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1993 Kearsney College Trustees Presiding Bishop ofthe Conference of the Methodist Church of South Africa: Rev M.S.Mogoba Mr D.W.Barker Mr B.C. Hagemann Mrs S. Hotz Mr J. Gafney Mr I.E. Morgan Mr N.Polkinghorne Mr T.A.Polkinghorne Dr G.W.Shuker Honorary Life Trustees Mr W.H. Hulett Mr A.B.Theunissen Rev C.Wilkins Secretary ofthe Trustees: Mr N.Gerber Kearsney Board of Governors * Mr N.Polkinghorne: Chairman * Mr N.Gerber: Vice Chairman Mr R.R.Becker Mr G.J. Collingwood Mr G.Bester * Mr A.R.Bwing Mr A.K.Francis * Mr B.S.C. Gamer * Mr T.A.Polkinghome Dr A.B.Ravno Mr J.F. Sabine * Dr G.W.Shuker Old Boys'Representatives Mr L.B. Buys Mr B.C.Smith Ex Officio Members The Presiding Bishop ofConference:Rev Dr M.S.Mogoba Bishop,Natal Coastal District: Rev Dr N.S. Hudson Representative Natal Coastal District: Mr C.Woolacott Kearsney College Headmaster * Mr O.J. Roberts Honorary Life Governor Professor the Rev Dr V.J. Bredenkamp Secretaries Morrison Murray *Executive Committee

■ 4k> ... .%!..* P '-■ :;:;v.e; From the Headmaster's Desk In a rapidly changing educational and political environ ment, we set out to make 1993 a year of consolidation. At such challenging times we sought to keep youthful hope and idealism alive. AsIsaid on Speech Day, youths are notorious for having big ideas. The biggest idea of all - tbat peace andprosperity can be made to reign here in our land- is one that cries out for the active support of every one of any age. We strive to equip the boys with an en lightened education which would give them the wisdom and skills which they will need to make this and other dreams come true. As you page through this magazine you will soon realise what an incredible hive of activity the College has been. This all goes to make up the all-round education which has become our hallmark. Underlying all this are the val ues we stand for and seek to instil: • our integrity as a Christian School as expressed in the compassion and truth of Christ; • abalancededucation developing character and self-reli ance; • community service and awareness. As Layo Tsu said in the 6th century B.C. "If there is right in the soul, there will be beauty in the person. If there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world." The year will be remembered for many things: • the opening of our Design andTechnology Centre and the growth of this fascinating addition to our curricu lum; • the transformation of the senior boarding houses into luxury accommodation; • another outstanding sporting year; • the N.E.D. Evaluation of the College which was so highly positive and complimentary; • the Prefect Portfolio systemwhich saw our leaders fo cus on the goals they set themselves; • exceptional Marketing which saw us retain our num bers in the depth of a recession; • . . . and so very muchmore. But most of all it marked the end of an era . . . as we bade farewell to Robin Blamey, Allister Thiselton and Cbris Diedericks, who together gave some 90 years of service to the College. As they take their well deserved retire ment they will go downin the history of Kearsney as very special people whose loyalty and dedication are an exam ple for all to follow. They have left their mark.

Kearsney College Staffs 1993 Mr OJ.Roberts Mr R.D.Blarney Mr J.L. Hall Mr K.Decker Mrs J.R. Broadbent MrA.Bromley-Gans Mr R.Candotti Mr D Cato Mr F.RD.Cocks Revd R Crundwell Mr L.R. Daniels Mr Villiers Mr C. Diedericks Mr I. Gibson Mr D.Goldhawk Mr D.Graves Mr M.Griffiths Mrs S. Griffiths Mrs I. Harper Mr C.M.J. Judge Mr L. Kassier Mr R.G. King Mr D.L. Knowles Mr R.W.Lamplough Mr M.G.Mack Mr J. McMichael Mr B.Mullane Mr RJ.Nott Mr O.D.Rhipps Miss R.Randall Mr R.A.T. Ratcliffe Mr R-J A.Richter Mr G.E.M.Shone Mr K.Smith Mr D.Sudding Mr M.A.Thiselton MrA.R.C.Townshend Mrs C.V.Tullidge Mr K.van Blerk Mr CJ.van Loggerenberg Mr W.J. Vermaak Mrs V.A. Wallace Mr A.H.Willows Mr G.S. Borresen Mr D.B.Rithey Mrs M.W.Alborough Mrs G.Bacchioni Mrs V. Jansen Mrs B. Kassier Mrs S. Rithey Mrs A.B. Rotter Mrs N.Townshend Sister A.Ashbumer Sister M.Morgan Mrs J. Lyte-Mason Mrs I. Rautenbach Mrs M.Stanley Mr B.D.E.Rotter Mr J. Govender Mr R.Rillay BA Hons TTD EDE(Management) BA STD MA BEd BEd T Cert MSc HED NATD BA(Hons)HED BSc HDE BA BEd BA(Hons) NTSD Dip Ed BSc(Hons)HDE RTC DC Dip An Husb MA BEd BA Sp Hons Grad CE BA BEd BSc HED BA Hons UED BEd(Hons)HND LRSM BA BEd BA UED BA(Hons)HDE BA(Hons)UED HDESECED MA HED HDE BA HDE BSc BEd EDE BA BEd BEd T Dip BSc BEd BA UED BA HDE BA BSc(Hons)UED BA NTDA NHD BSc RCE BA STD DESIGN &TECHNOLOGY,CRAFTS BA HDE BSc HDE Dip M(GSM) BA Hons(Oxon)STC Reg Nurse/Midwifery/Community Health Reg Gen Nurse Headmaster Deputy Headmaster/ Geography Senior Master/History Senior Master/Maths i/c Science Art English Maths Housemaster Gillingham/ Maths Chaplain Housemaster Haley/Maths Biology i/c Afrikaans Rart-time Counsellor Lower School Tutor/ History/English Afrikaans i/c Biology i/c French i/c Resources Centre Director ofMusic Geography i/c Geography i/c History Housemaster Rembroke/ History Science English Science i/c Zulu/Community Officer Computer Science Afrikaans i/c Maths Biology English i/c Rhys Ed/Activities Co-ord Afrikaans Director Rost Matric Geography i/c Art Science Housemaster Finningley/ Afrik. Design &Technology i/c English Maths Bursar Liaison Officer Receptionist Headmaster's Secretary Bursar's Assistant Stud Shop Rart-time Liaison Officer's Assistant School Secretary Kit Shop Rart-time i/c Sanatorium Sanatorium/Matron Gillingham Matron Haley Matron Einningley Matron Rembroke Estate Manager Sportsfield Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor

Staff •*1 COLIEOB STAFf Standing: M.Mack, Villiers, D.Sudding,P. Ratcliffe, D.Graves,A.Thiselton,A.Willows,T. Richter,K.Smith. Second row: V. Wallace,J. Judge,B. Mullane,S. Griffiths, K. van Blerk,R. Randall,J. McMichael,I. Harper,J. Broadbent,C.Tullidge. Third Row: D.Goldhawk,D.Cato,C.Diedericks,R.Candotti,R. Nott,O.Phipps,G,Shone,D.Knowles,M.Griffiths,L. Kassier, P. King. Sitting: F. Cocks,P. Daniels,D.Pithey,C.Van Loggerenherg,R.Blamey,O. Roberts, J. Hall, K.Decker, R.Lamplough,P. Crundwell.

