ii: ;/■ Kcarsney Chronicle 1986 ^rpe
HmsBSlt .T pik mtm Sfe' -?»* '+N^ * « ■ mst m • -if 1?^ 'mm rr: 4«9| ♦-i r « ?*-i vi '» W **, PW OLD KEARSNEY TAKEN BY J. BENJAMINSTONEIN1894.
Kearsney Chronicle 1986 Kearsney College, Botha's Hill Natal, South Africa ISBN 062003156 5
. " er- ujK.sai^'."< - T I /"^l iJKKUtKtkJKmA'!i i* . 11 ' ffe ■ • s.,;r wTH BOARD OF GOVERNORS Standing: N. Gerber,J. Perkins,L. Allen,E. Garner,N.Polkinghorne, Rev. J. Borman,P.Parker, C. Woolacott. Seated: T. Polkinghorne, Rev. C. Wilkins, D.D. Morgan, Dr G. Shuker, Rev. J.P. Scholtz, K.C. Comins,E.C.W.Silcock. Kearsney College Trustees The President of the Conference of the Methodist Church of South Africa: Rev. J.P. Scholtz Professor the Rev. Dr. V.J. Bredenkamp Mr. K.C. Comins Mrs. S. Hotz Mr. D.D. Morgan Mr.I.E. Morgan Mr.T.A. Polkinghorne Dr. G.W.Shuker Honorary Life Trustees Mr. W.H. Hulett Mr. A.B. Theunissen Rev. C. Wilkins Secretary of the Trustees: Mr. N. Gerber Kearsney Board of Governors *Dr. G.W.Shuker: Chairman Prof, the Rev. Dr. V.J. Bredenkamp: Vice-Chairman Mr. D.W. Barker Mr.J.H. Charter Mr. K.C. Comins ♦Mr. E.S.C. Garner ♦Mr. N. Gerber ♦Mr. D.D. Morgan Mr. J.A. Perkins ♦Mr. T.A. Polkinghorne ♦Rev. C. Wilkins Old Boys' Representatives Mr. L. Allen ♦Mr. N. Polkinghorne Ex Officio Members The President of Conference: Rev. J.P. Scholtz Chairman, Natal Coastal District: Rev. J Borman Representative Natal Coastal District: Mr. C. Woolacott Kearsney College Headmaster ♦Mr. E.C.W. Silcock Secretary Mr. N Gerber Honorary Life Governor Mrs. M.E. Forsyth ♦Executive Committee
Kearsney College Staff1986 Headmaster; Deputy Headmaster: Senior Master: Senior Master: Chaplain: Teaching Staff: Administrative Staff: Bursar: Secretaries: Catering: Estate Manager: Sanatorium: House Matrons: Laundry: Stud Shop: Kit Shop: School Doctor: Liaison Officer: Mr.E.C.W Silcock Mr.J.W.Storm Mr.R.D.Blamey Mr.J.L. Hall Rev.D.J.Buwalda Mr.T.G.Allen Mr.M.Briston Mr.A.Bromley-Gans Mrs.E.P.Buwalda Mr.F.P.D. Cocks Mr.J.J. Cummins Mr.L.P.Daniels Mr.M.J.de Beer Mr.K.Decker Mr.C.Diedericks Mr.K.Garrett Mr.D.Goldhawk Mr.M.Griffiths Mrs.S. Griffiths Mr.J.M.Harper Mrs.I Harper Mr.L Kassier Mr.P.G. King Mr.D.Knox Mrs.J. Lamplough Mr.R.W.Lamplough Mrs. A.Lees Mr.M.Lees Mr.P.A.Ratcliffe Mr.K.Smith Mr.D.Sudding Mr.M.A.Thiselton Mr.A.R.C. Townshend Mrs. C.V. Tullidge Mr.C.J. van Loggerenberg Mr.M.Vassard Mr.A. Williams Mr.B. Williams Mr.J. Woodhouse Mr.D.Wortmann Mrs. A.Bl. Potter Mrs.M.W.Alborough Mrs.T.E. Milbank Mrs.D.Paul Mr.R.Blackbeard Mr.F. Agate Mr.B.Potter Sister A.Asbburner Sister E.Beaton Late Sister M.Savory Mrs.H.Eksteen Mrs.J. Lyte-Mason Mrs.1. Rautenbacb Mrs U.R.Streak Mrs.S.Agate Mrs.M.Diedericks Mrs.N.Townsbend Dr.P.H.P. Williams Mr.D.B.Pitbey (i/c Geography) (i/c History) (i/c Counselling) (i/c English) (i/c Art) (part-time) (i/c Computer Studies) (i/c Biology) (i/c Mathematics) (Housemaster-Pembroke) (i/c French) (Director of Music) (i/c Resources Centre) (part-time) (part-time) (Housemaster-Haley) (i/c Physical Education) (i/c Physical Science) (Housemaster-Gillingham) (Housemaster-Finningley) (i/c Zulu) (i/c Catering) (Pembroke) (Haley) (Finningley) (Gillingham)
Natal Senior Certificate Exaniination 1986 Natal Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemption 60 Wrote for M.E. but only obtained a Certificate 11 Wrote for Certificate and gained it 23 94 A aggregate: 4: Donnelly HB;Groom GM;Rossouw JD;Vigor HE. B agggregate: 12: Boyce DJ; Burns JK; Flack SH; Jaaback KS; Leppan CD; Lowe CH; Maritz EA; Parkinson MD;Pearse GC;Pons JM;Suckling RB;Swanepoel F. C aggregate: 18: Broomhead NK;Bullock JP; Cazalet PS; Chaplin C;Eastwood MRM;Graham PRL; Gray NB;Groves DP;Gush MB;Lincoln NMC;Molyneux PE; Mundell AC;Nel CC; Otto RL;Steyn PG;Turner QS; Wallace BA; Walters EE Subject Distinctions(A)- 33 6 Donnelly HB (Maths,Biology, Physical Science, Geography,Additional Maths, Computer Science SG) Vigor KB (English, Maths,Physical Science, Geography, History, Additional Maths) 3 Jaaback KS (Maths,Physical Science, Additional Maths) 2 Leppan CD (Physical Science, Additional Maths Mondon CP (Maths,Additional Maths) Pearse GC (Physical Science, Geography) Pons JM (Geography, Additional Maths) 1 Burns JK (English) Eastwood MRM (Physical Science SG) Goodall ND (Physical Science) Groom GM (Geography) Parkinson AD (Additional Maths) Rencken A (Geography) Rossouw JD (Geography) Suckling RB (Maths) Vorster IC (Maths SG) Zietsman CH (English SG)
From the Headmaster's Office . f*,* M - • ^ ■ WiS8 Mr E.C.W. Silcock. The rains have come; matric exams are going well; the school will befull again next year;we have astable staffin all departments and,mostimportant ofall,we have afine complementofboys at present in the school.WhenIlook around I see so many excellent young men who are growing up at Kearsney. Not all are good scholars or good games players but they all contribute in various ways and theyform vital parts ofour varied community. What heartens me continually is the improvement we see m so many boys during their time here. We do not take credit for all the improvement because we are supple mentary to the home.But we see boys during thattime of their lives when the maturing process is probably at its fastest and staff often tell how so-and-so has decided to work harder, or his behaviour has improved, or he has begun to settle down.This is what makes the school-the boys. Most of those who are not completely with us at first eventually become partofKearsney and it is good to see that four boys who left us are coming back in 1987 because they want to. We have our failures here and there and complacency must be guarded against, but in the main we can be satisified that we are giving our boys a good all-round education. MR E.C.W.SILCOCK. Staff Notes This year saw three changes - Colin Muller left at theend ofthe FirstTerm to continue his studies and wasreplaced by John Woodhouse,an Old Hiltonian.We welcome him and hischarming wife Nolene and wish them a happy and long stay at the College Tim and Sarah Allen take leave of Kearsney after,a teaching spell offourteen yearsto take up a post at Kloof High School. Tim is an Old Boy of the College(63-66) after which e studied for teaching at the J.C.E.and later for aB.A.Degree through Unisa,following this up with a Honours Degree from the University of Natal. He met and married Sarah at the College. Tim breaks this long association with Kearsney to broaden his spectrum of experience. We wish them all luck and as they will be living in the area no doubt they will be making periodic visits to the school. Bheka Bulose has decided to retire after 46 years of unbroken service as the College postman,The familiar sight of this very dignified gentleman will be missed by everyone at Kearsney and we wish him a long and happy retirement. We welcome Sister Alison Ashburner whojoined Sister Beaton atthe Sanitorium during thelastterm ofthe year. We also wish her a long and happy stay on the 'hill' Mrs. Carol Haines and Mrs. Helen Gibson spent some time at the school relieving those members ofstafflucky enough to havelongleave(Mikeand Sheila Griffithsand Johnny de Beer). A number ofmilestones were reached this year-Mr.Jack Reece celebrated his 80th birthday and he and Thea completed 40yearsofmarriage.Mr.Jan Storm celebrated his 60th and 40 years at the school-he now holds the service record. Mr.Rob Blarney turned 50 and the good news is that all three of his children have embarked on their chosen careers - nursing, teaching and the mining industry. As reported in the Carpe Diem - Tyler Dean Smitb the son and heir of Kevin and Jill Smitb, joined us at Kearsney on the 22nd October 1986. m 1 r € mm Bheka Bulose.
