dicks C M Dundson R Graham P A Green M Gritten R J Holden J D Hopewell G M Karlson C P Makin K D Makin D J Milne A J Russell-Boulton W D Torrance A M Tshabalala M B B Whittle CAT Williams M A Willaimson A J T Wilson Anglican: C M Bull P G Burton G M Chamberlin M P Cook N A Froise C A Garnett AS Hill SRC Hodge C R Hopkins N J Lutz A H McKellar-Basset A J H Philip M L Potter T B Shillington C R Tedder M A H Thomas G Tomlinson P D van der Schyff K H Wiseman 11