StaffNotes 1993 was an incredibly busy year for the Kearsney staff, in more ways than one! No fewer than four members of staff went on long leave during the year-Rob Candotti, Rod de Villiers, Graham Shone and Pip Townshend. They were ably replaced by Mesdames Patti Kearsey, Jean Lamplough, Di de Rosamund and Athlone Morris whoreplaced Ken van Blerk while he was convalescing from his accident. Our new arrivals included David Knowles whojoined us as head ofthe History department,Owen Phipps who took over Computers,P-J Richter who joined the Biology de partment and Anthony Willows, as a Maths teacher and Tennis Coach.They have all settled well,and have by now blended admirably with all the paperwork!Theirranks were swelled for the year by the presence ofJason Bantjes and Edward Fulton,ourGAPstudent,a thoroughly nice young man.Jason wasatowerofstrength to the English and Maths Departments and a true friend to many a bewildered pupil trying to make sense of his career choice and even some times his life.He also gave Hollywood arun for its money with his production of "Grease"! College's gain is Kearsney's loss. Towards the end ofthe year Ered Cocks replaced Allister Thiselton as Director of Post Matric and Dean Sudding was appointed HousemasterofGillingham in Fred's place. David Graves is now Master in charge of day boys and Desny Littlejohn replaced Gina Bacchioni as Headmas ter's secretary. Congratulations to Keith Deckeron his appointmentasSen ior Deputy-Headmaster,to Justin Hall on his appointment as Deputy Headmaster, and to Renee Randall on her ap pointmentto the postofHead ofthe Afrikaans department. Congratulations are also due to Carol Tullidge and Renee Randall on their appointment to the Independent Examin ing Board as Higher Grade Art and Standard Grade Afrikaans examiners respectively, to Justin Hall on his appointment as Higher Grade History Examiner for the Natal Education Department and to Sheila Griffiths on being nominated Private Schools'representativeforSouth Africa to the National Core Syllabus Committee for For eign Languages. The ranks of the Kearsney family were swelled with the arrival ofnofewer than five staffbabies-Keegan Mullane, Samantha Cato,Mattbew Sudding,Alice Richter and little Alexandra Nott bom on the 2nd December. All are thriv ing and giving their mothers much to talk about! Sadly,attbeend of1993 we bad to sayfarewell to a number of staff who have served Kearsney well through many a long year.Many Kearsney past pupils will long remember the names ofRobin Blamey,Chris Diedericks and Allister Thiselton. To their names we must add that of"Babe" Tributefrom Justin... It is my privilege to honour and pay tribute to three of my friends and colleagues who retired at the end of 1993.It is an honour tinged with sadness,as the gaps which they will leave will take a long time to close. ROBIN BLAMEY r w jr It would be incorrect to say that Robin spent 34 years at Kearsney. It would be correct to say that he devoted his adult life to Kearsney.His was a career oftotal dedication and total commitment.He is a professional schoolmaster in the tme sense ofthat definition. Robin always set tbe highest moral standards for himself, and expected the same from others. He was a stickler for whatis right and proper,and alwayszealously guarded the fine traditions ofKearsney.Robin was never one to turn a blind eye to avoid a confrontation, or to compromise on issues of principle. Many schoolboys, old boys and staff will bear testimony of this. On the other hand, he was al ways prepared to listen to the other side of every issue, and then to base hisjudgementon whatis fair and reason able. Robin's involvement in school activities covered a very wide spectrum. He will, perhaps, best be remembered as Kearsney's'MrRugby'.He wasMaster-in-charge ofrugby for22 years,and Coacb ofthe 1 stXVfor 10 years.He was also in many ways'Mr Natal Schools'Rugby'.As Chair man ofthe Natal Schools'Association, and as a Schools' Selector,he left an indelible imprint.He was also a mem ber oftbe S A Schools'Rugby Association.In these vari ous capacities he played a vital role at numerous Craven Weeks,and took school teams to many parts ofthe coun try and beyond(Zimbabwe and South America). His sporting activities were notconfined to rugby.He was a mostsuccessful Coach ofthe 2nd CricketXIfor anumber of years and also coached Athletics field events with dis tinction. His greatest recreational love is fishing, and through the aegis of the Fishing Club he took numerous boys on fishing trips around the country. In the classroom, as a Geography teacher, he always de manded the highest standards and conducted his lessons with the efficiency which characterised all his activities.