Sister Marie Savoury Was killed tragically in a motor accident on the South Coast on the 30th August 1986.She had trained at Guy's Hospitalin London and served in the Nursing Branch of the British Army in Europe during the Second World War. After the Warshe wentto what was then Southern Rhodesia, married a farmer and lived near Hartley for many years developing land and setting up a school for the people living on the farm. She has been at Kearsney College since 1981 and had worked very hard in the Sanatoruim. She was firm but fair and the boys liked and respected her. Besides being a dedicated and efficient member of the Nursing profes sion, she was a popular member of the Botha's Hill community. She had a delightful sense of humour and was a good and caring friend to many.She leaves a void that will be difficult to fill. To her family, we extend our deepest sympathies and hope they will always befully aware ofthe affection which all held for Marie Ian Goble Balfour Smeaton Died suddenly in hospital on the 22nd September 1986. His very distingushed career was closely linked to the sugarindustry which he served for many years,firstly as a farmer and then in a administrative capacity in the many arms of the industry. Royden,hisfarm,was notonly his home but washometo all his employeesto many ofwhom he acted as bothfather and employer. He was ever mindful of the plight of his fellow man and amongthe many projects in which he was involved was that which provided borehole water to the outlying areas ofKwazulu.His philosophy oflife wasthat whatonerecieved was directly proportionalto that which one gave. He was a Director of the S.A. Sugar Terminals; Chair man of the S.A. Sugar Association in 1977 and 1981; Chairman of the S.A. Cane Growers Association 197173;Vice-Chairmanfrom 1973-75;He wasa memberofthe Executive Committee of the Cane Growers Association from 1963; He was a member of Lloyds of London; member of the S.A.Sugar Industry CentralBoard 196571; member ofthe Huletts Mill Group Board from 1954; Chairman of the Board from 1961-71; Chairman of the Glendale Mill Group from 1960;Chairman ofthe Lower Tugela War Memorial Bursary Fund; Appointed to the Board ofGovernorsofthe Natal University Development Foundation in 1981. He was appointed to the board ofGovernorsofKearsney College in 1982 where he served until his death. He has made an inmeasureable contribution to the affairs ofthe College. He will be sorely missed by his colleagues, friends and family,to whom we extend our deepest sympathies. Kearsney College Speech Day 1986 GuestofHonour - The Rev.J.P.Scholtz,Presidentofthe Conference ofthe Methodist Church of South Africa Mr. Chairman, Mrs Shuker, Members of the Board of Trustees, Members of the Board of Governors, Head master and Mrs. Silcock, Members of Staff, Parents, Friends Boys of Kearsney. Thank you for your welcome to my wife and to myselfand for your generousinvitation to be with you and to address you at this Speech Day and Sixth Form Prizegiving, 1 must confess to having wanted to do a little historical research with regard to previous Speech Dayspeakers,to determine whether or not 1 am the first Free Stater to address you.Nataliansdo not usually look west across the mountains for their inspiration,especially to that part of the country which is known as the dead centre of South Africa.So it would be interesting to know whether history is being madetoday.It is said that when the first pioneers got to the Free State, there was a sign pointing east to Natal and some went east; and those that couldn't read stayed where they were. I am very conscious ofthefact thattoday this Speech Day is, in a sense a kind ofcompletion ofthe school career of Sixth Formers and is a kind of leave-taking before you move out into the wider world. I ought to say that wherever wecomefrom or wherever we are going,there is •thrust upon us as perhaps never before,the obligation to respond to the challenge ofourtime.And how wedo it,at least in part, is what I would like to speak to you about this morning. One ofthe recent developments ofpast years has been the enchanced capability of aircraft to reach supersonic speeds by thedevelopmentofcomposite materialscontain ingfibres.Twoofthe strongest ofthese,I understand,are Boron,a chemical element,and Graphite which is aform of carbon,and combined these two can withstand enor mous pressures and very high temperatures. Therefore, there is constant research as to their use because their use is ensuring safety at supersonic speeds of flight and also enabling the engines in those aircrafts and rockets to m Rev. J.P. Scholtz and H, Donnelly
produceenormousamountsofenergy,which is a parable. But perhaps, today as never before, there is a need for enhanced strength to meet the enormous, tensions and dangers of our time. A favourite motto of mine is one that was coined by an American a number of years ago, Harry Emmerson Fosdick, was his name,and it runs "Vitality is mightier than size". Ifirst learned that principle atschool.In those days we had a diminuitive fly-halfin the First XV by the name of Oswald Glutz. Anyone who knows anything about school rugby will know the name of Grey College,Bloemfontein,our rivalschool,is onethatstrikes fear into the stoutest hearton the rugby field. Grey College at that time had a big bruiser by the name ofDu Plessis who was strong, who was fast and who could jump, and he would invariably break through the lineouts,flatten everyone in his path leaving only Ossie Glutz to contend with. Ossie was smaller, but he was faster,so he could catch Du Plessis from behind,he had very soon learned the technique oftaking him around the kneesand dropping to the ankles immediately, and