
siSi m ipWtWrallM^ From the Headmaster's Office 1983 will stand out in my memory as the year of Academic Honours and the Development Fund campaign. Both have been exciting in their own way. To have eight boys in the metric class who have earned Academic Honours is an outstanding achievement and my congratulations go to the boys, their parents and the Staff who have taught them. Naturally I hope that this will be a spur to other boys coming up through the school to in crease their efforts in the future. The top stream in all Forms is very good academically and it is so very pleasing to see competition for top places. The new boys for 1984 have done well in the Entrance Examination so we are looking at good matric results for some years to come. The Development Fund campaign has been impressive to say the least. The teams of visitors, under the control of their Chairmen, have been contacting members of the Kearsney Family and the response has been excellent. As well as the fantastic financial response there has been a wonderful feeling of goodwill towards the school and this is what Kearsney really means. So here I make no apology for publishing my 'Aim of the College'which tries to sum up what we are doing. 'The Aim of the College is to prepare boys for adult life in a Christian and disciplined atmosphere in pleasant sur roundings. Included in the academic side of this Aim is the ability to mix with and to accept others, the ability to adapt to new circumstances, the ability to accept adversity and to win generously'. school is very important. We are very fortunate to have the right people at Kearsney for this post and we wish them many rewarding years there and all the happiness their pre decessors enjoyed. At Kearsney we have a very "permanent" staff with very few changes. It, therefore, came as a shock when we heard that L P was going to leave us after 18 years to go back to the Department to teach Afrikaans at his old school, Maritzburg College. We wish him and Wendy, Debbie and Mark much happiness in their new home near Hilton. In L P's place Frikkie de Jager from Stellenbosch has been appointed. He comes to us straight from University where he has earned a reputation as an outstanding student and a leader in the Stellenbosch University Choir. To relieve Pip Townshend's creaking joints, a young Phys Ed teacher is coming to take over thisdepartment. Kevin Smith comes to us from Milton in Bulawayo where he was taught, a few years ago, by Maurice Lees. Mrs Bourke, matron of Gillingham, left and was replaced by Mrs Fiddler who has already taken control and doing very well. Mr and Mrs Detlef Wortmann came to us at the begin ning of this year. They are already part of Kearsney and the latest addition to their family arrived after they joined us. Detlef is an experienced Mathematicsteacher who has served in the Natal Education Department for a number of years. During the second term, while the Deputy Headmaster was on long leave, Mrs Nanette Combrinck taught Afrikaans in his place. One se bale dankie. At Speech Day three members of staff received gifts to mark their 25 years' service to the College. We congratulate Mrs Pixie Milbank who has been secretary for that long, Mr Pip Townshend, our Phys Ed teacher, and Mr George Gasa who works in Finningley. While Sister Erica Beaton was on long leave we were fortunate to obtain the services of Sister Monique Herweg. Monique and Dr Gary Kode (Old Boy) announced their engagement before she returned to Cape Town. Congratulations to the following on their new arrivals: Tim and Sarah Allen, a daughter; Fred and Jill Cocks, a daughter; Paul and Eve Daniels, a daughter;and Detlef and Elaine Wortmann,a son. During the year Peter Chick married Lorraine Tarboton in the Chapel and were the first to have a reception in the Greyhound Pavilion. In December there will be two more staff weddings in the Chapel: Keith Garrett will marry Cathy Preller and Allister Thiselton will marry Heather Williams. We wish them happiness and welcome these two new wives to the staff. Congratulations to Cathy Beaton on her engagement to Kim Neate and to Keith Decker on his engagement to Christine Bradbury. Farewell: Staff Notes After his 10 year term as housemaster, Justin Hall retired as housemaster of Haley House at the end of the third term. Justin and Pat and their family have moved into their new house opposite the old Youth Camp. Maurice Lees was appointed housemaster of Haley House. He and his wife, Anne, who is a remedial teacher and who has helped junior boys with their reading with great success, moved in with their two sons at the beginning of the 4th term. Looking after the juniors at a boarding L P ZAAYMAN Lambertus Petrus was born at Winburg in the OFS on July 9th 1939. When the family moved to Pietermaritzburg L P attended Merchiston and then Maritzburg College. After school he trained as a teacher at the Natal Training College. His first teaching appointment was at Estcourt High School in 1962, and then he taught at Eshowe High School and Westville Boys' High School until he came to Kearsney in 1966. L P married Wendy Dixon in 1964 and has two children, Debbie writing matric at Epworth and Mark in Form 5 at Kearsney. After 18happy years at Kearsney LP has now decided that it is time for him to move on and get back into the NED.He has been appointed to the staff of Maritzburg College in 1984.