In his earlier days he also taught junior Afrikaans and Woodwork. Robin's first promotion post was when he took over as Housemaster of Finningley in 1969. Prior to that he had served as acting-Housemaster in each of the other three houses when theincumbents wereonleave at various times -this is a unique record.During his ten years as Finningley Housemaster he demonstrated fully his organisational and inter-personal skills. His ability to motivate and to gener ate house spirit is reflected in the fact that during his pe riod ofoffice Finningley dominated mostofthe inter-house competitions. In 1981 he was promoted to the postofSenior Master,and in 1990 he became Deputy Headmaster. In these capaci ties he played a vital role, not only in the day-to-day run ning ofthe school, but also in protecting the unique spirit of Kearsney. In his farewell address to Robin at an Old Boys/Parents function in November,Lauron Buys referred to his role as a preserver of Kearsney standards in these words: "I am not sure whether this role was partly chosen by him or imposed upon him by others but whatI do know is that he was certainly eminently suited to this role for it is a role which requires a person to have the courage ofhis convic tions and this Rob certainly had in abundance. It is true that no one is indispensable,butI believe that it is equally true, Roh,that you will leave a huge void at Kearsney in this area. During the last several months in casual discus sions thatI have had with teachers at Kearsney,invariably the question ofRobin's retirement would arise and I think it is appropriate that he should be judged by his peers at this time.It was no coincidence that all ofthem referred to this role that I have just mentioned and perhaps this was best summed up by one of your colleagues who used the analogy of the yacht. It was said that whereas the head masters and the Board could he seen as the rudder which gives the school direction, you were the hull which kept the yacht uprightno matterin what direction the yacht was sailing or in what storms it found itself. And so,I believe thatit is particularly in this area,Robin that Kearsney must thank you the most and in which you will be missed most severely." In all his multifarious activities, Robin was always fully supported and assisted by his wife Phill. She was totally committed to Kearsney and all its activities.She gavefreely ofher time on behalfofthe school-in flower arranging in the Chapel and elsewhere, helping to beautify the school gardens,pouring teas and gracing a wide variety ofschool activities. Robin, you can go into retirement with the sure knowl edge of a job well done. The immediate, and the wider Kearsney community thank you for your vital contribu tion to Kearsney over your long and distinguished career. ALLISTER THISELTON I first met Allister when I was a university student and he was a teacher at Maritzburg College. We played cricket together for Zingari,and he impressed me with his utterly determined spirit.As a batsman,I hope he will forgive me when I say that his technique was not great, but his attiW. ^9" ft:- .:i tude to bowlers was'THEYSHALLNOTPASS'and they had to virtually dig him out. I met up with him a few years later when he saw the light and left College to join the Kearsney staff. He arrived in the classroom block with a briefcaseembossed in gold with the initials M.A.T.-he was that for ever after. About 15 years later, in an advanced state of decrepitude,the brief case finally collapsed and died.Notso its owner,wholong since had made his very special, vigorous and unforgetta ble mark on Kearsney. Allister is unashamedly an old-fashioned schoolmaster.He has demanded(and got)total dedication from generations of schoolboys. Some boys have discovered to their cost that second-best to him is unacceptable. No boy has ever tried producing shoddy work for him more than once! Many,many boys willremember having sweated overtheir Science prep,to the exclusion ofall other work,in order to avoid his wrath.Boys who were taught by him,however, soon discovered that the demands which he made ofthem were exceeded by his own efforts. His marking was al ways meticulous,swift and multi-coloured.They came to appreciate that he would stop at nothing to do the best for them-when results came out they discovered that it had been worth the blood,sweat,and often very real tears! Allister also made his mark as a Sports Coach.He was the first Master-in-charge of Squash and a devoted 1st Team Coach.Asa provincial squash player himselfhe had many skills to impart. Many of his proteges gained their Natal Schools' Colours. However, the sport he loved to coach most was cricket. Lor many years he coached the U15A with remarkable success. At one of his farewell functions he described his first match as U15A Coach - against Maritzburg College. He recounted his abject humiliation at the result(Allister is a man ofstrong adjectives!)-Col lege lost two wickets and Kearsney 20,to lose by an in nings and plenty. He had a couple of words with his team during theirfive afternoons ofpractice thefollowing week -needless to say, the U15A next lost a match more than two years later. Allister's other activities included coaching hockey, tak ing the Bridge Club,and taking boys on European educa-

tional and skiing trips on three occasions. Allister was al ways very scathing about the "rough game",and the fact that it sometimes diverted the attention ofboys away from Science. However,he was frequently to be seen watching 1st XV games. Allister waschosen to pioneer Kearsney'sPostMatric when he was appointed Director ofPost Matric in 1992.Hethrew himself into this new challenge with his customary dedi cation and thus ensured the success of this added dimen sion to Kearsney life. He was fortunately not lost to the Science department,as he continued to teach a few senior classes. In his tribute to Allister at the Old Boys/Parents farewell function in November,Rob Nathan summed up Allister's attributes: "Kearsney College, and especially those of us whom he taught and coached have been extremely privileged to have reaped the benefits of: * a truly dedicated professional, * a man of utmost integrity and the highest standards, * fiercely competitive and driven by a burning desire to achieve the best results, * uncompromising on complacency and failure, * but always fair and,above all, always consistent. Mr Thiselton, we your past pupils, will remember you for the many, many things you taught us, not only the science syllabus or the rules of the game. And just in case you've forgotten, I thought I'd take this oppor tunity to remind you of some of those things: * Firstandforemost