every time a coconut, Du Plessis would go down as if he had been felled by a lumberjack. And 1 asked him,how do you do it? And he said,"Well, the bigger they come the harder they fall". He might have said,"Vitality is mightier than size". Our world is obsessed with the worship of"jumboism"of bigness, and yet vitality is mightier than size, "if that seems sentimental", asked Fosdick, "imagine yourself some millions ofyears ago on this planet,confrontingtwo factors • on the one side a vast turbulance, volcanoes, huge and terrific,from the centre ofthe earth's core,and on the other side, protoplasm. A microscopic cell of life invisible along the water's edge, quiet, fragile and vital. On which would you be betting as you stand in imagi nation there millions of years ago. Volcanoes or proto plasm? Protoplasm had no credible chance of meaning anything against the enormous powers of the time, and yet,see whatcame ofit at last - life, music,art,scientists, profits and saints.The unimaginable did happen,"Vitality is mightier than size". This truth, I believe, is underlined by vital ideas. When Benjamin Franklin first made his experiments with electricity, someone said to him,"What's the use of it anyway?" He retorted,"What's the use of a new - born baby?"Heknew that a germinative idea had the powerto grow and he was prepared to face the apathy of a world and to stake his faith in that vital idea that was given to him. One of the vital ideas that I believe needs more recognition and thatforcenturies has been disregarded,is the idea that all men are created equal. That they,from the hands of their Creator, have received inalienable rights and thattheseinclude the pursuit oflife,liberty and happiness.Those ideas have taken root in the world and they constitute a challenge and a threat to every total itarian form of power. Another vital idea, is the idea of racial harmony in a non-racial society. It is an idea that has been called hairbrained and impossible of realisation, and yet when we ask where its alternative has got us, we find ourselves in the midstofasagaofpolarisation,bitterness ofincreasing enmity and violence. The way of racial domination as against that ofracial harmony is a way that is doomed to failure. You may have heard ofthe two cats of Kilkenny. "Each thought that there was one cat too many. Sotheyfought and they bit and theyscratched and they spit, 'Til expecting their nails and the tips oftheir tails. Instead of two cats there weren't any" Thatis the suicidal nature,1 believe,ofracialdomination. Martin Luther Kingsaid,"Either welearn to live together as brothers or we will perish together as fools". Vitalideas are under-girded by vital persons and I believe that the vital idea that you have here on home-turf at Kearsney, is this idea at least in embryo, of non-racial community. Where,having rubbed shoulders with other people, white or black, you have learned the acceptance and the give and take that is necessary to any such communitythatcan makeadifference.Let mecommend, atthis moment,our board ofGovernorsof your policy of open admission of all races and the Headmaster for his willingness to interview any teacher as a prospective possiblityfor thestaffofthis school,these I believe are the vital i(leas that can make a differenee to the patterns of society in a future South Africa. Vital persons are very often those who,for so long,seem to be wrong and in the end turn out to be right.There was a time when Caesar strode the world like a Colossus, his name was in every mouth and Paul was a wandering preacher from nowhere who nobody had ever heard of. Two thousand years later, men name their sons Paul and their dogs, Caesar. Vital people count,they are the strong nails that hold the world together. Any forest is only as strong as its individual trees,.the Black Forestin Southern Germanyis being dessimated and ecology of that region is being undermined because of trees that are dying from acid rain. In the long run, the overall Government of the nation can only express the quality of its individual citizens,one wagsaid,"No possible rearrangementofbad eggs can ever make a good omelette". And so I believe, that the world's destiny is ultimately inside personality. You see it really does matter as to the kind of person one is and to the kind of person one is becoming.And for that development ofvital personhood, resources offaith,ofintellenct,fellowship to the commit mentofvalues are always necessary.1 believe,that as you dig into your Kearsney experience,as you reflect upon it, you will find that you have been given many of those resources. Acknowledge them, take cognisance of them -that doesn't mean being big - headed and egotistical, it means asking the question,"Whatcan 1 put back into life from all that I have been given?" Those who have come up here today and have received due recognition ofyour noteworthy achievements,wesay to you, warm congratulations, well done, may your success spur you on to greater quests of excellence. To those who did not come up, and yet who made the running and thecompetition and the contestthat has been the excellence ofthis schoolin the past year,wesayto you also well done! And please bear in mind that your gifts, though different from those who have come up here, trailing clouds of glory as they have, your gifts though different,arejust as real. Discoverthem.Know whatthey are.Develop them.Use them tothe upmostand then you will Be one ofthose vital people with vital ideas that can make a difference so desperately needed in our world
today. Abouta year ago,one ofthe membersofstaff,I believe it was Mr.Diedericks,told me ofanend ofthe term service in the Chapel,in which the Ministerstarted the service by saying that,"I realise the only thing that stands between you and the holidays,is me".I realise the same.I will hold you no longer.I hope that you haveagood holiday and a very successful final term. Then to my prefects. I would like to say how much I appreciate your unreserved support in whatever I have done this year. To know that there are nineteen other prefects behind you,makes even a difficult responsibility far easier to bear.The HeadsofHouses have maintained a great spirit within their respective houses arid the prefects as a whole have generally put their responsibilities before their privileges. Speech by Head Boy - Jonathan Burns Reverend and Mrs.Scholz,Dr.Shuker,Mr.Headmaster, Distinguished Guests, Staff, Ladies and Gentlemen and boys ofthe College.It is a privilegefor meto be abletosay a few words today on what must be the most important day of our year. