
UMGENI VALLEY — solitaire "Go out alone into the hills and listen. You will hear much. The winds will hold for you something more than sound; the streams will not be merely the babbling of water. The trees and the flowers are not so separate from you as they are at other times, but very near. The same substance, the same rhythm, the same song binds you to them. Alone amidst nature, man learns to be one with all and all with one". FRANKS.SMYTHE During the second term of each year, members of the second form visit the Umgeni Valley Ranch for several days. One of the activities they are involved in is writing about the sense of peace and solitude around them. Here are some of the responses to that moment of solitude. "I WONDER... Why God created the whole universe, and everything in it? Why he created the earth and the solar system? Why he separated water from the earth, and made the dry land? Why God created fishes, the trees, the grasses, animals, birds, and beetles? In short; nature? Each object perfect to the last atom, and all living in perfect harmony with every other living creature, creating a balance of every thing for survival? Why, oh why, did God create Man? He is destructive and now, nothing except God is safe. Man is more evil than any monster yet imagined. Why God sent his Son to save mankind? Surely man de serves destruction, not salvation, after the way in which he has treated God's creation? .. If God will send a messenger to save all the creatures of nature? Nobody can prevent the slow destruction of nature that man himself is bringing about. Bless those who have devoted their lives to saving nature." K.WISEMAN "Sitting out here,alone,seems very beautiful. The trees and birds seem to be your only friends.There is perfect harmony, with not a man disturbing the environment. The stream' further below babbles away and falls in short cascades, as if laughing.The sun is rising higher over the hill every moment I turn around. The birds nesting in the acacia are quiet and peaceful. The cliff rises up, up and up until it comes to an end. I feel very relaxed. If only the modern world were more like this." J. MULLER THE RIVER The river starts up in the mountains splashing down to silver fountains of waterfalls, and on it goes from bend to bend, but still it does not end. But carries on wandering, day and night. under yellow sun and moon, so bright; Until it comes In sight of the sea. On it is pulled and is split in half, to be swallowed by the sea at last. W.TAYLOR m "At this very moment I'm feeling content. I'm comfort ably lying on a rock listening to God's wonderful world of nature. Even in the future when unfortunately, this place might be developed into a concrete jungle, nothing will make me forget about this moment. The air is so fresh and full of animal scents.The wind is blowing in wonderful, cool gusts. The river is making its relaxing gurgling sound as it gushes over the many rocks. I cannot think of any place in the city that is better than this. The bird-songs are important. I can hear the hadedahs in the distance as well as doves,making their beautiful,throaty cooing. So far, this has been the best part of my stay in the Umgeni Valley. I'm looking for signs of animals and I'm sure I'll see some. I thank God for making nature as it is and for people who ore willing to conserve It." GREG THOMPSON f f f iWW—W»' M.SACKS - Form VI 32