you taught usrespect,respectfor none other than thosefamous three fingers and that one word which frightened the hell out of us"boy!" * You taught us about honour,pride and tradition. * You taught us how to seize the opportunity and to be lieve in ourselves. * You taught us the secret ofsuccess:"concentration,ap plication and dedication". * You also taught us about self control, control not only ofthe mind but also the bladder.Yes,only the very brav est would dare to crawl on all fours past your classroom to get to the loo. And ofcourse very few made it. * And last but notleast, you taught us the real meaning of fear; I mean the sort of fear associated with dropping those sideburnsjustone tenth ofan inch below the mid dle ear and the sort offear associated with camping next to your parents'letter box waiting desperately to inter cept that dreaded school report,only to open it and read these comments: "Your son is the most complacent boy: Believe me he has no reason to be complacent!" In his earlier years Allister was ably supported by his wife Avice. Her chief dedication was to Kearsney's gardens, the present nature of which owes much to her flair and foresight. Her early death left Allister bereft and lonely, until he found new happiness with Heather. She very quickly became part of the Kearsney 'team', as a support to Allister, and through her involvement in Kearsney ac tivities. Allister, we will remember your remarkable and success ful service to Kearsney.Wherever and whenever members of the Kearsney community gather, the MAT legacy will not only be recounted, but will grow into a legend. CHRIS DIEDERICKS ■ ■<r-- y A*- iait .r Chris Diedericks came to Kearsney with a pedigree as a rugby forward with provincial colours. A giant of a man, he quickly eamed the respect of the boys. Over the years it became clear that he is a very gentle giant, although, when the occasion demandedit,he couldprove to be not so gen tle. Chris's overriding characteristic, which was very evident to boys and colleagues alike, is his abiding sense of hu mour, and, with it, his ability not to over-react but to keep things in perspective. Each day Chris would read the newspaper from cover to cover, focusing his attention, inparticular, on the bizarre, the unusual and the humorous. He has the knack of find ing unusual stories and jokes, and his classes looked for ward to his daily joke. Chris was apast master at the practical joke. Over the years many an unsuspecting colleague was 'caught' by him.His speciality, while invigilating, was producing fictitious ex amination answers under an assumedname, and then wait ing for the explosion - "Who is this boy Jones - he has a filthy mind". As Housemaster of Pembroke, Chris certainly made his mark. His serene personality enabled him to ride crises without drama and always with a sense of humour. He was always one step ahead of even the most devious schoolboy. He had an uncanny ability to identify smokers and smoking venues, while boys who bunked out seldom went undetected. He kept his ear close to the ground, and usually had foreknowledge of parties in the local area which were likely to attract bunkers-out. On one occasion, he discovered that a boy had slipped out through a win dow of a downstairs room. He locked the door, and when the unfortunate boy returned in the small hours he could not make his way to bed, and spent the rest of the night sleeping uneasily on a snooker table, in the certainknowl edge of the retribution awaiting him in the morning. Pembroke flourished under Chris. He demanded, and got, a willingconunitment to thehouse andengendered aproud

house spirit. He expected the maintenance of high stand ards, was stem when necessary, hut was always seen as the caring father figure with an ever present twinkle in his eye. In his tribute to Chris,Dave Pearse focused on his unique 'way' with boys and on his sporting interests: "Chris always had a soft spotfor the"rebels"in the school and over the years was one of the few masters who won these boys' respect and admiration. He obviously never had a great deal of problem with discipline hut it was in credible to see boys with no motivation and ambition sud denly find new direction under Chris's guidance.I'm sure there are a few successful Kearsney Old Boys out there today who can thank Chris Diedericks for setting them on the right road. On the sportsfields he became synonymous with the 3rd XV rugby side and the 4th cricket XI and with both these teams he claims(somewhat unsubstantiated)to hold two remarkable schoolrecords.His4th XIis said to have scored 200 runs before lunch one Saturday-obviously no Jonty Rhodes presentin the opposition fielding side-and2play ers in his 3rd XV rugby side are said to have scored 10 tries each in a match - they must have been playing Maritzburg College! His two greatest loves, however, were the Weights room and Tug O'War. The winner of the inter-house Tug O' War was inevitably the team that Chris coached.He spent hours training boys in the Weightsroom and some parents could be forgiven for worrying that their son's muscles were being developed at the expense oftheir brains." In all his school activities,Chris had the willing and active supportofhis wife Marieta.My memories of Marieta will always he of her smile, her earthy humour and her ready laughter. She involved herself fully in all aspects of the life ofthe school,notthe least of which wasthe Stud Shop which she ran for many years. Chris and Marieta have moved to Philippolis, where Chris will teach for few more years before hanging up his boots. They will readily welcome any members of the Kearsney family who are passing that way. *** The departure ofany one ofthese three menfrom Kearsney would constitute a severe loss to the school.The fact that all three of them have decided to take the option of early retirement at the same time is a loss to Kearsney ofincal culable proportions. Their combined dedicated service to the school is an incredible eighty-eight years! Their ca reers have contributed to the preservation of the positive traditions and the very special ethosofKearsney.They will thus take into retirement with them part ofthe very soul of Kearsney,but will leave behind them very special memo ries in the minds ofthousands of Old Boys. JUSTIN HALL BABE RAUTENBACH At the end of August the school said goodbye to Babe Rautenbach,Finningley's matron of 15 years.To the boys she was a wonderful caring friend and surrogate mother always there when someone needed a listening ear,a plas ter, needle and thread or to learn to waltz before the Matric Dance! She is fondly remembered by the school boys present and past. Many