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our guest of honour. Reverend Scholtz, for accepting our invitation and for being here today to hand out our prizes and to deliver a very relevant and vital speech. Dr. Scholtz, I would like you and Mrs. Scholtz to accept these. And then very briefly I would like to comment on the education and the wealth ofexperience which we,who are leaving this year, have gained during our years at the school. I think 1986 in particular, has had a lot to offer the Kearsney community and the numerous sucesses are a credit to the efforts of both the staff and the boys themselves.With manyindividualacademicachievements and many representatives in provincial and even national sportsteams,we have much to be proud of.Kearsney has certainly acquitted itself this year. Atthis stageI would like to thank the parents and friends, who always offer so much support to whatever Kearsney boys have been involved in. It is largely because of this untiring dedication to the welfare ofKearsneythatsuch a high standard of excellence is possible. I believe that the involvement of family and Old Boys in the school has becomecharacteristic ofKearsney,and I hope thatfuture parents and Old Boys of Kearsney will continue with this tradition. Another charateristic of Kearsney is the spirit that is aroused during inter - house contests. I think that this spirit ofsupport and encouragement has a very inspiring effect on those who are competing on the field and it is also indicative ofthe spiritthat is prevalent in the school. One need only think of the Kearsney grandstand on a Saturday afternoon in the rugby season to know what I am talking about. And I think themotivation of the players themselves reveals that same spirit. The school spirit and support ofthe whole communityfor ateam or an individual, the criteria essential for success and the extent of achievements by teams and individuals during 1986 must,therefore saysomethingfor Kearsney'sschool spirit. For me personally,1986 has been both a challenging and educational period and I believe thatIowe agreatdealto the guidance of staff and the support of my fellow prefects.To the Headmaster and his Staff,I would like to saythank youfor your advice and yourcontinualsupport of the prefects. The trust you have laid in us has done much to build up our confidence in ourselves. r m mm K. Vigor - Hindson Memorial Prize for English Literature Responsibility and privilege.Theonecannotexist without the other. If a person has been given certain privileges, then he has a responsiblity to use whathe hasgainedfrom that priviledged position for the benefit of society as a whole. In the school context, a prefect finds himself separated to an extent from his peers and given certain privileges. Yet if he is not prepared to carry out his responsibilities,then he is not asuccessful prefect.I would urgethose ofyou who will be prefects at Kearsneyin 1987 always to be conscious of this fact. At the beginning of this year Mr.Jack Reece sent me a letter in which he set out four qualities necessary for effective leadership,these areDuty,Discipline,Decency, and Dignity. If you can be conscious of these four qualities,then you will have no probelm in carrying out the responsibility of being a prefect. And I would like to take this opportunity to wish next year's prefects a very happy and successful year. I hope you learn as much from your term of office as we have learnt from ours. In a far wider context,there is a responsibilty associated with privilege and society. To attend a school like Kearsney,in times like these,this is a great privilege.To attain an education ofthe quality that Kearsney offers,is a privilege and very often people forget that with this privilege comes the responsiblity off going out into society and using that education to make a meaningful contribution. Whether we like it or not,the onus is on us to repay what society has given us and I don't think that necessarily means that a person has to become a great leader in his field, rather it means that he should feel obliged to use his education not merely for self - advancement,but alsofor the advancement ofothersless privileged. We live in a changing society and if all the privileged are going to keep their privileges to themselves, there can be little hpoe for the future. I would hope that we, who are leaving this year with a privilege of being educated,would want to set some sort
of goal. A goal that will dojustice to our education and one which will allow us to be leaders ofsociety. And the qualities I mentioned earlier apply here very defmtely. If one remains conscious of duty, discipline, decency and dignity then one will have no probelm in carrying out the f 't"' i* w 94^ * !Mu f r Rev.J.P. Scholtz, Mr Willie Hulett,H.Donnelly - Dux ofthe College, Jonathan Bums- Head Boy and E.C.W. Silcock - Headmaster. 6th Form prize winners. responsibility ofbeingeducated and ofbeing atrue leader in society. Now it remainsonlyfor metothank you allfor being here today. Your attendance is very much appreciated and to wish you and Kearsney avery happyand successful 1987.
M T I vrn-vt: »t -f t'f 111 f ■' . *' #' r • # • 'If '•:* §' *. . tit t * » t;i' ♦ ^ ■i ^ Itlf.f f ' ft 11 f t ,1' ftf 9 ■ratf «« m v3 ■i jc » U3|il •» »ir *;•» THE SIXTHFORM Presentation Assembly 7 November 1986 ACADEMIC AWARDS Foundation for Education, Science and Technology Prizes A Special Award for Achievement in Physical Science and Mathematics in Form 4 S. Amos A Special Award for Achievement in English and Afrikaans in Form 5 K.H. Wiseman School Maths Olympiad Prizes: Senior K.H. Wiseman Junior M.D.P. Ratcliffe CULTURAL AND SERVICE AWARDS Best Junior Speaker (Jakubowicz Cup) ... R.G. Cowie Chess: Junior Champion (Stanek Cup) R. Scholtz SUCCESS INMUSIC EXAMINATIONS Grade 2 B.A. Williams Grade 3 R.W. Pole Grade 4 C.S.T. Eastwood Grade 4 R.J. Gothan Grade 4 M.P.H. Smith CERTIFICATES FOR OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO THE SCHOOL In his eontrihution to Drama & Speech C. Van Loggerenberg Inhis contribution to the Photographic Society and as projectionist R.L. Otto Cultural Colours C.W. Watson Hanle Trophy J.K. Burns CADETS Medals won in the Inter-Detachment Shooting Competition Silver Medals (100 points) G. Hanbury-King N. Houston R. Pole Q.S. Turner A. Veen Bronze Medals (99 points) L. Balcolm T. Hulett Inter-House Cadet Company Drill Competition (Grand Challenge Cup) Pembroke SPORTS AWARDS CRICKET Inter-House Pembroke GYMNASTICS Payne Bros. Cup for the Best Gymnast of the year J.D. Rossouw Peter van der Schyff Trophy for the best Phys. Ed. class of the year Form 3B Colours R. Harley SHOOTING, Junior Champion (Ernest Ashby Memorial Cup) L. Balcomb Highest Average during the year (Ivan Bjorkman Trophy) N.L.Houston A. Veen Senior Champion (Ken Trotter Shield) G. Hanbury-King Inter-House (Derek Robbins Cup) Gillingham SQUASH Most improved player (Carrington Cup) .. A. Broom Junior Champion (Negus Cup) A. Broom Senior Champion (Old Boys Cup) A. Broom 10
