
regard. As a long term project, and in an endeavour that we might be in a position to, amongst other things, offer meaningful bursaries to the sons of Old Boys,the Execu tive has initiated a combined venture with the Board and the Parents' Society which should see far-reaching fundraising schemes taking place when the economy begins to improve. I appeal to all Old Boys, when approached, to bearin mind whatthe college has done for all ofus and the good fortune and privilege we have in being able to put something back. This year marks the retirements ofRob Blamey and Chris Diedericks, both of whom have retained close links with all Old Boys and have borne the interests ofthe Old Boys' Club in their hearts. Robin and Chris,I thank you on be halfofall Old Boysfor your dedication,to the school over many years and also for your support ofand interestin the Old Boys'Club.The Executive Committee will be arrang ing a function at which Old Boys may say farewell to you but I take this opportunity to wish you both and Phil and Marita a long and happy retirement. Sadly,we also say farewell to Tony Chick who has retired from his position on the 250Club.Tony has been intimately involved with this Club from its inception and it is largely as a result of his drive and commitment that its member ship stands as high as it does at present. Tony, we thank youfor all your hard work in this regard over the years and wish you well in your well-earned rest. Iam also saddened by Barry Smith's decision to make him self unavailable for nomination as the Old Boys' Repre sentative on the Board.Barry has inter alia held the offices of Old Boys' Representative on the Board, President of the Old Boys' Club,and Chairman ofthe Durban Branch and has served the Old Boys with a loyalty, commitment and dedication which epitomises whatKearsney standsfor. Barry, I am personally very sorry to see you go after all this time and am sincerely indebted to you for your per sonal support, assistance and input. The Old Boys' Club and,indeed, Kearsney also thank you for your invaluable loyalty and contribution over many years. Mythanks go to the Board and the schoolfor their support and encouragement at all times. I would also like to take the opportunity of reassuring all Old Boys that in Neville Polkinghome and Owen Roberts the school is fortunate to have leaders of immense vision, whose early efforts are already being met with results in all spheres which have greatly improved the perceptions which the general public have of Kearsney College. It has been a great honour and pleasure for me to have been President for the past year. My task has been made much easier by the enthusiastic support of my committee and I thank them all most sincerely for their support. In particular,I mustthank Rose Milhank for bearing much of the pressure of work and for her commitment to the Old Boys'Club. Gentlemen,Ithank youfor your supportover the past year and I believe your Club is upholding the honour of Kearsney and,with your assistance, will continue to grow in strength and stature. LAURONBUYS REPORT ON OFFICE FOR EXECUTIVE MEETING ON 14AUGUST 1993 The combined Old Boys,Parents and Greyhound office is mnning smoothly and mostofthe expected"teething"prob lems have beeb ironed out. Capital expenditure has been shared equally by the three groups while running costs are being shared as to 40% Old Boys;40% Greyhound and 20% Parents-subject to further review on a quarterly ba sis. Asidefrom the day to day administration(which hasturned out to be far more extensive than first realised), the fol lowing tasks have been achieved: i) the conversion ofthe Old Boysdatabase ofsome5000 past pupilsfrom the Paradox system previously han dled by the school to Rapid Eile; ii) the creation ofa new database for the 250 Club and the capturing of all member records; iii) the creation ofanew databaseforthe Greyhound Club and the capturing of all member records. A great deal of work lies ahead in correcing the many past errors which have crept into the Old Boys' database - a project which will be ongoing for some years! Regional lists will be distributed to branch chairmen for updating of addresses and other information. Rose has been helping numerous old boys to make contact with friendsfrom the past.A vastnumberofenquiries have been received regarding old friends,reunions etc. Requests have been received for lists ofOld Boys in other countries, some by members who are planning a holiday and others by those who are emigrating and hoping to make contact with regard to finding employment. Address changes are being attended to as quickly as possi ble but there is unfortunately a huge backlog. Hopefully changes received will he computerised by the end of the term.We appeal to all Old Boys to advise the office ofany changes of address so that records may be updated. We are considering sending a questionnaire to all Old Boys regarding their personal details. This matter will need to be discussed by the Executive Committee. The reservation ofGreyhound facilities for weddings and other functions is presently absorbing a great deal oftime, not only in dealing with the numerous phone calls but also on the PRO side. Office space is inadequate at the momentas the Club Man ager and Secretary are sharing one small office because the second office is used for storage. Rose is required to interview members of the public in the office and the present situation does not present the kind ofimage with which Kearsney College or the Greyhound Club are asso ciated.Some time ago it was suggested that a second con tainer be purchased to solve the storage problem. The telefax/answering machine has been installed.(Phone/ fax 031-7655299) Rose will be attending a Wordperfectcourse atComputeach from 30.8.93 to 3.9.93.The office will be open during the afternoons on those days. lOI