an old boy has called in to see her and bring her up to date on his news. She is sorely missed in Finningley,but we all wish her a long and peaceful retire ment. We also say goodbye to two members ofour ground staff who have been at Kearsney for a number of years-Jack Munien our resident plumber,and our greenfingered gar dener Kistna Chetty.We shall miss their cheerful service. StaffRetreat Mambasa 12th to 14th January During the last week of the summer holidays Messrs Roberts, Cato, De Villiers, Graves, Mack, McMichael, Nott, Shone and wives and families took part in a staff retreat led by our school chaplain Reverend Peter Crundwell.The Mambasacampsite wasan absolutely ideal settingforthe retreat being situated nextto theTugela River about 15 kilometres from Winterton in beautiful Valley Bushveld type vegetation.The river was ideal for both fa thers and sons(and four daughters)and thanks to the holi day atmosphere some strange scenes ensued.There was a wonderful "foofie" slide crossing the river which almost everybody used,but none with the swashbuckling aplomb of Mark Mack,who on one occasion,instead of pusillanimously letting go and falling into the river, managed to fall onto the bank itself, thus proving that Kearsney staff really are as macho as they look. Similarly one of Mr Roberts's lesser known accomplishments is his skill as a canoeist and,judging by the number of staff children he took on the river, should he ever wish to leave headmastering his future as aferryman will be assured! More seriously Peter worked through a series of motivations on the parable ofthe seed and the sower,and I think each one of us was touched by the spiritual rich ness of the wonderful way in which he related the gospel message to our lives as Kearsney teachers. When we left on Friday Iam sure thateverybody there had gained some thing positive from the retreat, and it was a great boost to staff morale, both spiritually and psychologically. I can speak for all of us who were there in thanking Peter Crundwell and Rod de Villiers for their efforts in arrang ing this superb retreat. J.B. McMICHAEL 4*1.i-. ly- / mr^ T. Gibson

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S^Rpe Natal Senior Certificate Examination 1993 Natal Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemption 66 Wrote for Matriculation Exemption but only gained a Certificate 13 Wrote for Certificate and gained it 13 3 Failures A Aggregate B Aggregate C Aggregate 5 15 15 95 M.R.H.Bayat,S.E. Crooks,C.E.Eggers,K.E.Ewer,R.E. Williams G.G.Allen,Z.M.Buchan,G.S.Chandler,S.D.Contat,R.G.Drew,R..J.Dunster,S.C.Foster, A.S. Hatzipetrou, D.L. McKeown,S.I. Moffatt, D.C. Mundell,A.C. Simonsz,D.S. Tayler, J.A.Taylor, M.V.Taylor A.G.Borresen,D.J. Camming,R.R.Doger de Speville, M.L.S.D'O Eerreira da Silva,J.R. Gammie,J.M. Gibson,S.J. Groom,K.W.Hampel,RH.Lalouette, M.M.M.Mdlalose,R.G. Mullins,J.R. Reid, G.P. Rugg,D.F. Verbaan,M.M.Vilakazi. Subject Distinctions(A)- 5 - K.E.Ewer 4 - M.R.H.Bayat 3 - C.C.Eggers 2 - S.E. Crooks S.C.Foster A.C.Simonsz 1 - S.D. Contat R.R.Doger de Speville J-F S. Lenoir S.I. Moffatt D.C.Mundell R.E. Williams Standard Grade S.A.K.Bums C.C.Dawson B.J. Takis Afrikaans,Geography,History, Mathematics,Physical Science Biology,Geography,Mathematics,Physical Science Biology, Maths,Physical Science Mathematics,Physical Science Afrikaans, Mathematics Mathematics,Physical Science History French French Physical Science Physical Science Physical Science Physical Science Mathematics Mathematics 12

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Headmaster'sAddress on Speech Day,24September 1993 Mr Chairman and Mrs Polkinghome,Mr Tony Leon,Mr Deputy Mayor, Trustees and Members of the Board of Governors,Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to you all. Iam delighted to see: Mr&Mrs Ardington - Chairman of Michaelhouse Mr&Mrs Brazier - Chairman ofSt Mary's Mr&Mrs Clarence - Highbury Mr&Mrs Allen - Kloof Mr&Mrs Reid - Deputy Durban Girls' College Mrs Yardley - Winston Park Dr&Mrs Mdlalose - Kwazulu Minister ofHealth Thank you for being with us today. I often marvel at the spirit of youth. If only all of us could 'think young'I am sure we would make this a better world. Take the start of this novel written by Timothy Barnes in Form 2: "My name is Diamond,Tim Diamond,investigator,tough guy and general Warren Beatty impersonator.I live in my office downtown with asaxophone player outback so that I don't have to hire a musician for the soundtrack.Times are hard. My last case was to try and find the thief who swiped the hubcapsfrom my bicycle.LikeItold you,times are hard. I was relaxing in my chair when Lucy,a reporterfrom the Daily Sneak,burstinto my office.Aknifejutted outofher neck;she'd obviously been shaving. "Diamond," she gasped,"I walked in on a drug and dia mond smuggling gig in container terminal number six on the docks." She gasped once more,then fell limp into my arms.I ex amined the body:the knife wasa SwissArmy Knife;obvi ously the murdereris rich.I picked upthe phone and called the coroner. "Come to Diamond Investigative Company.Quick before I pass out.1 hate the sight of blood." As I walked in the dock area that night, every footfall seemed to have an echo,a partner.Every shadow to have a Kelloggs Com Flakes murderer(a cereal killer)." 1 chuckled all the way through as 1 read this little novel. Yet,youth is posing hard questionsto theirelders.Given an enlightened education,their desire forsocialjustice and concern for otherssurmounts the barriers ofrace and religion erected by those whose beliefs have grown rigid. In their willingness to share, their compassion and their wish to see justice done,the youth oftoday is tacitly ask ing: Why should people go hungry? Why should they be bru talized? Why should they have to live in a dirty environmnent? Why shouldn't everybody live in reason able comfort, dignity, freedom and peace? Why can't all find steady employment? Thank heaven for the idealism and hope of youth. Hope is the strongest weapon in their spiritual arsenal. Young people can be battered down again and again,and still come up with fresh possibilities to sustain them.But they are alsoimpressionable and changeable,so their hopes can be lost. My plea is for parents to keep their youthful hope and idealism alive. This is especially so ata time when realism is the order of the day.After the economic and political disappointments ofthe past few years, there has been a growing tendency to urge young people to be realistic about the future. But we must be careful that our"realism"is not merely pessi mism in disguise. Don'talwayssee the glass as halfemptyand never half full. Young people are