TENNIS Junior Singles Champion (George Hulett Trophy) E.R.De Beer Senior Singles Champion (Polkinghorne Cup) P.J. Kuhn Senior Doubles Champions (Coll Trophy) P.J. Kuhn and C. Murray The Dave Phillips Dunlop Racquetfor the most promising and improved player E.G. Cooke VOLLEYBALL Colours M.Kalliamhetsos C.P. Mondon B.S. Stanek WATER POLO The most improved player in the school (The Dicks Cup) K.R.Phillips Inter-House competition (The Hall Trophy) Pembroke Colours M.Reed A.R. Tedder R.A.van der Schyff Springbok Scout R.Tiaden Final Assembly - 27 November 1986 ACADEMIC George McLoed Memorial Essay Prize K.H. Wiseman CHESS Senior Champion - Ward Shield D.M.Allen MUSIC Certificates of success in examinations held by the Royal Schools of Music Grade 2 T.D. Bell Grade 3 R. Scholtz Grade 5 R.J. Gothan Grade 5 P.R. Enslin SERVICE AWARDS For Christian Leadership S.H. Flack N.D.Goodall J.D. Rossouw CRICKET Colours and Honours J.E. Nel Colours(re-award)and Honours M.L. Phillips Foss Batfor most improved cricketer in the school D.J. Boyce Hulett Salver for House providing most players in all cricket groups Finningley CRICKET UMPIRIING Colours B.A. Williams SPORTSMAN OF THE YEAR M.C.Phillips EDWIN HENWOOD TROPHY for the boy who is thought by Senior Boys and Staff to have shown the best qualities ofcharacter,perserverance and sympthy in his dealings with others: ... C.C. NEL C.van Noordwyk Academic Awards At the end ofthe year Certificates of Merits are awarded to boys who have done well in their particular forms. Apart from coming top, they must have achieved high average marks. Form 1: 1st: A.M.Lawler 2nd: R.V. Finnie Form 2: 1st: A.J. Curtis 2nd: K.Tollner 3rd: H.J.W. Dace 4th: M.Ratcliffe 5th: A.M. Robinson Form 3: 1st: A.C. Bull 2nd: K.L. Wortmann 3rd: M.Mulder 4th: H.A. Mientjes Form4A: 1st: C.van Loggerenherg (Colours) 2nd: S. Amos(Colours) 3rd: S.A. Rutherford (Colours) Colours in Form 4A B.J. Drew R.J. Gothan R.J. Scholtz M.B.Suckling D.S. Swanepoel Form 4B: 1st: E.G. Cooke 2nd: J.M.R. Lalouette Form 4C: 1st: R.Paeper 2nd: C.A.D. Murdey Form 5A: 1st: K.H. Wiseman (Honours) 2nd: K.J. Everett (Honours) 3rd: G.V.Thompson (Honours) Colours in Form 5A D.M. Allen (Re-award) A.G. Apps G.S.C. Daniel R.A. Dodd A.W.Dunsdon A.J. Frank E.I. Hansa I.R. Murphie W.B.Taylor (Re-award) G.Vanderplank G.W. Watson (Re-award) J.J. Williams Form 5B 1st: G.J. Hooper (Colours) 2nd: A.R. Nunn 3rd: A.B. Robertson Parkes Inter-House Scholastic Trophy: 3rd: Finningley(647) 2nd: Pembroke(651) 1st: Gillingham(701) Certificates of Competence Scoreboard Operating M.C. Giles G.D. Hatchuel J.L. Hatchuel W.A. Hyland J.G. Norton B.J. Smith Team Scoring P.O'G. Deane A. Beagle A. Curtis Competition Successes Art: Grahamstown Eisteddford: Screenprint T.B. Hulett Bronze Certificate Winners: Drawing G.R. Beattie, R.A. Dodd, M.R.M.Eastwood,D.P. Groves, D.G. Hatty,P.H.Pharoah, B.F. Pollock, A.J. Shire, W.P.Smit 11
English: English Olympiad:Top 100 in S.A.: Form 5 G.V.Thompson Mathematics: Mini-Olympiad: Form 2 Runner-up Form 3 Runner-up Form 4 Runner-up Form 5 Winners Form 6 Winners Maths Olympiad; Top 100 in S.A H.Donnelly Science 22 National.Youth Science OlympiadJ: Top 100 in S.A R.L. Otto G.E.C. Science Expo: Form 5 - 2nd Class K.W.Wiseman Form 4-2nd Class M.B.Suckling Form 4- 3rd Class C.S. Eastwood Speech Contests: Hofmeyer Speech ContestSemi-Finalist Alan Paton Literary Competition: Winner J. Burns Shell Speech Contest: Finalist K. Vigor Semi-finalists R.Otto,J. Murphie Alan Paton Literary Competition: Semi-finalist(Form 5) K.H. Wiseman Form 2 Forum Group were.winners of their Regional section Speech Contest Reports 1986 The days of speech competitions as happy social gather ings among a handful of schools are a thing of the past. Speech Contests today are 'BIG MONEY'- with the sponsorship of the major competitions running into thousands of Rands. Kearsney has been more than successful in the group of competitions entered this year. In the Shell Public Speaking Competitions,I. Murphie was a contestant in the semi-finals for the Standard Nine Contest, while K. Vigor was a finalist in the Matric Section. In the final competition Vigor delivered what was without doubt the finest impromptu speech I have ever heard from a schoolboy.Idoubtifthe rather naivejudgesimported for the competition, really understood him at all. The highlight ofthe year was the performance ofcontes tants in the Alan Paton Literary Competition. In the Standard Nine Competition, K. Wiseman delivered an outstanding talk on the subject of'life and death themes' in Tolstoy's short stories: a display of fine academic thinking. Johnathan Burns,this year's Head Boy,chose as his topic the influence ofthe traditional'Isibongi'orPraise Singers upon Modern Black South African Poetry. He brought great credit to himselfand to the school by being the first Kearsney pupil to win this competition. PublicSpeaking is very much'alive and well'at Kearsney, and it has been a matter of real delight to me to see our pupils advance, year after year, into the finals of these very prestigious competitions. May the boys move from strength to strength. T. Allen. mw m 9 W » « m mm PREFECTS Back Row: M.Parkinson,D.Boyce,F. Swanepoel,A. van Noordwyk,J. Kelly, J. Panton,R.van Tricht Middle Row:J. Rossouw,C. Lowe,C. Nel, A.Jewitt, Q.Turner,R. Suckling,J. Bullock,S. Flack Front Row:P. Ward,G.Hanbury-King,Headmaster E.C.W.Silcock,J. Bums- Headboy,J. Storm- Deputy Headmaster,C. Coetzee, A. Mundell 12
