
era comprised (with the year of their coming): Mr R.H. Matterson (23), Mr G.M. Oram (24), Miss C.G. Ellis (later Mrs Oram)(24), Mr J.F. Reece(27),Mr C.G.Medworth(28), Mr P. Milner (33), Miss D.R. Eraser (later Mrs Reece)(33), Mrs(later Dr)A.Milner (35),and Mr J.H. Hopkins,a former pupil, who just made it (39).__ In addition there were Sister J.S. Attlee (32), housekeeper Miss C.Charlton(21,and one yearat Botha's Hill). Of the above-mentioned, only Mr and Mrs Reece, Dr Milner,and Mr Hopkins are alive today (1983). Finally, it seems appropriate to quote part of the Editorial of the Kearsney Chronicle,July 1941: "The School has now completed its second year at Botha's Hill ... So we may say that the school's anxious days are past. Like the mustard seed, a great thing has grown from a small. Yet those of us who experienced and endured them, as we fought for the survival of the school, must ever look back with affection upon the years spent up the North Coast; upon the lifelong friendships made in the district, the services in the Chapel, the avenues and plantations of trees and shrubs, the fruit orchards, the teafields and sugar cane, the tea factories,the Sunday rambles and even the leaky classrooms, the iron-hard playing field, and the ever-present bees... "We still have vision. We foresee the day when there will be four houses instead of two, a Chapel, a swimming bath, an assembly hall, a library, a gymnasium, a music block,and more classrooms. It all takes time. These things do not grow like mush rooms over-night, and we must have patience. The nucleus is here. When times are more settled, large-hearted friends of the School and of Methodism will put their hands deep into their pockets for us, so that before many more years have passed even we shall be surprised at the progress we have made. May it be so!" Forty years later these visions were realised apart from the gymnasium and music block. J.F. REECE P.S. At the request of an Oly Boy I have ascertained there are now 150 boys from the "old" school whom I knowXo be alive. There are of course many others, whom we have "lost". The "deceased" list now comprises 240 names, but this figure is bound to be an understatement. J.F.R. • If §■ X Building Development ilii sr fir 4^ The original Kearsney College i ri: A'■ • \ m t. / i \ i X. .' .A : '.X S.vanNIEKERK VI 45