constantly being told notto be soimpa tient, but if there was ever anything to be impatient about, it is the wretchedness that besets so much ofour country. Rather than cautioning them to slow down in their drive for a better South Africa, we should be throwing our own particular abilities into an alliance with them to accelerate the process as much as possible. Youths are notorious for having big ideas. The biggestidea ofall-that peace and prosperity can he madeto reign herein ourland-is one thatcriesout for the active support ofeveryone ofany age. In my reportfor the year,Icannot possibly mention every thing.Instead,I will focus on the most salient features. TheimplementationofourLeadership programmedeserves mention as it has been one ofour success stories. The portfolio system gave direction to the prefects so ably led by Stuart Groom and Andre Simonsz. It was good to see standards maintained with a happy co operative climate evident throughout the school.This has been a talented matric group who have responded to the challenge and given of their best in all spheres ofCollege life. Well done and thank you 6th Form.Our Post Matrics have been a greatcreditto the College.Eleven ofthe 12in last year'sgroup gained entrance to tertiary education which should silence the sceptics when one realises that none would have been accepted without the year. Every efforthas been madeto maintaina healthylearn ing environment.I have no doubt we are succeeding. This was a year ofconsolidation.The 1992 Matric results saw 91 boys pass,69 with exemption, with 4'A' aggre gates,14'B'aggregates,29subject distinctions and3fail ures. Our Market Research showed quite categorically that our parents considered academics ofprimeimportance.Itis of interest to note that so did the pupils. Forthe first time,I have had complaints about boys work ing too hard and too late. It seems our endeavour to keep hard work as part ofour ethos is bearing fruit.AsThomas Edison so aptly said: "I never did anything worth doing by accident,nor did any of my inventions come by accident, they came by hard 15

work and through the determination to succeed, with the expectation that I would succeed." Next year will see the introduction ofAccountancy in Form 4and also a semester system in Form 3 to ensure a maxi mum of7 subjects are studied at one time. I was thrilled to see 58 Kearsney entries at the Science Expo with 21 of our boys awarded certificates and 5 se lected to go through to the National Expo.In the Science Olympiad,M.Bayat and S. Foster were placed in the top 100.In the Maths Olympiad6boys were placed in the top 5% with G.Hunter in the top 100 and chosen to represent Natal. OurDesign and Technology Centre made possible through the generosity of a retired Board Member Keith Comins, was opened mid year.As anticipated this innovative prob lem solving,creative thinking approach in which a scholar is given a task to design,plan,make and evaluate his own solution,has been an exciting additition to our curriculum. The July holidays saw Pembroke House transformed into luxury accommodation - carpeted and curtained one or two bedded rooms replaced the old marley tiled dormito ries which have served us so well. Planning for the modernisation and upgrading of the Re source Centre is now well advanced and implementation next year will include computerisation. Our Outreach Programme continues to grow from strength to strength as pupilsofthe College understand and appreciate the need for co-operation and interac tion between all communities. It became evident at the beginning of 1993 that a more streamlined approach would be more practical and effec tive, and so it was decided to focus on establishing solid ties with Khabazela High School.In this way more mean ingful relationships have been built between the staff and pupils of the two schools. Workshops are also arranged for Headmasters of the Val ley schools so that they may enhance their management skills, and for teachers. Pupils are also assisted by means of tutorials and lectures in English, Maths, Library Sci ence,Biology,and Afrikaans.This is all done on a volun tary basis as it mustcomefrom the heart.Theinvolvement in SMILE,adult literacy, in sport and song,and the shar ing offacilities and equipment,shows that the glass is in deed half full and not half empty. Closely allied to this has been theintroduction bythe Chap lain of the Pilgrim Award to be given to volunteers from Eorm 3's for Bible Knowledge,Initiative and Cross Cul tural Friendship.Ten boys have availed themselves ofthe opportunity with awards to be made next term. God's hand is clearly evident at the College. In Chapel we enjoyed the regular weekly services by the boys. The evangelistic outreach with Peter Pollock and Billy Fourie later produced a good response. The special service involving the entire College community was a moving experience.TheS.C.A.has about80members with House fellowship groups now established. They have de veloped a good relationship with Khabazela. The Chapel Prefects have given a good lead involving themselves ac tively. The cultural side is alive and well with some45 Clubs and Societies meeting regularly. Our Concert Band grows in expertise and popularity. We have over70boys learning to play instruments.Our musi cal"Grease"played to packed houses and had to puton an extra performance.Thistime girlsfrom KloofHigh School took thefemale parts.We will be offering Music asa matric subject asfrom next year.I hope their theory is better than this youngster's; "Bach was the mostfamous composer in the world and so was Handel.Handel was halfGerman,halfItalian and half English. He was very large. Each died from 1750 to the present.Beethoven wrote music even though he was deaf. He was so deaf he wrote loud music.He took long walks in the forest even when everyone was calling him". The sporting commitment,involvement and spirit of boys and staff continue to amaze me. Perhaps an illustration from U13 Rugby best makes my point.We have68 boys in this age group and yetthrough outthe season wefielded4sides despite injuries and some heavy defeats for the lower teams against schools with 3 times their number. Our sporting aim is to involve every boy no matter how talented and give him good coaching and the chance to represent his school-and Rugby is but one ofthe 14 sports we offer. When one considers that40 ofour boys represented Natal in one sport or another you will appreciate the quality ofour games players. You all know our sporting successes so I will not repeat them. Suffice ittosay thatour Cricket,Hockey,Rugby,Swim ming,Tennisand Waterpolo all had oneofthe best years ever with the other sports notfar