
In accordance with tradition this goes to the Natal Rugby Unions development efforts and the Chris Burger Fund. Next year's function will see increased emphasis on the promotion of Kearsney to take full advantage of the captive audience. It is still our conviction that Kearsneys BENEFIT come from the presence of an audience of 12 primary schools and their staff and families.The credibility ofthe day,in the eyes ofour sponsors and benefactors, comes from the fact that Kearsney does not exploit the day for its own finan cial gain. My thanks go to all who were involved in this year's function. (iii) The ANNUALDINNER for 1993 was held at Dur ban Country Club on Wednesday4August 1993.The guest speaker was Peter Rawson (Zimbabwe and Natal Cricketer). Attendance stood at 90 with 30 of these attendants coming from 1989-1992 school leavers. (iv) ThePARENTS FUNCTION is held in November of each year for the parents of Form V, Form VI, and Post Matric pupils.The purpose ofthis function is to introduce parents to the old boys in an effort to per suade as many as possible to enrol their sons in the old boys club. We use this opportunity to advertise on behalfof the various other branches as well.This year's function will be co-ordinated with the fare well functions for retiring staff. (v) The Branch ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held on 6 September at Berea Rovers at 17h30. Snacks will be provided and we wish to invite all old boys to attend this function. (vi) In June of this year I was fortunate enough to be in London with my wife at the time ofthe Annual Gen eral Meeting and Annual Dinner of the UK Branch. We were very warmly received and were able to pro vide the membersand their partners with a briefover view of Durban Branch, Old Boys Executive and School matters. It was clear from our visit that the membersoftheUKBranches are hungryfor as much news oflocal events as possible, and I would like to appeal on their behalffor lines ofcommunication to be established and maintained even down to Branch level. Even the most routine events are newsworthy due to the distance that separates us. I would also encourage old boys to make use of the contacts in London. The new meeting place is the Rugby Club ofLondon and I can attest for the fact that their hos pitality is of the top order. My thanks go to Alan Kinsey(Chairman)and Kingsley Oliver(Secretary) for the friendship and kindness extended to Sandy and me during our visit. Mr President it has been my pleasure to chair the Durban Branch committee for the past year. It is a committed and dynamic team who have given freely of their time. I wish to place on record my appreciation for their support and enthusiasm and I wish to give you the assurance of our continued commitment to the goals set by you and the National Executive Committee. ALANROSS PIETERMARTIZBURG BRANCH Mr President, I have pleasure in presenting the Annual Reportfor the Pietermaritzburg and District Branch ofthe Kearsney College Old Boys. Things have been rather quiet this year, when compared with the great activity of 1992and the Hilton/FemhillDin ners. However meetings continue on the first Monday of every month at the Collegians Club,with numbers ranged from nineteen to four, according to the weather. An interesting exercise,provided by the Kearsney Cricket Team,was the day/nightgame organised by the Natal Wit ness.This meanta potential ofthree braai's, beers,Cheers evenings at a very affordable rate. We actually had two, but it was good to meet parents and old boys as well as players in a very congenial atmosphere. One wonders if we will have cricket,rugby, basketball tournaments in the future. An interesting opportunity arose forTed Cole after we had read of Graham Clark in a local magazine. Graham is quadruplegic in the Cheshire Home in Milnerton, Cape Town.AsTed was going down there on holiday, we asked him to look Graham up. What an exhilarating interview followed. Graham was avid for all the news of Kearsney College and Ted was hard putto read the computerand not look at the writer who has only a head movementto reply with. After one and a half hours Ted was exhausted and was accompanied by a very mobile Graham off the premises. Almost simultaneously Eric Groom was in Grey's for a nasty hip operation which kept him there for six weeks. Eric is famousfor his cricket/rugby exploits,and bowls in later years,so he was never without visitors. Having aTV, his ward became an operation centre on rugby test days against Australia. Besides Kearsney College, Eric has strong army links,having served with the many M.O.T.H.'s also visited. There was hardly a visiting hour withoutfour to five visitors. So,do we do enough to contact Old Boys who are not as mobile as ourselves? Not only with the obvious hospital visits, sick beds or generally unhappy circumstances?Per haps we should look into this. Mr President,thank you very much. TRANSVAALBRANCH REPORT The Transvaal branch has enjoyed an eventful year.Atour AGM held in October 1992 the following Committee was elected: Peter Burton (Chairman), Neville DeJongh (Secretary), Quentin Leeds(Treasurer),Peter Everett,Glen Tomlinson, Keith Ballard. At a special general meeting held in August 1993 a new executive was elected as a result of Neville DeJongh ten dering his resignation due to business and personal com mitments.In addition I was unable to complete my term of chairmanship dueto being transferred to New Zealand.The new committee comprises the following: Keith Ballard (Chairman), Quentin Leeds (Secretary), Richard Benney (Treasurer), Peter Everett, Glen Tomlinson,Michael Harel. 103