1987 Scholarship Awards Standard 7: Major - Mark Brazier - Highbury Minor - Colin Hancox - Highbury Standard 6: Major - David Gerber - Clifton Durban Minor - Miles Lamplough - Hillcrest Primary tr »« r* WSgBB SUP Ml Mark Brazier. TZ:7' ' - ■i Colin Hancox. IMl =.f" s3 wjist Daw'd Gerber. Miles Lamplough. M i Hi; Chapel Notes 1986 The past year has proved to be abusy and rewarding year in the Chapel and its related Christian activities. We have enjoyed welcoming visitingpreachers from time to time and some of our visitors in 1986 included Dr. Stuart Duncan, Mr Mike Smallbones, Prof. Victor Bredenkamp, the Revds. Hector Tshabalala, Norman Hudson, Cyril Wilkins, Mark Wiemers, RodBurton and Stanley Mogobo. A very effective staff service was presented as well as one service conducted entirely by Junior Boys and another by the Leavers of 1986. Once again we were pleased to welcome the Scripture Union team who conducted amission to the school early in the year. It was a worthwhile week with many boys being greatly blessed and the whole school being chal lenged by the claims of Christ. A most unusual and valuable innovation was a Teaching Visit to the school by a local AfricanMinister, the Revd. Hector Tshabalala. He shared the Chaplain's periods for a week in the second termand tried to give theboys some insight andunderstandinginto the current situationin the Black Community. The boys were fascinated by his liak - New chalices for the chapel. analysis of Black Culture, worship andmarriage customs. Black Education and the breakdown of community life, and took the opportunity to ask questions onall aspects of the South African situation. A full Confirmation programme, including a weekend away for the Candidates, culminated in a well-attended Confirmation Service on the 14th September. This joint Methodist-Anglican service conducted by the Revd. Dr.John Borman and the Suffragen Bishop of Natal, the Rt. Revd Alfred Mkhise. The following boys were recieved and confirmed: Methodist R. Barbour R. Cole P. Deane B. Florens R. Ford S. Hickman D. Howarth R. Meintjies W. Mills D. Phillips R. Rencken Anglican L. Balcomb H. Bedingham I. Bennett M. Bridges P. Bryan J. Coetzee J. Foss C. Henderson D. Hutton 0. Richardson M. Rolfe M. Smith G. Tack G. Thom P. Townshend S. Tsabalala S. Turner D. Wayt C. Whitfield L. Nene A. Ogilivie J. Parry B. Pearse H. Price-Hughes P. Shaw M. Suckling J. Thornhill R. van der Schyff wm ft* m o 13
A. Mackenzie G. Will M.MacLarty G.Wood M.Marshall J. Wood A. Murray Once again the year was marked by a number of special services. At Easter we reverted to a Tenebrae Service which was particularly meaningful for those who had been part of such a service in the past. The Broadcast Service in the third term was on the theme"The Family" and many letters of appreciation were received at the school. Founders Day Service was well attended and was conducted bythe Revd.Cyril Wilkins.The Remembrance Day Service,which drawsalargercongregation with each passing year was conducted by Padre Bob Moore,,the Principal Methodist Chaplain in the S.A.D.F.Thanks to the Choir's hardwork we had two lovely Carol Services at the end of the year. In addition to all these formal and public activities there are a host of Christian groups, meetings, fellowships, activities and outings taking place regularly in the life of the school.On some days the Chapel is used two or three times for various voluntary group meetings. There is the main School Fellowship which meetson Sundayevenings, plus various house and form fellowships which meet for worship, prayer and sharing during the week. Whenever possible outings are arranged or groups are invited to Kearsney.In particular we have had worthwhile meetings with College in'Maritzburg'and St. Mary's in Kloof. Early in the4th Term a'RECONCILIATION DINNER' was held at the school to which we invited over 100 representatives from about 15 local schools of all races. The Africa Enterprise organisation provided aprogramme of activities followed by a talk on Leadership by Michael Cassidy. It was a new experience for most of the young people and quite astonishing to see how they enjoyed meeting and mixing with one another. Wetook advantage ofan S.C.A.Leadershipcourse in the third term and 5 of our Senior Boys spent a most enjoyable and valuable weekend at the South Coast learning about various aspects of Youth Leadership. We hope to use this as a starting pointto increase ourcontact with the S.C.A.and to make more use oftheir extensive resources for Christian work in schools. As we look back at 1986 we are grateful to God for our Chapel and its related activities. We appreciate the wonderful opportunities we have for worship and fellow ship for Christian leadership and for growth in the things ofGod.Wethank Godfor all who have had someglimpse of His love this year and hope that they will go on to greatetrhings. D.G.Buwalda Chaplain Carol S>Erbice 1986 Order ofService Organ music: Six Preludes on Christmas Carols Gordon Phillips O little town of Bethlehem The holly and the ivy The Coventry Carol This Endris night The Angel Gabriel The first noel Processional Hymn:Once in Royal David's city. (Choir only verses 1 and 2) PRAYERS 1st Lesson: Man's disobedience and salvation. Reader: A junior chorister. Carol: The Lord atfirst did Adam make. 2nd Lesson: God's promise to Abraham. Reader: A junior boy. Hymn: Come Thou long expected Jesus. 3rd Lesson: God's promise is fulfilled, and the foretelling of the Messiah to come. Reader: A senior chorister. Hymn: Bethlehem,of noblest cities. 4th Lesson: The glory of Bethlehem foretold. Reader: A senior boy. Carol: The'Sans'day carol John Ruiier 5th Lesson: TTie visitation of the Angel Gabriel. Reader The Head Prefect. Hymn; Love came down at Christmas. 6th Lesson; The birth ofChrist. Reader: A member ofstaff. Carol: Ising ofa maiden Martin Shaw Offertory Hymn: What child is this? Carol: The shepherds'noel (Catalan arr. Rutter) 7th Lesson: The shepherds go to the manger. Reader: The Deputy Headmaster. Hymn: Angels from the realms of glory. Carol: The'Gallery'carol (English arr. Jacques) 8th Lesson: The wise men visit Jesus. Reader: The Headmaster. Hymn: As with gladness men of old. Shh Lesson: St John unfolds the mystery ofthe incarnation. Reader: The College Chaplain. Carol: The'Somerset'carol (arr. John Harper) PRAYERS Recessional Hymn:O come all ye faithful (Choir only verse 2) Organ music: Choral prelude on in dulcijubilo' ... J.S. Bach 14
* 1.1 r* m 11 It m. m !||I.^ >il FINNINGLEY HOUSE Finningley House Report -1986 Well yet another year has come to an end and what a successful year it has beenfor Finningley, 1986 has been a year of achievement in a wide range of activities. On the sporting field there have been a number of outstanding performances. Not the least of which was Michael Phillips'selection for the S.A. Schools Hockey XI. Roger Tedder was selected to play for the Natal B waterpolo side and Mitchell Reed for the colts side. Finningley produced the captains ofswimming,K.Phil lips,the captainofathletics,cross-country and diving,Jim Panton,the captain ofwaterpolo,P.Ward,thecaptain of hockey,M.Phillips and the captain ofrugby,C.Coetzee. Honours were awarded to C. Coetzee (Rugby), M. Phillips and L. Knowler(Sailing). Colours were awarded to Tedder and Reed(Waterpolo), Kelly(Hockey), Reed (Rugby) and Phillips (Cricket) and M.Thomas(Swimming).In all a very successful year, although the sportsmanship displayed by the Finningley boys is in many respects the greatest success of all. The sportsmanship is reflected in the fact that Finningley received the award for providing the most cricketers to the mostteams.Kevin Phillips received the