
The in-coming President exercises his priviiege, sampiing the goods."And he pronounced them good..." ** 4RiMb • •* " 1.*" "- Vja- • . 1 ! iki 1 I o - >• < { bW m f 1 # ,it ':tr- / < e m ■V The class of '58. Five Old Boys from this year have sons at Kearsney now. Panton, Kapp, Alien, Hewitt and Storm, with aged teachers. Ken Fish and Jan Storm. A. (Andrew) Hudson (77-82), Box 161 Mandini, who served the school well on the sports field and has been scoring well for Umbilo, is doing a dipioma course with Murray and Roberts Construction Co. Military engagements have interrupted his course, but he will resume later. He already speaks with affection of his years at Kearsney (it usually takes Old Boys about ten years to reach this state!). W.R. (Bessie) Huiett (75-80), Box 173, Eshowe, is with the S.A.A.F. Permanent Force, a corporal doing jet fitting. He was hoping then to quaiity as a flight engineer, based in the Durban Air Force Base. A.J. (Arne) Kode (70-75), c/o Kearsney Coilege, is production engineer with a furniture factory in Cape Town. He "loves the Cape." Dr G.M. (Gary) Kode (72-75), c/o Kearsney College, is in the army until the end of 1984. His fiancee, Monique Herweg, work ed in the Kearsney Sanatorium while Sister Beaton was overseas. M.N. (Mark) Lawrence (72-73), 2 Acacia Road, Cape Town, con tinues with his stage work, and has been involved in "Oklahoma" as well as straight plays. He is also cub-master to a pack of cubs. A.J. (Tony) ■ Leon (71-74), 408 North Berwick, Lloys Ellis Avenue, Houghton, has graduated B.A., LI.B. He was awarded the Claude Franks Memorial Prize for the best law student in the subjects Conflict of Laws and Jurisprudence. He was also award ed the Society of Advocates' prize for being the best final year law student in the annual Moot Court Competition. Currently he is employed at Edward Nathan and Friedland Incorporated, a firm of commercial attorneys in Johannesburg. D.C. (Craig) Livingstone (76-80), 10 Oakham, John Avenue, Bedford, who played for S. African schools at hockey, has now taken his second year B.A., LI.B. How does he manage without Latin? He has been selected for South Africa Under 21 hockey, with Greg Pilling and Paul Logan. B.C.D. (Brett) Logan (77-81), 102 Abrey Road, Kloof, who played for Natal Schools XI, has completed his 2nd year B.A. Social Science Personnel at Durban University. He has taken many wickets and scored many runs for Pinetown in the Natal League. He gained his Natal "B" cap at the end of the 1982/83 season. M.B. (Mark) Logan (74-77), 102 Abrey Road, Kloof, also played for Natal Schools cricket. He has taken a B.Comm. Honours degree in Discipline Economics at the University in Durban. In 1982 he toured England with the Mynahs XI. He also scored 129 for S.A. Universities vs Transvaal and 107 N/0 for Natal B vs O.F.S. He is now consolidating his position as opening bat for Natal, with a debut of 60 vs Northern Transvaal. While doing his basic army training in Pretoria he scored 90 for Northern Trans vaal against his home Province, and was chosen for the S.A. Defence XI. P.J. (Paul) Logan (79-82), 102 Abrey Road, Kloof, who for three years was selected for the S.A. Schools Hockey XI (a record equalled by only two others), and played cricket for Natal Schools, has taken his first year B.Comm, LI.B., at the University in Durban. He has been scoring well for Pinetown. He was chosen for Natal Under 21, S.A. Under 21, and S.A. Univer sities at hockey. He was also seconded to the English Inter national Gremlins hockey touring team, and played in four Tests against South African Saints. G.W. (Gregory) Martin (72-77), c/o 307 Brooklyn Road,Pretoria, is studying for his Ph.D. degree at Cambridge University. F.B. Martin (72-75), 307 Brooklyn Road, Pretoria, has been working for some years with the SAA, and seen the world. He is now planning to go into the night-club industry (a Kearsney "first" as far as we know) in Johannesburg, by starting an English style NewWave Night Club. P.J. (John) Metcaif (74-78), son of Peter of that name, has done very well for himself. He obtained a B.Sc. in Chemical Engineer ing, summa cum laude. He was also awarded the only Certificate of Merit granted to a Chemical Engineer on the basis of his 4th year achievements, and received a medal from the Chemical Engineering Society of Southern Africa. At present he is engaged in research for an M.Sc. thesis which concerns the more efficient use of catalysts in a chemical conversion plant operated by Smithchem. He has a bursary from de Beers Industrial Diamond Division. He hopes, after National Service, to work at the CSIR, and thereafter is under obligation to work for de Beers for two years. News of J. (James) Montgomery(73-76) is, I'm afraid, rather out of date. When last we heard, he had completed an intensive year at Birmingham University and handed in a Thesis on "Mathe matical Digital Modelling of 3 aquifers in Central Java". (Your guess is as good as mine). He was then proposing to go to Rauchi in Northern Nigeria, for Water Surveys, Nigeria. His parents' address is; 7 Brookdale, Belmont, Bolton, U.K. A later letter gives the work as "fun" and the country as "fascinating". M.L.P. (Mark) Oliver (73-77), had two years in the Air Force before joining Edgars as a trainee manager. He moved to the main branch of sales house as merchandising manager. He then joined Scotts as Pinetown area manager and has now been appointed Natal Regional Area Manager, controlling Scotts in the central and surrounding areas. O.K. (David) Pearse (71-74), 20 Ridge Road,Hillcrest, emulated the feat of Billy Kirjg, in being selected for Natal at rugby and cricket. He is still a very active force in both games, captaining Berea Rovers rugby, and playing for Durban Tech at cricket, as well as captaining Natal "B". He is employed by Mackenzie Trading Co., Durban, a firm involved in the manufacture and distribution of steel for the building and allied industries. As no mention of it was made in the last magazine, we hasten to inform that our 1982 cricket captain, M.J. (Mark) Pearse (79-82), not only captained the Natal Schools XI, but was selected for the South African schools team. After eight months at Tempe and in the bush, he has recently been transferred to Natal Command as assistant to the sports officer. He is now playing club cricket in Durban. P.M. (Peter) Pearse (74-77), 20 Ridge Road, Hillcrest, scored heavily for Natal University, Maritzburg. He is now playing for Technical College cricket, and he represented Natal "B" at the inter-provincial hockey tournament. He is employed by the McCarthy Group as trainee manager. M. (Michael) Purchase (73-76), 15 Conifer Court, Conifer Road, Sea point, is at UCT studying for a B.Sc. in Building Manage ment. After his finals he intended working for Murray and Roberts in the Cape. 73