
Haley House Report:1983 rm mm m 36 S>s. |Km M m li mma 1kW4A o I M y' 7\l mm Haley House ■ at the end of a morning's school, boys make their way to lunch. 1983 has been a great year! The boys have really got in volved and done their bit in making the year a memorable one. The spirit in which they have entered into house, as well as school, activities has been pleasing, and overall the co-operation has been tremendous. Probably the most important event to occur this year was Mr Hall's retirement from his position as housemaster. After ten years of service,'Haley House'and 'Mr Hall' have become almost synonymous,but all good things come to an end as they say, and at the end of the third term Mr Hall left the house. Mr Lees took over at the beginning of the fourth term and Haley House looks set for another enjoy able ten years. We wish him all the best for the future. In the sporting sphere a number of boys have shown great potential. In the first term C. Comins,S. Garreau and P. Ethelston showed great talent as swimmers, whilst C. Coetzee took most of the swimming prizes in the U14 age group. C. Coetzee has also shown great potential on the cricket, hockey and rugby fields, captaining the LIMA rugby team. M.Phillips and D. Stadter are others who show good potential at hockey and rugby respectively, whilst C. Hanbury-King of the U13 age group is doing well at both cricket and rugby. Other names that stand out are C. Zietsmann, who achieved his Natal colours for show-jump ing, C. de la Mare who played Durban and Districts squash and P. Kiihn who played tennis for Natal. There are many others who have shown themselves to be good sportsmen with a lot of potential for the future, but in a report of this length it would be impossible to name them all. On the other hand, the success of the junior teams must be attributed to the determination of those not-so-talented, who, even though they never played in an 'A' or 'B' team nevertheless contributed all they could to their respective games. The spirit in which a game is played is what is im portant and the players have certainly shown enthusiasm, determination and team spirit. The spiritual aspect of the House has certainly not been lacking and in addition to the regular Wednesday evening 'Junior Guild' meetings, prayer meetings on Monday and Thursday evenings under the guidance of Mrs Lyte-Mason have been very well attended. The fifth form leaders of the Junior Guild meetings have done a good job. Well done. The school plays "Adventure Story"and "Tom Sawyer" were met with a great deal of enthusiasm from the boys and some great acting talent showed itself in the form of J. Burns who acted "Haephaestion" in 'Adventure Story'. R. Cazalet from the prefect body has also excelled this year, gaining his academic honours, athletic colours and captaining the school athletics team. I would like to thank Kevin Ward and Richard Cazalet, my fellow-prefects, for their constant co-operation. To gether we made a good team. Anton Maybery, the Head Boy, has also been very involved in House activities and we are thankful for his help and support. Lastly, I would like to thank the masters, Mr Cocks and Mr Allen and the House matron, Mrs Lyte-Mason, for all their support in the running of the House,and especially to Mr Hall and Mr Lees without whose support we would never have managed. As a prefect body we have really appreciated the co-operation and help afforded us by the masters. Thank you Haley House for a great year. D.K. BROWN Head of House Pembroke House Report:1983 Yet again Pembroke has had another very successful year. It appears also that Pembroke can reach still higher and will achieve even more if everyone continues to give of their best. On the academic side of things Pembroke has excelled. The Parkes Trophy for Academics has been won by Pembroke yet again. Most of the points, however were gain ed by everyone else in the house except for the sixth form! There are a few exceptions of course. One of these excep tions is Ian Hayes, who is to be congratulated on being awarded his academic honours. Well done Ian! On the sporting side Pembroke has done quite well. We were all very pleased that the gala this year belonged,from start to finish, to Pembroke. I would just like to thank the Pembroke swimming captain, Hayden Dowdall for leading Pembroke to an outstanding win. P. v.d. Schyff,C. Vincent and S. Garreau are to be congratulated on their outstanding achievements in the water. We also won inter-house cricket. Once again Pembroke brought up the rear in the interhouse athletics meeting despite some excellent individual performances by R.W. Hein, C. du Toit, A. Hattingh, S. Summerfield, A. van Noordwyk and P. Ethelstone. R.W. Hein (House captain for Athletics) is to be congratulated on being awarded his honours for athletics. He won the Natal U19 100m hurdles in a record time and also won the 400m hurdles. Thereafter he gained selection for Natal Schools. The highlight of the inter-house athletics was the inter-house tug of war. Under the training of Mr Diedericks we managed very easily to pull Finningley off their feet. We did not, however, have such an easy passage to the final. We had a very difficult pull against Gillingham on the Thursday before the inter-house athletics meeting. The spirit in Pembroke has been as high as ever and this is largely due to the determination and drive which the house has displayed. Without the co-operation of the whole house this spirit would not have been possible to attain. 15