trophyfor the most improved waterpolo player and David.Boyce a bat for the most improved cricketer of the year. On the cultural side the boys have not only involved themselves in a wide range of extra-curricular activities, but excelled in public speaking, including J. Burns' outstanding achievement in winning the Alan Paton Literarycompetition.Robin Cowiewonthe JuniorSpeak ing competition and J. Burns the senior section. Burns also received are-award ofCultural Honours,notonlyfor his publicspeaking,but alsofor his excellent performance in "Breaking Point" and his continued leadership in all cultural spheres. Finningley's enthusiasm wasevidentin the majority ofthe parts held. Well done Dave Boyce,Jim Panton and John Duffy. In the more recent stage production of "Bugsy Malone" Finningley boys again took a large part. We congratulate Charl van Loggerenberg and Robin Cowie for theirfine performancesin the leading roles of"Bugsy" and "Fat Sam"and all the others who had audiences in stitches. Chris Watson received cultural colours for his contribution to the Arts and Drama.Worthy of mention is Ray Otto for his service to the school in general. How do you measure the success of academics within a house?Is it the Parkes Trophy or the numberofboys who receive academic awards? Perhaps it is the diligence of approach which was displayed by the Finningley boys which is the greatest success. We must congratulate the following boyswho allgained AcademicColoursthis year, R.Otto,J.Ponsand J.Burnsin the6th Form,W.Taylor, A.Apps,J. Williams and C.Watson in the5th Form and C.van Loggernberg,S. Rutherford and R.Scholtz in the 4th Form. Well done indeed! However the most gratifying thing for me was the fine spirit which prevailed in the house and the way in which the boys conducted themselves in all respects. I must thank all myfellow prefects,Dave Boyce,Justin Bullock, "Ned"Kelly and Robbie Van Trichtfortheirco-operation and support throughout the year. To Mr.van Loggerenberg weextend ourthanksfor allthe hard work he has putinto making 1986the successful year that it was and to Mrs. van Loggerenberg for her continued involvement in the affairs of the house. Mr. 15
Smith, Mr.Shuter,Mr.Goldhawk,thank you for your guidanceand supportthroughoutthe year you have been agreat help.To Matron Rautenbach,thank youfor your patience and dedication in the smooth running of the house,it was really appreciated. Finally, to the boys who will be returning next year, endeavour to uphold the values which Finningley repre sent. Keep the banner flying and remember your motto "per ardua ad Victorium" - through hardship unto victory. C.Coetzee 1 ■ m !3 GILLINGHAM HOUSE GiUingham House Report-1986 This yearsaw a number ofchanges with regard to House staff. Mrs. Streak replaced Mrs. Fiddler as Matron and Messrs. Woodhouse and Sudding stepped in as new duty masters. Various membersofthe Housefared very wellin boththe sporting and academic sides of life. H. Donnelly, in particular,excelled in the academicfield. Notonly washe Dux oftheschool,walking off with an armfulofprizes at Speech Day, but he was placed fifth in the National Computer Olympaid,cameinthetop hundred ofthe"Old Mutual"Maths Olympaidand won a nice fat bursary to studyActuarial Science at Cape Town University. Con gratulations also to G.V.Thompsonforcomingin thetop hundred of the English Olympaid. Academic Honours were awarded to: H.Donnelly, K.Jaaback,J.Rossouw and K.Vigor whilethefollowinggotColours:G.Groom, C. Lowe,G.Pearse and F.Swanepoel. Inter-House sporthad its upsand downsasfar as we were concerned. Once again we made Pembroke and Finn ingley feel good by coming stone last, even though B. Muirhead ascaptam generated agreatdealofenthusiasm and had our team well organised. In both athletics and volleyball wecamesecond thankstothe organisation and effort ofour captains,W.Pitman and B.Stanek.Perhaps poor swimmers make good shotists! Anyhow,under the direction ofN.Houston we walked off with the shooting trophy. N. Houston and L. Balcomb ended up as senior andjunior shooting champions,respectively. GiUingham provided the captains of four school sports; namely: Gymnastics- J. Rossouw; Shooting - N. Houston; Squash - P. Harper and Volleyball - B. Stanek. Other notable performances on the sporting side were: Athletics: N.Skweyiya Natal Schools(Colours) Gymnastics; J. Rossouw Natal Junior Gym Team(Honours) M. Giles& G. Hulett Natal Junior Gym Team Hockey: C. Ellis-Cole Natal Schools'A'(Honours) C.Lowe (Colours) K.Pearse &P.Townshend(Captain) D&D.U15 Rugby: N.Skweyiya Natal Schools(Honours) Shooting N. Houston Pmb.& Dist.(Honours) G. Hanbury-King&Q.Turner (Colours) A. Veen Pmb.& Dist. Squash: A.Broom Natal Schools U16A(Colours) P. Harper D&D Open A(Colours) 16
Swimming: G.V.Thompson (Colours) Volleyball: M.Kalliambetsos&B.Stanek Natal Schools (Both Colours) Probably most important of all, Gillingham remained a friendly House with an admirable spirit. G.Hanbury-King and J. Roussow. P.S.from the Housemaster My sincere thanks go to Geoff Hanbury-King, Graig Lowe, Sven Turner and Johnathan Rossouw who, as prefects have set an excellent example this year. They have all been honest, fair, understanding and eager to work hard at their job. Many thanks also to Messrs Decker, Sudding and Woodhouse whose guidance and understanding have proved invaluable and to Mrs. Streak our Matron who has done so well in her first year with us.Ultimatelyit is the boysthemselves who MAKEa house ... and so I say to you all, both day boys and boarders alike,"Welldone,you have made Gillingham a very pleasant place in which to live this year." A.R.C.Townshend m t 1 '• m ■Ik sit : HALEYHOUSE Haley House Report -1986 1986 has been yet another happy and successful year for all members of the house. This can be attributed to the way inwhich, the staff,prefects andboys themselveshave co-operated throughout the year. With thehelp of duty Masters,MessrsBriston,Cocks and Garrett, the new boys have adapted to the Kearsney way of life very quickly. We thank them for their support throughout the year. Special thanks must be extended to Mr. and Mrs. Lamplough who held the fort while Mr. and Mrs. Lees took a well deservedholiday during the second term. The second term was rather a busy one and we thank Mr. Lamplough for the hard work he put induring that time. Mrs. Lyte-Mason, our Matron also deserves a special thank-you. Many an hour has seen her working in the garden or tryingto make the house more homely. Most of all, we are grateful to Mr. Lees for the support and guidance he has given us during this year. His commitment to the house can be seen in his motivation and in getting the Tennis Courts resurfaced as well as buying a second snooker table. The two snooker tables have seen many an important match. Aunique record was set when A. Goldiemanaged to remove his tooth while lining up for a shot. The table tennis tables have also provided much entertainment this year. The Haley House Table Tennis Champion was this year won by E. de Villiers, after a veffry close final match against J.Panton. All in all, Haley House boys have contributedmore than their fair share toboth their senior houses and the school. C. Cliffordwas chosenfor theNatalGymnastic side, while J. Broomwas selected for theNatal Schools squash team. Haley House also saw the selection of B. Ingram andM. Parker for the Durban and Districts swimming team. On the academic side, the Kearsney Junior Speech team consisting of, M. Brown, D. Arde, P. Laing, and M. 17