behind. Numerous tours have been undertaken and I'm sure you alljoin me in wishing the 1stXV a marvellous time in the U.K.these holidays. Prize Giving is always a sad and joyful occasion. I am thrilled for those who win prizes but feel'sorry for those many boys who have tried so hard but not won a prize.I enjoy looking back and sharing with you our successes and failures, but I dislike having to say farewell to boys, parents and staff who must,inevitably, move on. I want to pause a moment to thank some special peo ple who have served Kearsney over many years and who have now decided to stand down. How dull Board meetings and functions will be without Trevenan Polkinghome whose banter and serious delib erations have played such a key role.I have known him as the Chairman ofthe Bursaries and Scholarships Commit tee where his cool head and soundjudgement have been invaluable. Barry Smith has represented the Old Boys on the Board.His careful reflection and detailed reports will be missed. Three of our most Senior staff have chosen to take early retirement after serving Kearsney faithfully for almost a century between them. Chris Diedericks as Housemaster,as Rugby Coach,as Head ofAfrikaans has won his way into the hearts of staff and pupils alike with his wonderful sense of hu mour. 16

He is one of those characters who leaves a special mark on the school and will be long remembered. Allister Thiselton will long be remembered for his re markableteaching,nononsense discipline,good coach ing and fine Christian example. He is the only teacher I know who can be chatting and smiling to you and then,on approaching a group ofboys, his face changes to its sternest until he has passed them. But, I have got to know him as an exceptional Science teacher - one of the very best - and someone who re sponded to the challenge of making our Post Matric De partment work despite numerous teething problems. Robin Blamey has served Kearsney loyally and faith fully for 34 years as Geography teacher,housemaster, rugby coach and standard hearer. As Deputy Head master,he has been my right hand man. He is one who has always ensured that our standards of manners,dress and behaviourremain the hallmark ofevery Kearsney pupil and staff member. His ability to organise functions and ensurethe day-to-dayroutine runslike clock work will be sorely missed.Anne and I will miss the help ing hand of Robin and Phill in assisting us with the host ing offunctions,with the gardens and so much else.Their attention to detail, loyalty and integrity go with their in credible willingness and support.Thank you and go well. My thanks go: To the boys for that spirit of youth,that enthusiasm which has permeated our year; To the parents and parents' society for their support, in volvement and hard earned cash; This reminds me of the annual letter for the increase of school fees which was sent to the parents with the words R200 per a.A swift reply came back from one parent say ing-"can we not continue paying through the nose!" To the Old Boys for their loyalty and encouragement; Tothe Board whose sub-committees have putin such alot of hard work and gave of their time and expertise; and especially to ourChairman and his wife-Neville and Trish Polkinghome, who have given 110% in what has been a difficult year for them. And to Anne for all she continues to do for me and the College. As I look back on the myriad of activities, I think of the fun one has as a teacher: Consider these exam howlers:"The Government ofEng land was a limited mockery." ■ "Henry VIII found walking difficult because he had an abbess on his knee." "Queen Elizabeth exposed herself before her troops they all shouted"hurrah".Then her navy wentoutand defeated the Spanish Armadilla." "The greatest writer of the Renaissance was William Shakespeare.Shakepeare never made much money and is famous only because of his plays. He lived at Windsor with his merry wives,writing tragedies,comedies and er rors. In one of Shakespeare's famous plays, Hamlet ra tions out his situation by relieving himself in a long so liloquy. In another. Lady Macbeth tries to convince Macbeth to kill the King by attacking his manhood". I also know how much hard work goes into bringing outthe bestin every body atthe college no matter what his talent,and I must pay tribute to as fine a team of hard working staffas you'll find in any school. Here Iinclude the secretaries and ground staff.Thank you for your support and dedication which is so appreciated. As President Harry Truman once said:"I studied the lives of great men and women,and I found that the men and women whogo to the top were those who did thejobs they had in hand, with everything they had of energy and en thusiasm and hard work." Thank you all for an interesting and stimulating year. O.J. ROBERTS School's Address by Guest of Honour, Mr Tony Leon MP,on Speech Day 24September 1993 It is a great honour to be invited back to my old school to deliver this speech day address. Politicians generally get many speaking invitations,but,asIindicated to yourHead master,few have given me greater pleasure than this one. Politicians,ofcourse,are also meantto tell politicaljokes, but I have leamt after four years in Parliament, that the problem with political jokes is that too often they get elected. While accepting this great honour with alacrity I am still curious to know why I was invited to deliver this address. It must be one ofthree reasons: - Either becauseIam a memberofParliamentand might therefore be able to unlock some secret door about the future; or - I am an old boy ofthe school;or - because unfortunately, at the age of36,you start grey ing at the temples and are considered old enough to perform such honours. Perhaps it is a combination of all three. It reminds me of the story ofthe undertaker asking the man if he wished to have the last remains of his mother-in-law cremated or buried or embalmed. The son-in-law's reply was,"Take no chances-do all three!" But I am competing with many other glittering beacons far more compelling of your acclaim and attention. The prize winners today are the exemplars ofexcellence ofan excellent educational institution. They are truly deserving of your attention. Another factor which must compete for attention today is the imminent school holiday which I understand commencesassoon as this ceremonyends.And I am quite sure you wish to discuss more important mat ters than my discourse. Such as who out of all the players in the school's manyrugby teams deserves the UliSchmidt trophy for clean play this season. These are the serious matters which should be discussed. So here I am competing against all those who are more deserving of your attention. It's like the career Naval Of ficer who finally got his four stripes, became a Captain and then was given command of a giant battle ship. And one night he was stealing around the Atlantic when he 17

