
Agencies and Stevedoring(Pty) Ltd. with which organisation he remained for the rest of his business career. Crofton climbed steadily up the promotion ladder to become General Manager. He steered the company through several transitions and by the time of his retirement he had been elected to the post of Managing Director of Aero Marine Stevedoring (Pty) Ltd. He was a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries and during his business career he served at different times as President of the Durban Chamber of Commerce and Presi dent of the Natal Employers Association of which he was appointed an Honorary Life Member. He was also Chairman of the Durban Stevedores Association. Extra to his business duties he served for many years on the Board of Governors of Kearsney College,for a great part as Vice-Chairman. On the outbreak of World War II he volunteered for service with the Royal Durban Light Infantry. He served in North Africa and Italy and attained the rank of Captain. He was mentioned in Despatches. He was a sincere and completely honest person of the highest integrity, all based on strongChristian principles. His sense of fun was always refreshing. He met adversity with more than ordinary courage, exemplified by his forti tude in bearing tremendous suffering after being severely injured on active service, and more recently in the manner in which he bore the prolonged pain of his last illness. He never complained. He was a devoted husband to Edith whom he married in 1935. He was an equally devoted father and grandfather. His immediate family and those others who remain are so much the poorer for his passing. H.E.H. When I came to Kearsney in 1927 Crofton was regarded as a deity for his cricketing feats. It has been a life-long privilege to know and respect him. J.F.R. itlii ^ 2.- ii Discussing all the world's problems,left to right: Ftailton Foss, Tony Chick and Andrew Bromiey-Gans. & General view of the crowd at the opening of the new pavilion. ■I ■agga m W^i sa ■ ■ ■ m Dr Graeme Shuker, Chairman of the Board, chats to builder, Old Boy Pete Bryan. NOTICES 1. Membership Any Old Boy may apply for membership of the Club by writing to the Hon. Secretary, K.C.O.B.C.. c/o Kearsney College, Botha's Hill, 2660. The letter of application should state the applicant's full names, his address and the years that he was at the College. A cheque for R50,00 in payment of life membership subscription should accompany the application. Among benefits of Club member ship are the rights to wear Club colours, to receive the Chronicle, and to make use of the proposed Pavilion next to the School. 2. Change of Address This should be notified to: K.C.O.B.C. Register, c/o Kearsney College, Botha's Hill 3660. When mail is returned to the Club by the Post Office as being undelivered, the relevant addressograph plate is destroyed and the member becomes "lost" - and thus does not receive further copies of the Chronicle, etc. A recent count revealed that there are over seven hundred missing Old Boys, whose addresses are unknown.These members are entitled to receive all correspondence concerning the Club and the Chronicle. If any of your friends do not receive the aforementioned notifications, please request them to contact the K.C.O.B.C. Regis ter, c/o Kearsney College. 3. Club Colours The only source from which Club badges, ties, etc., can be obtained is the College. Requests for the supply of such items should be addressed to Mr Tony Chick, Kearsney College, Botha's Hill 3660, and should be accompanied by a cheque or postal order (made payable to the Club) to cover the cost of the required articles. Current prices are: Ties (Multi-crested only) R8,50 Blazer Badges R6,50 Crested Buttons - Large R1,00 - Small ,50 Ashtrays R4,00 71