Ratcliffe,managed to pip allthe othetschoolsinthe Shell Speech Contest, while S. Flack ghined his academic honours. Itisthe Haley House boysthemselves who have madethis yearsuch asuccessand we would like tothank the boysin Haley,for the way in which they haVe made ourjobs as prefects so much easier. Lastly but not least, I would like |tto hank my fellow prefects, Andrew Jewitt, Sean Flaak, Jim Pantpn arid Jonathan Burnsforthe help andfriendshipthatthey have given this year. Wealso take this opportunityto wish the prefects of1987 all the best in their forthcoming yeaf. P.Ward TO® H m K. m 4l m PEMBROKE HOUSE Pembroke House Report 1986 Once again the'new'house(in relation to the others)has shown how bright and shiny it really is. Pembroke under the guidance of Mr. Diedericks and the three duty masters,hasshonein boththe academicand on the sports fields, The house retook the honoursintheswimminggala after losing last year. N. Goodall managed to get the house team into good shape and Ingram, Parker, Geach and Gerreauexcelled.Leach and Garreau obtained swimming colours. Duringthe yearPembroke wontheinterhouse basketball. Volleyball was also won with P. Mondon going on to make the Natal team.The waterpolo team came first,R. van der Schyff eventually played for the Natal'B'side. Pembroke managed to win the inter-house cricket, beat ingthefavourites Finningley.J.Neland C.van Noordwyk performed well under the leadership ofhouse and school captain A. Mundell. It is interesting to note that Pem broke fields the captains ofevery'A'team as well as the 1st XI in the school. The nouse spirit soared during the athletics season when Pembroke,^tertaking aback seatin the interhouseevent for years,made a spirited effort and succeeded in making a clean sweep by winning the Standards Cup,the Relay Cup,the Tug - or - war and the sports. Thanks"to Mr. Diedericks and his wife for acknowledging our victory and rewarding it with a potjie dinner. Thanks to the age-group leaders and house captain A. van Noordwyk for doing a good job. Hind, Bull, C. van Noordwyk, Cardo, Allen and A. van Noordwyk performed well in their respective age groups. The house showed their determination in the cross country,winning that event. M.Jewitt ran for Natal this year. The sixth form platoon lead the house to victory in the inter-house cadet competition. Well Done. 18
Although there was no inter-house rugby competition,J. Nel, A. van Noor^wyk and M. Parkinson received colours for their performances in the school rugby. P. Kilhn has playeedxceedingly good tennis outside the school, making the Natal team and also winning the schools senior championships. Academically the house has had its ups and downs. The first halfofthe year saw us at the tail end,but we surged back to take the lead in the third term.If we keep this up until the end of the year we will have done well. M. Parkinson, R. Suckling, C. Leppan and E. Maritz received academic colours. A special thank-you to the matron, Mrs.Eksteen,for her humour and tolerance throughoutthe year.She really has to put up with a great amount of untidiness. On behalfofthe prefects; A.van Noordwyk,R.Suckling and C. Nel, I would like to thank Mr. Diedericks, the Assistant Housemasters,matron and the sixth Formfora pleasant and successful year.To next year's prefects and the rest of the house good luck for next year. A.C. Mundell Counselling Department 1986 f ¥l m m $ mrtS % mm mm The Counselling Department offers guidance and help in the areas of personal and educational problems and careers.In additiontothe ongoing programme ofcounsel ling and guidance thattakes place in the classroom for all forms,thesenior boys have once again been given various opportunities to be exposed to the world of tertiary education and work. Visitors to the school have given talks on Journalism, Land and Quantity Surveying,Law,Life Assurance and Actuarial Science,and Optometry.There have also been talks on the Post Office, Trade Unions, the Small Business Corporation, National Service, Money Manag ement and how to apply for ajob. In addition to these talks various outings were arranged which helped to broaden the horizons of our Senior Boys. Places and events included: Natal University in 'Maritzburi' for Careers in Arts. Commerce,Law and Agriculture;Natal Universityin Durbanfor careersin Science and Engineer ing; Nat^ Technikon for careers in Art and Creative Design; the Rotary Careers Week in Pinetown; the Technikon Careers evening and Cedara Agricultural College. During July the Science Department sponsored a 4 day Industrial Tour to Richards Bay under the leadership ofMr.Barry Williams and visits were madeto the Coal Terminal, Alusaf, Richards Bay Minerals and Mondi Pulp. This was a most interesting and valuable exercise. The school accepts as many invitations as possible to attend special meetings in connection with careers. How ever, it would appear that in 1986 there was a marked reduction in such recruiting type meetings and this is possibly due to the current economic climate. Being aware ofthecomplexityofcareerchoice wesee our role as helping a boy to see some ofthe steps involved in making decisions, to become more aware of his own values,interests and abilities and to take the initiative in finding out more about those areas oftertiary education or work that appeal to him. D.J.Buwalda Building Development 1986 ■■ r Mi fP n BUILDING DEVELOPMENT The toilet facilities at the Rugby Pavilion have been upgraded and modernised which now allows the College to cater more than adequately for the large number of spectators that visit the school on such occasions as the Wynand Claasens Day. The area adjacentto the Tuck-Shopand CricketPavilion has been paved and the area under the trees towards the Rugby Pavilion has been tarred. This development has improved the parkingand hasenhanced the viewing areas in that sector ofthe school. iX 19