
THE MOSS TRAIL (Metropolitan Open Space System) During the third quarter of 1983, 18 or so,fourth formers, along with Mr King,helped the Natal Wild life Society build a nature trail in the Molweni Valley. A number of other local schools are helping to build other sections of the trail. Kearsney were responsible for the trail from the Everton Falls down to the Molweni river to the Long Shadows Nature Reserve. We madeseven trips to the valley and for the first three we laboriously hacked our way through the bush, keeping close to the river. At one stage we built a bridge across the river and led the trail up a steep hill. At the top of the hill we were confront ed with a sheer cliff. Here we built a ladder using two telegraph poles, which enabled hikers to over come a 10 metre crevice and reach the top of the cliff. From this vantage point we led the trail along the edge of the cliff, giving a spectacular view up the valley. All those whotook part in the exercise thorough ly enjoyed it. Voluntary work for the benefit of the community can be very satisfying, as we all discovered. Kearsney's able-bodied participants came from the 4A history set.The whole class contributed, but due to transport problems, no more than 13could go on each trip. Tools and implements were pro vided by Mr Milbank and refreshments from the kitchen. M. EWING 25