
CAPETOWN BRANCH REPORT FOR PERIOD SEPTEMBER 1 1992-AUGUST31 1993 The CapeTown branch ofthe Kearsney College Old Boys' Club has approximately 25 active members who gather regularly on the first Wednesday of each month, in the Century lounge of the Western Province Cricket Club at Newlands. This venue has temporarily changed to the Impala Park section ofthe Western Province Cricket Club whilst the new Western Province Club member stand is being rebuilt at Newlands.It is anticipated that this will be completed by October 1993, whereafter our venue will revert back to the new Century lounge in the new club house. Any Kearsney Old Boy visiting Cape Town, who happens to be here on the first Wednesday evening of the month, is very welcome to join us. Members who have met each month during the past year have, inter alia, in cluded: Joe Sievers, Bill Currer,John Wood,John Bester, Charles Foster,Graham Prentice,Arne Kode,Graham Sell, Bruce Robinson, Maurice Paterson, Fred Sievers, Peter Clemence,Terence Strong,Doug Howieson,Nick Swane, Pter Rimington,Lyn Colledge,David Dyer. We were de lighted to see Butch Nightingale,Gavin Bester and Bruce Clemence earlier this year when they were in Cape Town. We are constantly maintaining contact with the two Univerisities in an effort to encourage any Kearsney Old Boys'who are in CapeTown to meet with us at our regular monthly get togethers. The Cape Town older Old Boys' have indicated to these lads that we would sponsor the cost of their beer at the evening (provided the quantities con sumed are within reason). On the sporting front, various of our Old Boys' have sup ported the Kearsney teams that have visited Cape Town, including the Water Polo tournament at the Sacs School in Newlands. Unfortunately,the information concerning the tennis and squash teams was received too late for it to be disseminated amongstthe Old Boysin the Cape.We would strongly urge the schoolto give us at lasttwoto three weeks notice of a team touring this part of the world so that we can spread the newsand organise something forthe visitng teams. It is intended to hold a braai and invite all Kearsney Old Boys'in the CapeTown area,once the Cape winter weather has passed. This will probably be held during October or November of the current year. JOHNA BESTER DURBAN BRANCH REPORT THEDURBANBRANCHCOMMITTEE The current Durban Branch committee was elected to of fice in August 1992 and is made up of: Alan Ross(Chair man),Nick Maritz(Vice Chairman),Brad Oliver(Secre tary), Stan Stott (Treasurer), Simon Hemingway, Paul Stanfield, Klaus Buntzen,Lawrence Polkinghome. We are fortunate to have Don Gilliat(1835)as a regular attendant and a co-opted member ofthe team. Monthly meetings continue at College Rovers Jacko Jackson Drive Durban on the first Monday ofeach month at 17h30. The committee meets at 17hOO to discuss out standing business,so that the later gathering can be con sidered as a social occasion.We have encouraged each old boy to invite at least one other to this gathering and this has resulted in gatherings of up to 40 on occasions. We now offer a draw at this monthly meeting for those who attend. THEROLEOFTHE OLD BOYS Foremost in discussions at committee level has been the role and function ofthe Old Boys.It is true to say that the role of private schools has grown in importance and will continue to do so in the years ahead. The segment of the population thathas accessto the disposableincomerequired for private education,is diminishing and with this in mind, competition amongst the private schools has to increase. The obviousimplication ofthis is that these centres ofedu cation will have to market themselves more aggressively. It is becoming increasingly importantthat we,as Old Boys and a committed interest group,become familiar with the vision that is being formulated for the school. It is impor tant that the old boys should now act as a vehicle through which aspects of the plan for the school can be imple mented. We see then the Branch network as a vehicle for identifying potential candidates for the school and as the provider offunctions that will promoteinterestin the school amongst potential parents. The Durban Branch will continue to look for suitable oc casions that will bring old boys together in the promotion of Kearsney as the foremost private educational centre. FINANCES The Branch continues in a healthy financial position through valued sponsorship of certain functions and through the policy of ensuring that all functions are indi vidually selffunding. FUNCTIONS (i) Foremost in the branch year is the welcoming func tion for NEW OLD BOYS which is held mid Janu ary at Berea Rovers Club. Our guests are the school leavers of the previous year and the purpose is to of fer a social gathering (at our expense) for the new old boys to celebrate matric results before departing on their respective paths. We hope that this form of introduction to old boys will contribute towards ce menting the schoolboy friendshipsin adulthood.Cer tainly the number of younger old boys who support our otherfunctions has increased in the pastfew years and this in itself is encouraging. (ii) The second function of the year is the Wynand Claassen NATALSCHOOLSEVENS.Thanks to the continuing support of Natal Newspapers, the Natal Rugby Union, the staff, the parents, and the rugby players, together with the dedication of the Durban Branch Committee,1993 saw the successful holding ofthe 9th event.We believe that this eventis the sin gle best promotional vehicle the school has in terms of the attraction of its target audience. I can only re peat the sentiments expressed at many other occa sions-that the vision of Mark Oliver 10 years ago bears commending in the most positive terms and the Durban Branch is proud to continue organising this event. This year saw ±4500 people attending, 320 players participating, and a net profit of R5000,00. 102