
As a member of the Natal Counsellors' Society the School Counsellor is in regular contact with developments in the area of School Counselling. Some of the useful resource meetings offered in 1983 included: Role-plays of parent-teenager interaction, Counselling in Indian Schools, High School programrhes of the Family and Marriage Society, a talk on Teenage Suicide, an introduction to the philosophy and techniques of New Games which are being used in some schools to encourage participation in exciting and enjoyable games which are non-competitive and do not require outstanding athletic abilities. Other functions in cluded a visit to the new prison complex at Westville as guests of the Department of Building Management of Natal University, a visit to the B I F S A Training Centre at Mariannhill for insight into career opportunities in the building industry, a discussion on the Journalism, Public Relations, Music and Drama courses at the new premises of the School of Languages and Communication, Natal Technikon, and a meeting with the Natal Society of Chartered Accountants at which the recruiting of suitable candidates into their field was discussed. The past year was an interesting and productive one and it is hoped that increasingly, boys will see the value of making use of the Counselling Department whether to un burden personal problems or to talk about their future. D J BUWALDA School Counsellor Finninglcy House Report1983 , .*■ 9 Hf ^ -:t h I 1 < Finningley House My thanks go to B. Oliver as Head of House and to his fellow prefects C. Hudson, D. Taylor and B. van Heusden for their services to Finningley. I appreciated the friendly and fair manner in which the necessary discipline was main tained. My thanks also extend to the boys for cooperation by most of them, most of the time. Mrs Rautenbach, our matron, devotes hours caring for the needs of the boys. Thank you "Mrs R". Mr Wortman and Mr Decker helped me with duties and their opinions and ideas are welcomed, appreciated and valued. Mr Decker moves into a staff home next year and we all wish him well. Mr and Mrs Oliver have donated a new Finningley banner. This is a kind and generous gesture. Thank you very much indeed. The old banner will be given a place of honour in our House dining hall. To pay tribute to Kearsney's Founder, Sir Liege Hulett, Mr Rob Lamplough, on the History staff, addressed the boys on aspects of the life of Sir Liege. He mentioned achieve ments of this man who had left the British Civil Service, after failing an examination, and arrived in South Africa with the equivalent of R10,00 to his name. This "bizarre character", who met his wife as she rode an ox, showed a determination to succeed in many of his various ventures that stands as an example to us all. Sir Liege,Mr Lamplough told us, also believed in associating himself with a power greater than himself. Sir Liege, I like to think, agreed with Louise Haskins "man who stood at the gate of the year", when he says, ". . . put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than any known way." In conclusion and before Oliver gives you his report I wish to thank all those people who have helped make 1983 another worthwhile year. B. WILLIAMS My thanks extend to various people. Mr Williams, Mr Decker and Mr Wortman. Thank you for your guidance throughout the year. For a House such as Finningley, your leadership is essential. To matron Rautenbach, who is always prepared to sacrifice her time for theboys in mend ing, keeping the place clean and for caring, we are very, very grateful. To my fellow prefects, Dave Taylor, Craig Hudson and Brad van Heusden, thank you for your co operation and helpful advice without which I would not have managed. Then finally to the boys of the House. It is every boy in the House that pulls his weight, resulting in a successful year. I believe this has been such a year. Well done! The prefects join me in wishing the prefects of 1984 the best of luck. Make the most of it and keep Finningley's banner high. Remember our motto, "Per ardua ad astra - Through hardship unto victory". B. OLIVER if' :'j; m t? m m m m * ' m r-' FORM 5: Recipients of Academic Honours; left to right: G. Catlin, B. Rencken, N. Shepherd. 13