
CRICKET AWARDS-1983 Honours — A.D. Hall Colours — R.M. Boyd,A.D. Hall, A.E. Maybery Inter-house Cricket Trophy — Pembroke Jack Hulett Salver (for the House providing the greatest number of players in all divisions) — Pembroke King's Cup (for the best allrounder in the 1st XI)- A.D. Hall Foss Bat (for the most improved cricketer in the school) — G.J. Crookes. AN UMPIRE'S VIEW The highlight of Natal Schools Cricket, Offord Week, was held from Tuesday 6 December to Saturday 10 December, this year. The decision to umpire during this week,was one that John Wannenburgh, Kearsney'sonly school-boy umpire representative at Offord Week, would not regret. He was one of the three school-boy umpires, the other two, G. Newman and G. Robinson were supplied by Alexandra and Queensburgh respectively. This year, he was the regular 2nd XI Umpire, thus, he was now faced with completely new teams, the cream of their various schools,each member striving for a placein the Natal Schools XI or Mynahs XI. As the five days of crickeptrogressed, I gained invalu able experience, and learnt much about the ways in which one should approach the more difficult decisions. In particular, being able to meet and share a day's umpiring with Mr Barry Meyer, well-known British test umpire, was an honour. It was a great pity that poor weather interrupted play on the final two days of the week. Thus Offord Week was behind me, as was 25 hours of solid umpiring. The actual timesof play were between 1011.15; 11.30-12.45; 1.45-3.45; 4-6. On Saturday evening, Anthony Hall was selected for the Natal Schools XI to tour Kimberly later. I had the unexpected, and rare honour, of being selected as the Mynahs XI Umpire. The Mynahs (no playersfrom Kearsney) tour Zululand. in conclusion, I would like to thank both Mr J. Hall and Mr R. Blamey for making this opportunity available to me, and the least I could do was to "seize it" as I did not hesitate to do. I must also extend my personal thanks to Mr Barry Smith, Springbok Umpire and President of the Durban Branch of the Kearsney Old Boy'sClub(I'm now a member), for the series of lectures he gave me on Umpiring. What now needs to be said is that I encourage other would-be umpires to take up this art, as it is capable of giving much satisfaction, as I look forward to my stint as the 1983 Mynahs XI Umpire and our tour to Zululand. JOHN WANNENBURGH December 1983 A.D. Hall Cricket Honours m m mm M Diving 1983 At the start of this season we had a large number of juniors wanting to take diving and I and the senior divers were hard pressed trying to teach basic skills to such a large number of youngsters. It's encouraging to have so many young boys show an interest in the sport. It was thus a great pity the drought curtailed this enthusiasm in the second half of the season in which I was only able to accommodate the more senior divers due to the lack of water in our pool. We did very well during the year at the Natal Diving Board competitions in which wecompeted on a regular basis. M. Butterfield in particular did well winning the Pinetown Trophy for the best aggregate over the 82/83 season. He aiso won the Natal 1m Men's Championships for which he was awarded a gold medal. In the Durban and District Schools Championships Kearsney was represented by M.Butterfield and G.Torrance in the U19 boys competition. It was unfortunate in this competition Butterfield lost control of his Vz Twist dive and failed it, this being the only occasion during the season this was to happen to him. He was unable to regain his lead and finished a very close 3rd.This however precluded him from taking part in the Natal Schools Championships which if one is to go on his form during the rest of the season he should have won. Through good placing on Torrance's behalf they still won the competition as a team. A.Bentley and G. Panton represented Kearsney in the T6 competition in which A. Bentley won, the team however only managed a third place. In the T4 competition we were represented by Townshend and Taylor who were unplaced. We missed competing in the Triangular this year due to a mechanical breakdown in our transport and a mis-under stood message that accompanied our relief transport. This was a great pity as the competition between ourselves and Hilton would have been keen in the diving. My final word in this report is to congratulate M. Butterfield on being re-awarded his diving colours for 1983. A.M. BROMLEY-GANS mm iim m m m 1 J Founders Day - School vs Old Boys. 56