was called from his quarters to the bridge and told about a signal light in the distance.And the Captain told the sig nalman,"Signalthem to bearto starboard."And backcame the signal from ahead saying,"You bear to starboard." Well as I say the Captain was very aware that he was the commander of a battle ship, the biggest thing afloat, the pride ofthe Fleetand he said,"Signal that light back again to bear to starboard now!"And once again back came the answer, "Bear to starboard yourself." Well the Captain decided to give his unknown counterpart a lesson in sea going humility so he said,"Signalthem again and tell them to bear to starboard,I am a battle ship." And back came the signal,"Bearto starboard yourself,Iam a lighthouse." So sometimes ofcourse we don't always stand in the cen tre of events. But that is not important because as Oliver Wendell Holmes once said: "It doesn't matter where you stand,what matters is the direction in which you are going." On the question ofthefuture ofSouth Africa,and our place in it, let me only say this: Personally I prefer the wisdom which admitsWe cannot see clearly to the other shore but the dark ness does not destroy that which it conceals. In other words what we do not know therefore is some times more importantthan that which we do.Atleastto be aware of the future dangers and opportunities is a major starton thejourneytowardsreconstructing ourcountry and towards finding a meaningful and fulfilling role for our selves in it. Of course when I left Kearsney in 1974 it was an age of innocence in both a personal and political sense: Personal computers were more orless unknown;Rhodesia was still in existence; Zimbabwe was a ruin; the Portuguese Em pire had just collapsed in both Mozambique and Angola; John Vorster was Prime Minister; Nelson Mandela was entering his eleventh ofover27 yearsin prison;MrJimmy Hopkins was the headmaster here and we all used to jive to a pop group called T-Rex,unaware of the fact that the real T-Rex would become the gruesome star of Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park movie 19 years later. Today, however there is little innocence around us. Alan Paton, who in my time lived less than a kilometre away from here,loved thetopography ofthis province.Hespoke of the Natal hills as being "lovely beyond the singing of it."Yetthey now flow with the blood ofordinary and inno centpeople,killed in the nameofa hideous struggle which believes that any grievance justifies any violence. So Kearsney College is truly a still centre in a violent world. But nothing really is new. It has all happened before in history.Forexample,describing anotherrevolutionary situ ation in France over 200 years ago Edmund Burke wrote in his "Reflections": "You choose to act as if you have never been moulded into civil society, and had to begin everything anew. You began ill because you began by despising every thing that belonged to you.You set up your trade with out capital." But in correctly criticizing the incivility, the intolerance and the lawlessness of these times, we should not forget the fact that to some extent those ofus who are privileged white South Africans have broughtevents upon ourselves. After all the majority ofourfellow whiteschosein 11 gen eral elections to support a system of government which the rest ofthe world regarded as immoral and which most ofour fellow countrymen regarded as intolerable. Indeed during my very brief acquaintance with Latin at Kearsney College, we were taught the very wise adage of Cicero who cautioned that we should "beware the fury of the patient man".I think it is the real whirlwind which we are now reaping.Yet the change,which has come to South Africa is the better for coming when it did than if we had waited for a true"war ofall against all". In moving from our distorted system of privilege into a more equitable one,we must guard against policies which begin by talking thelanguage ofliberty butend in promot ing theoretical equality which destroys one freedom after another. But for all the dangers we face, we are remarkably well equipped forthe tasks ahead.In atechnical sense the world we now inhabit has shown the most rapid progress ever encountered in the history of man.I am advised, since I am nottoo expertin these matters,having struggled might ily with MrM.A.Thiselton over the mysteries ofphysical science over 20 years ago,that greater acceleration is cer tain as more societies enter the information age.This is an age in which the moderately equipped researcher can,to day, check more calculations in an afternoon, than Ein stein could check in his entire lifetime. Whether we see the future whole and unsentimentally is a matter of indi vidual choice because there are many waysofromanticiz ing possibilities and deluding ourselves about realities. For example, let us consider the story ofAdam and Eve. An Englishman, a Frenchman and an American were ar guing aboutthe nationality ofAdam and Eve."They must have been English",declares the Englishman."Only agen tleman would share his last apple with a woman.""They were undoubtedly French",said the Frenchman,"whoelse could seduce a woman so easily?""I think they were Rus sian", said the American."After all who else could walk around stark naked,feed on one apple between the two of them and think they were in paradise." When I was in matric at Kearsney the school put on a re markably sophisticated performance of Julius Caesar. In considering the great possibilities but also the great dan gers we mustovercome weshould rememberthe wordsof Shakespeare in that immortal play. He spoke for future generations into eternity: "There is a tide in the affairs ofmen,which taken atthe flood,leads onto fortune. Omitted all the voyagers of their life is bound in shallows and miseries." That is our challenge,and it is a challenge which we and our generation are uniquely placed to discharge. Oneofthe"shallows and miseries"which our ship ofstate could very soon flounder on is socialism. One story sums up the failed misery ofthe collectivization of conscience which was the hallmark of socialism in the Soviet Union. A smallfarmer in the Urals wasinterested in purchasing a small car. When he called on the dealer he was assured that he could take delivery of the car but only in 10 years time."Excellent", he said."Would that be in the morning or the afternoon?"The dealer asked in some surprise why he wanted to know this, given that the car would only be 18